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The autosomal recessive disorder Glycogen Storage Type II (GSDII) is caused by a deficiency in the lysosomal enzyme acid alpha-glucosidase. We have optimised a procedure to use fluorescent DNA sequencing technology to screen for mutations within the alpha-glucosidase gene from UK patients with GSDII. Five previously unknown mutations in six patients (4 early onset infantile and 2 late adult) have been found. The mutations are an insertion of a C residue in exon 2 (InsC258), an insertion of a G residue in exon 16 (InsG2242), a deletion of 20 nucleotides in exon 4 delta, and a nonsense mutation in exon 16 (G2237A-Trp746Stop). All will result in the introduction of a premature stop codon in the coding region, predicting a truncated and non-functional protein. The final mutation is a duplication of 18 nucleotides in exon 19 (Ins18nt2776) and will result in the insertion of an additional six amino acids into the protein chain after Asn925 (Gly-Val-Pro-Val-Ser-Asn).  相似文献   

Hereditary predisposition to retinoblastoma is caused by germline mutations in the RB1 gene. Mutation analysis in this gene is important because knowledge of the causative mutation is often required for accurate risk prediction in relatives. We have performed RB1 gene mutation analysis in 45 patients with hereditary retinoblastoma. Screening by heteroduplex and SSCP analysis resulted in the identification of small mutations in 28 (62%) patients. Recurrent mutations, mostly CpG-transitions, were found in 16 patients. Two patients with isolated bilateral retinoblastoma showed missense mutations, S567L and C712R, which have previously been reported in a patient with bilateral tumors and in a family with low penetrance, respectively. Twelve of the mutations identified here have not been reported to date. These include a novel missense mutation, L662P, which was identified in two bilaterally affected siblings and their mother with unilateral retinoma.  相似文献   

Hunter syndrome is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS). The IDS deficiency can be caused by several different types of mutations in the IDS gene. We have performed a molecular and mutation analysis of a total 19 unrelated MPS II patients of different ethnic origin and identified 19 different IDS mutations, 9 of which were novel and unique. SSCP analysis followed by DNA sequencing revealed four novel missense mutations: S143F, associated with the 562C-->T polymorphism, C184W, D269V and Y348H. Two novel nonsense mutations were found: Y103X (433C-->A) and Y234X (826C-->G). In two patients two novel minor insertions (42linsA and 499insA) were identified. In one patient a complete IDS deletion was found, extending from locus DXS1185 to locus DXS466).  相似文献   

Mutations in the human P gene lead to oculocutaneous albinism type 2 (OCA2, MIM #203200), the most common type of albinism in humans. The P gene encodes a 110 kDa protein that is associated with melonosomal membranes and contains 12 potential membrane spanning domains. The specific function of the P protein is currently unknown. We report 7 new mutations in the P gene associated with OCA2. This includes 6 missense mutations (S86R, C112F, A368V, T592I, A724P and A787V) and one frameshift mutation (1047del7). We also report 8 polymorphisms including one amino acid substitution, D/A257. We and others have found many polymorphisms of the P gene in the coding region, several of which result in amino acid substitutions, making molecular diagnosis problematic. In contrast to this is the tyrosinase gene associated with OCA1, with a limited number of polymorphic variations in the coding region. There is also no apparent clustering of P gene missense mutations in contrast to the clustering observed by the tyrosinase gene missense mutations that define functional domains of the protein. Further mutational analysis is needed to help define the critical functional domains of the P protein and to allow a definitive diagnosis of OCA2.  相似文献   

Marfan Syndrome (MFS) is a connective tissue disease caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 FBN1) gene. Screening for mutations in all the 65 exons of the FBN1 gene in 34 unrelated patients were performed to compare the efficiency of SSCP versus Heteroduplex analysis and to verify if the spectrum of mutations in Brazilian patients is similar to the one previously reported. Fourteen different band shifts were detected by SSCP analysis; among these only 6 were also were also detected through Heteroduplex analysis, suggesting that SSCP analysis was a more efficient method. Except for one, the molecular alteration was confirmed in the remaining 13 cases by sequencing; five of them were neutral polymorphisms and the eight others are new pathogenic mutations, as follows: 5 missense, one nonsense and two deletions leading to a premature termination codon (PTC). All of them are located in EGF-like-calcium binding motifs (EGF-like-cb). Our findings reinforce that cysteine substitutions and PTC mutations in the region between exons 24-32 are more likely not to be associated with the neonatal phenotypes.  相似文献   

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectral cancer (HNPCC), an autosomal dominantly inherited predisposition for early onset colorectal cancer, accounts for at least 6% of all colorectal malignancies. HNPCC results from germ-line mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes (hMSH2, hMLH1, hPMS1 and hPMS2) and is associated with a high rate of replication errors in tumor cells. Using PCR-SSCP, the protein truncation test and DNA sequencing we have analyzed the hMSH2 and hMLH1 genes in 10 Italian families that met the standard diagnostic criteria for HNPCC. We have identified three new mutations in the hMLH1 gene. One mutation consists in a deletion of one base pair at nucleotide 954 (954delC) in exon 11 that creates an early stop at codon 366 and is predicted to abolish normal protein function. The other two are missense mutations. Cys77Arg and Ser193Pro, that cause dramatic amino acid substitutions in two highly conserved MLH domains. The Cys77Arg mutation occurs within a domain (1-114 residues) that is very critical for MMR function. The Ser193Pro mutation occurs in a highly conserved central region of the MLH1 protein. No functional domains have yet been identified in this region. All mutant alleles cosegregate with the cancer phenotype.  相似文献   

We report two novel PAX6 mutations in aniridia patients of two Swiss pedigrees (We, Sc) which give rise to different phenotypes. An SSCP analysis of the PAX6 14 exons reveals electrophoretic mobility shifts exclusively in exons 5 and 12 of aniridia patients. As determined by bidirectional sequencing and restriction digest analysis, these shifts are caused by mono-allelic base transitions in exon 5 (c.547C-->T; R44X; We) and intron 12 (IVS12+5G-->A; Sc). Each mutation co-segregates with the trait in the affected family with complete penetrance. The Sc mutation in the splicing donor site of intron 12 may result in either intron inclusion or exon skipping, both giving rise to a truncated PAX6 protein which may retain a residual transactivating activity. In contrast, the We genetic alteration is a loss-of-function mutation leading to a more severe phenotype than that observed in the Sc pedigree.  相似文献   

We have designed a study aimed at identifying the genetic mutations responsible for cystic fibrosis (CF) in the population of the United Arab Emirates. The prevalence of CF in the UAE is at least 1/15,000 live births and the disease is associated with very severe clinical presentations. We have investigated 17 unrelated families. Ten UAE national families were of Bedouin descent: all 15 CF patients, who presented with very severe forms of the disease, were homozygous for a S549R mutation due to a T->G transversion at nucleotide postion 1779. Amongst a distinct population of Baluch origin, CF patients from 6 out of 7 affected families were DF508 homozyotes. Hence, the unique distribution of CF mutations in the United Arab Emirates--two mutations, S549R and DF508, characterize so far 94% of CF families--should allow efficient organizing and delivering of CF carrier screening programmes on the country's relatively limited population size.  相似文献   

We have analyzed 45 unrelated Northwestern Mexican patients with Cystic Fibrosis for 10 known CF mutations (DF508, G542X, G551D. R553X, W1282X, NI303K, R334W, R347H, S549R, and R1162X). Screening was performed on exons 7, 10, 11, 19, 20 and 21 using standard methods such as polymerase chain reactions, reverse dot blot hybridization (non-radioactive), and restriction enzyme digestion. The analysis for these ten mutations permitted the identification of only two mutations in 37.7% of CF chromosomes in this sample. The major mutation, delta F508, accounts for 34.4% of CF chromosomes. Of the 45 CF patients 9 (20.0%) were homozygous delta F508 deletion, 11 (24.4%) were heterozygous for the delta F508 mutation and an unknown mutation. One additional mutation G542X was also found in 3 chromosomes in our population (3.3%). Two patients were documented to be a compound heterozygote for DF508/G542X, and other one heterozygous for G542X and an unknown mutation. Therefore 62.2% of chromosomes remain uncharacterized.  相似文献   

Hereditary hemmorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by multisystemic vascular dyplasia and recurrent hemorrhage. One of the causative genes is the activin receptor-like kinase-1 (ALK-1) gene located on chromosome 12q13. ALK-1 is an endothelial cell type I receptor for the TGF-beta superfamily of ligands. As a number of mutations have been identified in the kinase domain of ALK-1, we initiated a mutation analysis specifically targeting the first four coding exons of ALK-1 in order to determine if mutations in the extracellular and transmembrane domains are also present in HHT. Six new mutations have been identified. Three frameshift mutations were identified in exons encoding the extracellular and transmembrane domains. These mutations would grossly truncate the ALK-1 protein and are thus classic null alleles. Three new missense mutations within the exons encoding the extracellular domain, in addition to two previously described missense mutations, are located at or near highly conserved cysteines. These mutations may disrupt intra- or inter-molecular disulfide bridges required for ligand binding. The combined data suggest that both severe and subtle changes in the ALK-1 amino acid sequence can lead to receptor dysfunction and result in the HHT disease phenotype.  相似文献   

We used the single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) method to investigate 13 apparently unrelated Spanish patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) for mutations in the promoter region and the 18 exons and their flanking intron sequences of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene. We found 16 aberrant SSCP patterns, and the underlying mutations were characterized by DNA sequencing. Five novel missense mutations, Q71E, C74G, C95R, C281Y and D679E, and one nonsense mutation, Q133X, were identified. We also found six missense mutations, S156L, D200Y, D200G, E256K, T413K and C646Y, and one stop codon mutation, W(-18)X, that were previously described in patients from other populations. A new frameshift mutation, 2085del19, was found in one patient. We also identified three splicing mutations; two of them are novel mutations, 1706-10G->A and 2390-1G->A, and the other one has been reported recently, 313+1G->C. Four patients were found to carry two different mutations in the same allele: Q71E and 313+1G->C; C95R and D679E; W(-18)X and E256K, and C281Y and 1706-10G->A. Our results demonstrate that there is a broad spectrum of mutations in the LDL receptor gene in the Spanish population.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI) or Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome, is a autosomal recessive disorder, due to the deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase (arylsufatase B, ASB: EC Three classical forms of the disease have been differentiated: severe, intermediate, mild. Mutational analysis of the ASB gene resulted in the identification of 30 ASB mutant alleles, each of which was found to be unique among unrelated patients, demonstrating a broad molecular heterogeneity of the disease. In this communication we present two novel mutant alleles in two severely affected subjects. Both alterations, the missense mutation G302R and the nonsense Q456X, were found in homozygosity and were confirmed by amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) or restriction analysis. The missense G302R mutation concerns an amino acid which may be of special importance to the polypeptide, since 302 position is completely conserved in all the eukaryotic sulfatases aligned so far; the nonsense mutation Q456X leads to the translation of a putative mutant ASB protein lacking the last 78 amino acids with a loss of the 8 kD mature polypeptide, one of the two peptides generated by intralysosomal proteolytic processing of the 64kD precursor.  相似文献   

The beta-thalassemia mutations of 13 unrelated heterozygous Germans who remained unidentified in a previous study of 40 subjects were investigated at the DNA level. Two Mediterranean, one Asian and three novel mutations (CD6 -G, CDs 108 /112-12nt, CDs 130/131 + GCCT) were identified. Altogether, in 30 of the 35 subjects (86%) in which a mutation in the beta-globin gene was identified, the mutation was of Mediterranean origin. The geographical distribution suggests recent migration from the Mediterranean region as cause of the high proportion of frequent Mediterranean beta-thalassemia mutations in the German population. Our results support the notion that the majority of beta-thalassemia genes in the western and central European population are of Mediterranean origin.  相似文献   

Cystinosis, an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder, is rarely diagnosed in African Americans. The disease results from mutations in the gene CTNS; at least 55 such mutations have been reported. By far the most common is a 57,257-bp deletion of Northern European origin encompassing most of the CTNS gene. We performed mutation analysis on DNA from four African American patients with cystinosis. In one individual with classical, nephropathic cystinosis, we identified a new molecular defect, i.e., a homozygous GT-->CC substitution at the +5 position of IVS 5 of CTNS (IVS 5+5 GT-->CC). The out-of-frame splicing of exon 5 creates a null allele consistent with the patient's severe phenotype. Two patients were heterozygous and one homozygous for the common 57-kb deletion allele, reflecting the admixture of African and Northern European gene pools in North America. The two African Americans heterozygous for the 57-kb deletion were also hemizygous for a 928G-->A change, associated with ocular or nonnephropathic cystinosis. These two individuals are the only known African Americans with ocular cystinosis. We conclude that the diagnosis of cystinosis should be entertained in African Americans with symptoms of the disease, and that mutation analysis for the 57-kb deletion should be considered in this group of patients.  相似文献   

In order to obtain a survey of the mutations being prevalent in Northern Germany and to enable molecular genetic testing for families with clinically diagnosed familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), we screened 46 unrelated German individuals with elevated LDL levels for mutations in the 18 exons and their flanking intron sequences including the promotor region of the LDL receptor (LDLR) gene. In addition, we tested all patients for the presence of mutations in the gene coding for apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100). We detected 15 mutations affecting the LDLR gene, 8 of which, designated A29S, 195insAT, 313+1insG, 553insG, 680insGGACAAATCTG, D200N, E267K and L411V have not yet been reported. One patient is heterozygous for the double mutant N543H and 2393del9Bp. Two patients carried the mutation R3500Q (Arg-->Glu) within the apoB-100 gene.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is based on the occurrence of hamartomatous gastrointestinal polyps and perioral pigment spots. In view of the development of hamartomatous polyps in several syndromes and the variability of pigment spots in Peutz-Jeghers patients, identification of affected individuals is difficult. Recently, germline mutations in the STK11 gene have been reported as a molecular cause of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. We present four novel inactivating mutations identified by direct sequencing of all 9 exons of the STK11 gene in 4 patients suggestive of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: three frameshift mutations (125-137del; 474-480del; 516-517insT) and one nonsense mutation (Q220X). Our data obtained in these patients and in those reported previously emphasize the diagnostic value of histological discrimination between different types of hamartomatous polyps and of molecular analysis, particularly in cases with no family history of the disease.  相似文献   

Twenty-three unrelated patients with tuberous sclerosis have been screened for the presence of mutations in six regions of the TSC2 gene. Eight novel intragenic polymorphisms have been found, one in intron 36 and seven in intron 4, with the use of SSCP analysis. Four of these polymorphisms alter the recognition sequence of specific restriction enzymes and can be detected as RFLPs. Study in a random sample of unrelated individuals from Northern Greece, showed that these polymorphisms have mean observed and expected heterozygosity values of 0.2996 and 0.3349, respectively and could be useful for linkage analysis. It is most likely that the wild type alleles from two pairs of these polymorphisms are strongly associated. A 667 bp segment of intron 4 (954 bp) and an additional 75 bp of intron 36 (352bp) were sequenced, thus completing the sequence of both introns.  相似文献   

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