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Aims: Increased endothelial caveolae leading to transcytosis of plasma proteins is associated with blood–brain barrier (BBB) breakdown and cerebral oedema in brain injury. Increased expression of caveolin-1α (Cav-1), an integral caveolar membrane protein, was reported in endothelium of arterioles and veins with BBB breakdown to fibronectin post injury. In this study the phosphorylation state of Cav-1 and its association with BBB breakdown was determined in the rat cortical cold injury model over a period of days 0.5–6 post lesion. Methods: Expression of phosphorylated Cav-1 was determined by immunoblotting and dual labelling immunofluorescence for phosphorylated caveolin-1 and fibronectin, a marker of BBB breakdown. A phospho-specific monoclonal antibody that selectively recognizes only tyrosine 14-phosphorylated Cav-1 (PY14Cav-1) was used. Results: Immunoblots showed constitutive expression of PY14Cav-1 in cortex of control rats and a significant increase in PY14Cav-1 expression at the lesion site up to day 4 post lesion. PY14Cav-1 immunostaining was observed in the endothelium of lesion vessels at days 0.5–4 post lesion, in neutrophils at days 0.5 and 2 and in macrophages at day 6 post lesion. Dual labelling showed that 100% of vessels with BBB breakdown to fibronectin showed endothelial PY14Cav-1 on day 0.5, the percentage decreasing to 62% on day 4. On day 6, none of the vessels showed endothelial phosphorylated Cav-1. Conclusions: The presence of phosphorylated Cav-1 in endothelium of vessels showing BBB breakdown suggests that phosphorylated Cav-1 signalling may be one of the factors associated with early BBB breakdown and brain oedema in brain injury.  相似文献   

The significance of caveolin-1, a major constituent of caveolae, and the tight junction proteins occludin and claudin-5 in early blood–brain barrier (BBB) breakdown was assessed by sequential demonstration of the expression of these proteins over a period of 12 h to 6 days post-lesion in the rat cortical cold injury model. Pial and intracerebral vessels of control rats showed punctuate endothelial immunoreactivity for caveolin-1 and caveolin-2, while claudin-5 and occludin were localized as longitudinal strands in endothelium. During the early phase of BBB breakdown following injury at 12 h and on day 2, western blot analyses detected a significant increase in caveolin-1 expression at the lesion site while immunohistochemistry showed that the caveolin-1 increase was localized to the endothelium of lesion vessels. Decreased expression of occludin occurred at the lesion site only on days 2 and 4 post-lesion while claudin-5 expression was decreased only on day 2. Dual labeling for fibronectin, a marker of BBB breakdown, and caveolin-1 or the tight junction proteins demonstrated that only lesion vessels with BBB breakdown showed a marked increase of caveolin-1, loss of occludin and reduced localization of claudin-5. The issue whether these alterations precede or follow BBB breakdown is uncertain; however, increased expression of caveolin-1 preceded the decreased expression of occludin and claudin-5. Thus caveolae and caveolin-1 have an important role in early BBB breakdown and could be potential therapeutic targets in the control of early brain edema.  相似文献   

Tight junctions between brain endothelial cells are one of the specialized structural components of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to proteins. Research in the last decade has demonstrated that the integral membrane proteins of cerebral endothelial tight junctions are claudin, occludin, and junctional adhesion molecule (JAM). Altered expression of these tight junction proteins could cause BBB breakdown following brain injury leading to edema. In this study, expression of JAM-A, was analyzed by immunostaining and immunoblotting in the rat cortical cold injury model, a well-characterized in vivo model of BBB breakdown. Temporal and spatial expression of JAM-A was examined at 12 hours, days 2, 4, and 6 post-lesion in cold-injured and control rats. Control rats showed punctate JAM-A immunoreactivity at intervals along the circumference of the endothelial layer at tight junctions where JAM-A colocalized with occludin. A significant decrease in JAM-A expression was noted at the lesion site by immunoblotting at 12 h only. At this time period, lesion vessels showed loss of endothelial JAM-A immunostaining while day 2 onwards, there was recovery of endothelial JAM-A immunoreactivity. Dual labelling for JAM-A and fibronectin showed that only lesion vessels with BBB breakdown to fibronectin at 12 h also showed lack of endothelial JAM-A immunoreactivity supporting the evidence that JAM-A contributes to tight junction integrity.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is a critical component of stroke, head injury, cerebral vascular malformation development, and brain tumor growth. An understanding of the mechanisms of adult cerebral angiogenesis is fundamental to therapeutic vessel modulation for these diseases. To study angiogenesis in the central nervous system, we injected an adenoviral vector engineered to express vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A164) into adult murine striatum. Vector-infected astrocytes expressed VEGF-A164 resulting in vascular permeability, hemorrhage, and the formation of greatly enlarged "mother" vessels. Subsequently, endothelial cells and pericytes lining mother vessels proliferated and assembled into glomeruloid bodies, complex cellular arrays interspersed by small vessel lumens. As VEGF-A164 expression declined, glomeruloid bodies involuted through apoptotic processes to engender numerous small daughter vessels. Characterized by modestly enlarged lumens with prominent pericyte coverage, daughter vessels were distributed with a density greater than normal cerebral vessels. Daughter vessels remained stable and patent to 16 months and represented the final stage of VEGF-A-induced cerebral angiogenesis. Together, these findings provide a mechanistic understanding of angiogenesis in cerebral disease processes. Furthermore, the long-term stability of daughter vessels in the absence of exogenous VEGF-A164 expression suggests that VEGF-A may enable therapeutic angiogenesis in brain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to characterize the angiogenic response following traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: Western analysis for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, double immunofluorescence labeling of endothelium and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2), bromodioxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and measurement of capillary density, were all used to determine the temporal angiogenic response following TBI. RESULTS: The angiogenic factors, VEGF and VEGFR2, increase following trauma. Capillary density increases and BrdU incorporation confirm the presence of newly formed vessels up to 48 hours post-injury. DISCUSSION: Our results indicated that following TBI, there is a substantial increase in angiogenesis and based on morphologic characterization of BrdU-positive nuclei within the endothelium, we provide evidence for vasculogenesis following injury.  相似文献   

Summary. VEGF is a major regulator of angiogenesis and vascular permeability in development and injury. The involvement of one of its receptors, Flk-1 in angiogenesis has been widely demonstrated, but few studies elucidate its role as a mediator of the BBB permeability and none displays its distribution following a cortical micronecrosis. A microvascular marker (LEA lectin), two BBB markers (EBA, GluT-1) and the VEGFR2 receptor were studied in adult rats after a minimal brain injury. Immunohistochemistry shows an increase of positive vessels, somata and processes around the micronecrosis from 6 to 72 hours after injury. Flk-1 was overexpressed mainly in endothelial cells, but also in astrocytes, neuronal somata and processes adjacent to the damage. This increase correlates to the lose of positivity for EBA. After injury, VEGFR-2 expression increases and its distribution corresponds to VEGF one. The whole system seems to play a role in the disruption of the BBB.  相似文献   

Historically, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was considered to be at the level of cerebral endothelium. Currently, the interaction of endothelium with other components of the vessel wall and with neurones and glial cells is considered to constitute a functional unit, termed the neurovascular unit that maintains cerebral homeostasis in steady states and brain injury. The emphasis of this review is on cerebral endothelium, the best-studied component of the neurovascular unit, and its permeability mechanisms in health and acute brain injury. Major advances have been made in unravelling the molecular structure of caveolae and tight junctions, both of which are components of the structural barrier to the entry of plasma proteins into brain. Time course studies suggest that caveolar changes precede junctional changes in acute brain injury. Additional factors modulating BBB permeability in acute brain injury are matrix metalloproteinases-2 and 9 and angiogenic factors, the most notable being vascular endothelial growth factor-A and angiopoietins (Ang) 1 and 2. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A and Ang2 have emerged as potent inducers of BBB breakdown while Ang1 is a potent anti-leakage factor. These factors have the potential to modulate permeability in acute brain injury and this is an area of ongoing research. Overall, a combination of haemodynamic, structural and molecular alterations affecting brain endothelium results in BBB breakdown in acute brain injury.  相似文献   

Following focal cerebral ischemia, blood vessels in the ischemic border, or penumbra, launch an angiogenic response. In light of the critical role for fibronectin in angiogenesis, and the observation that fibronectin and its integrin receptors are strongly upregulated on angiogenic vessels in the hypoxic CNS, the aim of this study was to establish whether angiogenic vessels in the ischemic CNS also show this response. Focal cerebral ischemia was established in C57/Bl6 mice by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCA:O), and brain tissue analyzed 7 days following re-perfusion, a time at which angiogenesis is ongoing. Within the ischemic core, immunofluorescent (IF) studies demonstrated vascular expression of MECA-32, a marker of leaky cerebral vessels, and vascular breakdown, defined by loss of staining for the endothelial marker, CD31, and the vascular adhesion molecules, laminin, dystroglycan and α6 integrin. Within the ischemic penumbra, dual-IF with CD31 and Ki67 revealed the presence of proliferating endothelial cells, indicating ongoing angiogenesis. Significantly, vessels in the ischemic penumbra showed strong upregulation of fibronectin and the fibronectin receptors, α5β1 and αvβ3 integrins. Taken together with our recent finding that the α5β1 integrin plays an important role in promoting cerebral angiogenesis in response to hypoxia, these results suggest that stimulation of the fibronectin-α5β1 integrin signaling pathway may provide a novel approach to amplifying the intrinsic angiogenic response to cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

High mortality incidence after serious systemic thermal injury is believed to be linked to significant increases in cerebral permeability, ultimately leading to irreversible blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether disruption of microvascular integrity in a rat thermal injury model is associated with early matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. A total of 35 Sprague-Dawley rats were studied in thermal injury and control groups, each group containing two subgroups, one for brain edema and Evans blue analysis and another for MMP mRNA analysis. Thermally injured animals were anesthetized and submerged vertically in 85 degrees C water to the neck for 6 seconds producing a third degree burn affecting 70% of the total body surface area. BBB integrity was determined by measuring amount of Evans blue after 7 hours of injury with a spectrophotometer. Brain edema was detected by calculating water content. Brain mRNA levels were determined with real-time PCR 3 and 7 hours post-injury. Brain water content was significantly increased after peripheral injury at hour 7. Evans blue leakage was also significantly increased at the same time, suggesting an impaired BBB function after injury. Expressions of MMP-2 and MMP-9 mRNA in brain were increased as early as 3 hours after injury and remained at hour 7. Our study demonstrated a significant increase in cerebral permeability that occurs after serious systemic thermal injury. The underlying mechanisms could be related to early expression of MMPs.  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(6):610-614

High mortality incidence after serious systemic thermal injury is believed to be linked to significant increases in cerebral permeability, ultimately leading to irreversible blood–brain barrier (BBB) breakdown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether disruption of microvascular integrity in a rat thermal injury model is associated with early matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression.

A total of 35 Sprague–Dawley rats were studied in thermal injury and control groups, each group containing two subgroups, one for brain edema and Evans blue analysis and another for MMP mRNA analysis. Thermally injured animals were anesthetized and submerged vertically in 85°C water to the neck for 6 seconds producing a third degree burn affecting 70% of the total body surface area. BBB integrity was determined by measuring amount of Evans blue after 7 hours of injury with a spectrophotometer. Brain edema was detected by calculating water content. Brain mRNA levels were determined with real-time PCR 3 and 7 hours post-injury.

Brain water content was significantly increased after peripheral injury at hour 7. Evans blue leakage was also significantly increased at the same time, suggesting an impaired BBB function after injury. Expressions of MMP-2 and MMP-9 mRNA in brain were increased as early as 3 hours after injury and remained at hour 7.

Our study demonstrated a significant increase in cerebral permeability that occurs after serious systemic thermal injury. The underlying mechanisms could be related to early expression of MMPs.  相似文献   

Following brain injury, thrombospondin‐1 (TSP‐1) is involved in angiogenesis and synaptic recovery. In this study, we used a cold injury‐model and found that TSP‐1 mRNA was markedly upregulated after brain injury. Immunohistochemistry showed that TSP‐1 was upregulated in both the core of the lesion and in the perilesional area of injured brain tissue. Numerous astrocytes immunopositive for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were found in the perilesional area, and TSP‐1 was also expressed in almost all astrocytes surrounding blood vessels at 4 days after injury. Next, we examined the influence of vascular basement membrane components on TSP‐1 expression. When astrocytes were cultured on type IV collagen, TSP‐1 was significantly upregulated compared with the expression when cells were grown on laminin, fibronectin, or poly‐L ‐lysine. This increase occurred exclusively when astrocytes were grown on the native form of type IV collagen but not on the heat‐denatured form or the non‐collagenous 1 domain. Further, integrin α1 and β1 mRNAs were upregulated concomitantly with GFAP mRNA, and integrin α1 protein was localized to the endfeet of astrocytes that surrounded blood vessels in the injured brain. Using function‐blocking antibodies, we found that the effectof type IV collagen was attributed to integrin α1β1 in primary astrocytes. Collectively, our results suggest that vascular basement membrane components substantially impact gene expression in astrocytes during brain tissue repair. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hoane MR  Kaplan SA  Ellis AL 《Brain research》2006,1125(1):185-193
Nicotinamide has been shown to protect against many of the pathophysiological factors associated with both ischemic and traumatic brain injuries. The present study evaluated the neuroprotective effect of nicotinamide on the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and apoptosis expression following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Animals were prepared with a unilateral cortical contusion injury (CCI). Fifteen minutes following injury the animals received either nicotinamide (500 mg/kg, ip) or 0.9% saline. The animals were perfused at 5, 24, and 72 h post-injury. BBB integrity was assessed by endogenous rat IgG immunoreactivity. Recent studies have shown that IgG immunoreactivity is a reliable measure of BBB integrity. The results indicated that IgG immunoreactivity was greatest at 5 h and declined at 24 h after injury. Nicotinamide significantly reduced IgG expression at every time point following injury. Apoptosis was examined using the TUNEL method. The results indicated that TUNEL immunoreactivity peaked at 24 h. TUNEL(+) cells were classified morphologically as nonapoptotic (Type I) or apoptotic (Type II) to verify that the neuroprotective effects of nicotinamide occur by inhibiting apoptosis or necrosis. Administration of nicotinamide significantly reduced the expression of all TUNEL(+) cells in the tissue surrounding the lesion cavity. Specifically there was a significant reduction in the number of Type I, Type II, and Total TUNEL(+) cells in the nicotinamide-treated animals. In addition, nicotinamide reduced lesion cavity expansion 72 h following CCI. These findings suggest that nicotinamide reduces BBB breach and neuronal cell loss acutely following injury and that these reductions may account for the beneficial behavioral effects seen in previous studies.  相似文献   

Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR/CD87) together with its ligand, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), constitutes a proteolytic system associated with tissue remodelling and leucocyte infiltration. uPAR is a member of the glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI) anchored protein family. The functional role of uPAR comprises fibrinolysis by conversion of plasminogen to plasmin. In addition, uPAR promotes cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, re-organization of the actin cytoskeleton, and angiogenesis. Furthermore, uPAR is involved in prevention of scar formation and is chemoattractant to macrophages and leucocytes. In order to investigate the pathophysiological role of uPAR following human CNS injury we examined necrotic brain lesions resulting from traumatic brain injury (TBI; n = 28) and focal cerebral infarctions (FCI; n = 17) by immunohistochemistry. Numbers of uPAR+ cells and uPAR+ blood vessels were counted. Following brain damage, uPAR+ cells increased significantly within 12 h, reached a maximum after 3-4 days and remained elevated until later stages. uPAR was expressed by infiltrating granulocytes, activated microglia/macrophages and endothelial cells. Numbers of uPAR+ vessels increased in parallel subsiding earlier following FCI than post TBI. The restricted, lesion-associated accumulation of uPAR+ cells in the brain parenchyma and upregulated expression by endothelial cells suggests a crucial role for the influx of inflammatory cells and blood-brain barrier (BBB) disturbance. Through a failure in BBB function, uPAR participates in formation of brain oedema and thus contributes to secondary brain damage. In conclusion, the study defines the localization, kinetic course and cellular source of uPAR as a potential pharmacological target following human TBI and FCI.  相似文献   

The antibody to the endothelial barrier antigen (anti-EBA) is localized to the luminal plasma membrane of endothelia that have a blood-brain barrier (BBB) but not to other vessels, for instance those in the circumventricular organs, which lack barrier function. We have examined EBA expression in the rat in certain tissues and in brain microvessels in models of brain angiogenesis such as development, wound healing and neural transplantation. All brain microvessels including pial ones stained for anti-EBA whereas those of the dura, median eminence and choroid plexus did not. Vessels of the iris which are characterized by tight junctions and barrier function expressed EBA strongly. Embryonic day 18 brain did not stain at all for anti-EBA although vessels were readily localized with anti-laminin. Following stab wounds to mature brain, directly injured and adjacent microvessels lacked EBA expression for a period of approximately 2 weeks which is a similar time frame of BBB breakdown. Following this period, EBA expression gradually returned to a normal pattern by 3-4 weeks. Likewise, in intraparenchymal transplants of fetal neocortex EBA expression was not observed for 2 weeks and while at later times transplant vessels expressed EBA whereas some interface vessels associated with inflammatory cells did not. Permeable choroid plexus vessels vascularizing intraventricular transplants did not stain for anti-EBA at any time period and neither did vessels in adrenal medulla transplants. The present study shows that while EBA expression is a postnatal event unlike the development of a barrier to serum protein, its expression may be lost or delayed in injured vessels or ones associated with inflammatory cells or reactive astrocytes.  相似文献   

Mortality after serious systemic thermal injury may be linked to significant increases in cerebral vascular permeability and edema due to blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown. This BBB disruption is thought to be mediated by a family of proteolytic enzymes known as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The gelatinases, MMP-2 and MMP-9, digest the endothelial basal lamina of the BBB, which is essential for maintaining BBB integrity. The current study investigated whether disruption of microvascular integrity in a rat thermal injury model is associated with gelatinase expression and activity. Seventy-two adult Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized and submerged horizontally, in the supine position, in 100 degrees C (37 degrees C for controls) water for 6 s producing a third-degree burn affecting 60-70% of the total body surface area. Brain edema was detected by calculating water content. Real time PCR, Western blot, and zymography were used to quantify MMP mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity levels. Each group was quantified at 3, 7, 24, and 72 h post thermal injury. Brain water content was significantly increased 7 through 72 h after burn. Expression of brain MMP-9 mRNA was significantly increased as early as 3 h after thermal injury compared to controls, remained at 7 h (p<0.01), and returned to control levels by 24 h. MMP-9 protein levels and enzyme activity began to increase at 7 h and reached significant levels between 7 and 24 h after thermal injury. While MMP-9 protein levels continued to increase significantly through 72 h, enzyme activity returned to control level. The increase in MMP-9 expression and activity, associated with increased BBB permeability following thermal injury, indicates that MMP-9 may contribute to observed cerebral edema in peripheral thermal injury.  相似文献   

The blood–brain barrier (BBB) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of central nervous system (CNS) disorders such as stroke and hypoxic–ischemic brain injury. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is involved in angiogenesis and vasogenic edema during stroke and hypoxia. However, the role of VEGF in BBB permeability after hypoxia has not been fully elucidated. We therefore investigated VEGF effects in an in vitro BBB model using rbcec4 endothelial cell line with the stimulation of VEGF or hypoxia. In this study, BBB permeability was studied using 14C-sucrose detection. The expression of BBB tight junction protein ZO-1, and the expression and phosphorylation of vasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP), VEGF and VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) were determined using fluorescent immunocytochemistry and western blot analyses. We found that hypoxia upregulated VEGF expression, and VEGF increased BBB permeability. Hypoxia also increased VASP phosphorylation, which was mediated, in part, through VEGFR2. We also found that VASP at tight junctions was co-localized with ZO-1 in cell–cell contacts. Our findings show that VASP phosphorylation is affected by hypoxia and VEGFR2 inhibition suggesting a role for VASP in BBB permeability.  相似文献   

During development, neuropilin-1 is a receptor for semaphorin 3a-mediated axonal guidance and for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promotion of angiogenesis. The authors measured neuropilin-1 expression in the adult ischemic brain using Northern blot, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry. Neuropilin-1 mRNA was significantly up-regulated as early as 2 hours and persisted at least 28 days after focal cerebral ischemia. Acute up-regulation of neuropilin-1 mRNA primarily localized to the ischemic neurons. A marked increase in both mRNA and protein of neuropilin-1 was detected in endothelial cells of cerebral blood vessels at the border and in the core of the ischemic lesion 7 days after ischemia, and neuropilin-1 gene expression persisted on these vessels for at least 28 days after ischemia. In these areas, neovascularization was detected using three-dimensional reconstructed images obtained from laser scanning confocal microscopy. Activated astrocytes also exhibited neuropilin-1 immunoreactivity during 7 to 28 days of ischemia. Double immunofluorescent staining showed colocalization of neuropilin-1 and VEGF to cerebral blood vessels and activated astrocytes. These data suggest that in addition to its role in axonal growth, up-regulation of neuropilin-1, in concert with VEGF and its receptors, may contribute to neovascular formation in the adult ischemic brain.  相似文献   

In an effort to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying cerebral vascular alteration after stroke, the authors measured the spatial and temporal profiles of blood-brain barrier (BBB) leakage, angiogenesis, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), associated receptors, and angiopoietins and receptors after embolic stroke in the rat. Two to four hours after onset of ischemia, VEGF mRNA increased, whereas angiopoietin 1 (Ang 1) mRNA decreased. Three-dimensional immunofluorescent analysis revealed spatial coincidence between increases of VEGF immunoreactivity and BBB leakage in the ischemic core. Two to 28 days after the onset of stroke, increased expression of VEGF/VEGF receptors and Ang/Tie2 was detected at the boundary of the ischemic lesion. Concurrently, enlarged and thin-walled vessels were detected at the boundary of the ischemic lesion, and these vessels developed into smaller vessels via sprouting and intussusception. Three-dimensional quantitative analysis of cerebral vessels at the boundary zone 14 days after ischemia revealed a significant (P < 0.05) increase in numbers of vessels (n = 365) compared with numbers (n = 66) in the homologous tissue of the contralateral hemisphere. Furthermore, capillaries in the penumbra had a significantly smaller diameter (4.8 +/- 2.0 microm) than capillaries (5.4 +/- 1.5 microm) in the homologous regions of the contralateral hemisphere. Together, these data suggest that acute alteration of VEGF and Ang 1 in the ischemic core may mediate BBB leakage, whereas upregulation of VEGF/VEGF receptors and Ang/Tie2 at the boundary zone may regulate neovascularization in ischemic brain.  相似文献   

目的 探讨人脑胶质瘤血脑屏障(BBB)内皮细胞间紧密连接的变化及其可能的分子机制. 方法 将南方医科大学珠江医院神经外科自2008年至2009年切除的胶质瘤和正常脑组织标本分为3组:正常脑组织组(n=6)、低级别胶质瘤组(n=11)与高级别胶质瘤组(n=10),采用透射电镜观察标本BBB紧密连接的超微结构特征,应用免疫荧光双标染色和RT-PCR分别检测标本紧密连接蛋白Claudin-5和Claudin-5 mRNA的表达. 结果 电镜结果 显示正常脑组织微血管相邻内皮细胞间可见连续条带状的紧密连接.细胞间未见裂隙.低级别胶质瘤中多数微血管内皮细胞间可见连续的紧密连接,未见明显窗口形成.高级别胶质瘤中微血管内皮细胞间紧密连接破坏严重,内皮细胞间可见明显裂隙;免疫荧光双标染色结果 显示正常脑组织中微血管内皮细胞上有大量Claudin-5表达.低级别胶质瘤中微血管内皮细胞上Claudin-5表达略为下降,而高级别胶质瘤中微血管内皮细胞上无明显Clandin-5表达;RT-PCR结果 显示高级别胶质瘤Claudin-5 mRNA表达低于正常组脑组织和低级别胶质瘤,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 在脑胶质瘤发生发展过程中.胶质瘤细胞可以导致BBB内皮细胞间紧密连接蛋白Claudin-5的表达下降及BBB紧密连接结构的破坏,而紧密连接蛋白Claudin-5这一分子元件的表达下降可能是紧密连接结构受到破坏的重要分子机制.  相似文献   

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