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中年人正处于承上启下的时期,在事业、家庭等方面都是顶梁柱,负担重、压力大,往往忽视对自己身体的保健。中年搞垮了身体,到老年就过不去了。常见一些人刚到60岁出头就过世了,忙碌了一辈子,却没有享受晚年的幸福,实在是遗憾。  相似文献   

评介宋兆友主任医师主编的《皮肤病中药外用制剂》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中药外用制剂在中医皮肤病学中有着极其丰富的内容,它积累了许多皮肤科临床工作中的宝贵经验,在皮肤病治疗中发挥了独特防治功能,是我国皮肤科的宝贵财富,但这些丰富、宝贵的内容,大多散见于各种书刊,极少有系统的专著。 宋兆友主任医师博采众书,并根据其多年的临床经验,主编了《皮肤病中药外用制剂》一书,总结归纳新中国建国后特别是近20年来,我国皮肤科研制中药外用制剂的新成果,系统地叙述了中药外用制剂的基础、中药外用制剂的剂型、列举了传统的和新研制的外用制剂、独特的外用制剂、民间外用制剂、美容外用制剂等共计1…  相似文献   

昆明市盘龙区麻风病防治效果分析辜云坤,李锐萍(盘龙区卫生防疫站,650041)盘龙区的麻风病防治工作,通过40多年的积极防治,经历了隔离治疗与社会防治两个历程,贯彻了“宣、查、治、培、康、研”的综合防治方针,特别是近十年的社会防治、联合化疗,防治工作...  相似文献   

抗菌药物的耐药与合理用药   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
感染性疾病一直是威胁人类健康的罪魁祸首,在没有抗菌药物的时代,只能靠某些重金属来治疗感染性疾病,例如用汞、铋、砷治疗梅毒等,因而造成了大量患者的死亡,感染性疾病曾经是患者死亡的第一位杀手。自磺胺、青霉素发现后,人类有了对抗感染性疾病的武器,以后随着抗菌药物的不断问世,许多的感染性疾病,得到了有效的控制,也挽救了不少患者。  相似文献   

“5·12”四川汶川地震部队卫生防疫工作分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“5·12”汶川大地震发生后,解放军、武警部队13万官兵投入了抗震救灾。在军、警、民和卫生防疫人员的共同努力下,灾区及参加救灾的部队没有发生重大疫情,卫生防疫工作取得了阶段性胜利。这次地震灾后卫生防疫工作,为以后做好此类工作积累了宝贵的经验,但也还存在一些问题和不足。为此,笔者根据多年从事卫生工作的经验,提出了改进对策。  相似文献   

张晓莲,女,1941年10月生,辽宁省锦州市人,民盟党员.副主任医师。1966年毕业王山西医科大学,毕业后一直从事内科临床工作,曾先后多次在太原、北京等地学习、深造,在近40年的实践工作中,总结、积累了丰富的临床经验;撰写发表了数十篇医学论文,对待病人和蔼、热情、认真、负责、深受广大群众的喜爱。  相似文献   

现代毛发修复外科   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
外科毛发修复技术经历了头皮缩减术、皮瓣修复术、游离毛发移植术3个阶段。目前,小型移植、微型移植、毛囊移植在临床普遍使用,和药物治疗相比,是治疗男性型秃发可靠、显效的方法。介绍了毛发修复外科的历史、主要研究内容、最新研究进展及前景,详细讨论了毛发毛囊移植过程的技术要领,分析了手术并发症及患者不满意的原因并提出对策。  相似文献   

包皮环切术是外科常见手术,传统方法被普遍使用,但是容易出现切口不整齐、切除过少或过多、出血多,皮下有线头结节、伤口瘢痕较多、针眼瘢痕等不足。随着人们生活水平的提高,对手术提出了更高的要求。笔者应用美容外科的理论,对传统方法做了改进,取得了良好的效果,术后符合美学要求。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

清热利湿法治疗皮肤病湿热证的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皮肤病中许多常见病、多发病如湿疹、带状疱疹等多可辨证为湿热证,现代医学常用抗组胺类、皮质类固醇类、免疫抑制剂等药物治疗,虽有一定疗效,但不良反应较多,复发率高;而传统医学采用清热利湿法治疗,常获得较好疗效。本研究采用清利饮作为研究清热利湿法的突破口,进一步验证了其临床疗效,探讨了其作用机制,扩充了传统的皮肤病湿热证的范围,为进一步指导临床实践和深入研究奠定了基础。1临床研究1.1一般资料共观察196例皮肤病湿热证患者,其中急性湿疹121例,带状疱疹75例,每个病种的治疗组和对照组病例的年龄、性别…  相似文献   

更年期综合症在人们脑海中好象似妇人的专有疾病牍则男人亦有更年期综合症,只是传统中只有症状述及而无专病名而已,从而形成错觉,妇人不同于男人经带胎产的病疾成了更年期综合症的标志而忽视了男人更年期综合症、男女既阴阳,阴阳表现刚柔、气血、水火、表里,正因男女生理上的差异,出现更年期表现不同,在征状、时间、年龄诸多方面亦有差异,表现的迟缓妇人较男人为早,故而重视了女性更年期综合症,忽视了男性更年期综合征,加之古今医书述及男性更年期综合症无病名专述、从而导致对男性更年期综合症的疏忽,更年期是指人体由中年向老年过渡的生理时期。男性更年期的各种生理变化不如女性突出,且出现时间稍晚,多在48~50岁左右,正因不突出与晚,故对男性更年期有所忽略。  相似文献   

The structure of the skin and the pattern of alteration in chronic ulcerations associated with deficiency of prolidase have been studied superficially in the past. We examined histologically several biopsies taken from apparently normal skin and from ulcerations afflicting a young woman with such a syndrome. Deposits of amyloid were found within the walls of medium-sized vessels and occasionally occluding their lumens. Impaired cutaneous microcirculation resulting from statis, moderate vasculitis, and abnormal structure of the dermis may be responsible for the regional preponderance of deposits of amyloid and ulcerations in the legs.  相似文献   

Seven patients with latent syphilis are described, in whom the routine serologic tests (RST) were negative during the first examination and over the course of therapy, and the specific tests (T. pallidum immobilization and immunofluorescence) were repeatedly positive before therapy. Early latent seropositive recurrent forms of syphilis were detected in the majority of these patients' sexual partners. The patients were not administered antisyphilis therapy before. The diagnosis of latent seronegative early syphilis negative in the RST is epidemiologically significant, for it helps timely carry out the necessary treatment and prophylaxis measures to prevent the disease dissemination.  相似文献   

红皮病120例病因分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的:探讨红皮病的病因及并发感染的情况。方法:回顾性分析120例红皮病患者的临床资料。结果:120例患者中73.3%红皮病继发于原有皮肤病,其他致病原因依次为药物过敏、肿瘤,部分原因不明。28.3%并发感染的红皮病患者中,41~60岁组和〉60岁年龄组的感染率高于≤40岁年龄组,差异有统计学意义(P均〈0.05);血浆白蛋白降低组患者感染率高于血浆白蛋白正常组患者,差异亦有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:红皮病病因多种多样,不能忽视非常见病因的存在。随着年龄的增长和血浆白蛋白的降低,红皮病患者的感染率增加,应注意皮肤护理及早期支持治疗。  相似文献   

The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified, in July 2009, exposure to artificial tanning devices (sunbeds) as carcinogenic to humans. This classification was based on evidence from epidemiological and experimental animal studies. The present chapter will review these epidemiological evidences. The summary risk estimates from 27 epidemiological studies obtained through a meta‐analysis showed an increased risk of melanoma: summary relative risk (SRR) = 1.20 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.08–1.34]. The risk was higher when exposure took place at younger age (SRR = 1.59; 95% CI 1.36–1.85). The risk was independent of skin sensitivity or population and a dose response was evident. A meta‐analysis of 12 studies was conducted for non‐melanoma skin cancers and showed a significantly increased risk for basal cell carcinoma (SRR = 1.29; 95% CI 1.08–1.53) and for squamous cell carcinoma (SRR = 1.67; 95% CI 1.29–2.17). As for melanoma, the risk for other skin cancers increased for first exposures at young age. Epidemiological studies have gradually strengthened the evidence for a causal relationship between indoor tanning and skin cancer and they fit with prior knowledge on relationship between UV exposure and skin cancer. Additionally, several case–control studies provided consistent evidence of a positive association between use of sunbed and ocular melanoma, also with greater risk for first exposures at younger age. Preventive measures based on information on risk or by requiring parental authorization for young users proved to be inefficient in several studies. The significant impact of strong actions or total ban, such as performed in Iceland, or a total ban of sunbed use, as in Brazil or Australian states, needs to be further assessed.  相似文献   

先天性皮肤缺损12例临床分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
先天性皮肤缺损(CAS)是一种少见的出生时皮肤局限或广泛缺损的疾病,以一定部位的皮肤缺损为特征,伴随多种异常、若干异常综合征及遗传方式。报告12例CAS,均有典型的皮肤症状,其中4例伴有其他异常:大疱性表皮松解症,趾甲缺损,胫腓骨远端细小畸形及二胫骨长短不一。  相似文献   

Fumaric acid esters (FAEs) such as dimethylfumarate (DMF) are used for the treatment of adults with moderate‐to‐severe psoriasis. The mode of action of FAEs is complex. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature to describe the molecular mechanisms by which DMF and its active metabolite monomethylfumarate (MMF) exert their anti‐inflammatory and immune modulatory effects. MMF can bind to the hydroxy‐carboxylic acid receptor 2 (HCA2) on the cell surface and both DMF and MMF react with intracellular glutathione following cell penetration. DMF and to some extent also MMF modulate the activity of certain cellular signalling proteins such as the nuclear factor (erythroid‐derived 2)‐like 2 (Nrf2), nuclear factor kappa B (Nf‐κB) and the cellular concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Some studies show that DMF can also affect the hypoxia‐inducible factor 1‐alpha (HIF‐1α). These actions seem to be responsible for i) the downregulation of inflammatory cytokines and ii) an overall shift from a proinflammatory Th1/Th17 response to an anti‐inflammatory/regulatory Th2 response. Both steps are necessary for the amelioration of psoriatic inflammation, although additional mechanisms have been proposed. There is a growing body of evidence to support the notion that DMF/MMF may also exert effects on granulocytes and non‐immune cell lineages including keratinocytes and endothelial cells. A better understanding of the multiple molecular mechanisms involved in the cellular action of FAEs will help to adapt and further improve the use of such small molecules for the treatment of psoriasis and other chronic inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

3种抗真菌药治疗甲真菌病疗效对比观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用伊曲康唑、特比萘芬、氟康唑3种不同抗真菌药物治疗120例甲真菌病患者,并作疗效对比观察,结果显示,3种药物均有较艰的抗真菌疗效,特比萘芬疗效优于伊曲康唑及氟康唑,伊曲康唑疗效优于所经康唑。3种药物近、中、远期临床治愈率及真菌学阴转率,复发率P值均〉0.05,无统计学意义。  相似文献   

28例皮肤转移性肿瘤临床病理分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对28例皮肤转移性肿瘤的临床及病理特征进行了分析。男性21例,女性7例,平均64例,临床表现为皮肤结节,病程平均为9个月,转移距原发瘤手术的时间平均13.6个月,有14例皮肤转移灶为首发症状。转移部位以胸,腹壁为多,其余为四肢,腰及颈部,原发部位包括乳房,肺,消化道,前列腺及膀胱。有8例原发部位不明。组织学类型以腺癌(46%)和鳞癌(25%)常见。患者多在1年内死亡,1例存活9年以上。  相似文献   

Treatment of hemangiomas of infancy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hemangiomas of infancy are the most common tumors of childhood. They are clinically heterogeneous and as such require individualized treatment plans. Although there are no Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved agents for treatment of hemangiomas of infancy, there are many widely used therapeutic options available. This review highlights the treatments currently in use and the factors that direct treatment.  相似文献   

目的探讨口服氟康唑胶囊、外用曲安奈德益康唑乳膏联合包皮环切术防治复发性念珠菌包皮龟头炎的疗效。方法采用随机分组法,治疗组(46例)给予氟康唑胶囊200mg,1次/d,连服3d,外用曲安奈德益康唑乳膏,早、晚各1次,2周为1个疗程,炎症控制后行包皮环切术。对照组(40例)给予氟康唑胶囊连服6d,曲安奈德益康唑乳膏外用2周。治疗后2周及2,4和6个月时随访。结果 2周后,两组痊愈率分别为89.13%和85.00%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组有效率分别为100.00%和95.00%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2,4,6个月治疗组复发率分别为4.88%,9.76%和9.76%,对照组复发率分别为23.53%,38.24%和50.00%,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。结论综合疗法治疗复发性念珠菌包皮龟头炎安全有效,并能有效减少复发。  相似文献   

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