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阻生下颌第三磨牙拔除是口腔颌面外科的一种常见手术.由于低位阻生的下颌第三磨牙牙根位置常与下牙槽神经(inferior alveolar nerve,IAN)关系密切,神经损伤是该手术的严重并发症之一.目前,国际上主要有3种避免IAN损伤的方法:截冠法、部分牙冠切除术和正畸牵引法.本文报告1例下颌第三磨牙近中斜位低位阻生的患者,采用改良正畸牵引法,分两步将牙根牵离神经管,牵引完成后顺利拔除患牙.  相似文献   

目的:评价应用截冠法分次拔除紧贴下牙槽神经的下颌阻生第三磨牙的效果。方法:对10例术前全景片及CT均显示牙根紧贴或接触下牙槽神经的下颌阻生第三磨牙患者采用截冠留根法,于釉-牙骨质界去除阻力牙冠,包埋牙根于牙槽骨内;术后观察,待牙根移动远离下牙槽神经后再行拔除术。结果:10例患者术后反应轻微,均无下牙槽神经损伤,无感染情况出现;仅1例牙根未能上移至远离下牙槽神经的位置,留根于牙槽骨内,牙龈创面愈合,随访1年无不适。结论:根尖紧贴或接触下牙槽神经的下颌阻生第三磨牙,经截冠留根术后,断根有上移萌出趋势,可远离下牙槽神经管,后期拔除断根,可明显降低下牙槽神经损伤的风险。  相似文献   

目的:运用CBCT评估下颌阻生第三磨牙拔除术中下牙槽神经损伤的手术风险,并指导拔牙手术径路选择。方法:对曲面体层片显示下颌第三磨牙根端与下颌神经管接触重叠,评估下牙槽神经易损伤病例42例,65侧下颌阻生第三磨牙,进行CBCT检查。两组医师(每组口腔外科医师和颌面影像科医师各1名)分别根据曲面体层片和CBCT图像评估拔除下颌第三磨牙时下牙槽神经损伤的风险程度并进行手术设计,应用x2检验两种影像评测结果之间的差异度。结果:评估拔除下颌阻生第三磨牙时出现下牙槽神经损伤的可能性经曲面体层片和CBCT对比研究差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。与曲面体层片相比,CBCT为临床医师提供了阻生磨牙与下颌神经管之间三维影像的空间距离,有效辅助了牙拔除手术方式的设计(P<0.001)。结论:拔除下颌阻生第三磨牙可能造成下牙槽神经损伤的评估中,与曲面体层片相比,CBCT可以更好地评估手术风险,能指导术者帮助选择更恰当的术式。  相似文献   

目的:应用牵引技术拔除压迫下牙槽神经的下颌第三磨牙,以减少术后并发症。方法:对20例全景片和CT显示下颌第三磨牙牙根压迫或紧贴下牙槽神经的患者,先应用正畸牵引技术牵引,经3~10周的牵引,使牙根远离下牙槽神经后再行拔除术。结果:20例牙根压迫下牙槽神经的患者,经牵引拔牙后,无1例发生下唇麻木,术后反应轻微。结论:应用牵引拔牙技术拔除下颌第三磨牙,解决了术后下唇麻木、骨折等高风险并发症的发生,也使拔牙更容易、更快。  相似文献   

水平低位阻生下颌第三磨牙常与下牙槽神经毗邻,直接拔除创伤较大,易出现各种并发症,最严重的就是下牙槽神经损伤.该文报告1例接触下颌神经管的低位水平阻生第三磨牙通过微种植钉牵引,使其远离下颌神经管后顺利拔除.  相似文献   

下牙槽神经走行于下牙槽神经管中,常常邻近下颌第三磨牙的根尖,在拔除阻生的下颌第三磨牙过程中可能损伤下牙槽神经,而引起下唇、下颌牙龈及下前牙感觉的减弱或丧失。临床拔牙前为了观察阻生牙与下牙槽神经的关系,必须进行 X 线检查,这对下牙槽神经损伤的预测很有帮助。  相似文献   

 累及下牙槽神经的下颌第三磨牙传统拔除方法常会引起以下牙槽神经损伤为主的并发症,为此有众多学者提出新的拔除方法,如截冠法、正畸牵引辅助及冠周去骨法等,以减少下牙槽神经损伤的发生。文章就累及下牙槽神经的下颌第三磨牙拔除方法的原理、适应证、操作注意事项及优缺点等做一综述。  相似文献   

累及下牙槽神经的下颌第三磨牙传统拔除方法常会引起以下牙槽神经损伤为主的并发症,为此有众多学者提出新的拔除方法,如截冠法、正畸牵引辅助及冠周去骨法等,以减少下牙槽神经损伤的发生。文章就累及下牙槽神经的下颌第三磨牙拔除方法的原理、适应证、操作注意事项及优缺点等做一综述。  相似文献   

下颌阻生第三磨牙常造成邻牙牙根外吸收、深牙周袋形成、龋病等一系列并发症.本文报道引起邻牙牙根吸收的下颌低位水平埋伏阻生第三磨牙微创拔除术1例,采用牙根先脱位法,防止了拔牙过程中对邻牙及其牙槽骨造成进一步损伤.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用微种植支抗牵引毗邻下牙槽神经管的近中阻生智牙,减小拔牙术后不良反应的效果。方法选择14例锥形束CT确诊毗邻下牙槽神经管且近中阻生的智牙,微种植支抗牵引下颌智牙2~5个月,待其离开下牙槽神经管后拔除。结果所有患牙均顺利拔除,拔牙后均无明显的术后反应。结论应用微种植支抗牵引后拔除毗邻下牙槽神经管的近中阻生智牙,是一种可靠的微创拔牙方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We sought to evaluate the relationship between the mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal by using axial computed tomography with coronal and sagittal reconstruction for third molar surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Forty-seven impacted third molars in 41 patients were found in close association with the mandibular canal during a panoramic radiographic assessment. The relationship between the mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal was evaluated by using computed tomography and compared in terms of operative exposure of the inferior alveolar nerve and postoperative labial dysesthesia. RESULTS: Twenty-four (51%) mandibular canals were buccal relative to the third molar, 12 were lingual, 9 were inferior, and 2 were between roots. At the time of the surgical procedure, the inferior alveolar nerve was visible in 7 patients. Postoperative lower lip dysesthesia occurred in 1 patient whose mandibular canal was in the lingual position. CONCLUSIONS: Axial computed tomography with coronal and sagittal reconstruction provides useful information to surgeons regarding the relationship between the mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal.  相似文献   

Dysesthesia following odontectomy of impacted mandibular third molars is observed in some patients. This prospective study reports the clinical incidence of this untoward sequela to occur in 3.3% of patients. An analysis of possible etiologic factors reveals that development of dysesthesia of the inferior alveolar and lingual nerves is more likely to occur with: complete bony impacted mandibular third molars; mesioangular impacted third molars; impacted third molars with the crown at the cemento-enamel junction of the second molar; and when burs are used to remove bone and when the roots approximate the inferior alveolar canal.  相似文献   

PurposeTo study the results of an easy orthodontic extraction method for impacted lower third molar removal which had roots compressing to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN).Patients and methodsForty patients were divided into two groups according to their desire. Orthodontic traction group (n = 20) had brackets or mini bone screws on the antagonist maxillary molars as anchorage for orthodontic traction from 3 to 10 weeks until the roots’ tip was away from the IAN, the tooth was then removed. Traditional extraction group (n = 20) had the tooth removed immediately by the same surgeon. Post-operative results were compared between the two groups.ResultsAll 20 patients in the orthodontic extraction group had their lower impacted third molar removed easily without lower lip numbness after surgery, while 5 patients in the traditional extraction group had transient IAN injury and went away 1 week later. There were no anchorage teeth and adjacent mandibular second molar loose or displacement.ConclusionApplication of orthodontic brackets or mini bone screws on the antagonist maxillary molars is an easy way for orthodontic extraction of impacted lower third molar with roots’ tip compressed to the IAN. It is an effective way to avoid IAN injury during tooth extraction.  相似文献   

目的: 探讨应用双种植支抗钉牵引拔除紧邻下牙槽神经管水平阻生智牙的临床效果。方法: 选择正畸科转诊要求拔除锥形束CT确诊紧邻下牙槽神经管的水平阻生智牙8例,双种植支抗钉配合悬臂梁牵引智牙6~9个月,当与下牙槽神经分离后予以拔除。结果: 所有患牙拔除后均未出现下牙槽神经麻木症状。结论: 应用双种植支抗钉牵引拔除紧邻下牙槽神经管的水平阻生智牙是一种高效、可靠的治疗方法。  相似文献   

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