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Four cultivars of brown cowpea (Vigna unguiculata. L. Walp) were analysed for their proximate composition, phytic acid, polyphenols and protein and starch digestibility (in vitro). Crude protein values ranged from 20.07 to 24.60%. Ether extract and crude fiber contents varied from 1.77 to 1.96% and 4.27 to 4.95%, respectively. All the four cowpea varieties differed significantly for their starch content which ranged from 46.84 to 53.63%. Antinutrients, phytic acid and polyphenols, showed significant variations among the varieties. In vitro digestibility of protein and starch of grains had a narrow variation. The variety CS-46 containing minimum amount of antinutritional factors had the highest protein digestibility.  相似文献   

Phytic acid, polyphenols, protein and starch digestibility (in vitro) in two varieties, namely CS-46 and CS-88, of soaked, dehulled and germinated cowpeas were determined. Soaking for 12 hours, dehulling of soaked seeds and germination for different time periods (24, 36 and 48 h) contributed significantly in reducing the phytic acid and polyphenol content of cowpeas. Removal of seed coat (dehulling) of soaked cowpeas reduced the polyphenols by 70-71%. Soaking (12 h) brought about an improvement in protein and starch digestibility which further increased after dehulling. Progressive increase in digestibility (protein and starch) was noticed, with an increase in germination period. Dehulling of soaked seeds was most effective in reducing the polyphenolic content, and germination in enhancing protein and starch digestibility.  相似文献   

The composite diets of ninety pregnant women residing in rural areas of Haryana, Northern India, were analysed for protein, fat, calcium, iron, phytic acid, polyphenols, in vitro mineral (calcium, iron) availability and digestibility (in vitro) of starch and protein. The mean daily intakes of calcium and iron were lower than the recommended dietary allowances for pregnant women and their in vitro availability was only 4.07 and 3.09 per cent, respectively. Phytic acid and polyphenolic contents of diet were 616 and 563 mg %. In vitro digestibility of starch and protein were 74 mg maltose released/g meal and 78 per cent, respectively Analysed values for protein, fat, calcium and iron were also compared with calculated values obtained using Indian Food Composition Tables. The calculated values for all nutrients were significantly higher than the analysed values. The study concludes that while carrying out diet composition studies of an individual or a population, unless we include laboratory analysis of composite diets, calculations from food composition tables will make little sense in assessing nutritional intake.  相似文献   

The antinutrient (raffinose oligosaccharides, tannins, phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors) composition and in vitro protein digestibility of eight improved varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris grown in Ethiopia were determined. Stachyose was the predominant alpha-galactosides in all haricot bean samples. Raffinose was also present in significant quantities but verbascose, glucose and fructose were not detected at all in the samples. The concentrations observed for the protein digestibility and antinutritional factors, varied significantly (P<0.05) between varieties investigated in this study. Mean values for protein digestibility ranged from 80.66% (in Roba variety) to 65.64% (in Beshbesh variety). Mean values for raffinose, stachyose, sucrose, trypsin inhibitors, tannins and phytic acid were 3.14 mg/g, 14.86 mg/g, 24.22 mg/g, 20.68 TUIx10(3)/g, 17.44 mg, catechin equivalents/g and 20.54 mg/g respectively. Statistical analyses of data revealed that antinutritional factors and protein digestibility were influenced by variety (genotype). Relationships between antinutritional factors and protein digestibility were also observed. The possibility of selecting varieties to be used for large-scale cultivation in Ethiopia on the basis of these data is discussed. Among the improved varieties studied, Roba, Redwolaita, Mexican and Awash were found to be the best food and export type of haricot beans in the Ethiopian context, because of their higher protein digestibility, lower antinutrtional factors and other beneficial nutritional parameters. Roba variety can be used by local food processors for the production of value-added bean-based products especially to combat the problem of protein energy malnutrition and related diseases which are very common in developing countries.  相似文献   

The effect of phytic acid on starch digestibility was studied in vitro and related to the blood glucose response (glycemic index) in healthy volunteers. The glycemic index was found to correlate negatively with the phytic acid content of the food tested. In vitro digestion studies involving human saliva at physiological pH and temperature showed that in the presence of sodium phytate (equivalent to 2% phytic acid based on the starch portion), the rate of digestion of raw wheat starch was reduced significantly by 50%. This was reversed by the addition of calcium which is known to complex phytic acid. Similarly, when sodium phytate was added to unleavened bread, its digestibility was also decreased and in feeding trials high phytate bread produced a flattened blood glucose response.  相似文献   

The antinutrient (raffinose oligosaccharides, tannins, phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors) composition and in vitro protein digestibility of eight improved varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris grown in Ethiopia were determined. Stachyose was the predominant α-galactosides in all haricot bean samples. Raffinose was also present in significant quantities but verbascose, glucose and fructose were not detected at all in the samples. The concentrations observed for the protein digestibility and antinutritional factors, varied significantly (P<0.05) between varieties investigated in this study. Mean values for protein digestibility ranged from 80.66% (in Roba variety) to 65.64% (in Beshbesh variety). Mean values for raffinose, stachyose, sucrose, trypsin inhibitors, tannins and phytic acid were 3.14?mg/g, 14.86?mg/g, 24.22?mg/g, 20.68?TUI×103/g, 17.44?mg, catechin equivalents/g and 20.54?mg/g respectively. Statistical analyses of data revealed that antinutritional factors and protein digestibility were influenced by variety (genotype). Relationships between antinutritional factors and protein digestibility were also observed. The possibility of selecting varieties to be used for large-scale cultivation in Ethiopia on the basis of these data is discussed. Among the improved varieties studied, Roba, Redwolaita, Mexican and Awash were found to be the best food and export type of haricot beans in the Ethiopian context, because of their higher protein digestibility, lower antinutrtional factors and other beneficial nutritional parameters. Roba variety can be used by local food processors for the production of value-added bean-based products especially to combat the problem of protein energy malnutrition and related diseases which are very common in developing countries.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate foods that are slowly digested appear beneficial in the management of diabetes and hyperlipidemia. This study determined the effect of endogenous and added phytic acid as well as Ca on the in vitro rate of starch digestion and in vivo blood glucose response to navy bean flour, prepared as unleavened bread. Removal of phytic acid from and addition of Ca to navy bean flour increased the starch digestion in vitro and raised the glycemic response in vivo while readdition of phytic acid to dephytinized flour produced the opposite effect. Carbohydrate malabsorption assessed by breath H2 measurement related negatively to glycemic response but the changes observed were much lower than the changes in glycemic response. This study confirmed the role of both added and endogenous phytic acid in slowing the in vitro rate of starch digestibility and in vivo glycemic response to legumes and the ability of Ca to modify this effect.  相似文献   

As part of research to establish a mathematical relationship between overall protein quality and in vivo protein digestibility/amino acid availability, proteins anticipated to have widely differing nutritional qualities were compared by estimating true ileal protein digestibility (TD) and essential amino acid availability (AAA) in crossbred barrows implanted with T-cannulas at the ileocecal junction, and nitrogen balance vs. nitrogen intake in similar, non-cannulated barrows. The nitrogen intake-response data were fitted to both linear and non-linear models to evaluate protein quality. TD ranged from 56% for whole sorghum to 100% for casein. Essential amino acid availability was low and variable for whole sorghum grain (30–73%) and higher and more consistent for decorticated extruded sorghum, cowpea, and sorghum/cowpea blend (80–90%). Human and Swine Amino Acid Availability-Corrected Amino Acid Scores (AAACAAS) ranged from 0.08 (lysine) for whole sorghum in swine to 0.92 (threonine) for casein projected in humans. Linear slopes indicated relative quality to be: casein (0.70) > extruded cowpea/sorghum blend (0.55), extruded cowpea (0.52) > extruded sorghum (0.41) > whole ground sorghum (0.31). The saturation kinetics model predicted K0.5 (nitrogen intake required for half-maximal response) values of 14.8 g/day for casein, 20.8 for cowpea, 20.2 for sorghum/cowpea blend, 34.1 for whole sorghum, and 40.6 for extruded sorghum  相似文献   

Four common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties, Kawanda (K)131, K132, NABE4 and NABE11, were evaluated for the relationship between development of the hard-to-cook (HTC) defect and changes in nutritional quality during 6-month storage under ambient conditions. All varieties developed the HTC defect, but the extent was found to vary with variety. Cooking time increased by 113% in K131, 95.3% in K132, 56.4% in NABE4 and 42.93% in NABE11 after 6 months. The development of the HTC defect was found to be associated with a reduction in phytic acid content (r2=?0.802), in vitro protein digestibility (r2=?0.872) and in vitro starch digestibility (r2=?0.729). The susceptibility to the HTC defect during storage could be attributed to a phytic acid interaction with proteins and carbohydrates, and is also associated with small seed size. Breeding for large seed size could therefore help reduce the development of the HTC defect.  相似文献   

Soyabari in various blends namely A0 to A6 were produced from maize and soybean flours. The nutritional, physical and acceptability characteristics of the blends were investigated. The products were found to be superior to the customarily eaten Nigerian abari (maize meal) in terms of protein content and digestibility. With increasing level of soyflour supplementation of the maize flour, the overall balance of amino acid, available lysine, protein digestibility, total ash as well as energy density increased. Also firmer, smoother, lighter and more yellowish and attractive products were obtained as a result of supplementation. The blend produced at 30% level of supplementation was assessed similar in texture to cowpea moin-moin (cowpea meal). All blends were equally acceptable as the control abari but the blend produced from 40% soyflour supplementation was judged more similar in most characteristics to cowpea moin-moin. Blends A3 and A4 (30 and 40% level of soyflour supplementation respectively) are recommended for adoption based on its protein quality, physical and acceptability characteristics. The two formulations are suitable for combating protein malnutrition in a predominantly starch and cereal based diet.  相似文献   

Uncommon fruits and vegetables, namely leaves of Bauhenia purpurea Linn., Chenopodium album Linn., Fagopyrum esculentum Moench., and Gleichenia linearis and green and ripe fruits of Ficus roxburghi were analysed for their proximate composition, minerals and vitamin content, in vitro bioavailability of mineral, in vitro protein digestibility and two anti-nutrients, i.e. oxalic and phytic acid. Results showed crude protein, crude fat, minerals, crude fibre, carbohydrate, energy, calcium, iron, and iodine content was in the range of 1.74 to 4.93%, 0.23 to 1.38%, 0.46 to 3.02%, 0.88 to 5.02%, 1.46 to 14.46%, 15 to 76 Kcal, 19 to 355 mg, 1.22 to 6.2 mg and 0.5 to 5.16 mg, respectively, beta-carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and ascorbic acid content ranged between 169 to 3020 micrograms, 0.03 to 0.1 mg, 0.02 to 0.24 mg, 0.07 to 0.87 mg and 3.26 to 173.13 mg per 100 g, respectively. In vitro bioavailability of iron and calcium ranged between 4.62 to 9.23% and 7.30 to 63.48%. In vitro protein digestibility ranged between 9.78 to 14.48%. Findings of the study indicate that all the samples studied are good sources of micronutrients. To provide food security there is need to explore every possible source of nutrients.  相似文献   

The unsoaked, soaked and soaked-dehulled seeds of some newly released high yielding cultivars of moth bean (Jwala, RMO 225 and RMO 257) and one local variety commonly used by the farmers, were cooked till soft in the microwave oven for different standardized time periods and analysed for starch digestibility and protein digestibility. The starch digestibility of unprocessed moth bean varieties differed significantly (P<0.05) from 25.35 to 28.18 mg maltose released/g flour. The protein digestibility also differed significantly from 70.29 to 74.65% among all the four varieties. Soaking (12 h) and soaking-dehulling of seeds prior to cooking reduced the cooking time considerably. Microwave cooking appreciably improved the starch and protein digestibility of unsoaked, soaked and soaked-dehulled samples. However, maximum improvement in starch digestibility (from 27.28 to 62.57 mg maltose released/g flour) was noticed in soaked-dehulled and microwave cooked samples of Jwala variety and similarly, maximum improvement in protein digestibility (from 72.29 to 87.56%) was noticed in soaked-dehulled microwave cooked sample of RMO 225 variety.  相似文献   

Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus sajor caju mushrooms were procured from the Department of Plant Pathology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (INDIA) and analysed for various nutritional attributes. The fat and ash content were significantly higher in Agaricus bisporus, whereas, crude fibre and crude protein contents were significantly higher in Pleurotus sajor caju. Total and protein nitrogen was significantly higher in Pleurotus sajor caju than Agaricus bisporus mushroom as a result its true protein content was also significantly higher. No significant differences were found in the energy, carbohydrates and non-protein nitrogen contents of both the varieties of mushroom. Both varieties contained low phytic acid and oxalate however, it was significantly higher in Pleurotus sajor caju mushroom. The in vitro protein digestibility of both was not differing significantly.  相似文献   

Six types of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)-based tempe were developed by blending with various combinations and quantities of either bambara groundnut, sesame, cowpea, pigeonpea, common bean, mungbean, soybean, or groundnut (peanut) seeds. Their mixtures were then soaked and solid-state fermented by Rhizopus oligosporus to produce tempe. Soaking resulted in the loss of minerals. Mould fermentation did not change the proximate and mineral composition, but increased the in vitro protein digestibility by 10 to 14.1%. Tempe processing reduced the tannin content by 30.4 to 94.0%. The protein content of tempe ranged from 16.0 to 18.6%; the amino acid score, 63.0 to 69.0%; protein energy, 14.2 to 16.8%; net dietary protein energy, 7.3 to 8.4%; and total energy, 416.0 to 441.0 Kcal/100 g of tempe. The developed tempe had protein quality and energy recommended for weaning foods. The deep-fried snacks were mildly acceptable. More research work and promotion are proposed in order to improve the acceptability of sorghum-based tempe as potential weaning or supplementary foods in Tanzania.  相似文献   

Six types of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)-based tempe were developed by blending with various combinations and quantities of either bambara groundnut, sesame, cowpea, pigeonpea, common bean, mungbean, soybean, or groundnut (peanut) seeds. Their mixtures were then soaked and solid-state fermented by Rhizopus oligosporus to produce tempe. Soaking resulted in the loss of minerals. Mould fermentation did not change the proximate and mineral composition, but increased the in vitro protein digestibility by 10 to 14.1%. Tempe processing reduced the tannin content by 30.4 to 94.0%. The protein content of tempe ranged from 16.0 to 18.6%; the amino acid score, 63.0 to 69.0%; protein energy, 14.2 to 16.8%; net dietary protein energy, 7.3 to 8.4%; and total energy, 416.0 to 441.0 Kcal/100 g of tempe. The developed tempe had protein quality and energy recommended for weaning foods. The deep-fried snacks were mildly acceptable. More research work and promotion are proposed in order to improve the acceptability of sorghum-based tempe as potential weaning or supplementary foods in Tanzania.  相似文献   

The apparent absorption of nitrogen and minerals was studied in 8 ileostomy subjects. Four different test diets containing 60 g of meat, rice and bread protein, or a 25% replacement of the protein with soy flour, soy concentrate or soy isolate, were randomly assigned to the subjects in 2-d periods. All animal protein was replaced by soy isolate for a fifth 2-d period in two of the subjects. Ileostomy contents were collected in 2-h intervals during the day and in one portion during night and immediately deep-frozen. The fiber components and the phytic acid in the diet were almost completely recovered in the ileostomy contents, whereas unabsorbed starch was less than 2% of the intake. A significantly lower protein digestibility was observed when the diets containing soy protein were fed. No difference in protein digestibility was found between the different soy protein products. A 25% replacement by soy protein had no obvious effect on apparent mineral absorption. A low protein digestibility was also observed when soy was the main source of protein, and a negative apparent absorption of zinc was found in both subjects. Although 25% of soy protein in the diet does not seem to impair mineral absorption significantly, small intestinal net absorption of nitrogen is less from the soy diets than from the meat diet.  相似文献   

Objective: In the present investigation, the effect of different cooking processes on L-DOPA level, phenolics contents, in vitro protein (IVPD) and starch digestibility (IVSD), and proximate composition with in vitro anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of Mucuna macrocarpa (MM) has been evaluated.

Methods: The L-DOPA and major phenolics acids quantification of processed samples were done by a reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) technique. Proximate composition, elemental quantification, and in vitro protein and starch digestibility of the samples were carried out by using spectrophotometric analysis. The anti-inflammatory activities of samples were evaluated by a human red blood cells (HRBCs) membrane stabilization test and bovine serum albumin (BSA) anti-denaturation assay. Antioxidant potential of processed beans was carried out by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylendiamine (DMPD) assays and ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) assay.

Results: The processed MM beans showed a significant reduction of L-DOPA (6.30%), phytic acid (25.78%), tannin (19.79%), and saponin (25.59%) in the boiling, autoclaving, and roasting processes. RP-HPLC quantification of major phenolics acids was also affected by the differential process as compare to the raw seed sample. The processed seeds also showed considerable improvement of in vitro protein (26.93%) and starch (20.30%) digestibility, whereas the anti-inflammatory potential and antioxidant potential of MM beans were decreased in the processed samples, indicating a reduction of antioxidant molecules.

Conclusion: The differential process showed considerable changes in the proximate composition, in vitro digestibility, and biological potential. The present study recommends the utilization of MM beans after autoclaving and boiling for maximum nutritional potential with health benefits.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of the investigation was to analyse physico-chemical characteristics, nutrient composition and consumer acceptability of wheat varieties grown under organic and inorganic farming conditions. METHODS: The seeds of five varieties of wheat (C-306, WH-283, WH-711, WH-896 and WH-912) grown under organic and inorganic farming conditions were ground in a Junior Mill to pass through 60-mesh sieves and were stored in air-tight containers until use. Standard methods were used to estimate the physico-chemical characteristics and nutrient composition. Consumer acceptability was studied by carrying out the organoleptic evaluation of wheat chapatis, a common item in diets of the Indian population. FINDINGS: The results of study revealed that inorganically grown wheat varieties had significantly higher 1,000-grain weight and more grain hardness as compared with organically grown wheat varieties, and a non-significant difference was observed in their gluten content, water absorption capacity and hydration capacity. On average, wheat varieties grown under inorganic conditions contained significantly higher protein and crude fibre content as compared with varieties grown under organic conditions. WH-711 variety had maximum protein content. Protein fractions (i.e. albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin) were significantly higher in varieties grown under inorganic conditions than those of varieties grown under organic conditions. The variety WH-711 had the highest total soluble sugars and variety WH-912 had the highest starch content. Phytic acid and polyphenol contents were significantly higher in inorganically grown wheat varieties as compared with organically grown wheat varieties. The wheat varieties grown under organic conditions had significantly higher protein and starch digestibility than the wheat grown under inorganic conditions. The data revealed that there were significant differences in total calcium and phosphorus contents of wheat varieties grown under organic and inorganic conditions. The extractability of phosphorus and magnesium was significantly higher in wheat varieties grown under inorganic conditions as compared with grown under organic conditions. A significant difference was observed for the total zinc content of wheat varieties grown under organic and inorganic conditions. The total copper and manganese contents were significantly higher in inorganically grown wheat varieties as compared with organically grown wheat varieties. The organoleptic evaluation of chapatti prepared from varieties WH-711 and WH-912 both grown under organic and inorganic conditions showed no significant difference in their sensory attributes for colour, appearance, flavour, texture, taste and overall acceptability. RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS: The nutrient composition of both organic and inorganic wheat varieties is comparable and protein digestibility is higher in wheat varieties grown under organic conditions. The people of North India, where wheat is a staple cereal, can therefore be encouraged to use organically grown wheat varieties as they are free from hazardous effects of synthetic pesticides/fertilizers.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate composition and nutritional quality of acid, neutral and alkali t?, prepared from a decorticated white (DW) flour containing no polyphenols or whole grain red (WGR) flour high in polyphenols, were studied. The diets were characterized with regard to non-starch polysaccharides, Klason lignin, resistant starch (RS) and amino acid content. The nutritional properties were studied in balance trials with rats. Digestible energy of DW flour was higher than that of WGR flour because of a lower dietary fiber (DF) content and a higher digestibility of DF. Recovery of cellulose in feces of rats fed diets containing DW flour was 45-59% and recovery of noncellulosic polysaccharides (NCP) was 17-31%. In rats fed diets derived from WGR flour, recoveries were 76-83 and 54-67% for cellulose and NCP, respectively. Cooking resulted in formation of appreciable amounts of RS. Twenty-three to fifty-six percent of the RS in DW t? and 59-74% of RS from WGR t? were recovered in feces. Endosperm protein kafirins formed complexes during cooking. The result was a lower true protein digestibility and higher biological value in t? than in flour. Amino acid data revealed that the unavailable kafirins serve as a nitrogen source for the hindgut microflora. A high affinity of dietary polyphenols for proline and glycine residues can be postulated from digestible amino acid data. The net effect was a change in the excretory route of nitrogen from urine to feces.  相似文献   

富碳水化合物食品血糖生成指数的体外回归模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过探讨富碳水化合物(CHO)食品营养组成及体外消化特性与体内血糖指数的关系,尝试建立体外回归模型。方法选择30种富CHO食品分析蛋白质、脂肪及CHO组成;在AOAC抗性淀粉测定的实验条件下,修改建立体外消化实验方法,测定淀粉在20min、120min、240min和16h的消化量以及不能消化的抗性淀粉含量;并采用国际标准方法完成食物血糖生成指数(GI)评估;通过逐步回归方法探讨各成分组成与GI关系。结果30种食品GI值分布为26~113,GI值高低与20min和120min内消化的淀粉量(S20、S120)呈明显正相关(P<0.05),而与抗性淀粉(RS)呈明显负相关(P<0.01)。将S120与葡萄糖含量相加定义为易利用糖(EAG),建立GI体外测试的回归方程为GI=39.65+1.008EAG-1.072RS。结论食品碳水化合物组成和体外消化实验有助于解释富碳水化合物食物体内血糖应答反应及预测GI值。  相似文献   

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