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目的:通过了解北京市顺义区2010年至2015年淋病的发病趋势和流行特征,分析其流行规律和原因,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法:运用描述流行病学方法,采用Excel 2007和SPSS 19.0软件进行统计分析结果:2010年至2015年顺义区累计报告淋病病例207例,发病年龄集中在20~39岁年龄组,男性为主,男女之比为19.7∶1;职业以农民、工人和家务及待业为主。结论:应根据该区淋病的流行特征制定有效的防治策略,健全市区-城镇-村(居委会、工会)三位一体的教育预防体系,将宣传教育和高危人群干预相结合,同时规范性病诊疗,是今后我区淋病以及其他性病防治工作的重点。  相似文献   

目的 了解中国淋病流行特征及趋势,为制定控制对策提供依据。 方法 对2000—2014年中国31个省、自治区和直辖市报告的淋病病例资料进行流行病学分析。 结果 淋病报告发病率由2000年22.92/10万下降至2014年7.25/10万,年均下降7.89%。不同地区发病率差异较大,高发地区主要为长江三角洲(浙江、上海、江苏)、珠江三角洲(广东、广西、海南),其次为西北地区(新疆、宁夏、内蒙古)。男性高于女性,男女性别比有扩大趋势,由2000年1.96 ∶ 1扩大至2014年4.52 ∶ 1。高发年龄段为20 ~ 44岁,男女两性发病率最高年龄组均为25 ~ 29岁;除15 ~ 19岁年龄组男性年均增长4.18%外,其余各年龄组均呈下降趋势。在20种职业中,报告病例以农民最多(占26.00%),各职业的淋病报告病例数均呈下降趋势。 结论 淋病仍然为重要的公共卫生问题之一,需要根据淋病流行特点采取有效的防治措施。  相似文献   

目的 分析湖南省泛宁乡地区淋病患者感染情况及淋病奈瑟球菌的耐药性情况.方法 选取2017年3月至2020年3月湖南中医药大学附属宁乡医院就诊的282例泛宁乡地区淋病患者作为研究对象.回顾其临床资料,分析其流行病学特征,采用琼脂稀释法检测临床中淋病常用的抗生素药物青霉素、四环素、大观霉素、环丙沙星、头孢曲松、头孢克肟、阿...  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的 了解浙江省淋病流行病学特征,掌握其时空聚集性变化。 方法 通过“中国疾病预防控制信息系统”获得浙江省2004年1月至2012年12月淋病发病资料和人口学数据,描述其人间、时间、空间分布特征,绘制流行曲线、发病率地图。采用时空重排扫描统计方法,扫描时空聚集区;采用空间自相关方法,计算Moran I值,绘制空间关联局域指标(LISA)聚集性地图。 结果 浙江省2004—2012年累计报告淋病199 965例,报告发病率呈下降趋势,男女比例为3.51 ∶ 1(155 634/44 331),年龄构成以25 ~ 60岁为主,占75.21%,但0 ~ 1岁组和60岁以上组构成比随时间呈上升趋势。浙江中部和北部地区发病率高于浙南地区,夏季发病数高于冬春季,高峰期为8月。共有13个时空聚集区,较大的时空聚集区出现在杭州及其与湖州相邻的县(市、区)、宁波和绍兴相邻县(市、区)以及金华部分县(市、区),均持续4.5年时间。空间关联局域指标聚集性地图显示高-高相邻的聚集县(市、区)有增多的趋势,并向浙南扩散。 结论 浙江省淋病发病以青壮年男性为主,存在时空聚集性。  相似文献   

Ureaplasma urealyticum strains isolated from urethral specimens of 112 patients with nongonococcal urethritis, 17 with gonorrhea, and 33 asymptomatic carriers (controls) were tested by the growth-inhibition test with standard ureaplasma antisera (serotypes 1-8). Cases with more than one serotype (two to four types) were encountered in 36.6% of patients with nongonococcal urethritis, 29.4% of those with gonorrhea, and 21.2% of controls. The most frequently recovered serotypes were type 4 from patients with nongonococcal urethritis (57.1%) and type 2 from patients with gonorrhea and controls (35.2% and 36.3%, respectively). The difference in frequency of serotype 4 between patients with nongonococcal urethritis and controls was statistically significant (P less than .001). An additional serotyping with types 9 and 10 antisera of the nontypable strains from patients with nongonococcal urethritis and controls (17.8% and 21.2%, respectively) revealed three type-9 strains. The results show a need for utilization of serotyping of U. urealyticum in studies of the epidemiology and transmissibility of genital infections with U. urealyticum.  相似文献   

Of 474 women studied to identify epidemiological and clinical correlates of chlamydial infection of the cervix, Chlamydia trachomatis was isolated from 158 (33.3%) of all women, from 48.3% of those infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, from 43% of the sexual consorts of men with nongonococcal urethritis, and from 74% of those whose consorts were also infected with C trachomatis. C trachomatis was the sole pathogen found in 58 women. Age, marital state, occupation, past history of gonorrhoea, menstrual state, and symptoms had no predictive value. The isolation of C trachomatis was significantly associated with N gonorrhoeae, the use of oral contraceptives, cervical ectopy, cervicitis, and last sexual exposure more than one week previously. Except for three patients, none of the criteria alone or in combination was reliable enough to predict with acceptable accuracy that the 30 chlamydia-positive women among the 191 who were not infected with N gonorrhoeae and whose consorts were not known to have urethritis harboured chlamydia.  相似文献   

Due to the short incubation period of gonorrhea and the persistence of antibodies for years, a serological test cannot be used as the only basis for diagnosis of acute cases or for screening purposes. Major potential fields for application are the diagnosis of complicated gonococcal infections, casefinding in "high risk" groups and sero-epidemiological studies in developing countries. Serological tests using gonococcal pili antigen seem to be superior with regard to specificity.  相似文献   

周宝宽 《中国性科学》2011,20(12):37-38,51
目的:总结作者辨证论治淋病的经验。方法:以医案形式阐述淋病的病因病机、证型、治法、方药。结果:淋病病因病机为房室不洁,触染邪毒,湿热淋毒聚结下窍,膀胱气化不利,清浊不分形成湿热毒蕴证;肝郁气滞,触染淋毒或湿热淋毒久蕴下焦,影响气血运行,败血浊瘀壅阻尿路精道形成气滞血瘀证;失治误治,久治不愈,余毒不解,耗气伤津,肝肾阴虚形成正虚毒恋证。治法:解毒化浊,清热利湿,行气活血,滋阴降火。结论:辨证论治淋病疗效显著。  相似文献   

Modern identification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae may be either accomplished by direct detection of gonococcal antigen, i.e. without microbiological culturing, or, following culturing, by rapid culture confirmation. The direct detection of gonococcal antigen in an enzyme immuno-assay (Gonozyme) shows reduced specifity especially with mixed microbial flora, and decreased sensitivity with small numbers of organisms. Culture confirmation may be achieved by a rapid sugar degradation test (API----quadFERM+), by specific enzyme detection using chromogenic substrates (Gonochek II), or by demonstration of protein I specific for Neisseria gonorrhoeae by means of monoclonal antibodies (Mikrotrak, Phadebact monoclonal GC, Gonogen II). Detection of protein I is highly sensitive and specific in both the tests of immunofluorescence and coagglutination.  相似文献   

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