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Short bowel syndrome is the commonest reversible cause of intestinal failure. Most of the children are started on parenteral nutrition (PN) after surgery to enable growth and allow time for intestinal adaptation i.e. a process whereby the shorter length of bowel is able to achieve complete function as if the entire length of bowel is present. With advances in management a majority of children with short bowel syndrome are able to discontinue PN and establish on full enteral feeds. This article mainly focuses on the complications of short bowel syndrome that need to be avoided in order for intestinal adaptation to progress and the child to be established on enteral feeds/oral diet.  相似文献   

Successful long term parenteral nutrition has transformed the prognosis for children with irreversible intestinal failure in the last three decades, but has also highlighted the long term complications: intestinal failure associated liver disease; recurrent catheter sepsis; and impaired venous access. Recent advances in small bowel transplantation and non-transplant surgical techniques now offer hope of sustained survival in the future without parenteral nutrition.  相似文献   

Management of paediatric intestinal failure has come a long way since the advent of parenteral nutrition in the 1960s. Our understanding of the normal physiology of the gastrointestinal tract together with deeper understanding about the pathophysiology of some of the conditions that leads to intestinal failure has meant that management is more targeted than previously. This article aims to focus on the application of pathophysiological understanding of intestinal failure in its management and give some direction in managing some common complications intestine failure. It will cover both surgical as well as medical (including dietetic) treatments that can help children with intestinal failure to achieve enteral autonomy.  相似文献   

Spontaneous intestinal perforation (SIP) has been increasingly reported in very-low-birthweight (VLBW) infants, although it is still less common than necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). In around one-third of cases, SIP is associated with systemic candidiasis. We describe a case of SIP and Candida peritonitis in a VLBW infant, which was mistakenly diagnosed as NEC during the infant's short life. At laparotomy, the bowel surface was black and thought to be necrotic. As the infant was thought to have whole-bowel necrosis due to NEC, her condition was deemed incompatible with survival. At postmortem, however, the bowel wall was found to be healthy apart from a very localized patch of necrosis associated with a single perforation. The bowel was covered by a thick, black, serosal exudate consisting of fungal elements from Candida albicans. CONCLUSION: This case reinforces the fact that a markedly discoloured bowel is not necessarily necrotic and that the discoloration can potentially recover.  相似文献   

It has not been fully determined whether isolated small bowel transplantation (ISBTx) can reverse liver dysfunction caused by intestinal failure requiring long-term total parenteral nutrition (TPN). A boy with congenital microvillus inclusion disease presented with vomiting and severe diarrhea since the first day of life and had been managed by TPN since then. He suffered from catheter-related sepsis several times. At 14 yr of age he developed progressive hepatosplenomegaly with thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy. He underwent ISBTx with an ileal graft from his blood-identical grandmother at the age of 16 yr. Oral feeding was started on the 14th day after ISBTx and gradually increased. TPN was completely withdrawn after 5 months. Liver was palpated 5 cm below the costal margin before ISBTx, while it became non-palpable 5 months after ISBTx. Serum liver enzyme levels and prothrombin time normalized in the 5 months following ISBTx. Liver biopsy showed marked steatosis, slight cholestasis, and mild bridging fibrosis before ISBTx. Although histological examination of liver biopsy revealed complete disappearance of steatosis 7 and 11 months after ISBTx, liver fibrosis remained unchanged. This clinical experience has shown that although steatosis and cholestasis are reversible after successful ISBTx and withdrawal of TPN, liver fibrosis may remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Short bowel syndrome in infants and children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article defines short bowel syndrome and reviews the pathophysiology, medical management, and surgical manipulations proposed to improve intestinal absorption. Emphasis is also placed on possible future methods of management.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1992, in 16 infants (14%) out of 113 neonates with previous necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) a total of 25 intestinal strictures had to be treated. Four (16%) were found in the ileum and 21 (84%) in the colon, and in 50% multiple strictures were present. In these 16 patients initial treatment for acute NEC included conservative treatment in 5, primary resection and enterostomies in 6 and proximal diverting enterostomies in 5. Therefore, the incidence of late strictures was 11% after conservative therapy, 11% after primary resection and 55% after primary proximal diverting enterostomies. An average of 49 days elapses between the recovery from NEC and the diagnosis of late strictures in conservatively treated patients. After initial surgical treatment, late strictures were detected on contrast studies on an average of 80 days. In pathologic specimens, marked fibrosis in the submucosa was consistently present in all strictures, whereas inflammatory changes in the mucosa, disruption or hypertrophy of the muscle layers or absence of ganglion cells were seen less frequently. All strictures were resected and primary end-to-end anastomosis was performed. But despite the development of late intestinal strictures, bowel preservation was improved after initial restrictive surgical therapy and aggressive medical treatment.  相似文献   

??Objective??To investigate the value of serum intestinal fatty acid binding protein??I-FABP?? and serum amyloid A??SAA?? in the diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis??NEC??in the newborn. Methods??Fifty-six preterm infants with a confirmed diagnosis of NEC from October 2014 to October 2015 were recruited as case group??stage??26 cases??stage??/??30 cases??. Thirty children diagnosed with non-digestive diseases in the same period were recruited as the control group. Serum levels of I-FABP and SAA were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.The diagnostic value of I-FABP and SAA for severe NEC was assessed using the receiver operating characteristic??ROC??curve. Results??Stage??/?? cases in the case group had significantly higher serum I-FABP levels and SAA levels than the control group and Stage??cases??P??0.05??. The area under the ROC curve for serum I-FABP was 0.80??95%CI??0.69-0.92????with the optimal cut-off point of 21.8 μg/L. Under this cut-off point??the sensitivity and specificity were 70.0%and 81.0%??respectively. The area under the ROC curve for SAA was 0.76??95%CI??0.63-0.89????with the optimal cut-off point of 1657.8 μg/L. Under this cut-off point??the sensitivity and specificity were 67.0% and 80.0%??respectively. Conclusion??In newborn infants with NEC??serum I-FABP and SAA l can be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis of severe NEC.  相似文献   

肠道菌群及其代谢产物早期预测坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)是近年来研究的热点。近年研究发现NEC患儿肠道菌群不仅生物多样性较低,且菌群构成比例与健康新生儿明显不同。NEC患儿氨基酸、脂代谢以及与此相关的代谢酶类也存在异常。肠道菌群及其代谢产物在预测NEC发病及病情进展等方面有一定价值,但目前只能作为科学研究探讨的依据,临床运用尚需要高质量、多中心、大样本量临床研究予以验证。  相似文献   

目的 探讨早产儿应用两种肠道外营养(parenteral nutrition,PN)方法的疗效.方法 选择不能耐受完全胃肠道喂养的早产儿42例,随机分为观察组(22例)和对照组(20例).观察组患儿生后24 h内应用氨基酸,自1.0/g(kg·d)开始,每日递增1.0g/(kg·d),直至3.0/g(kg·d);48 h内应用脂肪乳,剂量及添加方法同氨基酸,生后第5天达全静脉营养.对照组患儿生后48 h应用氨基酸,自0.5g/(kg·d)开始,每日递增0.5g/(kg·d),直至3.0g/(kg·d);72 h后应用脂肪乳,剂量及添加方法同氨基酸,生后8~9 d达全静脉营养.两组患儿均监测营养效果,出生72 h内和第10天分别监测血生化指标,观察并发症发生情况.结果 观察组恢复至出生体质量时间、体质量下降幅度、PN时间、过渡到全胃肠道营养时间均较对照组短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).并发症发生情况比较两组差异无统计学意义(x2=0.191,P>0.05).两组患儿在血糖、总胆红素、尿素氮、二氧化碳结合力、总胆固醇等方面比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 早产儿可以耐受生后24 h内早期足量的PN.  相似文献   

目的 探讨极早产儿发生输血相关性坏死性小肠结肠炎(TA-NEC)的危险因素。方法 选择2013年4月至2021年4月新生儿重症监护室收治的接受输注红细胞的极早产儿为研究对象。符合TA-NEC组纳入标准的极早产儿为TA-NEC组;按1:2比例匹配同期同性别、胎龄(±3d)、出生体重(±200g)、输血日龄(±3d)的非NEC极早产儿作为对照组。比较两组间临床特点差异,探讨TA-NEC发生的危险因素。结果 共纳入204例极早产儿,男138例、女66例,平均胎龄(29.0±1.5)周,中位出生体重1 100.0(951.0~1 200.0)g。TA-NEC组68例,对照组136例。多因素条件logistic回归分析结果显示,宫内窘迫、绒毛膜羊膜炎、晚发型败血症是极早产儿发生TA-NEC的独立危险因素(P<0.05),完全经口喂养是其独立保护因素(P<0.05)。结论 患有宫内窘迫、绒毛膜羊膜炎和/或晚发型败血症的极早产儿在输注红细胞后48 h内更容易发生NEC。预防围生期缺氧和败血症,在安全前提下完成到完全经口喂养的过渡,对降低极早产儿TA-NEC的发生率有积极作用。  相似文献   

Background:  The aim of the present study was to assess whether formula supplementation of infants with failure to thrive can improve underweight without jeopardizing breast-feeding.
Methods:  In a prospective intervention study 31 term exclusively breast-fed infants were studied, who were admitted to hospital at an age of 28–99 days with failure to thrive (≤40% expected weight gain for age and/or bodyweight ≤10th percentile for age) without underlying disease. Infant formula was offered ad libitum after each breast-feeding, while continued breast-feeding was supported.
Results:  Energy intake per day increased from 352 ± 111 kJ/kg (mean ± SD) at study start to 587 ± 115 kJ/kg ( P  < 0.001, days 1–3 of supplementation) and 501 ± 99 kJ/kg (days 29–31; P  < 0.001 vs study entry). Twenty-five infants continued to be partially ( n  = 21) or fully ( n  = 4) breast-fed. Human milk intake decreased from 476 ± 163 g/day (study days 1–3) to 349 ± 285 g/day (study days 29–31; P  < 0.01). The contribution of breast milk to total milk intake decreased from 100% to 42 ± 35% ( P  < 0.001). Supplementation over 31 days led to increased weight (0.98 [0.70], standard deviation scores [SDS]), length (+0.40 [0.41] SDS) and head circumference (+0.59 [0.93] SDS).
Conclusions:  One month of formula supplementation successfully improved growth in 72% of infants with failure to thrive on human milk feeding. Breast-feeding was maintained in 81% of infants.  相似文献   

In 1987 and 1994 all UK regional neonatal intensive care units were questioned about their feeding policies for the ventilated preterm infant. Between 1987 and 1994 there was an increase in the use of milk feeds (59 versus 71%), fortified breast milk (5 versus 72%) and low birthweight formula (41 versus 69%) whilst use of donor breast milk declined (56 versus 22%). Units that gave enteral feeds used significantly less parenteral nutrition ( p < 0.05). Overall there was a tendency towards greater uniformity in feeding policies.  相似文献   

Although necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a frequently encountered entity in premature infants in the neonatal intensive care unit, intussusception is extremely rare. Abdominal distension, bilious/non‐bilious gastric residuals and bloody stool are the common clinical findings of both entities. Here we present three cases of intussusception misdiagnosed as NEC, two of which were complicated with intestinal perforation. Similar clinical findings of NEC and intussusception leads to misdiagnosis and delay in treatment, particularly in premature infants with intussusception.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the effect of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) on neurodevelopmental outcome.
Methodology: Neurodevelopmental outcome of 20 very low birthweight (VLBW) infants who developed NEC requiring surgery was compared with 40 matched infants controlled for gestation, birthweight, and year of admission. Twenty-nine VLBW infants who developed NEC and did not require surgery were also compared.
Results: Infants with NEC needing surgery were of 26±2 weeks gestation and weighed 892±192 g at birth. Infants with NEC managed medically were of higher gestation (27±2 weeks) but similar birthweights. More infants with NEC requiring surgery required inotropic support. At follow up, NEC surgery infants had a significantly higher incidence of developmental morbidity, 11 of 20 compared with 11 of 40 matched controls (Fisher's exact test P = 0.0493), and six of 29 infants with NEC managed medically (Fisher's exact test P = 0.0174).
Conclusions: These findings stress the importance for close follow up for neurodevelopmental sequelae in VLBW infants who have had NEC requiring surgery.  相似文献   

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