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Tsuji S Okada M Amakura Y Tonogai Y 《Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyūjo hōkoku = Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences》2000,(118):135-138
There were 260 official inspections of coal-tar dyes and their lakes in fiscal year 1999, and 259 of the lots qualified, one of the 8 samples of Food Blue No. 1 aluminum lakes was rejected. The quantity of coal-tar dyes that passed inspection in Japan in fiscal year 1999 reached 151.9 tons. Coal-tar dye production is estimated by month and by manufacturer. The food coal-tar dye produced in the largest quantity was Food Yellow No. 4, accounting for 44.2% during this period. 相似文献
Ishimitsu S Mishima I Tsuji S Tonogai Y Shibata T 《Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyūjo hōkoku = Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences》1998,(116):153-156
The number of official inspection of coal-tar dyes and their lakes from April in 1997 till March in 1998 were 571 in total. The quantity which passed inspection amounted to 160.3 ton in Japan. The production of color in each month was summarised in Table 1, and by each producing company in Table 2. The food coal-tar dye produced in the largest quantity was Food Yellow No.4, occupying 39.8% in this period. 相似文献
Tsuji S Umino Y Amakura Y Nakamura Y Tonogai Y 《Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyūjo hōkoku = Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences》2001,(119):70-73
There were 176 official inspections of tar colors and their lakes in fiscal year 2000, and 175 samples were qualified. The quantity of tar colors that passed inspection in Japan in fiscal year 2000 reached 137.5 tons. Tar color production is estimated by month and by manufacturer. The food tar color produced in the largest quantity was Food Yellow No. 4, accounting for 43.4% during this period. 相似文献
Tsuji S Kinoshita H Furukawa M Nakano M Yoshii K Tonogai Y 《Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyūjo hōkoku = Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences》2004,(122):47-50
There were 197 official inspections of tar colors and their lakes in fiscal year 2003, the two of their samples were rejected, and the other were qualified. Total production amount of tar colors that passed inspection in Japan in fiscal year 2003 reached 147.9 tons. Tar color production amounts were described by month and by manufacturer. The food tar color produced in the largest amount was Food Yellow No. 4, accounting for 41.7% during this period. 相似文献
Tsuji S Nakano M Furukawa M Nakamura Y Tonogai Y 《Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyūjo hōkoku = Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences》2003,(121):51-53
There were 157 official inspections of tar colors and their lakes in fiscal year 2002, and all of their samples were qualified. Total production amount of tar colors that passed inspection in Japan in fiscal year 2002 reached 113.6 tons. Tar color production amounts were described by month and by manufacturer. The food tar color produced in the largest amount was Food Yellow No. 4, accounting for 42.5% during this period. 相似文献
Tsuji S Umino Y Nakamura Y Tonogai Y 《Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyūjo hōkoku = Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences》2002,(120):101-106
There were 162 official inspections of tar colors and their lakes in fiscal year 2001, and 162 samples were qualified. Total production amount of tar colors that passed inspection in Japan in fiscal year 2001 reached 134.8 tons. Tar color production amounts were described by month and by manufacturer. The food tar color produced in the largest amount was Food Yellow No. 4, accounting for 43.9% during this period. Their yearly total productions were decreased from 238.7 to 134.8 tons during 12 years. 相似文献
Registro de Cáncer 《Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra》2002,25(3):327-334
This report brings the latest statistics available in the Cancer Register of Navarra on the incidence of cancer in this autonomous community in the year 1998. 3,018 incident cases of cancer were registered, 57.5% in men. Excluding nonmelanoma skin tumours, the crude incidence rate was 518 and 358 per 100,000 in men and women, and the rates adjusted to the world population were 296 and 199 per 100,000 respectively. 55.4% of all the cases of cancer diagnosed in men during 1998 occurred in the following sites: prostate, lung, colorectal, and bladder. In women breast, colorectal, body of uterus and stomach sites made up 53.6% of the cases. With respect to the five year period 1993-97, for the first time the adjusted incidence rate for all sites combined showed a decline of 1.1% amongst men, while amongst women the rising tendency was upheld. Notable were the decline of tumours related to smoking amongst men and of stomach cancer in both sexes. The data for women seem to indicate that some sites which traditionally showed extremely low rates in Navarra, tumours related to smoking and the cervix, have begun to increase in recent years, probably in relation to changes of life style. In both sexes there was an increase of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and, continuing the tendency begun in previous years, the rate of incidence of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men continued to increase. The decline in the incidence of some cancers, particularly for the sites related to smoking observed amongst men in Navarra, is a hopeful fact, which will need confirmation in coming years. 相似文献
目的 建立糖果中6种合成着色剂及其铝色淀的高效液相色谱(HPLC)分析方法。方法 样品经NaOH溶液浸泡超声提取,离心,上清液经PWAX柱富集净化;采用InertsilR ODS-3 C18为分离柱,以乙酸铵(0.02 mol/L)-乙腈为流动相,梯度洗脱,二极管阵列检测器检测,外标法定量。结果 6种目标化合物在0.1~50.0 mg/L范围内与峰面积呈线性关系,相关系数(r值)大于0.999,3个浓度水平加标回收率为70.3%~110%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.07%~11.4%,检出限为1.0 mg/kg。应用该方法检测了10件市售糖果样品,检出柠檬黄、日落黄、胭脂红、诱惑红和亮蓝,其含量为1.5~363 mg/kg。结论 该方法简便快速,灵敏度高,适合于糖果中6种合成着色剂的测定。 相似文献
1997 1998年5个省急性弛缓性麻痹病例的追踪调查分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1997、1998年对云南省、山西省、贵州省、广西壮族自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区报告的187例急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例进行了神经学诊断方面的追踪调查,同时对监测工作的质量予以评价.诊察结果为;临床脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)的24例,其余为其它麻痹性疾病。麻痹性疾病的发病率存在着地理性差异,在中国南方地区非脊灰脊髓炎(脊髓炎)病例很多,而西北地区脊髓炎较少,则以格林-巴利综合征(GBS)为多.在追踪临床诊断为脊灰的24例中,仅有3例接脊灰病例报告;在当地诊断为脊灰23例中,追踪诊断为脊灰的仅3例。本次追踪调查在AFP病例监测方面发现以下问题:①对有无后遗症的判定不正确;②由于在家中采集粪便标本,使得粪便标本不能妥善保存;③发病日期的记录不正确等。另外,通过从这些AFP病例中分离出的脊灰病毒均为疫苗株可以判定,存在着在采集粪便标本前给患者服用脊灰疫苗(OPV)的情况。建议省专家诊断小组在对病例进行最终诊断时,有必要慎重地研究临床经过。特别是对高危病例应亲自诊察。对病例的调查不能仅由县级人员进行,应争取地区级和省级神经学专家的协助。在判定临床经过时,不能仅依赖个案调查表,也应查阅医院的病案记录.另外,为防止因主观因素影响到采集粪便标本质量,造成实验室误诊 相似文献
Zhu D Huang S McClellan H Dai W Syed NR Gebregeorgis E Mullen GE Long C Martin LB Narum D Duffy P Miller LH Saul A 《Vaccine》2012,30(2):189-194
Efficient antigen extraction from vaccines formulated on aluminum hydroxide gels is a critical step for the evaluation of the quality of vaccines following formulation. It has been shown in our laboratory that the efficiency of antigen extraction from vaccines formulated on Alhydrogel decreased significantly with increased storage time. To increase antigen extraction efficiency, the present study determined the effect of surfactants on antigen recovery from vaccine formulations. The Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) formulated on Alhydrogel and stored at 2-8 °C for 3 years was used as a model in this study. The AMA1 on Alhydrogel was extracted in the presence or absence of 30 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or 20 mM cetylpyridinium chloride in the extraction buffer (0.60 M citrate, 0.55 M phosphate, pH 8.5) using our standard antigen extraction protocols. Extracted AMA1 antigen was analyzed by 4-20% Tris-glycine SDS-PAGE followed by silver staining or western blotting. The results showed that inclusion of SDS or cetylpyridinium chloride in extraction buffer increased the antigen recovery dramatically and can be used for efficient characterization of Alhydrogel vaccines. 相似文献
B Elorriaga Ameyuso J M Rodríguez Roldán M L Teijeira Rodríguez R Gálvez Zalo?a 《Gaceta sanitaria / S.E.S.P.A.S》1991,5(26):209-213
In the health care area of Guadalajara health expenses are met by three agencies, although there are no local data on the participation of each of them. The present paper studies public expenditures in Guadalajara, as well as their distribution by agency, by budget items and by type of service during 1989, and their relationship with population size and the gross provincial product. Total expenditures amounted 9.085.343.426 ptas. of which the National Health Institute (INSALUD) provided 80.5%, the Regional Health Council 15.5% and the County Council 4%. This implies a health expenditure of 61.385 ptas per year (21.424 ptas for primary care, 36.278 ptas for specialized care 3.683 ptas for overheads and administrative costs). The gross provincial product amounted to 122.5 billion ptas of which 7.65% were allocated to health care. Guadalajara is a large area with a small but widely dispersed and regressive population moderately depressed from the economic point of view, and with overall health resources above national average. Distribution of health care expenditure coincides with the overall data provided by the direct management of INSALUD. The expenditure/inhabitant ratio is higher than the national average, both in absolute terms and in percentage of the gross provincial product, which is understandable when demographic characteristics and existing resources are considered. 相似文献
H Zumkley P F Schmidt M Elies H Vetter W Zidek H Losse H G Fromme 《Journal of the American College of Nutrition》1984,3(4):303-309
The erythrocyte magnesium content was determined using two different analytical systems (atomic absorption spectrometry and the laser microprobe mass analyzer) with specimens from 18 patients with normal renal function and from 10 patients with chronic renal insufficiency. There was a good correlation (r = 0.73) between the two analytical systems. Additionally, the laser microprobe mass analyzer was used to determine the aluminum content of plasma and erythrocytes in specimens from patients who ingested moderate quantities of aluminum hydroxide for several months. Results showed a significant elevation of the plasma aluminum concentration, but a normal erythrocyte aluminum content. The laser microprobe mass analyzer may be useful in studies of mineral metabolism in humans. 相似文献
Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka Anna Lemieszek Maja Musialik Iwona Maria Żmijewska 《Oceanological and hydrobiological studies.》2013,42(3):277-288
The paper presents modeling of egg production (Egg — no. of eggs female?1 d?1) by Temora longicornis in the changing environmental conditions of the southern Baltic Sea (Gdańsk Deep). It is hypothesized that the food-saturated rate of egg matter production is equivalent to the specific growth rate of copepods. Based on the findings from the south-western Baltic Sea, Egg of T. longicornis is evaluated as a function of food concentration, temperature and salinity over a wide range of these parameters. Subsequently, the rate of reproduction during the seasons in the Gulf of Gdańsk is determined. According to our calculations, values of Egg reach ca 11 eggs per day in April and decline strongly in June-July, while the second smaller peak in reproduction occurs in September, ca 8 eggs per day. Our results suggest that egg production rates of T. longicornis depend not only on food concentration and temperature, but also on salinity, which is a masking factor in the Baltic Sea. 相似文献
In Niigata university hospital, most of conventional radiography were changed to FCR from July 1988. To evaluate its clinical utility, questionnaires relating to FCR image were distributed to all physicians including non-radiologists in the hospital after three months. The ratio of the physicians evaluated FCR image to be better than conventional image was 75% in chest radiography, 64% in abdominal radiography. FCR tomography of bone, joint, cranium and chest was also evaluated to be better than conventional by most of the physicians. Reduced size of the film and difficulty in detecting interstitial shadows of the lung were mentioned to be the fault of FCR. 相似文献