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Approximately 10% of patients clinically diagnosed with early Parkinson's disease (PD) subsequently have normal dopaminergic functional imaging. Transcranial sonography (TCS) has been shown to detect midbrain hyperechogenicity in approximately 90% of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and 10% of the healthy population. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of midbrain hyperechogenicity in patients with suspected parkinsonism and scans without evidence of dopaminergic deficit (SWEDD), in comparison to PD patients.


TCS was performed in 14 patients with SWEDD and 19 PD patients.


There was a significantly increased area of echogenicity in the PD group (0.24 ± 0.06 cm2), compared to the group of patients with SWEDD (0.13 ± 0.06 cm2; P < 0.001). One (9.1%) of these patients, compared to 14 (82.5%) of the PD patients, was found to have hyperechogenicity (P < 0.001).


We conclude that TCS is useful to distinguish PD patients from patients with suspected parkinsonism and SWEDD. © 2012 Movement Disorder Society

OBJECTIVES: Few studies have attempted to identify what premortem features best differentiate multiple system atrophy (MSA) from Parkinson's disease (PD). These studies are limited by small sample size, clinical heterogeneity, or lack of postmortem validation. We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of different clinical features in distinguishing pathologically established MSA from PD. METHODS: One hundred consecutive cases of pathologically confirmed PD and 38 cases of pathologically confirmed MSA in one Parkinson's disease brain bank were included. All cases had their clinical notes reviewed by one observer (AH). Clinical features were divided into two groups: those occurring up to 5 years after onset of disease and those occurring up to death. Statistical analysis comprised multivariate logistic regression analysis to choose and weight key variables for the optimum predictive model. RESULTS: The selected early features and their weightings were: autonomic features (2), poor initial levodopa response (2), early motor fluctuations (2), and initial rigidity (2). A cut off of 4 or more on the ROC curve resulted in a sensitivity of 87.1% and specificity of 70.5%. A better predictive model occurred if the following features up to death were included: poor response to levodopa (2), autonomic features (2), speech or bulbar dysfunction (3), absence of dementia (2), absence of levodopa induced confusion (4), and falls (4). The resulting ROC curve based on individual scores showed a best cut off score of at least 11 of 17 (sensitivity 90.3%, specificity 92.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Predictive models may help differentiate MSA and PD premortem. Hitherto poorly recognised features, suggestive of MSA, included preserved cognitive function and absence of psychiatric effects from antiparkinsonian medication. Diagnostic accuracy was higher in those models taking into account all clinical features occurring up to death. Further studies need to be based on new incident cohorts of parkinsonian patients with subsequent neuropathological evaluation.  相似文献   

Orthostatic hypotension (OH) is one of the many autonomic disturbances observed in Parkinson's disease (PD). It has been debated whether an additional impairment of cerebral autoregulation (CA) in PD patients may exacerbate the consequences of OH upon brain perfusion. We assessed CA in PD patients and the potential influence of dopaminergic agents. CA was determined by means of transcranial Doppler (TCD) monitoring of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) at rest and during a thigh cuff release test inducing a systemic blood pressure (BP) drop. Fourteen patients were investigated when taking their usual dopaminergic medication and after drug discontinuation for 12 h. A control group was composed of 11 age-matched subjects (CS). In comparison with PD patients, CS presented a significantly higher increase of the mean cerebral blood flow velocities in the MCA after the BP drop. Mean velocities were increased above the initial values in all CS, whereas a flattened curve was observed in PD patients. No significant differences could be further observed between the PD patients regarding the BP, the cerebrovascular resistance, the heart rate and the pulsatility index. These results provide evidence of an impaired cerebral autoregulation in PD patients which appears independent of dopaminergic treatment.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) has initially been described as a clinical syndrome, although the exact definition has changed over the past centuries. The inclusion of the pathological changes added another level of complexity, with Lewy bodies, synuclein deposits and neuronal loss in the substantia nigra being used alternatively. A third level of complexity was added with the recognition of genetic mutations resulting in parkinsonism, sometimes with and sometimes without Lewy body deposition, and the identification of frequent additional important pre-motor manifestations. These different points of view on the definition of PD have important implications on the study of the etiology and even the therapy of PD.  相似文献   

A growing number of computational models have been proposed over the last few years to help explain the therapeutic effect of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on motor disorders in Parkinson's disease (PD). However, none of these has been able to explain in a convincing manner the physiological mechanisms underlying DBS. Can these models really contribute to improving our understanding? The model by Rubin and Terman [31] represents one of the most comprehensive and biologically plausible models of DBS published recently. We examined the validity of the model, replicated its simulations and tested its robustness. While our simulations partially reproduced the results presented by Rubin and Terman [31], several issues were raised including the high complexity of the model in its non simplified form, the lack of robustness of the model with respect to small perturbations, the nonrealistic representation of the thalamus and the absence of time delays. Computational models are indeed necessary, but they may not be sufficient in their current forms to explain the effect of chronic electrical stimulation on the activity of the basal ganglia (BG) network in PD.  相似文献   

The search for the etiology of idiopathic parkinsonism (IP) has been difficult and largely unsuccessful. Recently, there has been renewed interest in the possibility that there are genetic susceptibility loci for IP. Part of this interest has been spurred by recent advances in molecular genetics. This review analyzes the available genetic epidemiology and family study data (clinical and molecular genetic) as they relate to IP and parkinsonism plus syndromes (PPS). Analysis of data from families with several members having IP or PPS suggests that this approach may not identify susceptibility genes for IP. When the genes responsible for the syndromes affecting multiplex families are identified, they are likely to provide insight into the pathogenesis of IP and may be the basis for developing a more useful nosology. The molecular genetic study of PPS and the mapping of the wld locus may herald rapid advances in understanding these syndromes.  相似文献   

Freezing of gait (FOG) is a disabling phenomenon common in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). The cause of FOG is unclear. The objective of this study was to explore a novel hypothesis stating that FOG is related to asymmetric motor performance. We compared PD patients that experience FOG episodes (PD+FOG) with PD patients that do not (PD-FOG) and studied the relationship of FOG to asymmetry in gait and in rhythmic hand movement performance to determine whether potential FOG-related gait asymmetry is unique to walking or whether it is systemic. Subjects were tested in an "off" (unmedicated) and again in an "on" (medicated) state. Gait was more asymmetric in PD+FOG than in PD-FOG during "off" state (p = 0.005) and during "on" (p = 0.016). Rhythmicity of foot swing in one leg was correlated with the other leg in PD-FOG but not in PD+FOG. There was no difference in asymmetry in performance of rhythmic hand movements between the two groups. No correlation was found between asymmetry of clinical symptoms and gait asymmetry. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that bilateral uncoordinated gait and marked gait asymmetry, but not asymmetry in motor performance in general, are associated with FOG.  相似文献   

Drooling is a common manifestation in Parkinson's disease (PD). It causes psychosocial difficulties and can result in aspiration and chest infection. Previous studies point to an association between swallowing problems and sialorrhea. The aim of this study was to determine if drooling is associated with dysphagia in PD patients. Sixteen PD patients with diurnal drooling were assessed using a modified barium swallowing with videofluoroscopy, and a drooling score. Changes in the oral stage of swallowing were seen in 100% of the patients; and in the pharyngeal stage, in 94% of the patients. The results showed a correlation between the drooling scale score and the level of dysphagia (−0.426; p<0.05). Patients with the worst dysphagia had the worst drooling.  相似文献   

Several factors involved in the etiology of Parkinson's disease (PD) have been proposed, including genetic and environmental factors or even a combination of both. Thus, multiple cellular hits are likely to contribute to neurodegeneration in PD. If such a mechanism happens to occur, our therapeutic intervention may perhaps require a cocktail of molecules acting on various pathways simultaneously. Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that PD may progress even when the initial cause of neurodegeneration has disappeared, suggesting that toxic substances released by the glial cells may be involved in the perpetuation of neuronal degeneration. This may thus represent a therapeutic target for PD.  相似文献   

Since many Parkinson's disease (PD) subjects develop dementia, we determined whether the correlation between functional and cognitive decline seen in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is seen in PD. Seventy-five PD subjects with and without dementia and 103 AD/MCI subjects underwent the Functional Assessment Staging (FAST), the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS), the UPDRS motor portion, and the MMSE. In AD/MCI subjects, changes in FAST and GDS scores correlated with MMSE (rho=-0.814, P<0.001; rho=-0.840, P<0.001, respectively). In PD subjects, the FAST and GDS also correlated with MMSE (rho=-0.675, P<0.001; rho=-0.647, P<0.001, respectively). The UPDRS correlated with the GDS and FAST more closely in PD than in AD. Similar to AD, functional declines in PD correlates with cognitive decline and may be influenced by motor disability in PD.  相似文献   

Clonidine, a centrally active α2-adrenoreceptor agonist used to lower blood pressure, has been proposed to differentiate central from peripheral autonomic deficits and multiple system atrophy (MSA) from untreated idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD). A lack of growth hormone (GH) increase after clonidine infusion is found in patients with MSA, but not in those with IPD or with pure autonomic failure. We studied 19 IPD and 7 MSA patients to assess whether this test could be used in clinical practice to distinguish MSA from IPD, whatever the stage of the disease. Serum GH levels were measured 15, 30, 45 and 60 min after a 10-min infusion of 2 μg/kg clonidine. GH levels remained stable after clonidine infusion in all 7 MSA patients but increased in only 12 of the 19 IPD patients, while remaining stable in the other 7. No correlation was found with the presence of orthostatic hypotension. We conclude that the GH response to clonidine infusion has a very high sensitivity (100% in our series and in previous studies) for the diagnosis of MSA. However, this response cannot be used as a diagnostic test because of its poor specificity. Received: 5 January 2000 / Received in revised form: 4 May 2000 / Accepted: 4 June 2000  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence for an association between essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson's disease (PD), although the topic remains somewhat controversial. An important issue, not previously addressed, is what seems to be the unidirectional nature of the relationship (ET→ET + PD and not PD→PD + ET). The aims of this review are (i) to discuss the evidence for and against a unidirectional relationship and (ii) to discuss the implications of such a unidirectional relationship, if it exists, for disease mechanisms. Evidence ‘for’ a unidirectional relationship includes (i) abundant clinical anecdotal observation and (ii) clinical and epidemiological studies. Evidence ‘against’ is theoretical rather than empirical. Overall, the evidence ‘for’ is stronger, although additional studies are needed in order to be certain; for the time being, it might be best to leave this as an open question. The biological ramifications/extensions of such a unidirectional relationship include (i) that the association is causal (i.e. some aspect of ET pathophysiology predisposes an individual to develop PD) and (ii) that some ET cases may have a circumscribed form of Lewy body disease, and the secondary development of PD may represent a spread of those Lewy bodies in the brainstem. The presence and nature of the links between ET and PD are controversial. Further primary data (epidemiological and pathological) are needed to improve understanding of the relationship and its implications for the pathogenesis of both disorders.  相似文献   

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