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Disseminated infection with herpes simplex virus type 2 was identified in two patients 20 days after they had received kidney transplants from the same organ donor. Neither patient had neutralizing antibody to herpes simplex virus before transplantation, and both had herpes simplex virus isolated from surveillance cultures of urine before the onset of clinical symptoms. A clear focus of primary infection was not found in either patient. Analysis of the patients' isolates by DNA restriction endonuclease analysis strongly suggested that the strains were identical. These data implicate the allografts as the source of the viral infection.  相似文献   

An unusually high incidence of acyclovir- and foscarnet-resistant herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection was noted after lymphocyte-depleted blood hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) transplantation from HLA-haploidentical family donors. Fourteen adults with hematologic malignancies underwent blood HPC transplantation from haploidentical family donors. Pheresis products were stringently depleted of T and B cells by immunomagnetic adsorption, and patients received no immunosuppression after transplantation. HSV reactivation occurred in all 7 evaluable HSV-1- or HSV-2-seropositive patients, at a median of 40 days after transplantation. Susceptibility testing of clinically resistant viral isolates demonstrated acyclovir resistance in all 5 cases tested. Second-line therapy produced only partial responses, and in vitro evidence of foscarnet resistance developed rapidly in all 3 patients treated with foscarnet. Healing of lesions coincided with T-cell recovery. The prolonged immunodeficiency associated with stringent lymphocyte depletion of the graft appears to strongly predispose to emergence of drug-resistant HSV. Furthermore, immune reconstitution is necessary for eradication of infection.  相似文献   

Surgical site infections (SSIs) are infections of tissues, organs, or spaces exposed by surgeons during performance of an invasive procedure. SSIs are classified into superficial, which are limited to skin and subcutaneous tissues, and deep. The incidence of deep SSIs in lung transplant (LTx) patients is estimated at 5%. No reports have been published as to the incidence of superficial SSIs specifically in LTx patients. Common sense would dictate that the majority of superficial SSIs would be bacterial. Uncommonly, fungal SSIs may occur, and we believe that no reports exist as to the incidence of viral wound infections in LTx patients, or in any solid organ transplant patients. We report a de novo superficial wound infection with herpes simplex virus following lung transplantation, its possible source, treatment, and resolution.  相似文献   

Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In spite of the availability of antiviral therapy for the treatment of neonatal herpes simplex virus infections, the outcome remains poor, particularly for babies with disseminated multi-organ infection or central nervous system disease. This review considers recent advances that impact on disease management. RECENT FINDINGS: Two areas of investigation have impacted on our understanding of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection. First, the transmission of infection from mother to baby has been clarified by extensive epidemiological investigations of genital herpes in pregnant women at term. Risk factors for neonatal herpes simplex virus disease include first-episode maternal infection in the third trimester, invasive monitoring, delivery before 38 weeks, and maternal age of less than 21 years. Regarding the management of neonatal herpes simplex virus disease, the utilization of high-dose acyclovir (20 mg/kg every 8 h) for 21 days significantly reduces mortality for babies with either encephalitis or disseminated disease. SUMMARY: Recent findings from epidemiological studies have identified women at risk of delivering a child who develops neonatal herpes simplex virus infection, and suggest methods to decrease maternal-fetal transmission. If infection is identified in the pregnant woman, cesarean delivery decreases the frequency of neonatal disease. With neonatal disease, acyclovir should be administered promptly at higher dosages and for longer periods than previously reported.  相似文献   

Fourteen cases of severe acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection, 7 of which showed resistance to foscarnet, were diagnosed among 196 allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients within a 29-month period. Recipients of unrelated stem cell transplants were at higher risk. All patients received foscarnet; 8 subsequently received cidofovir. Strains were initially foscarnet-resistant in 3 patients and secondarily so in 4 patients. In vitro resistance to acyclovir or foscarnet was associated with clinical failure of these drugs; however, in vitro susceptibility to foscarnet was associated with complete response in only 5 of 7 patients. No strain from any of the 7 patients was resistant in vitro to cidofovir; however, only 3 of 7 patients achieved complete response. Therefore, acyclovir- and/or foscarnet-resistant HSV-1 infections after allogeneic stem cell transplantation have become a concern; current strategies need to be reassessed and new strategies must be evaluated in this setting.  相似文献   

We studied the natural history of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and its association with specific serum antibody in a sample of 68 HIV-infected patients with a first episode of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia at San Francisco General Hospital in 1986. Seroprevalence was 66 and 77% for HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibody, respectively, by immunoblot assay. Twenty-seven patients had 45 HSV outbreaks diagnosed during 739 patient-months of follow-up. Median frequency of recurrence resulting in a medical visit was once every 6.5 months, and median duration of treated outbreak was 10 days. Fourteen of 48 evaluable patients seropositive for HSV-2 had no outbreak of HSV during a median follow-up of 7.5 months. Our data suggests that neither frequency nor severity of HSV were substantially increased in this group of patients, despite severe immunosuppression caused by HIV. However, validation of these results by a prospective study is required.  相似文献   

Genital infection with herpes simplex virus type I   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

In a prospective study of 44 patients, who underwent autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) for solid tumours, the results of serial viral cultures and determination of complement-fixing antibodies to herpes simplex virus (HSV) were analysed. No primary infections with HSV occurred. Of 31 initially HSV-seropositive ABMT patients, 61% developed positive HSV cultures. Half of these patients showed a significant antibody rise. Active HSV infection did not influence the recovery of the bone marrow after ABMT, but coincided with a significantly increased number of febrile days.  相似文献   

We report a case of fatal primary herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) infection following liver transplantation, which manifested with fever and liver failure in the absence of muco-cutaneous disease. The infection was characterized by high levels of HSV DNA in blood and the patient's inability to mount HSV-specific T-cell responses while showing preserved T-cell responses against cytomegalovirus. The donor was HSV-1 immunoglobulin G (IgG) seronegative and HSV-2 IgG seropositive, whereas the recipient was HSV-1 and HSV-2 IgG seronegative, suggesting that the graft may have been the source of the infection. In HSV-seronegative recipients of grafts from HSV-seropositive donors, HSV infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of a febrile illness, regardless of the absence of muco-cutaneous disease. In this setting, real-time polymerase chain reaction applied to blood samples provides a sensitive, rapid, and quantitative diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) commonly reactivates after stem-cell transplantation (SCT), despite acyclovir prophylaxis. Whether HSV-seropositive recipients with HSV-seronegative or type-discordant donors had more frequent and severe HSV infections than those with HSV type-concordant donors was explored. Banked serum samples from HSV-positive SCT recipients and their donors were tested for the presence of HSV antibodies. HSV-1-positive SCT recipients from HSV-1-negative donors had more frequent and longer episodes than HSV-1-positive SCT recipients from HSV-1-positive donors; the proportion of patients receiving antiviral treatment for >10% of follow-up days was 27.4% versus 7.2% (P<.001). Both HSV-1 visceral infection (9.8% vs. 2.2%; P=.001) and acyclovir resistance (5.8% vs. 1.8%; P=.03) were more common in type-discordant than -concordant patients, respectively; these associations were confirmed in multivariable models. Serological testing of donors can identify patients who are at highest risk for HSV-related morbidity, for whom prolonged prophylaxis or donor vaccination (once available) could be considered.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) reactivation is common after marrow transplantation, with some patients developing frequent and severe recurrences. Sixty patients were studied to determine both the effect of the specific lymphocyte response to HSV on subsequent recurrences and the effect of acyclovir treatment on restoration of this response. Patients with a positive response after the first HSV recurrence had fewer second recurrences (13 of 28 vs. 18 of 19; P less than .01) and at a longer interval when they did recur (42 vs. 27 days; P less than .0001). Conversely, patients treated with acyclovir had more frequent second recurrences than did those not treated (18 of 21 vs. 13 of 26; P less than .05) and they were at a shorter interval when they did recur (27 vs. 36 days; P = .001). Treated patients also had lower specific lymphocyte responses to HSV. These data confirm the importance of the specific immune response to HSV in the determination of the course of HSV infection after marrow transplant.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven episodes of facial-oral infections with herpes simplex virus (HSV) (cold sores) were studied in 41 ambulatory patients. Patients were examined within 24 hr of the onset of symptoms and for five consecutive days. Clinical parameters were assessed, lesion size was measured, and daily cultures for virus were performed. HSV was isolated in 61% of the episodes and was HSV type 1 in all cases. Serum neutralizing antibody to HSV was measured initially and 21 days after the onset of symptoms. All patients had antibody initially, but a fourfold or greater rise in titer was seen in only four patients. Lesion size and stage of healing were compared in patients with virus-positive episodes and those with virus-negative episodes. These two groups were found to be clinically distinct. Virus-positive lesions were larger, and the rate of healing was slower. This finding provides the first clinical correlation associated with the presence of HSV in cold sores.  相似文献   

Oral acyclovir was found to be safe and effective for the prevention of herpes simplex virus reactivation after marrow transplantation in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Acyclovir or placebo was administered to 49 patients for 5 weeks beginning 1 week before transplantation: 5 of 24 patients receiving acyclovir developed herpes simplex virus infection during prophylaxis, compared to 17 of 25 patients receiving placebo (p less than 0.01). The median time to first virus reactivation was significantly longer among patients receiving acyclovir (78 days versus 9 days after transplant, p = 0.006). The effect was even more pronounced when the analysis was adjusted for drug compliance: Among patients taking a minimum of 40% of their prescribed drug, acyclovir was 96% virologically effective and 100% clinically effective during the period of administration. Acyclovir use was also associated with significantly more rapid marrow engraftment in patients receiving methotrexate. No virus resistant to acyclovir was isolated. Oral acyclovir provides effective prophylaxis against reactivation of herpes simplex virus among severely immunosuppressed patients able to take orally administered drugs.  相似文献   

Background: To determine by culture the frequency of herpes simplex virus reactivation complicating oral endotracheal intubation. Additionally, clinical appearance and recognition of patient infection by attendant health care workers were studied. Last, evidence of any occupational acquisition of herpes simplex virus infection was sought.Methods: In a prospective, non-randomized study, three serial viral cultures were taken of oro-facial or mucosal sites on the day of oral endotracheal intubation and in the subsequent 3rd and 5th or 7th days from 51 consecutive adults undergoing oral endotracheal intubation in a suburban community hospital. Clinical variables including appearances of lesions and therapeutic interventions were noted during serial assessments by study authors. Employee health records were reviewed for evidence of health care worker occupational herpes simplex virus infection associated with these cases.Results: Of 51 patients, 4 were culture positive on the day of oral endotracheal intubation. Of the remaining 47 patients, serial cultures during the first week post intubation revealed herpes simplex virus in 25 (53.2%) patients. Of cohort variables studied, a history of prior oral herpes simplex virus was significantly associated with a subsequent positive viral culture for herpes simplex virus (relative risk, 2.29; 95% confidence interval, 1.48 to 3.56). Typical or atypical lesions were visible in only 52% of the herpes simplex virus culture-positive cases. No occupational transmission of herpes simplex virus was detected. Tape-securing practices appeared to contribute to the morbidity of herpes simplex virus eruptions.Conclusions: Nosocomial reactivation of herpes simplex virus infection complicated oral endotracheal intubation in our patient population in approximately one half of the patients who were intubated for more than 48 hours during the first week after the procedure. Clinically, the infection was recognizable in only one half of the virus culture-positive cases. Increased awareness of this infection is needed by health care workers, patients, and families. More information is needed on optimal therapy and prevention.  相似文献   

Forty patients were prospectively studied for infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) after renal transplantation. Although 85% had antibody to CMV and 95% had antibody to HSV prior to transplantation, excretion of CMV was found in 92.5%, usually as viruria, and HSV was recovered from 70%, most often from the oropharynx. Shedding of HSV reached a peak within the first month after transplantation when immunosuppression was most intense and then rapidly declined. In contrast, excretion of CMV was found in a greater proportion of patients during each interval up to about six months after transplantation and subsequently persisted in the majority of patients. Both serologic responses and viral isolation rates indicated more rapid activation of CMV but not of HSV in recipients of kidneys from cadavers than in patients who received kidneys from living related donors. At 60 days after transplantation, 76% of the recipients of kidneys from cadavers and only 33% of the recipients of kidneys from living, related donors had shed CMV (P = 0.003). These differences could not be accounted for by immunosuppressive treatment. Excretion of HSV was clearly associated with the time of most intense immunosuppression, but the major factor in initiation and maintenance of productive infection with CMV appeared to be the host vs. graft reaction.  相似文献   

The host response to herpes simplex virus infection   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Infection with herpes simplex virus remains a significant cause of disease. The host immune system plays an important role in containing viral replication, and there has been considerable progress in defining which components of immunity are key to the resolution of infection. Nevertheless, effective immunoprophylaxis or immunotherapy has not yet been achieved. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent work has focused on understanding the early events leading to the herpes simplex virus-specific immune response, in particular on the role of antigen-presenting dendritic cells. Herpes simplex virus has evolved a number of ways of interfering with antigen presentation by dendritic cells, thus presumably impeding or delaying the host immune response. Nevertheless, herpes simplex virus triggers strong cellular and humoral immunity. The ability of dendritic cells to take up dead or dying infected cells and cross-present them to cognate T cells may be the key to resolving this apparent paradox. Interaction between dendritic cell subsets, and particularly the virus-induced release of type I interferons may be essential to drive efficient antigen cross-presentation and subsequent T-cell activation. SUMMARY: A greater understanding of the importance of dendritic cells in driving viral immunity, and of the ligands that activate these cells and the cytokines they secrete, has provided novel vaccination strategies. The delivery of immunomodulatory genes together with viral antigens, for example by DNA vaccination, may harness the full potential of dendritic cells, and achieve the goal of effective immunological control of herpes simplex virus.  相似文献   

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