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目的调查在押人群的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染与合并结核病(TB)双重感染情况.方法对2005年6月~9月某监所860名在押人群进行HIV检测,并调查结核病感染情况及吸毒史.结果 860名在押人群中HIV感染者50例,占5.8%;50例HIV感染者中结核病11例,发病率22%;810例HIV阴性者中结核病8例,发病率0.99%.HIV感染者结核病的发病机率远远大于HIV阴性者,二者比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05).结论在押人群中HIV阳性者合并TB的机率高于HIV阴性者,建议对HIV阳性者应进行常规痰涂片检查和结核菌素试验,以期做到艾滋病(AIDS)合并结核病(TB)的早期诊断与治疗.  相似文献   

艾滋病防治干预模式与社区能力建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HIV感染已成为全球最严峻的公共卫生问题之一。以社区为基础的艾滋病综合防治干预可以普及艾滋病防治知识,并为个人、家庭、社区及艾滋病防治干预服务提供者之间的相互合作提供平台,为艾滋病患者提供物质、心理、经济、法律及医疗等服务并建立良好的反歧视环境。社区能力是影响艾滋病社区综合防治干预可持续发展的关键因素,影响社区为艾滋病患者提供全面、持久、完善服务和支持。此文对艾滋病防治模式的发展和社区能力建设途径及关键环节作综述。  相似文献   

借助联合国儿基会艾滋病预防与关怀项目的实施,对监测出HV/AIDS发病率高和吸毒人员较集中的村寨实施关怀及预防控制工作,取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

自1985年我国发现首例艾滋病患者以来,截至2011年底,我国HIV/AIDS估计人数已达78万乜1,艾滋病流行甚至改变了某些地区的人口学特征。  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS orphans are a vulnerable and disadvantaged group. The HIV/AIDS orphans’ crisis is an emerging problem of developing societies. Existing research, literature, and findings on perceived social support (PSS) of HIV/AIDS orphans in the world till date have been compiled with the aim of presenting the current status of research, major findings, and gaps in this area. A thorough review of published empirical studies from PubMed, PsycINFO databases, online publications of several organizations, web searches, and several online journals related to PSS of HIV/AIDS orphans have been reviewed. HIV/AIDS orphans from 6 to 18 years, whose either or both parents had died due to HIV/AIDS or were staying with HIV-positive parents were selected for this purpose. Six out of eight studies found low level of PSS in HIV/AIDS orphans and two studies found peer-group intervention very effective to improved PSS in HIV/AIDS orphans. They severely experience negative emotions, behavioral problems, higher levels of psychological difficulties, and poor academic performances due to the reasons like drawn out-of-school, living with an unaffectionate caretaker, inadequate care, child labor, physical and sexual abuse, stigma, and discrimination. The psychological health of HIV/AIDS orphans is at risk, and prevention and intervention efforts are missing for improving their psychological outcomes. The review recommends that a rigorous research needs to be prioritized so that the programs and policymakers that are attempting to work for their well-being may get helpful information to design evidence-based interventions.  相似文献   

目的 分析福建省性传播艾滋病病毒感染者(HIV)/艾滋病病人(AIDS)生存状况及其影响因素。方法 利用中国疾病预防控制信息系统艾滋病综合防治信息系统,收集自1987年福建省报告首例经性传播病例-2014年11月30日病例基本信息和随访资料,采用回顾性队列研究分析相关数据。结果 6 146例研究对象平均生存时间为(189.91±7.58)月,中位生存时间216月;首次确诊HIV抗体阳性时年龄<50组死亡风险低于年龄≥50岁组(P均<0.0001);大专以上文化程度病例死亡风险低于其他文化水平患者(95%CI=0.20~0.87,P=0.020),重点人群、羁押人群发现病例死亡风险低于医疗机构发现病例(P分别为0.010、0.046);CD4+T淋巴细胞≤500个/μL病例死亡风险高于CD4+T淋巴细胞>500个/μL病例(P均<0.000 1,95%CI=19.04~83.03、6.17~28.33、1.89~8.26);未治疗组死亡风险高于治疗组(P<0.000 1,95%CI=4.12~7.21)。结论 年龄、文化程度影响HIV/AIDS的生存时间。  相似文献   

目的:了解在HIV/AIDS转诊到结核病防治机构进行结核病筛查的工作现状、问题并探讨问题产生的原因,为相关政策制定与修订提供依据。方法:通过定性研究,对艾滋病高流行地区3县区的领导和技术人员进行个人深入访谈。结果:在HIV/AIDS病人中进行结核病筛查主要问题有,第一,HIV/AIDS病人中筛查结核病筛查率难以保证;第二,HIV/AIDS病人中筛查结核病时在诊断上存在一定的困难;第三,在HIV/AIDS病人中筛查结核病时可能存在交叉感染,大部分防治机构未采取有效的措施预防交叉感染。结论:通过随访责任人加强HIV/AIDS随访率,提高HIV/AIDS中结核病诊断水平,加强结核病感染控制等加强HIV/AIDS中结核病的识别和诊断。  相似文献   

[目的]了解山东省艾滋病感染者子女的分布和生存状况。[方法]2005年3~4月,对山东省全部HIV感染者的18岁及其以下子女的一般情况、就学情况、HIV感染状况及其家庭的相关情况进行了调查:[结果]调查HIV感染者子女208人,分布在13个市、38个县(市、区)、142个家庭;做过HIV抗体筛查的128人,阳性1人;46人因家庭经济困难而辍学,调查142个家庭,28个家庭有2名HIV感染者,1个有3名HIV感染者;95个家庭年人均收入低于1000元。[结论]HIV感染者子女分布比较广泛,受教育情况、家庭经济状况相对较差,政府和社会有关部门应为他们提供更多的关怀和帮助。  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(4):386-401

There are 2.1 million children under the age of 15 living with HIV/AIDS, and 290,000 children died of AIDS in 2007. Despite recent increases in the number of adults on antiretroviral therapy (ART), the number of children receiving treatment remains inappropriately small, and prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) efforts have been grossly inadequate. In sub-Saharan Africa, 14% of those in need of treatment are children, but only 6% of those are receiving treatment. Globally, only 23% of HIV-positive pregnant women have access to PMTCT programmes, which led to 420,000 new pediatric infections last year. Countries with comprehensive, integrated family-centred care programmes are better equipped to prevent and treat pediatric HIV/AIDS. True family-centred care offers prompt maternal and pediatric HIV diagnosis, antiretroviral prophylaxis, cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, and long-term ART for the entire family, as appropriate. Simple child health interventions, prompt treatment of opportunistic infections, nutritional supplementation and infant replacement feeding, as well as malaria treatment and prevention have been proven to synergistically improve pediatric HIV care and increase service uptake. To eliminate pediatric HIV/AIDS, national governments must embrace family-centred care, implement pediatric-friendly infrastructure, and train healthcare workers to treat children.  相似文献   

目的建立通过静脉吸毒感染HIV/AIDS的传播动力学模型,进行短期预测,为制定HIV/AIDS预防控制措施提供依据。方法根据系统动力学原理,建立某地区吸毒人群HIV/AIDS传播动力学模型。利用该地区2001~2004年吸毒哨点的血清学感染率和行为学参数等资料,在保持现有参数不变的条件下,预测出2005年底的HIV感染率、现存HIV感染者人数、现存AIDS病人数、新发HIV人数和新发AIDS人数。并对参数进行灵敏度分析,找出对HIV/AIDS传播起重要作用的灵敏参数。结果根据所建立的模型预测出该地区到2005年底现存的HIV感染者有2982人,AIDS病人有277人。吸毒人群中HIV感染率可以达到13.2%。参数的灵敏度分析可以得到每次共用针具的有效传播概率、注射频率、与别人共用针具的概率是敏感参数。结论对针具进行有效的消毒,降低注射频率、减少与别人共用针具的机会可以减缓疫情在吸毒人群中的传播。  相似文献   

After a decline in enthusiasm for national community health worker (CHW) programmes in the 1980s, these have re-emerged globally, particularly in the context of HIV. This paper examines the case of South Africa, where there has been rapid growth of a range of lay workers (home-based carers, lay counsellors, DOT supporters etc.) principally in response to an expansion in budgets and programmes for HIV, most recently the rollout of antiretroviral therapy (ART). In 2004, the term community health worker was introduced as the umbrella concept for all the community/lay workers in the health sector, and a national CHW Policy Framework was adopted. We summarize the key features of the emerging national CHW programme in South Africa, which include amongst others, their integration into a national public works programme and the use of non-governmental organizations as intermediaries. We then report on experiences in one Province, Free State. Over a period of 2 years (2004--06), we made serial visits on three occasions to the first 16 primary health care facilities in this Province providing comprehensive HIV services, including ART. At each of these visits, we did inventories of CHW numbers and training, and on two occasions conducted facility-based group interviews with CHWs (involving a total of 231 and 182 participants, respectively). We also interviewed clinic nurses tasked with supervising CHWs. From this evaluation we concluded that there is a significant CHW presence in the South African health system. This infrastructure, however, shares many of the managerial challenges (stability, recognition, volunteer vs. worker, relationships with professionals) associated with previous national CHW programmes, and we discuss prospects for sustainability in the light of the new policy context.  相似文献   

肖莉 《实用预防医学》2007,14(4):1076-1078
目的分析祁东县艾滋病流行现状,为制定预防控制策略提供依据。方法用描述流行病学方法对祁东县1998-2006年艾滋病常规、哨点监测及VCT资料进行分析。结果1998-2006年祁东县共报告HIV/AIDS病例101例,2005-2006年发现的感染者占总数的62.38%(63/101),感染者中农民占57.43%(58/101),年龄在20~39岁之间的有77例,占总数的76.24%。感染途径中,经性接触途径感染62例,占总数的61.39%,经静脉吸毒途径感染28例,占27.72%。结论近两年祁东县HIV流行速率明显加快,主要在性乱人群和吸毒人群中传播,应对高危人群采取针对性干预措施,以降低HIV的感染水平。  相似文献   

While public health remains the primary site of authority for preventing HIV transmission, recent shifts in the biopolitics of HIV have heightened tensions in the institutional and discursive relations through which the sexual lives of people living with HIV and broader HIV epidemics are regulated. Most notably, over the past decade, criminal justice responses to HIV have gained considerable traction. The growing use of the criminal law to regulate perceived HIV transmission risks has occasioned considerable controversy among people living with HIV, community-based AIDS organizations, health-care providers, public health authorities, prosecutors, judges, and the legal community. This article introduces a special section of Critical Public Health focused on the public health implications of HIV criminalization. The article reviews past and current work on the topic, situates the contributions made by the articles published in the special section, and outlines directions for future inquiry.  相似文献   

[目的]改善云南省瑞丽地区的HIV/AIDS家庭生活质量低下,严重受吸毒和艾滋病问题的双重困扰。[方法]分别为25个HIV/AIDS家庭和25个普通健康家庭提供了小额无息贷款服务,以发展适合目标家庭需求的创收性生产项目,一年后50个贷款户均如数还清贷款。[结果]在项目实施中充分体现了社区居民的参与和互助,开展多种形式的人文关怀活动和艾滋病预防活动。[结论]小额贷款对在边疆少数民族地区开展艾滋关怀项目进行了有益地探索。  相似文献   

[目的]探索和建立对农村艾滋病病毒感染者和病人关怀和支持的工作模式,提高目标人群的生活质量,减少艾滋病病毒在感染者家庭夫妻间经性传播及非婚性传播,促进艾滋病的预防控制。[方法]社区(乡村)医生参与干预和关怀的服务;开展自愿咨询检测;培训同伴教育者(志愿者);提供感染者家庭生产支持与救助,孤儿关怀与救助,加强部门间的合作。[结果]项目覆盖24个乡,完成了大量干预、关怀、培训工作,达到了预期的要求。[结论]初步探索出了在农村地区对艾滋病病毒感染者和病人进行关怀和支持的工作模式。  相似文献   

对云南省现行的艾滋病防治政策与多部门合作模式的研究,总结现行政策付诸实施的成功经验,提出符合云南实际工作需要的政策建议。  相似文献   

为了了解资中县HIV/AIDS纳入新型合作医疗所产生的影响,分析该渠道筹集并解决艾滋病医药费用的可行性。结果发现,HIV/AIDS纳入新型合作医疗一定程度上可以有效分担艾滋病医药费用,但若感染者人数超过合作医疗所能覆盖的临界范围,则需开启政府分担功能,设立艾滋病专项基金用于补偿合作医疗无法覆盖的部分。  相似文献   

Community stress associated with poverty is related to health risks and poor health outcomes. Perceived community stress is specifically related to HIV transmission risk behaviors in the United States, but research bas not examined these relationships in southern Africa, the region of the world with the highest rates of HIV infection and among the greatest poverty. Men (N=464) and women (N=531) living in impoverished adjacent communities distinguished by race (e.g., indigenous African and Coloured) completed anonymous surveys of perceptions of 10 poverty-related community stressors and measures of HIV risk-related behaviors. Indigenous African and Coloured communities differed in their perceptions of stressors, with Africans consistently viewing the 10 community stressors as more serious problems. In addition, perceived seriousness of lacking basic living resources was related to higher risk for HIV among Africans. Perceived community stress was also related to alcohol and drug use, but substance use did not mediate the association between perceived community stress and HIV risks. In the Coloured community, perceived community stressors were related to drug use, but percived community stressors were not associated with HIV risks. These findings extend the findings of previous research to show that povertyrelated stressors are associated with HIV transmission risks in some poverty-stricken communities and that these associations are not mediated by substance use.  相似文献   

山东省艾滋病项目县中学生相关知识调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价山东省全球基金艾滋病项目针对中学生开展的生活技能教育的效果,为进一步改进中学生生活技能教育提供依据.方法 分别于2004年12月、2006年3月和12月进行分阶段整群抽样调查.以联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)推荐方法计算的知识知晓率为主要研究指标,对不同年级和性别的中学生知晓率进行比较,按调查时间对知晓率进行χ2趋势检验.结果 3次调查结果表明,初中生知识知晓率均高于高中生,男生知识知晓率高于女生, 按UNAIDS推荐方法计算的知识知晓率分别为15.5%,23.8%,48.3%,呈随时间递增趋势.结论 山东省全球基金艾滋病项目县开展的中学生艾滋病知识宣教取得一定成效,但是仍然存在不同年级与性别知晓率不同现象.  相似文献   

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