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The goal of this morphometric study was to obtain quantitative information on the seminiferous tubules of Sprague-Dawley rats, including changes seen at various stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Tissue from perfusion-fixed testes was embedded in Epon-Araldite; and sections were subjected to morphometric measurements at the light microscopic level, using point counting for volume densities and the Floderus equation for numerical densities. Changes occur in the diameter of the seminiferous tubule, as well as in the volume of the seminiferous epithelium and tubule lumen, from stage to stage during the cycle. A significant constriction of the seminiferous tubule accompanies spermiation. The volume of the seminiferous epithelium per unit length of the tubule begins to increase after stage XIV, and peaks at stage V of the next cycle. The tubule lumen increases dramatically from stages V to VII, at the expense of the epithelium. The number of Sertoli cells is constant per unit length of the seminiferous tubule at all stages of the cycle. This is also true for primary spermatocytes of various developmental phases and for round spermatids from step 1 through step 10 of spermiogenesis. The average number of younger (preleptotene, leptotene, zytgotene) primary spermatocytes per Sertoli cell is 2.34 ± 0.082 (SEM), the number of older (pachytene, diplotene) primary spermatocytes per Sertoli cell is 2.37 ± 0.064, and the ratio of step 1–10 spermatids to Sertoli cells is 7.89 ± 0.27. By studying tangential views of serially sectioned seminiferous tubules at stage V, it is shown that the number of step-17 spermatids associated with each Sertoli cell averages 8.35 ± 0.128, although the counts ranged from 6 to 11. The only appreciable occurrence of cell death after the last spermatogonial mitosis appears to be a 15% loss during the first meiotic division. From our morphometric results, corrected for volume changes during preparation for microscopy, there are 15.7 million (± 0.99 million) Sertoli cells per gram of fresh rat testis. The length of seminiferous tubule per gram of testis is estimated to be 12.4 ± 0.56 meters, and the tubule surface area per gram testis is 119.7 ± 2.57 cm2. The daily production of mature spermatids is 9.61 million (± 0.615 million) per gram of testis.  相似文献   

Summary Is the presence of germinal cells necessary for the Sertoli cells to acquire normal features? To respond to this question we have studied the development of the Sertoli cells in rats irradiated at the end of the foetal life.In the prenatal irradiated rats, the lumen of the seminiferous tubules appears later than in the control rats. The Sertoli cells show numerous flexuous apical processes, with central microtubule bundles. These processes regress progressively after the 40th day of life when the tubular lumen appears; numerous junctional complexes differentiate with the same structure as those of control animals. There are important dilatations of the intercellular spaces. The cytoplasmic organelles show a normal development up to the 40th day of life. After this period, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus clearly regress while important dilatations appear in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and persist in the adult animal. From the 35th day on, the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubules is irregular and multilayered.The differentiation of the Sertoli cells seems to be independent of the presence of germinal cells until the 40th day of life and presents several particularities; thereafter the Sertoli cells show signs of regression.  相似文献   

Nomarski optics were used to identify stages of the spermatogenic cycle of seminiferous tubules in sectioned tissue or in whole dispersed tubules and to characterize the equine spermatogenic wave. Embedded tissues were sectioned at 20 microns. Whole dispersed tubules were obtained by enzymatic digestion of thin slices of fresh testis. Dispersed tubules were fixed, dehydrated in graded levels of alcohol, infiltrated with Epon, and mounted in toto on glass slides. Stages of the spermatogenic cycle could be identified under Nomarski optics in both histologic sections and tubules mounted in toto. Stage dependent nuclear chromatic and cytoplasmic changes in spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids were evident. Spermatid development included chromatin condensation, nuclear elongation, acrosomal development from the Golgi and proacrosomic granules, migration of the annulus and mitochondrial alignment, and the transient appearance of the chromatoid body and manchette. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic details of Sertoli cells were revealed. In tubules mounted in toto, the spermatogenic wave along the length of the tubules occurred as a consecutive set of stages occupying small regions along the tubular length. The spermatogenic wave in the horse is more similar to that of humans than that of rats. The combination of enzymatic isolation of seminiferous tubules and identification of spermatogenic stages by Nomarski optics facilitates examination of the spermatogenic wave in species whose tubules are tightly bound and not easily teased apart.  相似文献   

Light-staining cells, distinct from myoid cells, were identified in electron micrographs of the limiting membrane of rat seminiferous tubules. While these cells were also found free in the interstitial space, they were observed mostly in the myoid cell layer of the limiting membrane but were never seen within the seminiferous epithelium itself. The light cells were characterized by a pale-stained cytoplasm containing a spheroidal Golgi apparatus next to a polymorphous often kidney-shaped nucleus, a few cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum and some granules of various types including multivesicular bodies. In hematoxylin-stained whole mounts of dissected tubules, these light cells were readily identified under the light microscope by nuclear morphology and light-staining juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus. The incidence of these cells, per unit surface area of tubular wall, was calculated, taking into consideration the stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium with which they were associated. Distributed along the entire length of seminiferous tubules, their number varied significantly during the cycle. Low numbers were found in stages II–IV and XIII of the cycle, while high numbers were found in stages IX to XII and XIV–I of the cycle. These observations indicate that the seminiferous epithelium may exert an influence on the population of light cells present in the tubular limiting membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Sertoli cells have various functions: mechanical (creation of two compartments in the seminiferous tubules, migration of germinal cells), secretory (secretion of anti-Müllerian hormone, inhibin, androgen-binding-protein and estrogen) and phagocytic.We report an ultrastructural study of the rat Sertoli cell during maturation and consider possible correlations between the acquisition of certain morphological characteristics and certain functions.During fetal life, the Sertoli cell possesses differentiated zones of junction with the gonocytes and seems to have a role in the migration of the gonocytes towards the periphery of the seminiferous tubule. The Sertoli cell performs the phagocytosis of the gonocytes which degenerate during their migration, and seems to be the site of production of protein granules, whose presence can be related to the synthesis of anti-Müllerian hormone.After birth and before puberty, when the inclusions resembling secretory granules disappear, the Sertoli cell membranes in contact with spermatocytes II and spermatids differentiate, forming, through the differentiated junctional complexes, two compartments (adluminal and luminal) in the seminiferous tubules. Finally, they acquire the characteristics of active secretory cells, capable, in particular, of steroid synthesis.  相似文献   

In this study the effects of perfusing isolated seminiferous tubules of the testes are reported for the first time. Initial perfusion studies (fast rate perfusion) resulted in gross morphological damage to the seminiferous tubules. The recorded transepithelial potential ( V t) was close to 0 mV. Slow perfusion rates eliminated morphological damage to the perfused tubules. These tubules exhibited a V t of −5.4 ± 1.8 mV which was significantly different ( P < 0.0001) from tubules that were perfused at a fast rate. Additional non-perfusion electrophysiological experiments (oil-gap and agar probe techniques) provided the confirmation that tubules not morphologically compromised produced a higher V t which was not statistically different ( P < 0.0001) from slowly perfused tubules. A revised hypothesis on fluid secretion is postulated. In brief, that the seminiferous tubule is solely responsible for the production of its luminal fluid. This hypothesis is contrary to the long standing 'Tuck' hypothesis which suggested that the source of luminal fluid in the seminiferous tubule originated from secretions of Sertoli cells as well as from distal testicular structures, e.g. the rete testis.  相似文献   

A noncollagenous fraction of basement membrane (D-STBM) obtained from rat testes was submitted to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and eight well-defined bands were detected. A cross-reaction with an antiserum against laminin was revealed by immunoblotting in five bands, with molecular weights ranging from 54 to 64 kDa. No further resolution of these components could be obtained by size exclusion and ionic exchange chromatography. Fifty-two percent of the rats immunized with D-STBM and adjuvants developed a mild multifocal damage of the testis. The lesions were characterized by foci of seminiferous tubules with different degrees of sloughing and/or atrophy of the germinal epithelium. Giant multinucleated cells were frequently seen, and mild interstitial mononuclear cell infiltrates were also detected. By immunofluorescence, deposits of rat IgG with a faint discontinuous linear pattern were observed along the walls of the seminiferous tubules. Circulating antibodies to D-STBM were detected by ELISA in 100% of the rats, whereas in a cross-reaction with laminin antibodies were detected in only 63%. All rats studied revealed a positive delayed type of hypersensitivity (DTH) response to D-STBM. None of the control rats injected with saline and adjuvants presented circulating antibodies to D-STBM or laminin or a positive DTH reaction to D-STBM. Some control group rats (10%) revealed few isolated seminiferous tubules with some degree of sloughing of the germinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Short pieces of seminiferous tubules from juvenile rats were grown in tissue culture and studied by phase contrast light microscopy while living and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy after fixation and appropriate processing. The pieces of tubules remodeled in vitro, with the original explant becoming surrounded closely by a sheet of epithelioid cells and more peripherally by elongate cells. The epithelioid cells were identifiable as Sertoli cells because of the presence of characteristic Sertoli-Sertoli cell junctions near their upper surface. The elongate cells were derived from peritubular tissues, but could not be specifically identified as to cell type. Clusters of stellate cells and of round cells were present on the upper surface of the Sertoli cell sheets, but not on the elongate cells or the bare floor of the culture dish. The stellate cells were spermatogonia and the round cells were spermatocytes, as identified by fine structural features. Intercellular bridges were maintained between germ cells in culture without being surrounded by processes of Sertoli cells. Rudimentary junctions were present between germ cells and Sertoli cells in culture. The shape of germ cells in vitro was the same as the shape in situ, indicating that shape is an inherent feature of germ cells and is not determined by surrounding Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

The effect of the specific RNA polymerase II inhibitor α-amanitin on the cell morphology and RNA synthesis during spermatogenesis was investigated. Light microscopic autoradiography showed that α-amanitin largely decreased the rate of RNA synthesis in the pachytene spermatocytes and in the spermatids. Degenerative changes occurred most rapidly in the mid pachytene spermatocytes and in the intermediate and type B spermatogonia. Already after 14 hr of culture with α-amanitin (10 μg/ml) a part of these cells showed progressive degenerative changes beginning with the clumping together of the chromosomes. This indicates that at least a part of the HnRNA which is synthesized in the lampbrush loops of the pachytene chromosomes is needed to maintain the normal structure and function of the pachytene spermatocytes. Biochemical evidence suggested also that the formation of HnRNA was specifically inhibited in the pachytene spermatocytes by α-amanitin.  相似文献   

The histologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural changes in the seminiferous tubules (ST) of 17 healthy adult males who had been vasectomized between 1 1/2 and 5 years are reported. There was minimal spermatogenesis in 4 cases. 8 of the cases underwent electron microscopy examination and 4 showed evidence of minimal histological spermatogenesis. The ST showed a thickening of the basement membrane and heavy deposits of lipofuchsin in the Sertoli cells (SC) seen as lipid infiltration. The spermatogenic cells presented variable changes characterized by the disorientation of cells, maturation arrest, and premature sloughing. No immune complex deposits were seen. Of the 9 cases followed, pregnancy occurred in 2 following vas reanastomosis; a regenerative capacity of the ST was seen in 6 cases. The follow-up studies also show that the morphological alterations initially produced by the vasectomy have little affect on the appearance of spermatogenesis after vas reanastomosis. Thus, we see that the vasectomy exerts its major effect on the SC and that the damage to these cells alters the testicular environment. However, these changes are apparently reversible following vasovasostomy.  相似文献   

Mutations arise in the germline by errors of replication, recombination and repair, and the movement of transposable elements. Transgenic mice bearing reporter genes such as lacZ have proven useful for measurements of spontaneous and induced mutation frequencies, as well as studies of the effects of ageing. In this study, testicular DNA from lacZ transgenic mice was examined for age-related effects on mutation frequency and type. The recovered transgene was tested for simple substitutions and rearrangements including transposition of endogenous mobile elements. There was no evidence for either an age-related accumulation of mutations, or for the insertion of retrotransposons into the lacZ reporter gene in the testis. We conclude that the frequency of retrotransposition of several mouse mobile elements into the lacZ reporter gene is less than 3.73x10(-8). This is significantly less than the known frequency of approximately 7% of all spontaneous mutations in the mouse being due to retrotransposition of these elements.  相似文献   

The source of origin and particular features of the formation of the seminiferous tubules and tubules of the rete testis during prenatal human development were studied. The seminiferous tubules and tubules of the rete testis were shown to be formed from bands of cells of the celomic epithelium and primordial germ cells, which appear simultaneously in the anlage of the mediastinum testis and the central part of its parenchyma in embryos 13.0–17.0 mm long. It was shown by methods of plastic and graphic reconstruction and fine dissection under the control of the MBS-1 binocular microscope that the seminiferous tubules anastomose with each other both in the same and in adjacent lobules. Tubules of the rete testis do not form anastomoses but are superposed one above the other to give the impression of a network. They merge as the approach the tunica albuginea and continue into the efferent ductules.Department of Human Anatomy, Chernovtsy Medical Institute. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. P. Avtsyn.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 227–229, February, 1978.  相似文献   

Near the end of spermiogenesis, the late spermatids remain attached to the superficial layer of the seminiferous epithelium for an appreciable period of time (i.e., 3 to 4 days). The sickle-shaped heads of the spermatids are embedded in an apical process of Sertoli cell cytoplasm which is connected to the rest of the cell by a narrow stalk. In the concavity of the head several long (2–3 μm) and very narrow (50 nm) tubular projections of the spermatid's plasma membrane invaginate the Sertoli cell cytoplasm. These tubular processes terminate by a bulbous swelling which may measure up to 1 μm in diameter. Along the process the plasma membrane of the Sertoli cell is closely apposed to the spermatid's membrane, the intercellular space being only 6–8 nm wide. In the Sertoli cytoplasm immediately surrounding the tubular portion of the structure there is an accumulation of filamentous material, while next to the bulbous extremity there are, at a short distance, smooth surfaced cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum. The whole structure was referred to as a tubulobulbar complex. These complexes, of which there are up to 24 per spermatid, appear as these cells complete their migration toward the apex of the Sertoli cells. They disappear just before the release of the spermatids in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule as a result of the fragmentation of the spermatid's plasma membrane followed by a resorption of the Sertoli plasma membrane. Morphological evidence suggests that the tubulobulbar complexes serve as anchoring devices that retain the spermatids at the surface of the seminiferous epithelium while their dissolution contributes in part to the process of spermiation. Similar tubulobulbar complexes were also formed by the plasma membranes of two adjacent Sertoli cells close to the Sertoli-Sertoli tight junctions near the tubular limiting membrane.  相似文献   

Leydig cells within the aspermatogenic seminiferous tubules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cells identical to Leydig cells were found within a peritubular boundary layer and even inside a basal lamina of seminiferous tubules in three male patients (two with inguinal cryptorchism and one with infertility). The seminiferous tubules of all patients showed a moderate to marked thickening of the boundary layer and a complete loss of spermatogenic cells. The "ectopic Leydig cells" were characterized by the presence of Reinke crystals or an extensively developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum. These cells were believed to have differentiated in situ from myoid cells within the boundary layer and also to have invaded from the interstitial tissue in the form of mature Leydig cells. The occurrence of ectopic Leydig cells appeared to parallel the extent of loss of the Sertoli cells and also that of the thickening of the boundary layer. The functional significance of the ectopic occurrence might be implicated in the impaired spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Seminiferous tubules in mammals are composed of cell associations that show a cyclic pattern of renewal and development. The cyclic nature of germ cell development suggests that the cells supporting the spermatogenic process, the Sertoli cells, might also differ structurally during the spermatogenic cycle in terms of the quantity of their constituents. In the present study, cyclic differences in volumes, and surface areas were determined using a sampling technique at the electron microscope level that proportionally samples the Sertoli cell within the seminiferous tubule. Among the many parameters studied, only the surface area of the cell, the volume of lipid, and the volume and surface area of the rough endoplasm reticulum were shown by statistical analysis to vary cyclically. Regarding rough endoplasm reticulum, the volume and surface area of this organelle peaked at mid-cycle and its low was recorded near the end of the cycle, exhibiting an approximate 15-fold difference between extremes. The rough endoplasm reticulum parameters generally correlated with known patterns of protein secretion within the tubule and with the secretion of specific proteins as well as the factors important in controlling protein secretion. Many Sertoli cell structural parameters suggested to be influenced cyclically in the rat in other studies could not be confirmed by the present study. Methodological differences in the present study and past studies are discussed as potential sources of error for these discrepancies. © 1993 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

A simple method for the recognition of hypercurvature of the seminiferous tubules in otherwise normal biopsies from infertile males consists of the recognition of characteristic 'figure 8' profiles of sectioned seminiferous tubules. Nineteen cases of morphometrically verified hypercurvature and 24 controls were tested in order to determine the validity of the method, which showed virtually no overlap in the two groups when at least four x 100 fields were assessed for 'figure 8' and grazing profiles. A recommended diagnostic approach, with cautions concerning pitfalls, is presented, and incidence, pathogenesis, and potential treatment are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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