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Objectives: To describe the effect of extremely advanced maternal age (EAMA) on maternal/neonatal outcomes.

Methods: This was a case-control study in which 127 women ≥40 years at the time of delivery out of 2853 singleton hospital deliveries in Ondokuz Mayis University between 1 January 2008 and 31 August 2010 constituted the study group. One hundred and twenty-seven else were chosen randomly out of 2412, 21–35 years old women, via a computer system as controls. Demographic features of 254 mothers and infants as well as maternal and neonatal complications were recorded.

Results: Mean maternal age was 41.5?±?1.9 (40–49) years in EAMA group and 28.9?±?4.2 (21–35) years in controls. Primigravidity was 19.6% in the EAMA group, whereas 37.8% in controls (p?=?0.003). No difference was found between groups according to route of delivery, stillbirth, preterm birth, congenital abnormalities, gender of babies, NICU admission and respiratory problems (for all p?>?0.05). A 5th min Apgar score <7 was more frequent in babies born to EAMA mothers compared to controls (9.8% versus 4.9%, p?=?0.004).

Conclusion: The present study shows that EAMA mothers and their offsprings have similar peri and neonatal risks compared to younger mothers, except lower 5th minute Apgar scores. We conclude that with good perinatal care, EAMA women and their babies can pass through the perinatal period with similar risks of younger women.  相似文献   

Postmortem cesarean is delivering of a child by cesarean section after the death of the mother. A prompt decision for cesarean delivery is very important in such cases. The survival of both the mother and the baby is dependent on a number of factors, including the time between maternal cardiac arrest and delivery, the underlying reasons for the arrest, the location of the arrest and the skills of the medical staffs. The earlier the fetus is delivered following maternal arrest the better is the fetal survival. Cesarean section should be performed no later than 4 minutes after initial maternal arrest. A fetus delivered within 5 minutes from initiation of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) has the best chance for survival. We reported 2 cases of successful postmortem cesarean section done 45 and 15 minutes after maternal death. The 1st case was a 29-year-old pregnant woman at 37 weeks gestation with cardiopulmonary arrest following gunshot head injuries. The baby survived with neurological sequels and ongoing treatment at our newborn intensive care unit. Second case admitted to the emergency service was a 28-year-old primigravida of 31 weeks gestation with cardiopulmonary arrest due to massive brain and thoracic hemorrhage after a road traffic accident. The baby recovered without neurological sequels.  相似文献   

Purpose: To assess the incidence of neonatal complications related to gestational age at elective cesarean section near term.

Methods: We used a population-based dataset to compare neonatal outcomes by gestational age in uncomplicated singleton pregnancies delivered by elective cesarean section ≥37 weeks.

Results: A total of 7364 mothers had an elective cesarean during 2002–2012; 343 (4.7%) at 37, 21?753 (3.8%) at 38, 3140 (2.6%) at 39, 1718 (23.3%) at 40 and 410 (5.6%) at ≥41 weeks. Infants born at a lower gestational age had a higher rate of Apgar scores?<7 (2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0,3%, 0.2% at 37, 38, 39, 40 and ≥41 week, p?=?0.013), hypoglycemia (1.5%, 1.0%, 0.8%, 0.4%, 0.5% at 37, 38, 39, 40 and ≥?41 week, p?=?0.012), hyperbilirubinemia (12.2%, 9.5%, 6.4%, 4.8%, 4.1% at 37, 38, 39, 40 and ≥?41 week, p?<?0.001), respiratory distress syndrome (5.5%, 2.2%, 1.6%, 0.5%, 0.7% at 37, 38, 39, 40 and?≥?41 week, p?<?0.001), and neonatal intensive care admissions (8.7%, 2.3%, 1.9%, 1.0%, 1.7% at 37, 38, 39, 40 and ≥?41 week, p?<?0.001).

Conclusions: Elective cesarean section at ≥?39 weeks gestation would significantly reduce neonatal complications.  相似文献   

AIM: To analyze the variations between maternal complications and perinatal outcome among women with complete hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome, partial HELLP syndrome, and women with severe pre-eclampsia and normal laboratory tests. We also examine the effect of corticosteroid therapy for treatment of HELLP. METHODS: In this retrospective study, six patients with complete HELLP syndrome and 46 with partial HELLP syndrome, were compared and contrasted with 212 patients with severe pre-eclampsia but without HELLP syndrome. RESULTS: In Protocol 1, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) was the strongest morbidity factor associated with patients among complete HELLP, partial HELLP, and severe pre-eclampsia. After post-hoc analysis, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) was the significant outcome variable between complete and partial HELLP. In Protocol 2, after adjustment, we found that MODS (adjusted OR, 15.2, 95% CI, 6.18-35.53; P < 0.001); Apgar score less than 5 at 1 minute (adjusted OR, 2.17, 95% CI, 0.94-5.01; P = 0.069) and DIC (adjusted OR, 9.51, 95% CI, 1.68-53.7, P = 0.011) remained significantly associated with HELLP syndrome. There was a favorable outcome found in the complete HELLP group. Neither the dexamethasone group nor the aggressive therapy group could benefit from the treatment protocol. CONCLUSION: The different categories of HELLP syndrome, the protocol 1 and protocol 2 have been noted as differential effects on pregnancy outcome. MODS and DIC would be two significant outcome variables and corticosteroid therapy may not benefit HELLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare differences in blood pressure levels between patients with severe post-partum pre-eclampsia using ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Methods: A randomized controlled trial was made in women with severe pre-eclampsia or superimposed pre-eclampsia after vaginal birth. The patient was randomly selected to receive either 400?mg of ibuprofen every 8?h or 1?g of acetaminophen every 6?h during the post-partum. The primary variable was systolic hypertension ≥150?mmHg and/or diastolic hypertension ≥100?mmHg after the first 24?h post-partum. Secondary variables were the arterial blood pressure readings at 24, 48, 72, and 96?h post-partum and maternal complications.

Results: A total of 113 patients were studied: 56 in the acetaminophen group and 57 in the ibuprofen group. With regard to the primary outcome, more cases were significantly hypertensive in the ibuprofen group (36/57; 63.1%) than in the acetaminophen group (16/56; 28.6%). Severe hypertension (≥160/110?mmHg) was not significantly different between the groups, 14.5% (acetaminophen) and 24.5% (ibuprofen). The levels of arterial blood pressure show a hammock-shaped curve independent of the drug used, however, is more noticeable with ibuprofen.

Conclusions: This study shows that ibuprofen significantly elevates blood pressure in women with severe pre-eclampsia during the post-partum period.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of present study was to evaluate the indications and the complications associated with neonatal exchange transfusion (ET) performed for hyperbilirubinemia.

Methods: This study included overall 306 neonates who underwent ET between 2005 and 2012. The demographic characteristics of patients, causes of jaundice and adverse events occurred during or within 1 week after ET were recorded from their medical files. Those newborns that underwent ET were classified as either “otherwise healthy” or “sick” group.

Results: Of the 306 patients who underwent ET, 244 were otherwise healthy and had no medical problems other than jaundice. The remaining 62 patients were classified as sick that had medical problems other than jaundice ranging from mild to severe. The mean gestational age was 37.6?±?2.5 weeks and the mean peak total bilirubin levels was 25.8?±?6.6?mg/dl. The mean age at presentation was 5.4?±?3.8?d for all infants. The most common cause of hyperbilirubinemia was ABO isoimmunization (27.8%). None of newborns died secondary to ET. Three infants had had necrotizing enterocolitis, and also three infants had had acute renal failure. The most common encountered complications of ET procedure were hyperglycemia (56.5%), hypocalcaemia (22.5%) and thrombocytopenia (16%).

Conclusions: Our data showed that ABO isoimmunization was the most common cause of hyperbilirubinemia. Even mortality was not seen, very rare but major gastrointestinal and renal complications were associated with ET. The majority of adverse events associated with ET were laboratory abnormalities mainly hyperglycemia, hypocalcaemia and thrombocytopenia which were asymptomatic and treatable.  相似文献   

Objective: The current study aims to evaluate the incidence, maternal and perinatal outcomes in cases presented with uterine rupture (UR) and to explore the differences in presentation, management and outcome of UR in patients with scarred versus unscarred uterus.

Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary care hospital over a period of 2 years. The study included all women diagnosed with UR and admitted to the emergency unit between January 2016 and December 2017. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the preoperative demographic and clinical data. An observation checklist was used for intraoperative findings and management. Postoperative data were collected about maternal and fetal outcomes. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. Qualitative variables were compared between groups using chi-square test while quantitative variables were compared using the Mann–Whitney test.

Results: Sixty two women were diagnosed with uterine rupture (0.32% of all deliveries). The mean age of the included patients was 29.6?±?5.6 years while the mean parity was 3.0?±?1.8. Uterine repair was successful in 52 cases (83.9%). There were four (6.5%) maternal deaths and 42 (67.8%) perinatal deaths. Ten patients (16.1%) were transferred to the postoperative intensive care unit (ICU). Re-exploration was carried out in three cases. The most common complication of UR was disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) occurred in eight women (12.9%). Maternal and perinatal mortality were significantly higher in patients with unscarred uterus (p?=?.0001 and .026, respectively).

Conclusions: The incidence of UR is 32/10,000 deliveries in our tertiary hospital. Rupture of unscarred uterus is associated with more maternal and fetal mortality. However, rupture of scarred uterus was more common due to the rising rate of cesarean sections.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine risk factors for severe complications during and after cesarean delivery (CD) in placenta previa (PP).

Methods: We reviewed retrospectively collected data from women with PP who underwent CD during a 6-year study period. We identified the complicated group based on the modified WHO near-miss criteria. Complicated and noncomplicated groups were compared considering clinical, laboratory, and sonographic features.

Results: Thirty-seven of 256 cases classified as near miss consisting of 14 peripartum hysterectomies, 12 uterine balloon placements, 10 great artery ligations, and four B-lynch suture placement procedures without maternal mortality. Perioperative complications included surgical wound infections (n?=?5), bladder injury (n?=?4), pelvic abscess (n?=?1), and uterine rupture (n?=?1). Logistic regression analyses demonstrated following features to be associated with maternal near miss in PP: (1) coexistent abruption (aOR 13.2, 95% CI 5.8–75.3), (2) morbidly adherent placenta (aOR 11.92, 95% CI 3.24–43.82), (3) number of hospitalizations for vaginal bleeding (≥3) (aOR 8.88, 95% CI 3.32–26.69), and (4) transvaginal cervical length (CL) measurement?<10th percentile (aOR 5.5, 95% CI 2.1–15.4).

Conclusion: Short cervical length, recurrent vaginal bleeding, morbidly adherent placenta, and concurrent placental abruption are independent predictors for subsequent severe maternal morbidity in PP cases. Early identification of these risk factors during PP follow-up may improve maternal outcome.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the association between mode of delivery and maternal complications in patients with severe preeclampsia.

Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted with 500 pregnant women with severe preeclampsia. The mode of delivery, vaginal or caesarean section, was considered the exposure, while the postpartum maternal complications and severe maternal morbidity were the outcomes. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the adjusted risk and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of maternal morbidity.

Results: Labour was spontaneous in 22.0% and induced in 28.2%, while 49.8% had an elective caesarean section. Ninety-five (67.4%) of the patients in whom labour was induced delivered vaginally. Total Caesarean rate was 68.2%. The risk of severe maternal morbidity was significantly greater in patients submitted to Caesarean section (54.0% versus 32.7%) irrespective of the presence of labour. Factors that remained associated with severe maternal morbidity following multivariate analysis were a diagnosis of HELLP syndrome after delivery (OR?=?3.73; 95% CI: 1.55–9.88) and having a caesarean (OR?=?1.91; 95% CI: 1.52–4.57).

Conclusions: Caesareans are often performed in patients with severe preeclampsia and are associated with significant postpartum maternal morbidity. Induction of labour should be considered a feasible option in these patients.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the pregnancy outcome, namely mode and place of delivery, attendant at birth and perinatal mortality in an urban resettlement area of Delhi, India, and to determine factors that affect the outcome. METHODS: All the pregnant women (n = 909) in the area were enrolled and followed until 7 days after delivery. We calculated the crude and adjusted odds ratios for predictors of pregnancy related obstetric and neonatal outcomes, using logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 884 (97.3%) women could be followed up. Approximately two-thirds of deliveries took place at home. Primigravida, more educated mothers and mothers with non-cephalic presentation or complications were more likely to deliver in a health facility (P < 0.05). Most deliveries (97%) were vaginal, 2.5% were cesarean and 0.5% forceps deliveries. Primigravida mothers, mothers with short stature, mothers with non-cephalic presentation or complications had cesarean and forceps delivery more often (P < 0.05). A perinatal mortality rate of 74.5 per 1000 live births was observed. Presentation of the fetus and complications in the mother remained important factors. CONCLUSION: The majority of deliveries in the under-privileged sections in urban Delhi take place at home and the perinatal mortality remains high.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine any change in adverse neonatal/maternal outcomes after increasing the rate of vaginal twin delivery by comparing vaginal twin delivery and caesarean delivery with our previous cohort study.

Methods: In a retrospective cohort study, all twins booked at a Hong Kong regional obstetrics unit were evaluated during a 3-year period from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2012.

Results: Out of the 269 sets of twins who eventually delivered in our unit, 68 (25.3%) of them were delivered vaginally, compared to 15.8% in our previous cohort study (p?=?0.02). For those who were suitable for vaginal delivery, significantly more women attempted vaginal delivery: 93/133 (69.9%) versus 47/100 (47%) (p?=?0.0005). The success rate for vaginal delivery and rate of requiring caesarean delivery for the 2nd twin were similar between these two periods. There were significantly more 2nd twins with cord blood pH?<?7.2 when both twins were delivered by vaginal delivery. Otherwise, there was no significant difference between other neonatal/maternal morbidities.

Conclusion: With proper counseling, significantly more women who were suitable for vaginal twin delivery would opt to do so. There was no significant increase in neonatal/maternal morbidities despite the increased rate of vaginal twin delivery.  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess prospectively the maternal and fetal outcome in women with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and to find out predictors of poor obstetric outcome.

Methods: A prospective observational study included 162 patients with primary APS who were divided into two groups, group 1 with previous thrombosis (n?=?74) and group 2 without previous thrombosis (n?=?88). Patients were followed from the start of pregnancy till delivery under standard treatment to detect maternal and fetal outcome.

Results: There was a significant difference between the two groups with higher rate of miscarriage (p?<?0.05), maternal venous thromboembolism (p?<?0.001), intrauterine fetal demise and neonatal death (p?<?0.05) in group 1. No significant difference between the two groups regarding the rate of preeclampsia, eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, prematurity and admission to neonatal intensive care unit (p?>?0.05). By univariate and multivariate analyzes in the whole study participants, previous thrombosis, triple positivity of APS antibodies, previous delivery before 34 weeks, the presence of antiβ2GP1 antibodies and maternal age above 30 years were independent predictors of pregnancy loss.

Conclusion: Poor obstetric outcome is higher in patients with previous thrombosis. The search for optimal prognostic markers and new therapeutic measures to prevent complications in APS patients is warranted.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the maternal and fetal outcome in women with gestational hypertension in comparison to gestational proteinuria.

Methods: This was a prospective 3-year observational study carried out at Menoufia University Hospital and included 106 patients with gestational hypertension and 124 patients with gestational proteinuria after 20 weeks’ gestation. Enrolled patients were followed to assess the maternal and fetal outcome. Data were collected and tabulated.

Results: There was a highly significant difference between the two groups regarding the development of preeclampsia (PE) and persistence of the condition after the end of the puerperium (p < 0.001) with more women progressed to PE and lower number suffered persistence of the disorder in the gestational hypertension group. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding other maternal complications (p > 0.05). There was a significant difference between the two groups regarding preterm delivery, admission to NICU, and neonatal mortality (p < 0.05) which were higher in the gestational proteinuria group. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding other fetal and neonatal complications (p > 0.05).

Conclusions: Although gestational hypertension progressed more frequently to PE than gestational proteinuria, poorer fetal outcome was more encountered in women with gestational proteinuria. Larger studies are warranted to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the maternal and fetal outcome in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) by a retrospective analysis from 2005 to 2010, and a prospective follow-up of pregnant SLE patients from 2010 to 2015 to find out predictors of poor obstetric outcome.

Methods: The study included 236 SLE pregnant females (retrospective group) whose data were viewed retrospectively from their medical records, and 214 SLE pregnant females (prospective group) who were followed prospectively to record their maternal and fetal outcome.

Results: There was a highly significant difference between the two groups regarding abortion, venous thromboembolism, prematurity, and intrauterine fetal death (p?p?p?Conclusion: Improved maternal and fetal outcome in women with SLE has occurred following integrated multidisciplinary approach. This emphasizes the importance of postponing pregnancy when predictors of poor outcome are encountered.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess prospectively the maternal and fetal outcome in women with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) who undergone earlier splenectomy compared to women on medical therapy.

Methods: A 5-year observational study included pregnant women in the first trimester previously diagnosed with primary ITP with 74 patients underwent splenectomy before pregnancy and 86 patients on medical therapy. Patients were followed throughout pregnancy and labour to record their obstetric outcome. Data were collected and tabulated.

Results: There was a higher platelet count in the splenectomy group at enrollment (p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?Conclusion: Earlier splenectomy in patients with ITP may have a beneficial impact on obstetric outcome and should be explained to patients wishing to get pregnant. Further larger multicenter studies are warranted to confirm or refute our findings.  相似文献   

《Pregnancy hypertension》2015,5(2):165-170
ObjectivesClinical data of pregnant women with heart disease were obtained with the intention to provide input for local counseling and management guidelines.Study designRetrospective data from all pregnant women with congenital or acquired heart disease between 2000 and 2011 in the VU University Medical Centre Amsterdam.Main outcome measuresMaternal and neonatal outcomes were evaluated.ResultsData of 122 women with 160 pregnancies were obtained. The most common heart diseases were congenital heart disease (n = 65, 53.3%) and arrhythmia (n = 20, 16.4%). Based on the functional criteria of the New York Heart Association (NYHA), 114/122 patients (93.4%) were classified NYHA class I–II. Patients in NYHA class III–IV (n = 8/122, 6.6%), mainly had a history of myocardial infarction or pulmonary hypertension. There were 156 singleton and 4 twin pregnancies. 22 (13.5%) pregnancies were complicated by hypertensive disorders. Heart failure developed in 11 women (9.0%), 37.5% in NYHA class III–IV and 6.5% in NYHA class I–II. Mean gestational age and birth weight were 270 days and 3196 g in NYHA class I–II compared to 237 days and 1972 g for NHYA class III–IV. There were two maternal deaths (1.6%) and 5 fetal deaths (3.1%). There were 29 (12.8%) preterm births, 20 (12.8%) neonates small for gestational age and 34 (21.8%) admittances on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).ConclusionsPregnancy in women with pre-existing heart disease in all NYHA classes is associated with increased maternal morbidity and perinatal morbidity. Risk of structural fetal anomalies is especially high in women with congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess prospectively the maternal cardiovascular hemodynamic changes and obstetric outcome in women with rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and to detect predictors of poor outcome.

Methods: This prospective observational study included 204 pregnant patients with RHD who were divided into two groups; successful pregnancy group with living fetus (n?=?126) and poor obstetric outcome group with fetal or neonatal loss (n?=?78). Hemodynamic changes, maternal and fetal outcome were assessed and recorded.

Results: There was a highly significant difference between the two groups regarding disease criteria with more women suffering from stenotic lesions (mitral and aortic), pulmonary hypertension, previous heart failure, receiving cardiac medications and higher NYHA class (III and IV) in the poor obstetric outcome group (p?p?Conclusions: Increased maternal age and body mass index together with NYHA class III–IV, significant pulmonary hypertension, reduced ejection fraction and development of heart failure during pregnancy are strong predictors of poor maternal and fetal outcome.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the maternal complications in pregnant women with fetuses with several congenital anomaly as well as the predictor variables for the termination of pregnancy.

Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study with 94 medical records of pregnant women with fetal infeasibility confirmed in the postnatal period by clinical, radiological or anatomopathological exams. To compare the categorical variables regarding the termination and nontermination of pregnancy, we used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Mann–Whitney U-test. To assess the variables that were more associated with the judicial request for the termination of pregnancy, we used logistic regression.

Results: The termination of pregnancy was performed in 41 (43.6%) and nontermination of pregnancy in 53 (56.4%) pregnant women. Pregnant women who did not terminate the pregnancy had more complications in the gestational period (p?<?0.0001) and in the postpartum period (p = 0.0088). After multiple logistic regressions, the following variables influenced the decision to terminate the pregnancy: type of congenital anomaly (OR: 18.59; 95%CI: 1.96; 175.87) and living children (OR: 0.45; 95%CI: 0.25; 0.80).

Conclusion: Most of the pregnant women with fetal infeasibility opted for nontermination of pregnancy and these patients had more obstetrical complications. The type of congenital anomaly and living children were the factors most associated with the choice for the termination of pregnancy.  相似文献   

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