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Opinions vary as to the place in psychiatric education of training for community psychiatry. The confusion is partly due to the assumption that community psychiatry represents a new subspecialty and that therefore training for community psychiatry should follow basic clinical education. With the exception of certain administrative and research aspects, the practices and the knowledge employed by community psychiatrists are becoming part of all effective contemporary psychiatric practice and should be part of the basic education of every psychiatrist. A three-year residency program which coordinates clinical and community psychiatric knowledge and experience is presented. The needs of participants in mental health programs, of teachers and of researchers in community psychiatry, can best be met by specific postgraduate instruction combined with simultaneous job experience.An earlier version of this paper was presented to the staff of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado Medical Center, December 4, 1967.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors' goal was to examine the changing demographic trends in psychiatry manpower. These changes have important implications for the practice of the profession in the future. METHOD: Each year, the APA Office of Membership, in collaboration with the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, conducts a census of all residents in psychiatry. A survey instrument is sent to the director of residency training in each U.S. program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Using data from this survey and from the American Medical Association, the authors conducted a study of the changes in the number of psychiatric residents over the last decade, particularly the increases in the number and percentage of women in medicine and psychiatry. RESULTS: They found that the number of psychiatric residents has grown from 4,674 in academic year 1978-1979 to 5,829 in 1987-1988, an increase of 25%. The percentage of women has increased from 32% of all psychiatric residents in 1978-1979 to 41% in 1987-1988. The largest proportions of female physicians and psychiatrists were found in the age groups younger than 35. CONCLUSIONS: Previously documented gender differences that affect practice patterns and career opportunities may very well change as a function of the increasing representation of women in the profession of psychiatry, and these changes need to be taken into account in planning for future patient care and research needs.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study describes the development of the Music Engagement Questionnaire (MusEQ), a 35-item scale to measure engagement with music in daily life. Music has implications for well-being and for therapy, notably for individuals living with dementia. A number of excellent scales or questionnaires are now available to measure music engagement. Unlike these scales, the MusEQ may be completed by either the participant or an informant.

Method: Study 1 drew on a community-based sample of 391 participants. Exploratory factor analysis revealed six interpretable factors, which formed the basis for construction of six subscales. Study 2 applied the MusEQ to a group of participants with Alzheimer's disease (AD; n = 16) as well as a group of neurotypical older adults (OA; n = 16). Informants completed the MusEQ, and the OA group also completed the self-report version of the MusEQ. Both groups had an interview in which they described the place music had in their lives. These interviews were scored by three independent raters.

Results: The MusEQ showed excellent internal consistency. Five of the factor-derived subscales showed good or excellent internal consistency. MusEQ scores were moderately correlated with a global rating of ‘musicality’ and with music education. There was strong agreement between self-report and informant-report data. MusEQ scores showed a significant positive relationship to independent ratings of music engagement.

Conclusion: The MusEQ provides a meaningful and reliable option for measuring music engagement among participants who are unable to complete a self-report questionnaire.  相似文献   

All over the world people are becoming increasingly interested in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Some would like CAM to be integrated into conventional medicine, others are strongly opposed to its integration. We distributed printed questionnaires in order to discover the views of patients and psychiatrists on CAM and to obtain information about the extent to which people actually use CAM. Patients often turn to CAM and are generally satisfied with the results and many support integration. Psychiatrists underestimate the number of times that patients use CAM. They are reluctant to support the integration of alternative medicine but are less opposed to the integration of complementary medicine. Patients and psychiatrists want more information about CAM. Asking the patients whether they use CAM seems desirable.  相似文献   

The plug in account of the suffering, notably psychological, in a consultation, puts the problem of the relationship between suffering and ethics. However, the originality of the ethical step is justly not to be confined to the social norm conformism, but being specific to the individual dimension. The psychiatric pathology offers in this area of particularities interesting. The neurotic, as the obsessed, suffering inwardly pathological manifestations that he judges absurd, replies to the medical moral in asking a care. The psychotic, which projects his suffering on the other, does not feel sick, requests no therapeutic assistance. As such he contests the medical order in an immoral position by definition, and the patient represents from then on a social and medical scandal. In front of a such clinical diversity, we can easily underline that approaching the theme of ethics in psychiatry isn't a well-off exercise, and necessitates a precise locating registered in the history of the patient.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The goal of this work is to describe psychometric properties of two scales measuring perceived stigma in children with epilepsy and their parents. METHODS: Data were collected for the parent scale in two samples: parents of 173 children with epilepsy and of 224 children with new-onset seizures. The child scale was tested in the chronic sample. Content validity, internal consistency reliability, and construct validity were tested. RESULTS: Both scales had strong internal consistency reliability and construct validity. Higher scores were associated with greater seizure severity scores. In the parent scale, lower scores were associated with more positive mood, less worry, and more family leisure activities. In the child scale, higher scores were correlated with more negative attitude, greater worry, poorer self-concept, and more depression symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Both scales were found to have strong psychometric properties. They are short, and items are easy to understand. These scales have potential for use in research and in the clinical setting to measure stigma.  相似文献   

The La Trobe communication questionnaire (LCQ) was designed to measure perceived communicative ability. It was developed to enable collection of information from various sources including the self-perceptions of individuals as well as the perceptions of close others. In this paper we report the development of the questionnaire, its psychometric properties and normative data for the perceptions of young adults and the comparative perceptions of their close others. Participants in the study were 256 adults comprising 147 primary subjects and 109 close others. Primary subjects ranged in age from 16-39 years with a mean age of 20.6 years. The 30 item questionnaire was structured using a modified Likert-type scale with four possible levels of response: (1) never or rarely; (2) sometimes; (3) often; and (4) usually or always. Internal consistency was high (Cronbach's alpha = 0.8596) and good stability over time for self-report was demonstrated (r = 0.7558). There was a significant difference (p < 0.0001) between the perceptions of primary subjects and close others with primary subjects perceiving themselves to have more frequent communication difficulties, than did their close others. Overall, our findings suggest that the LCQ is a promising means of measuring perceived communicative ability in young adults.  相似文献   


Psychiatry as a discipline will undergo major changes in the coming years. Although changes can be particularly stimulating and challenging from an intellectual, scientific and social viewpoint, the new generations of psychiatrists must be prepared to face these changes and deal with them appropriately. Paradigms which have represented the foundations of psychiatry in the last century now need a major revision. In particular, both trainees in psychiatry and early career psychiatrists need to (1) (re)discover psychopathology, (2) improve mental healthcare through integrated treatments, (3) identify and treat new syndromes, (4) promote an image of psychiatry with patients at the heart of care and as advocates for each other by fighting stigma and promoting the recruitment in psychiatry by medical students. These can be achieved by increasing involvement in institutions and organizations to influence the agenda. In this paper the possible contribution of trainees and early career psychiatrists is discussed and recommendations are made in order to set a new agenda for early career psychiatrists who will still be practising 2–3 decades from now.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we demonstrated a preliminary questionnaire survey to psychiatrists from university hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, psychiatric clinics, and departments of psychiatry in general hospitals in Fukuoka Prefecture. In that study, 324 psychiatric patients who committed suicide between January 1, 1998 and December 31, 2001 were ascertained. In the present study, we have recruited matched control patients from the same clinics/hospitals and further demonstrated a secondary questionnaire survey to the psychiatrists in order to reveal the various risk factors for suicide suggested by the literature. Associations between completed suicide and possible risk factors were examined in 192 completed suicide psychiatric patients and 356 non-suicidal psychiatric patients (controls). Significant association was found for history of admission to psychiatric hospitals, history of suicide attempts, history of substance abuse, cluster B personality disorders, and hopelessness in our sample. In male samples, history of suicide attempts, cluster B personality disorders, recent loss, and hopelessness were significantly associated with suicide. In females, history of admission to psychiatric hospitals, history of suicide attempts, and hopelessness were significant.  相似文献   

In order to shed light on the clinical picture of patients with Tourette syndrome (TS) treated at medical institutions in Japan, a nationwide survey covering both pediatric patients and psychiatric patients was conducted. We mailed 316 questionnaires on experience in treating TS cases and the patients' present conditions etc. to specialists such as psychiatrists and pediatricians. A total of 164 responded. The survey found 154 TS patients being treated at the time of survey, 45 (29.2%) had obsessive–compulsive symptoms (OCS), and 10 (6.5%) had family histories of TS. It was suggested that TS is often associated with OCS and that familial cases of TS are slightly less common in Japan than they are in the USA. Of the 116 respondents who described their experiences, 85 (73.2%) said that they had treated one or more patients displaying the symptoms of frequent coprolalia, and 42 (36.2%) said that they had treated one or more patients suffering from developmental disorders. Based on these findings, we speculated that the rate of coprolalia in Japan is a little higher than the previously reported 4% and that TS is often associated with developmental disorders.  相似文献   

Courts recognize three types of Web sites: passive, which provide basic information; business, on which business is conducted; and intermediate, which are somewhat interactive but conduct no business. Inviting contact from site visitors may lead to inadvertent doctor-patient relationships, with ensuing legal duties. Statements made may be considered explicit warranties, which are subject to lawsuits when not fulfilled. Providing services to out-of-state clients may amount to practicing without a license. The author reviews Federation of State Medical Boards guidelines for appropriate use of the Internet in medical practice and offers ethical principles to help guide decisions about structure and content of passive sites.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the degree of stigmatization among trainee psychiatrists, individual characteristics potentially leading to higher associative stigma, and coping mechanisms.METHODS: Two hundred and seven trainee psychiatrists in Flanders(Belgium), all member of the Flemish Association of Trainee Psychiatrists, were approached to participate in the survey. A non-demanding questionnaire that was specifically designed for the purpose of the study was sent by mail. The questionnaire consisted of three parts, each emphasizing a different aspect of associative stigma: devaluing and humiliating interactions, the focus on stigma during medical train-ing, and identification with negative stereotypes in the media. Answers were scored on a Likert scale ranging from 0 to 3. The results were analyzed using SPSS Version 18.0. RESULTS: The response rate of the study was 75.1%. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was good, with a Cronbach's α of 0.71. Seventy-five percent of all trainee psychiatrists confirmed hearing denigrating or humiliating remarks about the psychiatric profession more than once. Additionally, more than half of them had had remarks about the incompetence of psychiatrists directed at them. Only 1.3% remembered having stigma as a topic during their psychiatric training. Trainees who had been in training for a longer period of time had experienced a significantly higher level of stigmatization than trainees with fewer years of experience(mean total stigma scores of 16.93 ± SD 7.8 vs 14.45 ± SD 6.1, t =-2.179 and P 0.05). In addition, senior trainees effectively kept quiet about their profession significantly more often than their junior colleagues(mean item score 0.44 ± SD 0.82 vs 0.13 ± SD 0.48, t = 2.874, P 0.01). Comparable results were found in trainees working in adult psychiatry as were found in those working in child or youth psychiatry(mean item score 0.38 ± SD 0.77 vs 0.15 ± SD 0.53, t =-2.153, P 0.05). Biologically oriented trainees were more inclined to give preventive explanations about their profession, which can be seen as a coping mechanism used to deal with this stigma(mean item score 2.05 ± SD 1.05 vs 1.34 ± SD 1.1, t =-3.403, P 0.01).CONCLUSION: Associative stigma in trainee psychiatrists is underestimated. More attention should be paid to this potentially harmful phenomenon in training.  相似文献   

A literature review and pilot investigations reveal that (ward-) management consultation-liaison (C/L) psychiatry recommendations are infrequent and unsystematically used. Furthermore, the communication with the operational group as defined by Meyer and Mendelson is not sufficiently activated. The major focus of the consultation is the first contact, but follow-up is infrequent. With the exception of biologic recommendations and disposition, chart notes by psychiatric consultants do not sufficiently specify the actions to be taken by the ward staff in a general hospital. A schema for the systematic organization of the intervention was developed. A checklist of operationalized C/L interventions is reported. This combination provides a tool for the systematic use of strategic ward management and discharge recommendations. Its basic structure is currently integrated in MICRO CARES [Hammer et al, SCAMC]. The impact on clinical care, education, and research is described.  相似文献   

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