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Intestinal intra-epithelial lymphocytes (IELs) form a highly specialized lymphoid compartment. IELs consist primarily of T cells that are dispersed as single cells within the epithelial cell layer that surrounds the intestinal lumen. These lymphocytes along with lamina propria lymphocytes are considered to play an important role in the regulation of immune responses. IELs are heterogeneous with regard to phenotype, and they contain sub-populations with diverse functions. In our most recent study, we found that intra-duodenal inoculation of mice with reovirus serotype 1/strain Lang (reovirus 1/L) induced expression of both germinal center and T cell antigen and CD11c on IELs suggesting these cells to be the recently stimulated cells in gut mucosal tissue. We also demonstrated that IELs from these mice when cultured in vitro in the presence of reovirus 1/L-pulsed antigen-presenting cells generated reovirus 1/L-specific MHC-restricted CTL whose function was mediated utilizing perforin, Fas-FasL and TRAIL mechanisms. This present study provides a comprehensive analysis of the diverse subsets of IELs, which function with other mucosal cells to provide a strong, protective immunity in a highly regulated fashion inside the microenvironment of the intestinal epithelium. We demonstrated that the IEL population contains both thymus-dependent (TD) and thymus-independent (TI) lymphocytes in mice and that a complex phenotype is present when sub-populations are analyzed for TCR, Thy-1, CD4, CD8 and B220 expression in a comprehensive manner. In reovirus 1/L-inoculated mice, we found a decrease in the TI population and an increase in the TD population characterized by significant alterations in various sub-populations. This increase was largely due to an increase in CD4(+), CD8(+) and CD4/CD8 double-positive sub-populations of TD IELs. Intracellular cytokine analysis demonstrated induction of IFN-gamma and an increase in effector/cytotoxic CD8 and CD4 cells after reovirus 1/L infection. These results suggest that TD IELs may play an important role in the clearance of reovirus 1/L infection from gut.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elevated maternal serum levels of interleukin-2 soluble receptor-alpha (IL-2 sRalpha), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) have been associated with pregnancy loss. The aim of our study was to evaluate the predictive value of these cytokines in the outcome of early IVF pregnancies. METHODS: One hundred and fifty-nine consecutive IVF patients who were subsequently diagnosed to have a biochemical pregnancy (n = 23), a first-trimester miscarriage (n = 19) or a normal term delivery (n = 117) were included in this study. Serum was collected from the initial pregnancy test, 11 days after a day 3 embryo transfer, and all samples were analysed for IL-2 sRalpha, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma by commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits. RESULTS: IL-2 sRalpha levels were significantly higher in patients with an early pregnancy loss compared with patients with a normal term delivery (849.5 +/- 69.6 versus 693.5 +/- 31.2 pg/ml, P = 0.02), and a cut-off point of IL-2 sRalpha >1000 pg/ml predicted a poor pregnancy outcome (44.4 versus 22.7% pregnancy loss, IL-2 sRalpha >or=1000 versus IL-2 sRalpha <1000 pg/ml; P = 0.02). IFN-gamma-positive patients had twice the risk for poor IVF pregnancy outcome compared with IFN-gamma-negative subjects (40.8 versus 20.0%, respectively; P < 0.02), including a significantly lower implantation rate (37.6 +/- 0.05 versus 50.0 +/- 0.03%, respectively; P = 0.02). There was no difference in pregnancy outcome based upon serum levels, or the ability to detect the presence of TNF-alpha. No differences in levels of these cytokines were found based on the aetiology of the patients' infertility. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated maternal serum levels of IL-2 sRalpha and IFN-gamma as early as 11 days after embryo transfer are associated with poor IVF pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

The IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) is composed of three chains a, ßand . In mice, contrary to the human system, we have previouslydemonstrated that the IL-2Rß complex does not bindIL-2. Therefore, mouse IL-2 response is completely dependenton the expression of the IL-2R gene product. T cell clones expressingmouse IL-2Rß and the human IL-2R transgene have beenstudied. When cells are grown in IL-4, mouse IL-2R is not expressed.However, exposure to IL-2 leads to the expression of the endogenousmurine IL-2R subunit. The T cell line expressing mouse IL-2Rand human IL-2Rß can grow in IL-2 but does not expressendogenous murine IL-2 R. Transfection of these cells with thehuman IL-2R gene restores the capacity to induce murine IL-2R.This result demonstrates that IL-2-IL-2R interactions are requiredfor induction of IL-2R. The kinetics of induction and deinductionof murine IL-2R have been studied using clone 18.III. From negativecells, expression of murine IL-2R is a very slow phenomenon.From cells fully expressing IL-2R, deinduction is a two-stepprocess: after a rapid decrease of IL-2R the cells continueto express, for a long period of time, basal levels of murineIL-2R. When cells expressing basal levels of IL-2R are exposedto IL-2, induction of IL-2R is a very rapid phenomenon. Theautoregulatory loop formed by IL-2-IL-2R therefore displaysdifferent levels of functioning.  相似文献   

Ly-6A/E is a phosphatidylinositol-linked membrane protein which mediates murine T and B cell signalling. IFN-gamma, IFB-alpha/beta, LPS, and IL-4 have all been reported to induce or upregulate Ly-6A/E by normal lymphocytes. Since no systematic study has addressed the stimulant selectivity of Ly-6A/E expression by murine lymphocytes nor investigated its induction and regulation during primary in vivo immune responses we analyzed in vitro Ly-6A/E expression after murine stimuli and during a number of distinct in vivo immunizations. We show that LPS induces B cell Ly-6A/E in vitro by stimulating the release of IFN-alpha/beta by 'contaminating' adherent cells. In the presence of anti-IFN-gamma + anti-IFN-alpha/beta antibodies, no Ly-6A/E was induced upon addition of multiple cytokines, including IL-4, or mitogenic doses of anti-Ig antibody. Furthermore, IFN-gamma-containing, CD4+ T cell (Th1) supernatants potently induced Ly-6A/E by murine B cells whereas IL-4-containing (Th2) supernatants were either weak or ineffective; anti-IFN-gamma + anti-IFN-alpha/beta inhibited Ly-6A/E induction by both Th1 and Th2 supernatants. Immunization of mice with Brucella abortus or poly (I).poly (C) resulted in induction of Ly-6A/E expression by virtually all B and T cells, whereas injection of G alpha M delta led to peak induction of Ly-6A/E by approximately 50% of both B and T cells. Lymphocytes from mice infected with the nematode parasites Nippostrongylus brasiliensis or Heligmosomoides polygyrus expressed no Ly-6A/E.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A role for BP-3/BST-1 antigen in early T cell development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the mouse thymus, pre-T cells are defined by their CD3CD4CD8triple-negative, CD4410/– CD25+ phenotype. We made a ratmAb IF-7, that, among all Tcell subsets analyzed, reacted exclusivelywith pre-T cells. Molecular cloning revealed that the antigenrecognized by IF-7 was identical to BP-3/BST-1, a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-linked,CD38-related molecule previously described asa possible co-activationmolecule of pre-B cells. We found that IF-7 cross-linking enhancesthe proliferative response ofsorted pre-T cells to anti-CD3stimulation. In addition, IF-7 enhances and accelerates thedevelopment of fetal thymic organ culture (FTOC), although the lineage is unaffected by the treatment. In addition, sortedIF-7+ pre-T cells give preferentially rise to ß TCR+thymocytes in FTOC. Our observations strongly suggest that BP-3/BST-1is implicated in both early B and T cell growth and development,and is an early marker for the ß lineage.  相似文献   

Development of the T cell lineage is characterized by the homingof hematopoietic precursors to thymus, followed by their acquisitionof receptors for antigen. T cell receptors are ß or heterodimers associated with CD3 (TCR-CD3). Very early T cellprecursors in humans have been characterized as CD7+45+ cellswhich lack the T cell differentiation antigens CD1, CD2, CD3,CD4, and CD8. A phenotypically equivalent early thymocyte populationalso occurs in postnatal life, and we have previously shownthat interleukin 2 (IL2) promotes the development in vitro ofboth the ß and the T cells from these early thymocytes.Here we have analyzed the requirements of the induction of theIL2 pathway in early thymocytes, and their developmental potential.We show that: (I) thymic stromal cells, which are present inthymocyte suspensions, are necessary to induce the IL2 pathwayand the development of ß or T cell lineages fromearly thymocytes in vitro; and (II) when removed from the invivo environment, early thymocytes can develop in vitro intoTCR-CD3 cells of the natural killer (NK) lineage. Weconclude that CD7+45+, CD1–2–3–4–8–early thymocytes are multipotential progenitors that, at least,have the capacity to develop into ß or T cell andNK lineages. The analysis of the mechanisms of generation andselection of human T and NK cell diversity, not feasible inbone marrow cultures, is now possible.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the RFLP of the human T cell receptor (TCR) alpha chain variable gene segments. Using DNA samples from 20 individuals and three restriction endonucleases (BamHI, EcoRI and HindIII), the degree of RFLP of a number of different V gene segments was defined. Half of the V alpha subfamilies (6/12) were characterized by a predominant hybridization pattern, with only a few individuals displaying a second pattern. However, one particular V gene family, V alpha 6, has at least five allelic forms that segregated consistently in familial studies. The V alpha polymorphisms revealed in this study, together with those exhibited by V beta gene subfamilies, should prove useful in studying possible associations between TCR gene usage and disorders of the immune system.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody against V14+ alpha-chain of murine T cell receptor (TCR) was established by fusing spleen cells from a rat immunized with a soluble chimeric TCR/IgG3 protein containing murine TCR V alpha 14J alpha 281 in place of the VHDHJH of an IgG3. lambda 1, and subjected to screening on a human transfectant (Jurkat variant) expressing the murine V14J281 alpha-chain. The anti-mouse V alpha 14 antibody precipitated TCR alpha beta molecules from Triton X-100-solubilized extracts of 125I-labeled murine thymocytes and spleen cells. Unexpectedly, the antibody showed cross-reactivity to the human CD3 epsilon molecule and detected a disulfide-linked 20 kDa dimeric form of human CD3 epsilon, which is a novel family component of the CD3 complex and is associated closely with the CD3 zeta-zeta homodimer as well as TCR alpha beta or TCR gamma delta.  相似文献   

The high-affinity receptor for IgE (FcRI) has a tetrameric structurecomposed of one, one ß, and two disulfide-linked subunits, of which the subunit binds IgE with high affinity.A recombinant soluble form of the ectodomain of the human FcRIsubunit (rsFcRI) was recently generated by gene engineeringand was verified to bind IgE with an affinity as high as thatof native FcRI on the cell surface. rsFcRI was prepared on alarge scale in order to analyze its biological function. rsFcRIcompletely inhibited IgE binding to the cell surface, resultingin abrogation of the chemical mediator release from RBL-2H3cells. Furthermore it completely abolished the passive cutaneousanaphylaxis (PCA) response by trapping IgE specifically whenitwas administered into rats prior to IgE sensltizatlon. Evenafter IgE sensitizatlon, treatment of rsFcRI substantially reducedthe PCA response. It was finally shown that rsFcRI inhibitedIgE binding to human peripheral blood basophils and the histaminerelease from them. In this paper we address the ability of rsFcRIto specifically prevent the IgE-mediated allergic reaction.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has evolved complex strategies to evade host immune responses and establish chronic infection. Since human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T lymphocytes play a critical role in the immune response against viruses, we analyzed their antiviral functions on Huh7 hepatoma cells carrying the subgenomic HCV replicon (Rep60 cells). In a transwell culture system, Rep60 cells were co-cultured with either PBMCs or highly purified gammadelta T cells stimulated by non-peptidic antigens. Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cell activation was associated with a dramatic reduction of HCV RNA levels. Neutralizing antibodies targeting IFN-gamma revealed a critical role for this cytokine in the inhibition of HCV replication. Interestingly, drugs already in clinical use, such as Phosphostim and Zoledronate, known to activate gammadelta T cells, were shown to induce the inhibition of HCV replication mediated by Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells of HCV patients. Our data suggest that the therapeutic activation of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T lymphocytes may represent an additional strategy to inhibit HCV replication and to restore a Th1-oriented immune response in HCV-infected patients.  相似文献   

Tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) areimportant mediators of cell signalling in the uterus. Prostaglandins(PG) have been implicated in the increase of endometrial vascularpermeability which occurs during the implantation process. Thisstudy evaluates the effect of these two pleiotropic cytokineson PGF2 and PGE2 release from human luteal phase endometrialglandular epithelial cells (GEC) and stromal cells (STC) inculture. Basal PGF and PGE release did not differ significantlyfrom each other or among cell types, and declined significantlywith increasing number of days in culture. On day 3, basal PGrelease had decreased to half of that on day 1 of culture. However,both cell types were still able to respond to the addition ofexogenous arachidonic acid (5 µM) on day 3 of culture,with PG release by GEC being elevated 7- to 10-fold and by STCmoderately, but still significantly, on day 4. The permissiveeffect of arachidonic acid on the stimulation of PG releasemay indicate the down-regulation of phospholipase A2 with continuedtime in culture. However, the addition of arachidonic acid (5µM) on day 0 of culture, while able to cause significantlyincreased PG release from GEC, had no effect on STC. In contrast,the addition of a combination of arachidonic acid (5 µM),and either recombinant human TNF- (10 µg rhTNF-/I) or10 µg rhlL-1/I, had a synergistic action and caused thesignificantly increased release of PGF and PGE from both celltypes, compared with that achieved with either arachidonic acidor the cytokine alone (although GEC responded more than STC).During the first 24 h after the addition of rhTNF- or rhlL-1,both cytokines stimulated PG release from both cell types ina dose- and time-dependent fashion. Neither cycloheximide (10µM) nor actinomycin D (10 µM) affected basal PGrelease, but both blocked cytokine-induced PG release from bothcell types. These results suggest that there is a differentialcontrol of human endometrial cell PG biosynthesis, and thatPG release may be regulated through gene activation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In September 2002, an outbreak of toxoplasmosis was noted in a male boarding high school on the Aegean coast of Turkey. We have focused our efforts to investigate the sex hormones in this population. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 40 male patients, 17-18 years old, who also had positive titres of antibody to Toxoplasma gondii. Serum FSH, LH, free testosterone (FT), total testosterone (TT), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and macrophage-inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha) concentrations were measured in all patients and 20 control subjects. Initially, the patients were divided on the basis of the levels of sex hormones into the following groups: patients who had normal sex hormone levels (n = 31) as group A and patients with low sex hormone levels (n = 9) as group B. RESULTS: IL-1beta levels were found to be higher in group B patients than group A. The levels of IL-1beta correlated significantly in a negative manner with FSH, LH, FT and TT in all patients with acute toxoplasmosis (n = 40). CONCLUSIONS: Acute toxoplasma infection may cause temporary hypogonadotrophic gonadal insufficiency regardless of the course of the disease.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are an important source of IFN-alpha/beta in response to a variety of viruses in vivo, including murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV). However, the respective contributions of various infected organs, and within these of pDCs, conventional dendritic cells and other cells, to the systemic production of IFN-alpha/beta or other innate cytokines during viral infections in vivo is largely unknown. Whether a specialization of pDC subsets in the production of different patterns of innate cytokines exists in vivo in response to a viral infection has not been investigated. Here, by analyzing for the first time directly ex vivo, at the single-cell level, the simultaneous production of up to three cytokines in pDCs isolated from MCMV-infected mice, we show that (i) pDCs are the quasi-exclusive source of IFN-alpha/beta, IL-12 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, early during MCMV infection, in two immunocompetent mouse lines and with two viral strains, (ii) pDC activation for IFN-alpha/beta production is organ specific and (iii) a significant proportion of pDCs simultaneously produce IFN-alpha/beta, TNF-alpha and IL-12, although TNF-alpha and IFN-alpha/beta appear more often co-expressed with one another than each of them with IL-12. Altogether, these results show a broad and non-redundant role of pDCs in early innate detection of, and defense against, viral infection. The data also show differences in the responsiveness of pDCs from different tissues and suggest distinct molecular requirements for pDC production of various cytokines. These observations must be taken into account when designing new antiviral vaccination strategies aimed at harnessing pDC responses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The central role of estrogens and androgens in the male reproductive system has focused attention on the presence and distribution of their cognate receptors [estrogen receptor (ER) alpha, ERbeta and androgen receptor (AR)] in male reproductive tissues and cells. Since the presence of steroid hormone receptors in mitochondria of mammalian cells has been well documented, we investigated the possibility of mitochondrial localization of sex steroid hormone receptors in sperm. METHODS AND RESULTS: Applying immunofluorescence labelling and confocal laser scanning microscopy we show that the estrogen receptor beta and the AR of human sperm are specifically enriched in the midpiece, at the site of the mitochondria, which were visualized by labelling with the vital dye CMX. Nuclear and mitochondrial localization of AR was also detected in LnCap human prostate cancer cells. Differentially, most of the ERalpha immunostaining is in the form of a compact zone at a region corresponding to the equatorial segment of the upper post-acrosomal region of the sperm head. Immunoblotting experiments using sperm extracts revealed the presence of a 66 and a 45 kDa protein reacting with the ERalpha antibody, one 64 kDa protein reacting with the ERbeta antibody and a 110 and a 90 kDa protein reacting with the antibody against AR. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the differential localization of AR and ER isoforms in human sperm reveals distinct roles of these receptors in the physiology of sperm cells and, perhaps, also in the process of fertilization.  相似文献   

The high-affinity IgE receptor (Fc epsilonRI) and the low-affinity IgG receptor (Fc gammaRIII) on mast cells are the key molecules involved in triggering the allergic reaction. These receptors share the common beta subunit (FcRbeta) which contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif and transduces the signals of these receptors' aggregation. In rodents, FcRbeta is essential for the cell surface expression of the Fc epsilonRI. In humans, the FcRbeta gene was reported to be one of the candidate genes causing atopic diseases. However, the role of FcRbeta in vivo still remains ambiguous. To elucidate the functions of FcRbeta, we developed the mice lacking FcRbeta [FcRbeta(-/-)]. The FcRbeta(-/-) mice lacked the expression of the Fc epsilonRI on mast cells and IgE-mediated passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) was not induced in FcRbeta(-/-) mice as was expected. In these mice, the expression of IgG receptors on mast cells was augmented but the IgG-mediated PCA reaction was attenuated. Although with bone marrow-derived cultured mast cells from FcRbeta(-/-), adhesion to fibronectin and Ca2+ flux upon aggregation of IgG receptors were enhanced, mast cells co-cultured with 3T3 fibroblasts exhibited impaired degranulation on receptor aggregation. These observations indicate that FcRbeta accelerates the degranulation of mature mast cells via the IgG receptor in connective tissues.  相似文献   

Molecular control of the implantation window   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Human endometrium is the end organ of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Therefore, endometrium is susceptible to changes in the cases of infertility that originate from disturbances in the normal functioning of this axis. In addition, some cases of unexplained infertility may be due to altered endometrial function. This disturbed endometrial function may originate from lesions in the molecular repertoire that are crucial to implantation. Human endometrium becomes receptive to implantation by the blastocyst within a defined period during the menstrual cycle. The duration of this so-called 'endometrial receptivity' or 'implantation' period seems to span from few days after ovulation to several days prior to menstruation. Successful implantation results from a co-ordinated series of events that would allow establishment of a timely dialogue between a receptive endometrium and an intrusive blastocyst. The members of the molecular repertoire that make endometrium receptive to implantation are gradually being recognized. Among these are the cytokines, integrins, heat shock proteins, tastin and trophinin. In addition, the expression of a second set of genes including tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and ebaf, may be the appropriate signal for the closure of the 'implantation window', for making the endometrium refractory to implantation and for preparing it for the menstrual shedding.  相似文献   

We have investigated the involvement of adhesion molecules inthe lymphocyte infiltration associated with acute intestinalgraft-versus-host disease (GVHD) induced by injection of C3Hlymph node cells into irradiated (C3H x DBA/2)F1 mice. Firstwe analyzed the expression profile of adhesion molecules including1, 2, 4, 5, 6, L and ß7 integrins, CD44 and L-selectinof lymphocytes from lymph nodes and gut mucosa in normal mice.In normal mice, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and laminapropria lymphocytes (LPL) uniquely showed increased expressionof 1, 2 and ß7 integrins, and decreased expressionof L-selectin compared with that of lymphocytes of the lymphnodes and Peyer's patches. In mice with GVHD, IEL and LPL ofdonor lymph node cells origin underwent phenotyplc changes characterizedby the increased expression of 1, L and ß7 integrins,and the loss of L-selectin. The expression profile of adhesionmolecules on IEL and LPL of GVHD mice resembled that of normalmice except for the lack of 2 integrin. Treatment of GVHD micewith anti-1,-4 or-ß7 integrin antibody alone partiallyprevented the mucosal pathology of intestinal GVHD, whereasonly mice treated with anti-1 showed reduced donor lymphocyticinfiltration into the intestinal mucosa. In contrast, treatmentwith anti-L or anti-CD44 antibody did not affect the intestinalGVHD. Furthermore, dual blockade of both 1 and 4 integrins completelyinhibited the mucosal pathology and donor lymphocyte infiltrationof intestinal GVHD. These results indicate that 1 and 4 integrinsplay an important role in the pathology of intestinal GVHD.  相似文献   

Signal transduction in human B cells initiated via Ig{beta} ligation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ig and Igß heterodimers are non-covalently associatedwith Ig to compose the antigen receptor complexes on B cells.The demonstration that different sets of tyrosine kinases bindto the cytoplasmic tails of Ig and Igß suggests thatIg and Igß may activate distinct second messengerpathways. In this study, we examined the effects of mAbs againstan exposed epitope of human Igß on pre-B and B celltriggering. Cross-linkage of Igß on B cells leadsto activation of tyrosine kinases, hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositides,and elevation of intracellular Ca2+, effects qualitatively identicalto those of anti-µ mAbs. Our observations thus indicatethat cross-linking of Igß does not segregate signaltransduction pathways connected with the cytoplasmic talls ofIg and Igß. Ig ligation has been reported to be moreeffective in triggering pre-B than B cells, whereas our resultsindicated that Igß ligation is more efficient in triggeringB than pre-B cells. In addition to their activation properties,the anti-Igß mAbs effectively modulated B cell receptorcomplexes and blocked terminal differentiation of all plasmacell isotypes. The findings support the idea that anti-Igßcould serve as a universal B cell immunosuppressant.  相似文献   

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