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�� �h������÷ 《中国实用口腔科杂志》2016,9(6):326-330
??Cone beam computed tomography ??CBCT?? changes the traditional method of oral X-ray imaging. In endodontics?? CBCT is a reliable and nondestructive examination method. It’s sub millimeter spatial resolution and image information of hundreds of megabytes constitute a technical platform for the precision medicine of endodontics?? which provides strong guarantee for evidence-based medicine. There is no doubt that the age of big data makes the fine diagnosis of the ultrastructure of the dental pulp tissue a new concept. 相似文献
提要:糖尿病是一种内分泌-代谢类疾病,其发病率在我国逐渐增高,发病年龄也渐趋向年轻化,已成为严重的社会公共卫生问题。另外,糖尿病还是一种全身性疾病,其对口腔疾病也有明显的影响。本文就糖尿病与牙髓病及根尖周病的关系进行综述,以期对今后的相关研究有所帮助。 相似文献
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近15年来,影响根管治疗质量的最重要因素之一就是手术显微镜的引入和推广应用。手术显微镜多级放大功能和良好的照明技术,使医生能够看清髓室底及根管内部结构,精确定位手术位置,把握操作细节,从而改善并提高根管治疗术的质量。显微根管治疗可以对传统根管治疗无法完成或难以完成的病例包括根管遗漏、塑化根管、钙化根管、根管台阶形成、器械断针、侧壁穿孔等进行治疗,使更多患牙得以保留。本文结合笔者的临床经验及国内外文献,对根管手术显微镜的组成、显微治疗辅助设备器械的功能和显微镜在疑难根管治疗中的应用等进行评述。强调根管显微镜在疑难病例治疗中的重要性和必要性,并提出在进行显微根管治疗前须进行显微镜应用技巧培训。 相似文献
牙种植是近年来国内飞速发展的口腔医疗技术,锥形束CT(CBCT)的出现推动了牙种植的快速发展,而牙种植的快速发展又促进了CBCT诊断和治疗计划的应用。本文从CBCT图像中可以观察到的有关上颌窦的解剖结构的改变以及临床工作中的一些治疗体会进行总结,希望能够帮助国内广大口腔种植医生了解和更好地使用CBCT,进一步推进口腔种植的发展。 相似文献
1项目简介近年来,我国地震、洪涝等灾害事故多发,安全生产、交通事故死亡人数居世界前列,来自临床的统计结果显示,我国14~40岁人群的最大死因是创伤。创伤现场迅速有效的救治也许能挽回其中许多人的生命,但长期以来,我国缺乏对突发自然灾害及意外事故中受伤人员救治的系统、规范、实用的培训。 相似文献
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目的探讨根管再治疗的技术及方法。方法选取2005年7月至2006年8月于东南大学医学院附属徐州中心医院口腔科就诊的38例患者共46颗需根管再治疗的患牙,采用小号K型锉配合次氯酸钠溶液和乙二胺四乙酸二钠(EDTA)溶液探查根管并清理根管内感染物质,封入氢氧化钙糊剂1~2周,采用手用镍钛器械ProTaper进行根管预备,侧向加压技术充填根管,记录治疗过程中患牙症状的改善程度、根管疏通情况、根管预备和充填效果。结果45颗患牙根管疏通成功,治疗过程中症状明显缓解或完全消失,瘘管明显减小或消失,根管预备时无根管偏移、根尖阻塞、台阶等并发症发生,根管形态良好。结论根管再治疗时应强调彻底清除根管内感染物质。采用次氯酸钠和EDTA溶液清理根管,氢氧化钙消毒根管,器械ProTaper进行根管预备能取得良好的治疗效果。 相似文献
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甘华祥 《中国实用口腔科杂志》2009,2(4):248-249
目的探讨评价奥硝唑治疗牙周牙髓病临床效果。方法应用奥硝唑治疗2007—2008年在武汉市蔡甸区妇幼保健院口腔科就诊的牙周牙髓病患者80例,对其临床疗效和治疗前后X光片结果进行比较。结果奥硝唑治疗牙周牙髓病患者总有效率为88.75%。结论奥硝唑治疗牙周牙髓病效果明显,并能有效地保留患牙。 相似文献
����ƽ����� 《中国实用口腔科杂志》2017,10(2):73-75
??Digital medical as a product of digital technology combined with medicine??has gotten rapid development in recent years. Digital 3D printing is a newly emerged technology in this background. Digital 3D printing technology has changed the traditional medicine pattern??especially in the field of surgical medical. It mainly reflects in evaluation and forecast risk before the operation??real-time navigation in the process of the operation and evaluation of surgical effects after the operation.This paper introduces the application of digital 3D printing technology in the treatment of OSAHS. 相似文献
李智 《中国实用口腔科杂志》2013,6(9):513-516
随着微创外科技术的发展,减少手术创伤的治疗方法日益受到口腔颌面外科医生的重视。目前,在颧骨骨折的治疗中,微创一方面体现在小切口或经皮径路在颧骨骨折治疗中的应用更为广泛;另外一方面则是体现在以影像辅助、内镜辅助、计算机辅助为代表的新技术应用在颧骨骨折治疗中的兴起,后者使手术创伤进一步减小。本文介绍了小切口或经皮径路微创术以及影像辅助、内镜辅助、计算机辅助的微创技术在颧骨骨折治疗中的应用。 相似文献
谢洪 《中国实用口腔科杂志》2014,7(5):261-263
口腔全科医师是口腔医疗保健的主体,住院医师培训应以培养口腔全科医师为目的。综合医院口腔科在管理上应建立口腔全科诊疗思维,成为口腔全科医师的培养中心。开展住院医师规范化培训,对加强我国口腔医学人才的培养具有重大而深远的意义。 相似文献
���䣬������������ϲ 《中国实用口腔科杂志》2018,11(11):650-654
??Root canal debridement and infection control are two of the main steps in root canal therapy. Bacteria will be present as biofilm colonies inside the root canal??and it will be well within fins??intercanal anastomoses??apical ramification??apical furcation or lateral accessory canal. Meanwhile??during the cleaning and shaping process??smear layer can be produced??which can be used for the viable bacteria inside the complex anatomical structure to sustain growth and activity. In addition??due to the complexity of the root canal system??the conventional irrigation and disinfection technology is superficial??then the smear layer and Enterococcus faecalis biofilms are difficult to remove. In recent years??lasers??as a novel adjuncting irrigation tool??are used clinically??such as Er??YAG laser and Er??Cr??YSGG laser. As is reported??laser-activated irrigations can effectively remove the smear layer and the infection and obtain better disinfection rates. So in this a review??we made a summary of the effect of laser-activated irrigations on endodontics. 相似文献
郑广宁 《中国实用口腔科杂志》2011,4(10):594-597
根管治疗是目前国内、外公认的牙髓及根尖周病最有效、彻底的治疗方法.提高根管治疗术的质量是提高患牙保存率的重要保证.影像检查是惟一能够记存的、贯穿根管治疗术始终的、直观的影像学资料.长期以来,临床常规使用的是根尖片.由于二维影像显示三维立体牙齿的局限,存在重叠、变形、失真等不准确现象锥形束CT以其低剂量照射、高分辨率、价格低廉、操作简单等诸多优势,被广泛应用于口腔临床的各个相关学科,并成为研究热点本文主要探讨锥形束CT在根管治疗诊疗计划中的临床应用,与根尖片比较了解其优势. 相似文献
??Temporomandibular joint??TMJ??is one of the most complex joints of the human body. For its deep location??we often need the help of imaging methods to study it. Because of image overlap and distortion??the traditional two-dimensional imaging methods are not accurate. Cone beam CT??CBCT??overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional two-dimensional imaging methods??and can analyze the TMJ in three-dimensional direction??which is important to the clinical diagnosis and pathological treatment. 相似文献
��ö�U����ά������ ���������ԣ��ų�����֣�����̻��� 《中国实用口腔科杂志》2015,8(6):363-367
??Objective To estimate the three-dimensional effects of thermomechanical condensation by comparing the effects of thermomechanical condensation?? continuous-wave condensation and cold lateral condensation. Methods The roots of sixty extracted human anterior teeth were divided into three groups randomly after preparation. After root canal filling with the three techniques?? thermomechanical condensation ??group A?? n=20???? continuous-wave condensation ??group B?? n=20?? and cold lateral condensation ??group C?? n=20???? the teeth were scanned by high resolution micro-computed tomography ??micro-CT??. Then?? the teeth were sliced at 3 mm?? 6 mm?? and 9 mm from the apical foramen. The cross-sections were observed using scanning electron microscopy ??SEM??. The percentage of void area were measured using Image J image processing software?? and all measurements were analysed by SPSS 17.0 software. Results Both micro-CT and SEM indicated that the percentage of void area in group A was equal to that in group B ??P > 0.05??. And the percentage of void area in both group A and group B were significantly lower than that in group C ??P < 0.05??. Conclusion The three-dimensional effects of the thermomechanical condensation technique are equal to the effects of the continuous-wave condensation technique and are superior to the traditional cold lateral condensation technique. 相似文献