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任何感情都是需要彼此精心呵护的,对于爱情更是如此.不过,当彼此都在努力经营爱情的时候,也一定要注意一些不起眼的小细节,这些细节如果不注意它们很有可能变成爱情杀手. 1.你所交往或认识的朋友是否情绪不稳定,做事容易冲动,自我控制力薄弱.  相似文献   

在日前举行的“永惠华国际妇科医疗专家论坛”上,日本著名不孕症专家加藤修教授指出:化学污染、放射线、电磁波、噪声以及素食减肥、桑拿等一些“时髦”生活方式充当了精子的杀手,使育龄人群不孕不育的比例增至12.5%。  相似文献   

红日  云贵 《健康文摘》2008,(11):28-28
青翠爽口的芹菜,是人们餐桌上常见的青菜.作为一种具有很好药用价值的保健蔬菜,它的降压作用也为人们所熟知。但是除此之外,民间有些地方还流传着芹菜能“助性”、提高男性性功能的说法。那么这种说法究竟是否科学呢?那一棵棵青翠的芹菜到底含有什么营养,具有哪些功效.是不是“助性草”呢?  相似文献   

数以千百万的精子堪称一支浩荡的大军,一般的人可能以为它们一定非常强大,其实不然,尽管精子数量很多,但他们却十分脆弱,怕这怕那,特别是在不经意的生活中,有许多因素会直接成为精子的杀手.  相似文献   

精子的强弱与能否有一个健康,聪明的小宝宝息息相关,而男性精子其实是相当敏感又脆弱的,来自生活上各种外在或是内在的刺激,都可能降低它的活力、甚至扼杀了它的生命力。影响男人小蝌蚪活跃生命力的因素有几点:  相似文献   

杀手一:污染空气中的氧化氮和铅一类的污染物质,是男性生殖问题的杀手。科学家发现,每天在高速公路附近工作或生活6个小时以上的男性精子质量,明显比同样年龄的其他男性差。中国香港的科学家发现,因为海洋受到工业污染,所以海鲜中含有较多的对生殖有害的化学物质汞。因此,过多食用海鲜会令血液中的汞含量增高,  相似文献   

数以千百万的精子堪称一支浩荡的大军,一般的人可能认为它们一定非常强大,其实不然,尽管精子数量很多,但他们却十分脆弱,怕这怕那,特别是在不经意的生活中,有许多因素会直接成为精子的杀手。  相似文献   

精子的强弱在一般人的观念里,似乎和男性性能力息息相关,即使一向对自己床上能力自信满意者,一旦遭遇难以令另一半受孕的尴尬事情,也难免会雄心大减、雄风大失!  相似文献   

康健  侯威生 《健康文摘》2007,(11):30-31
冬天里,不少在冬季异常活跃的疾病又开始蠢蠢欲动,一不小心中了这些“健康杀手”的招,这个冬天就不好过了。健康专家将冬季易发疾病进行了盘点,帮助大家认清这些“杀手”的特征,及时防范。  相似文献   

Named for their apparent ability to function without prior sensitization, NK cells are the newest additions to the growing cast of immunopathologic effectors, which includes antibodies and immune complexes as well as cytolytic T cells and K cells. The understanding of NK activity has progressed to a level that permits investigators to consider its clinical exploitation in antitumor therapy.  相似文献   


High blood pressure or hypertension continues as a major medical problem in the United States and the world. Hypertension leads to stroke, heart attack, and other coronary diseases. Generally, except for those past age 70, it is a much greater problem for males than for females. Half of those with high blood pressure are not even aware of it and for over 90%, the cause is unknown. Blood pressure, and the resulting coronary problems, can be reduced significantly with lifestyle and health choices. The information presented at most of the medical Web sites applies to both men and women. Many of the behavioral changes are relatively simple to accomplish, but men need to be aware of those healthy lifestyle choices if they are to reduce their risks of later coronary disease.  相似文献   

Our own studies on the yeast killer phenomenon have been concentrated on its application for the differentiation of opportunistic pathogenic yeast isolates within the same species and its use as an epidemiological marker in nosocomial infections caused by yeasts. Our most recent investigations have led us to reevaluate the potential uses of this phenomenon, since it is now apparent that other microorganisms, unrelated to yeasts, are susceptible to the effects of these toxins. The yeast killer phenomenon can theoretically be used to study epidemiological aspects of any pathogenic microorganism, especially when other systems are not available. Monoclonal antibodies produced against a crude toxic extract of a killer yeast (Pichia anomala UCSC 25F) active against a large number of microorganisms were used to carry out a serological study on metabolic products of various yeasts with known and unknown genetic determinants of their killer characteristics. The extract itself had demonstrated a therapeutic effect in vivo when applied topically. Anti-idiotypic antibodies against these monoclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits. In vitro, these anti-Ids mimicked the action of the killer toxin used as immunogen in the production of monoclonal antibodies. The perspectives of investigations on yeast killer phenomenon are discussed.Presented at the XXII National Congress of the Italian Society for Microbiology (Salsomaggiore, 1–4 May, 1988).  相似文献   

目的建立附睾精子和睾丸精子微量冷冻技术流程,为今后的临床工作提供有价值的参考依据。方法选择2017年1月—2018年6月间10例经皮附睾精子抽吸术(PESA)或经皮睾丸精子抽吸术(TESA)患者作为研究对象,患者精子分别采取自制冷冻管微量冷冻法和商品化冷冻管快速冷冻法进行冷冻、复苏,而后对两种方法的应用效果进行对比分析,建立附睾精子和睾丸精子微量冷冻技术流程。结果自制冷冻管微量冷冻法组精子复苏存活率、精子活动率较商品化冷冻管快速冷冻法显著升高(P <0. 05),但临床妊娠率没有显著性差异(P> 0. 05)。结论附睾精子和睾丸精子微量冷冻技术可有效提高冷冻精子的复苏存活率、精子活动率,精子用量少,操作方便简洁,有利于男性生育力的保存,值得关注并推广。  相似文献   

Sperm, Inc     
Carey B 《In health》1991,5(4):50-56

谢琳  贾强  史岩  李莉 《职业与健康》2007,23(1):23-23
在农村和城市民工中,蚊香的使用较为广泛。市场上销售的盘式蚊香驱蚊成分主要是拟除虫菊酯类化学物质,并以烯丙菊酯类为多见,长期使用蚊香驱蚊能否影响人体健康,对人体是否有害,已成为使用者关注的问题。为此,我们首先对烯丙菊酯含量不同的3种盘式蚊香按GB15670-1995《农药登记毒理学试验方法》对大鼠进行了急性吸入毒性试验的研究。  相似文献   

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