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This study reviewed maternal morbidity following trial of labor (TOL) after cesarean section, compared with elective repeat cesarean delivery (ERCS). Articles were pooled to compare women planning vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) with those undergoing ERCS with regard to maternal morbidity (MM), uterine rupture/dehiscence (UR/D), blood transfusion (BT), and hysterectomy. The former group was subdivided into successful VBAC (S-VBAC) and failed TOL (F-TOL). VBAC was successful in 17,905 of 24,349 patients (73%). MM, BT, and hysterectomy were similar in women planning VBAC or ERCS, whereas UR/D was different (1.3%; 0,4%). MM, UR/D, BT and hysterectomy were more common after F-TOL (17%, 4.4%, 3%; 0.5%) than after S-VBAC (3.1%, 0.2%, 1.1%; 0.1%) or ERCS (4.3%, 0.4%, 1%; 0.3%). Outcomes were more favorable in S-VBAC than ERCS. These findings show that a higher risk of UR/D in women planning VBAC than ERCS is counterbalanced by reduction of MM, UR/D. and hysterectomy when VBAC is successful.  相似文献   

Objective: Our purpose was to assess maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with a trial of labor and attempted vaginal birth after prior low-segment vertical cesarian delivery.Study design: During a 10-year period in a single tertiary hospital, all patients with a prior low-segment uterine incision (whether vertical or transverse) were considered candidates for a trial of labor in the absence of other contraindications or patient refusal. Among the 1137 women who underwent low-segment vertial cesarean delivery, 262 were subsequently delivered of 322 live-born infants, and 174 (54%) of them were identified retrospectively as having attempted vaginal birth. The maternal and perinatal outcomes of patients who did or did not undergo a trial of labor were analyzed and compared.Results: No significant differences between the two patient groups were observed regarding demographic characteristics, antepartum complications, gestational age at delivery (mean 37.4 weeks), birth weight, and cord pH at delivery. Vaginal delivery was accomplished successfully in 144 of 174 (83%) patients who underwent a trial of labor. Abdominal delivery was necessary for 17 mothers with labor disorders and 13 with suspected fetal distress. Postpartum hemorrhage occurred more often in the trial of labor group (7/174 [4.0%] vs 2/148 [1.4%], p not significant), but endometritis developed significantly more often in patients with elective repeat cesarean delivery (16.9% vs 6.3%, p - 0.006)/ Rupture of the low-segment vertical cesarean group scar occurred in 2 patients during a trial of labor (1.1%) versus none in the elective repeat cesarean group. Neither mother experienced fetal extrusion or adverse maternal or fetal sequelae. Frequency of serious neonatal complications (8.1% vs 10%) and neonatal mortality (1.7% vs 2.0%) were similar between groups. All neonatal deaths were a result of extreme prematurity or congenital anomalies.Conclusions: Our experience indicates that a mother with a prior low-segment vertical cesarean delivery can undertake a trial of labor with relative maternal-perinata safety. The likelihood of successful outcome and the incidence of complications are comparable to those of published experience with a trial of labor after a previous low-segment transverse incision.  相似文献   

Objective: Our objective was to analyze the statistics on cesarean delivery rates and the factors that have led to a reduction in these rates. Study Design: A retrospective analysis was done of delivery statistics from a 10-year period, January 1, 1989, to December 31, 1998. We investigated the changes made in the methods of delivery during the study period. The data were divided into 1-year periods and analyzed by χ2 tables. Results: The overall cesarean delivery rate decreased from 16.59% to 10.92%; the primary cesarean delivery rate decreased from 9.22% to 7.11% and the repeated cesarean delivery rate from 7.37% to 3.81%. All these decreases were statistically significant. An increase in the rate of active management of labor by increasing oxytocin use and encouraging a trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery was also statistically significant. No changes in the outcome were observed in terms of neonatal morbidity and mortality rates. Conclusion: We found that our working plan for management of labor and delivery yielded and maintained a successful decline in the cesarean delivery rates without any negative effect on neonatal or maternal mortality rates. This low rate was maintained for a 10-year period. (Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;184:1535-43.)  相似文献   

Objective: Observational cohort study which aimed to explore the potential of electrohysterogram (EHG) analysis for detecting a uterine rupture during trial of labor after cesarean. The EHG propagation characteristics surrounding the uterine scar of six patients with a previous cesarean section were compared to a control group of five patients without a scarred uterus.

Methods: The EHG was recorded during the first stage of labor using a high-resolution 64-channel electrode grid positioned on the maternal abdomen across the cesarean scar. Based on simulations, the inter-channel correlation and propagation direction were adopted as EHG parameters for evaluating possible disruption of electrical propagation by the uterine scar.

Results: No significant differences in inter-channel correlation or propagation direction were observed between the group of patients with an intact uterine scar and the control group. A strong predominance of vertical propagation was observed in one case, in which scar rupture occurred.

Conclusions: The results support unaffected propagation of electrical activity through the intact uterine scar tissue suggesting that changes in the EHG might only occur in case of rupture.  相似文献   

剖宫产后再次妊娠的分娩方式始终是一个具有争议的产科问题。随着我国全面实施“二孩”政策,剖宫产后阴道分娩问题越来越受到关注。目前,多个妇产科学术机构已达成共识:计划性剖宫产后阴道分娩对于大多数一次子宫下段剖宫产史的产妇是一种安全的选择。文章就剖宫产后阴道分娩的相关循证医学证据进行讨论,并为有剖宫产后阴道试产意愿的产妇制定产前、产时管理方案。  相似文献   

Objective.?To compare maternal and neonatal outcomes after unsuccessful labor in women with and those without prior cesarean delivery.

Methods.?This was a retrospective cohort study of all women in labor delivered by cesarean section (CS) from November 2004 through December 2006. The study population was dichotomized by previous CS and compared for various maternal and neonatal outcomes. Student t-test, χ2 and Fisher exact tests were used for analysis.

Results.?There was a significantly higher rate of symptomatic uterine rupture [3/100 (3%) vs. 0/449 (0%), p?=?0.006], asymptomatic uterine scar dehiscence [6/100 (6%) vs. 0/449 (0%), p?=?0.0001], and bladder injury [2/100 (2%) vs. 0/100 (0%), p?=?0.001], among women with prior cesarean delivery compared to those without. The rate of respiratory distress syndrome [(6/100) (6%) vs. 10/449 (2.2%), p?=?0.05] and meconium aspiration [4/100 (4%) vs. 2/449 (0.4%), p?=?0.01] was also significantly higher among neonates of women with prior cesarean delivery. However, the rate of endomyometritis [3/100 (3%) vs. 50/449 (11.1%), p?=?0.009] and febrile morbidity [17/100 (17%) vs. 144/449 (32.1%), p =?0.003] was significantly lower among women with prior cesarean delivery compared to those without prior cesarean birth.

Conclusions.?Compared to laboring women without previous cesarean delivery, women with previous cesarean delivery have increased maternal and neonatal morbidity. Febrile morbidity was, however, lower among women with previous cesarean delivery. These differential findings should further inform our perinatal counseling of women contemplating trial of labor after a previous cesarean delivery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to evaluate the risks and benefits of single-layer uterine closure at cesarean delivery on the index and subsequent pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective study of women delivered of their first live-born infants by primary low transverse cesarean delivery (1989-2001) and their subsequent pregnancy at our institution was performed. RESULTS: Of 768 women studied, 267 had single-layer and 501 had double-layer uterine closures in the index pregnancy. Single-layer closure was associated with slightly decreased blood loss (646 vs 690 mL, P<.01), operative time (46 vs 52 minutes, P<.001), endometritis (13.5% vs 25.5%, P<.001), and postoperative stay (3.5 vs 4.1 days, P<.001). In the second pregnancy, prior single-layer closure was not associated with uterine rupture after a trial of labor (0% vs 1.2%, P=.30), or other maternal or infant morbidities. Prior single-layer closure was associated with increased uterine windows (3.5% vs 0.7%, P=.046) at subsequent cesarean delivery. CONCLUSION: Single-layer uterine closure is associated with decreased infectious morbidity in the index surgery, but not uterine rupture or other adverse outcomes in the subsequent gestation.  相似文献   

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