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西安大略和麦克马斯特大学骨关节炎指数的重测信度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的了解西安大略和麦克马斯特大学(WOMAC)骨关节炎指数对我国膝骨关节炎患者的重测信度。方法2名经过正式培训的测评人员对24例经放射影像学确诊且有临床症状的膝骨关节炎患者在24 h内进行2次WOMAC骨关节炎指数量表的指导性测试。结果各评分部分和总分的组内相关系数分别是0.937、0.914、0.856、0.921。结论WOMAC骨关节炎指数具有极好的信度。  相似文献   

Elbaz A, Debbi EM, Segal G, Haim A, Halperin N, Agar G, Mor A, Debi R. Sex and body mass index correlate with Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index and quality of life scores in knee osteoarthritis.


To examine the associations of sex, body mass index (BMI), and age with knee osteoarthritis (OA) symptomatic severity.


A cross-sectional retrospective analysis.


Patients completed the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaire and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Data were acquired from a stored database of a private therapy center.


Patients (N=1487) with symptomatic knee OA were evaluated.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

WOMAC questionnaire and SF-36.


BMI correlated significantly with worse knee OA symptoms for all WOMAC and SF-36 subcategories (all P≤.001). Age correlated significantly with worse symptoms only for WOMAC function and SF-36 physical functioning (P=.001 and P=.009, respectively). A significant difference across BMI quintiles was found for all WOMAC and SF-36 subcategories (all P≤.01). Women showed worse knee OA symptoms in all WOMAC and SF-36 subcategories (all P≤.001). There was a significant interaction of sex by BMI in WOMAC pain and WOMAC function (P=.01 and P=.02, respectively).


Based on the results of this analysis, it can be concluded that women and patients with a higher BMI with knee OA are at a greater risk for worse symptoms.  相似文献   

Purpose To study validity and reliability of a Japanese version of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool and to determine the optimal cutoff score. Methods In this study, the questionnaire was cross-culturally adapted into Japanese. The psychometric properties tested in the Japanese version of the CAIT were measured for criteria validity, internal consistency and test–retest reliability in 111 collegiate soccer athletes. We also established the questionnaire cutoff score for discriminating between individuals with and without CAI. Results There was a significant correlation between the Japanese version of the CAIT and the Karlsson score (r?=?0.604, p?α?=?0.833) and reliability [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)?=?0.826, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.732–0.888]. The optimal cutoff score was?≤25, which was consistent with previous reports. Conclusions The Japanese version of the CAIT has been shown to be a valid and reliable questionnaire for determining the presence of CAI. We expect that researchers and clinicians will use the Japanese version of the CAIT in Japan.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI), which not only increases recurrence rate of ankle sprain but also decreases athletic performance, is a residual symptom after ankle sprain.

  • Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool, which has the reliability and validity to assess CAI, will be critically useful in assessment procedure for CAI.

  • It is preferable for clinicians and researchers to use the native language version of the CAIT.



Purpose: This study aims to adapt culturally a Turkish version of the Lower Limb Functional Index (LLFI) and to determine its validity, reliability, internal consistency, measurement sensitivity and factor structure in lower limb problems. Method: The LLFI was translated into Turkish and cross-culturally adapted with a double forward–backward protocol that determined face and content validity. Individuals (n?=?120) with lower limb musculoskeletal disorders completed the LLFI and Short Form-36 questionnaires and the Timed Up and Go physical test. The psychometric properties were evaluated for the all participants from patient-reported outcome measures made at baseline and repeated at day 3 to determine criterion between scores (Pearson’s r), internal consistency (Cronbachs α) and test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient – ICC2.1). Error was determined using standard error of the measurement (SEM) and minimal detectable change at the 90% level (MDC90), while factor structure was determined using exploratory factor analysis with maximum likelihood extraction and Varimax rotation. Results: The psychometric characteristics showed strong criterion validity (r?=?0.74–0.76), high internal consistency (α?=?0.82) and high test–retest reability (ICC2.1?=?0.97). The SEM of 3.2% gave an MDC90?=?5.8%. The factor structure was uni-dimensional. Conclusions: Turkish version of LLFI was found to be valid and reliable for the measurement of lower limb function in a Turkish population.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Lower extremity musculoskeletal disorders are common and greatly impact activities among the affected individuals pertaining to daily living, work, leisure and quality of life.

  • Patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures have advantages as they are practical, cost-effective and clinically convenient for use in patient-centered care.

  • The Lower Limb Functional Index is a recently validated PRO measure shown to have strong clinimetric properties.


《Disability and rehabilitation》2013,35(25-26):2446-2453
Purpose.?To translate the Swedish version of the Falls Efficacy Scale (FES), the FES(S), into Persian, and to determine reliability and validity of the scale to be used for Persian speaking elderly people.

Method.?The ‘forward-backward’ procedure was applied to translate the FES(S) into Persian. A methodological study was then carried out to determine the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the scale. Eighty-one community-dwelling elderly persons (≥65 years) were included.

Results.?Both reliability and validity of the Persian FES(S) were found to be acceptable (Cronbach's α == 0.75, interclass correlation coefficients == 0.99, p < 0.001 and standard errors of measurements == 1.82). Low to moderate negative correlations of the total score of the scale with the age of the participants and number of falls in the past year were shown. There were also low to moderate correlations between the Persian FES(S) score and the Mini-Mental State Examination score, duration of walks and physical fitness. The participants who took a daily walk, felt healthy, reported no general tiredness and who had had no fall during the past year rated their self-efficacy higher than did their peers.

Conclusions.?The present study verified that the Persian FES(S) is a culturally relevant, valid and reliable tool for measuring self-perceived confidence in Iranian older adults.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to cross-culturally adapt the Knee Outcome Survey-Activities of Daily Living Scale into Arabic and to assess its psychometric properties (internal consistency, reliability, validity, and responsiveness) in patients with knee disorders.

Methods: The cross-cultural adaptation process for the Knee Outcome Survey-Activities of Daily Living Scale into Arabic was performed consistent with the published guidelines. The psychometric properties of this Arabic version were then evaluated. Participants completed this version three times: at baseline, 2–4 days later, and 4?weeks later. Correlations between the Arabic version of Knee Outcome Survey-Activities of Daily Living Scale and the Arabic version of the Short Form-36 Health Survey, Get Up and Go, and Ascending/Descending stairs tests were evaluated.

Results: Linguistic and cultural issues were addressed. The Arabic version of the Knee Outcome Survey-Activities of Daily Living Scale demonstrated excellent internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha?=?0.97) and excellent test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient?=?0.97). Construct validity of the Arabic version of the Knee Outcome Survey-Activities of Daily Living Scale with the Arabic version of Short Form-36 Health Survey subscales ranged from r?=?0.28 to 0.53, p?r?=??0.47 to ?0.60, p?Conclusions: The Arabic version of the Knee Outcome Survey-Activities of Daily Living Scale is a reliable, valid and responsive measure for assessing knee-related symptoms and functional limitations
  • Implications for rehabilitation
  • The Knee Outcome Survey-Activities of Daily Living Scale-Arabic is a reliable, valid and responsive measure for assessing knee-related functional limitations.

  • This Arabic version can be used in clinical practice and for research purposes to assess symptoms and functional limitations in Arabic-speaking patients with knee disorders.

  • This scale is responsive to track therapeutic outcome of Arabic-speaking patients with knee disorders.


Purpose: The aim was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) into Arabic language and to examine its measurement properties in patients with musculoskeletal disorders of the lower extremity. Methods: Standard forward and backward translation followed by expert committee review, then preliminary testing was carried out to produce the final Arabic version of LEFS (LEFS-Ar). The test–retest reliability, measurement error, internal consistency and construct validity of the LEFS-Ar were examined in patients with musculoskeletal disorders of the lower extremity (N?=?116). Results: The LEFS-Ar had excellent test–retest reliability (ICC2,1?=?0.96). LEFS-Ar standard error of measurement was 3.5 points while the minimal detectable change MDC95 was 9.8 points. LEFS-Ar showed excellent internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha of 0.95. Parallel analysis and factor analysis showed that LEFS-Ar measures one underlying factor with all items loading heavily on this single factor. LEFS-Ar showed significant positive correlation with patient’s global assessment of function (r?=?0.59) and that patients recovering from surgery reported lower LEFS-Ar score compared to patients with no surgery further supporting the construct validity of the LEFS-Ar. Conclusion: LEFS-Ar has excellent internal consistency, test–retest reliability with relatively small measurement error and is a valid measure of activity limitation due to lower extremity musculoskeletal disorders. All these measurement properties of the LEFS-Ar suggest the clinical usefulness of this measure.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • The Arabic Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS-Ar) is a reliable and valid measure of activity limitation due to lower extremity musculoskeletal disorders with relatively small measurement error.

  • LEFS-Ar can be used in daily clinical practice and for research purposes to quantify activity limitation in Arabic-speaking individuals with lower extremity musculoskeletal disorders.


目的:探讨经翻译的中文版吞咽障碍指数(dysphagia handicap index,DHI)量表的信度和效度特征,评定吞咽障碍患者的生存质量。方法:对DHI量表进行系统化翻译并对100例吞咽障碍患者、80例健康对照者进行评估,重测60例。从内部一致性信度和重测信度两方面对DHI进行信度分析;采用有吞咽障碍组和健康人进行群组效度分析;吞咽障碍特异性生存质量量表(swallowing quality of life questionnaire,SWAL-QOL)与DHI量表进行集合效度与区分效度的分析比较。此外,电视荧光吞咽造影检查(video fluoroscopic swallowing study,VFSS)作为吞咽障碍检查的"金标准",本文对DHI量表与VFSS检查吞咽障碍严重程度的关系也进行了效度的分析。结果:因子分析共提取6个公因子,且均可代表一定的量表内容。群组效度独立t检验结果,P0.05差异具有显著性意义。集合效度与区分效度Pearson相关系数绝对值越接近1,项目之间相关性越大。内部一致性信度Cronbachα系数0.70信度良好。重测信度由(ICC)相关系数分析。结论:DHI对吞咽障碍患者具有良好的信度和效度,适合大陆人群,是一个临床有效的、统计学上强有力的患者报告结局量表。  相似文献   

目的 探讨膝关节骨性关节炎(KOA)患者膝关节镜术后肌力强化训练的临床疗效,并分析其对膝关节功能的影响.方法 选择2018年12月至2020年12月于我院行膝关节镜手术治疗的86例KOA患者为研究对象,根据术后康复方案的不同将其分为对照组和观察组,每组43例.对照组术后进行常规康复训练,观察组在对照组基础上增加肌力强化...  相似文献   


Purpose. To translate and validate the Persian version of the Arthritis Measurement Scales 2-Short Form (AIMS2-SF) in Patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee.

Method. The translation and cultural adaptation of the original questionnaire was carried out in accordance with published guidelines. One hundred and fourteen consecutive Persian-speaking patients with OA of the knee were participated in this study. The Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and visual analogue scales (VAS) for pain and joint stiffness were used to test convergent validity of the Persian AIMS2-SF. In addition, 35 randomly selected patients were asked to complete the questionnaire 3 days later for the second time.

Results. The Persian AIMS2-SF showed statistically significant good convergent validity, as assessed with the relevant subscales of the Persian SF-36 and VAS for pain and joint stiffness. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the Persian AIMS2-SF components ranged from 0.68 to 0.80. The Persian AIMS2-SF components showed good to excellent test-retest reliability with intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.72 to 0.83 (p < 0.01).

Conclusions. The Persian version of the AIMS2-SF is a reliable and valid instrument to measure functional disability and health-related quality of life in patients with OA of the knee in Iran. It is simple and easy to use and now can be applied in clinical settings and future outcome studies in Iran.  相似文献   

Purpose.?To translate and validate the Persian version of the Arthritis Measurement Scales 2-Short Form (AIMS2-SF) in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee.

Method.?The translation and cultural adaptation of the original questionnaire was carried out in accordance with published guidelines. One hundred and fourteen consecutive Persian-speaking patients with OA of the knee were participated in this study. The Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and visual analogue scales (VAS) for pain and joint stiffness were used to test convergent validity of the Persian AIMS2-SF. In addition, 35 randomly selected patients were asked to complete the questionnaire 3 days later for the second time.

Results.?The Persian AIMS2-SF showed statistically significant good convergent validity, as assessed with the relevant subscales of the Persian SF-36 and VAS for pain and joint stiffness. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the Persian AIMS2-SF components ranged from 0.68 to 0.80. The Persian AIMS2-SF components showed good to excellent test–retest reliability with intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.72 to 0.83 (p?<?0.01).

Conclusions.?The Persian version of the AIMS2-SF is a reliable and valid instrument to measure functional disability and health-related quality of life in patients with OA of the knee in Iran. It is simple and easy to use and now can be applied in clinical settings and future outcome studies in Iran.  相似文献   


Purpose: To cross-culturally adapt the Identification Functional Ankle Instability for use with Korean-speaking participants.

Methods: The English version of the IdFAI was cross-culturally adapted into Korean based on the guidelines. The psychometric properties in the Korean version of the IdFAI were measured for test-retest reliability, internal consistency, criterion-related validity, discriminative validity, and measurement error 181 native Korean-speakers.

Results: Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC2,1) between the English and Korean versions of the IdFAI for test–retest reliability was 0.98 (standard error of measurement?=?1.41). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.89 for the Korean versions of IdFAI. The Korean versions of the IdFAI had a strong correlation with the SF-36 (rs?=??0.69, p?<?.001) and the Korean version of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (rs?=??0.65, p?<?.001). The cutoff score of >10 was the optimal cutoff score to distinguish between the group memberships. The minimally detectable change of the Korean versions of the IdFAI score was 3.91.

Conclusion: The Korean versions of the IdFAI have shown to be an excellent, reliable, and valid instrument. The Korean versions of the IdFAI can be utilized to assess the presence of Chronic Ankle Instability by researchers and clinicians working among Korean-speaking populations.
  • Implications for rehabilitation
  • The high recurrence rate of sprains may result into Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI).

  • The Identification of Functional Ankle Instability Tool (IdFAI) has been validated and recommended to identify patients with Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI).

  • The Korean version of the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability Tool (IdFAI) may be also recommend to researchers and clinicians for assessing the presence of Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) in Korean-speaking population.


膝骨关节炎患者膝关节功能与生存质量的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探讨膝骨关节炎(OA)患者膝关节功能对生存质量(QOL)的影响。方法:选取膝OA患者40例,分别采用Lequesne指数,Lysholm膝关节评分量表(LKSS)、目测类比定级法(VAS)及量角器评定膝关节功能状况、疼痛程度和关节活动度(ROM)。采用关节炎影响测定量表(AIMS)评价患者的QOL。结果:女性膝OA患者的AIMS、Lequesne及VAS评分显著高于男性,LKSS评分显著低于男性(P<0.05)。膝OA患者AIMS评分与Lequesne指数、VAS评分及膝关节活动受限程度呈正相关,与LKSS评分呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论:女性OA患者的膝关节功能及QOL较男性差。膝关节疼痛、活动度减小及功能减退在一定程度上影响了OA患者的QOL,应通过健康教育和临床治疗改善膝关节功能,提高其QOL。  相似文献   


Purpose: Aim of this study is to assess the psychometric properties of the developed Greek version of the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) in total knee replacement (TKR) patients. Methods: Psychometric properties of the Greek version of KOOS were evaluated according to the Consensus-based Standards Measurements Instruments (COSMIN) checklist. Patients’ pre-operative clinical status and post-operative outcomes at two occasions (at discharge and 10–12 days post-operatively) were evaluated using the KOOS, KOS-ADL and SF-12 Health Survey. Results: A comprehensive Greek KOOS was piloted and well accepted by patients and therefore administered to 60 consecutive TKR patients (mean age 72.2?±?7.2 years, 39 women). Excellent Internal consistency, good test–retest reliability of KOOS and KOOS 5 subdomains, respectively [ICC(2-1) 0.76, 95% CI?=?0.235–0.902 and 0.89, 95% CI?=?0.843–0.927] was yielded. A priori hypotheses for construct validity were confirmed with KOOS score and subdomains for pain, symptoms and Everyday Living function (ADL) correlating moderately with KOS-ADL. Responsiveness for KOOS subdomains of Pain and Symptoms yielded moderate effect size (ES?=?0.4). Conclusion: The Greek KOOS was found to be a practical and comprehensible self-reported measure for TKR patients with acceptable psychometric properties. It is therefore, recommendable for usage in future clinical trials and clinical practice.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • The Greek version of KOOS is an essential assessment scale to evaluate not only acute injuries but also chronic knee associated conditions in a holistic perspective.

  • The Greek KOOS has been found to be a practical and comprehensible self-reported measure for TKR patients with acceptable psychometric properties, recommendable for usage in future clinical trials and clinical practice.

  • KOOS Greek version (downloadable at the official site http://www.koos.nu/koosgreek.pdf) was used in the validity study.


目的 探讨超声评分对膝骨性关节炎患者病情严重度的诊断价值。方法 回顾性收集我院收治的膝骨性关节炎患者52例,同期收集50例健康成人,分析超声评分与膝骨性关节炎患者病情严重度的相关性。结果 膝骨性关节炎患者超声评分显著高于健康成人(6.93±1.76 vs. 1.73±0.56,P=0.000)。膝骨性关节炎患者超声评分与髌上囊液体深度、髌下囊液体深度、关节腔液体深度、滑膜厚度显著正相关(r=0.265、0.216、0.310和0.255,P=0.004、0.035、0.000和0.012),与Lyshsolm显著负相关(r=-0.381,P=0.000)。与增生滑膜内血管阴性的患者相比,增生滑膜内血管阳性的患者超声评分显著增加(7.43±1.61 vs. 5.58±1.42, P=0.000)。结论 超声评分与膝骨性关节炎患者病情严重度相关。  相似文献   

Jinks C  Jordan K  Croft P 《Pain》2002,100(1-2):55-64
This study has used the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) in an unsolicited postal questionnaire to investigate the impact of knee pain and disability in the general older population. The study provides WOMAC population data for those aged over 50 and demographic and psychosocial associations with severity of WOMAC scores. A pilot survey (n=240) and repeatability study (n=80) were undertaken to test completion of the WOMAC in this new setting. The main questionnaire was mailed to 8,995 men and women aged over 50 registered with three general practices in North Staffordshire, UK. Completion rates for WOMAC items were high. Substantial reliability was found for pain and physical function scales (both >0.80). Fourteen percent of the over 50 population in this study had severe knee pain, 20% had severe difficulty with at least one area of physical functioning, 12% had both. The strongest link with severe difficulty with physical functioning was chronicity (odds ratio (OR)=6.49, 95% CI 4.65, 9.04). Other independent links were age over 75 years (odds ratio (OR)=4.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.03, 5.58), depression (OR=2.80, 95% CI 2.22, 3.54), bilateral knee injury (OR=2.23, 95% CI 1.63, 3.06) and body mass index>30 (OR=2.00, 95% CI 1.51, 2.64). Similar associations were found for severe pain. The findings suggest that the WOMAC is a reliable measure for use in postal surveys. It has advantages over other instruments when measuring pain and physical function difficulty related to the knee. Chronicity, older age, injury, obesity and depression were all linked with higher WOMAC scores for knee pain severity and disability among knee pain sufferers in the general older population.  相似文献   

青鹏膏剂治疗膝骨性关节炎疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察青鹏膏剂对膝骨性关节炎治疗的有效性及安全性。方法:膝骨关节炎患者80例,随机分为试验和对照两组,各40例。试验组为青鹏膏剂,对照组选用双氯芬酸二乙胺乳剂,两药均每日2次局部外用,涂布于患侧膝关节,疗程4w,评估治疗前后膝骨性关节炎的临床总积分和有效率,并纪录不良反应。结果:治疗4w后,试验组和对照组的临床总积分与治疗前相比,分别下降至(9.22±7.58)和(11.25±7.22),总有效率分别为92.5%、87.5%,但两组比较差异无统计学意义。均无明显不良反应。结论:青鹏膏剂治疗膝骨关节炎的近期疗效肯定,安全性好。  相似文献   

Purpose: Studies have shown that marker-less motion detection systems, such as the first generation Kinect (Kinect 1), have good reliability and potential for clinical application. Studies of the second generation Kinect (Kinect 2) have shown a large range of accuracy relative to balance and joint localization; however, few studies have investigated the validity and reliability of the Kinect 2 for upper extremity motion. This investigation compared reliability and validity among the Kinect 1, Kinect 2 and a video motion capture (VMC) system for upper extremity movements.

Design: One healthy, adult male performed six upper extremity movements during two separate sessions. All movements were recorded on the Kinect 1, Kinect 2 and VMC simultaneously. Data were analyzed using MATLAB (Natick, MA), Microsoft Excel (Redmond, WA), and SPSS (Armonk, NY).

Results: Results indicated good reliability for both Kinects within a day; results between days were inconclusive for both devices due to the inability to exactly repeat the desired movements. Range of motion (ROM) magnitudes for both Kinects were different from the VMC, yet patterns of motion were very highly correlated for both devices.

Conclusion: Simple transformations of Kinect data could bring magnitudes in line with those of the VMC, allowing the Kinects to be used in a clinical setting.

  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • The clinical implications of the investigation support the notion that the Kinects could be used in the clinical setting if an understanding of their limitations exists.

  • Using the Kinects to make assessments with a given data collection session is acceptable. Using the Kinects to make comparisons across different days such as before or after an intervention should be approached with caution.

  • The Kinect 2 provides a more cost effective option compared to the VMC. Additionally, the Kinect is more portable, requires less time to set-up, and takes up less space, thus increasing its overall usability compared to the VMC.


目的:探讨国际活动量问卷(IPAQ)用于全膝关节置换术(TKR)后患者活动量的评估的信度和效度,为TKR术后患者活动量的测量提供一个准确可靠的康复评估工具.方法:TKR术后患者155例,分别用IPAQ和计步器来记录连续7d的活动量,用组内相关系数和Kappa系数分别来证实其信度和效度.结果:与计步器相比,IPAQ的组内相关系数(ICC)的范围0.904-0.964,具有较高的可靠性(P< 0.01).低强度活动有最低ICC (0.904; 95% CI:0.846-0.940),最高的ICC (0.964; 95%CI:0.942-0.977)出现在总的体力活动.通过Kappa系数来判断IPAQ的准确性,在第一组(50-60岁)和第二组(61-70岁)中有比较好的准确性(0.627,0.892;P<0.001),第三组(>71岁)准确性稍低(0.241;P=0.067).方差检验发现,第三组IPAQ的分级准确性受到了体质指数、教育程度、家庭成员的影响.结论:IPAQ用于TKR术后患者活动量的评估在50-70岁的人群中,显示了比较好的信度和效度,可用于TKR术后患者活动量的康复评估.在>71岁的TKR术后患者活动量评估时受到了多种影响.  相似文献   

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