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The Wolf 35100 and DSD-91 endoscope disinfection machines were compared. Using a total viable count method, the degree of contamination of an Olympus GIFXQ20 endoscope was assessed following inoculation with a suspension of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and again following disinfection cycles in each machine, using 2% glutaraldehyde as the disinfectant. Both machines performed satisfactorily, with an average reduction of between 7 and 8 log10 cfu ml−1P. aeruginosa following disinfection. The dilution effect on the glutaraldehyde of repeated disinfection cycles was also assessed for each machine. After 40 cycles in the DSD-91 and 25 cycles in the Wolf 35100 machines, the dilution of glutaraldehyde may give rise to concern, especially if adequate pre-cleaning of the endoscope is not carried out. The DSD-91 machine has certain advantages over the Wolf 35100 in terms of endoscope capacity, running costs and ease of maintenance. Both machines give similar results for endoscope disinfection.  相似文献   

目的:设计一种便携式多功能卫生防疫洗消背囊,解决应急救援过程中传染病的威胁及有效控制和消除污染,减少污染物对人员、环境的潜在伤害.方法:根据人机工效学原理,采用立体式结构,外层、内层面料均采用防水设计;背囊由囊体、拖拉杆、隐形背带、污染物品收纳包、各单元模块包、防水套等组成,且囊体内容物被隔板分为洁净区和过渡区2个部分.结果:该背囊轻便携行,可应用到现场消毒和病媒处理,且实现了与外界环境的相对防水、隔离,有效控制了外部污染.结论:该背囊小而全,可快速装备单兵所需设备并展开洗消工作,具有良好的时效性、经济性及安全环保性,值得推广使用.  相似文献   

目的:针对当前国内高原高寒地区缺乏集人装洗消和环境消杀功能于一体的装备现状,研制适用于高原高寒地区的多功能组合式防疫洗消方舱.方法:该方舱由双扩式人员洗消方舱、车辆装备半自动洗消装置和防疫洗消车组成.其中双扩式人员洗消方舱采用双侧扩展结构,水路系统是其关键系统;车辆装备半自动洗消装置采用快速拆卸结构,由防疫洗消剂储存装...  相似文献   

A prospective cross-over study in three different wards has demonstrated the lack of effect of two disinfectants compared with a detergent when added to the washing cycle of automatic bedpan washers that employ hot water centrally supplied at 60 degrees C. An unexpected and potentially important finding was that polypropylene pans were much more effectively cleaned and decontaminated than their stainless steel counterparts. The role, if any, of bedpans in the epidemiology of nosocomial infections remains a mystery. The continued absence of information clearly incriminating these ubiquitous devices in the transmission of potential pathogens, or of genes encoding antibacterial drug resistance, raises questions as to whether extensive efforts to achieve a high degree of decontamination of bedpans are necessary at all.  相似文献   

臭氧洗消机指采用高压发生器激发产生臭氧与自来水混合制备含臭氧的水溶液,并以其作为消毒剂,用于对物品表面清洗消毒的设备。通过对其结构技术控制以及消毒功效要求的描述,帮助生产企业及监管人员更好的了解和控制产品的质量。  相似文献   

This study assessed the efficacy of a 'dry' hydrogen peroxide vapour decontamination in an Australian hospital via a two-armed study. The in?vivo arm examined the baseline bacterial counts in high-touch zones within wards and evaluated the efficacy of cleaning with a neutral detergent followed by either hydrogen peroxide vapour decontamination, or a manual terminal clean with bleach or Det-Sol 500. The in?vitro arm examined the efficacy of hydrogen peroxide vapour decontamination on a variety of different surfaces commonly found in the wards of an Australian hospital, deliberately seeded with a known concentration of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). All bacterial counts were evaluated by a protocol of contact plate method. In the in?vivo arm, 33.3% of the high-touch areas assessed had aerobic bacterial count below the detection limit (i.e. no bacteria recoverable) post hydrogen peroxide decontamination, and in all circumstances the highest microbial density was ≤3?cfu/cm(2), while in the in?vitro arm there was at least a reduction in bacterial load by a factor of 10 at all surfaces investigated. These results showed that dry hydrogen peroxide vapour room decontamination is highly effective on a range of surfaces, although the cleanliness data obtained by these methods cannot be easily compared among the different surfaces as recovery of organisms is affected by the nature of the surface.  相似文献   

加强内镜清洗消毒的规范化管理   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的分析影响内镜消毒效果的因素,采取有效措施,做好内镜消毒工作,防止医院感染。方法按卫生部《内镜清洗消毒技术操作规范》,抽样监测了2005年1月-2006年10月18000例中42份消毒后内镜,进行效果分析。结果内镜清洗消毒工作已进入了规范化程序,规范评估标准,监测的合格率为100%。结论从清洗、消毒等各个方面消除影响胃镜消毒效果的因素,采取有效的防范措施,提高消毒效果,能有效防止医院感染。  相似文献   

目的:根据内窥镜检查开展规模,因地制宜开展内窥镜清洗消毒。方法:简述常用内窥镜清洗消毒方式,并对其进行对比研究。结果:合理采用内窥镜清洗消毒方式、利用现有洗消方式,提高内窥镜使用效率。结论:采用单一的内窥镜清洗消毒方式会造成效率低、成本高、占用过多场地及人力资源,开展综合内窥镜洗消方式可以解决此类问题。  相似文献   

目的 预防由内镜检查治疗所造成的医源性感染,探讨加强内镜的清洗消毒方法以及灭菌质量管理.方法 制定完善的手术室内镜管理制度,规范内镜清洗消毒流程,建立内镜器械分科分套的标识体系,强化内镜清洗消毒训练.结果 完善规范的制度和严密周到的管理措施,确保了内镜的清洗消毒质量,防止医疗质量事故的发生,该院2008-2010年清洗消毒内镜1万余例,无1例发生内镜手术后的感染.结论 根据卫生部的相关规范要求和医院设施条件,严格并细化手术室内镜清洗消毒流程,建立健全手术室内镜清洗消毒的各项规章制度,是预防手术室内镜感染的关键.  相似文献   

目的探讨如何更有效地做好内镜清洗消毒的规范化管理,评价经经不同方法清洗高效消毒剂消毒后内窥镜消毒效果,预防和控制由内镜检查所造成的医源性感染,确保医疗安全。方法内窥镜用不同方法彻底清洗后用2.00%戊二醛浸泡消毒进行细菌学检测。结果经超声波清洗机适酶溶液超声清洗内窥镜的戊二醛浸泡消毒30 m in后细菌学检测合格率达92.30%,普通方法手工清洗后经戊二醛浸泡30 m in消毒后细菌学检测合格率达仅占67.47%。结论内镜的规范化清洗是保证消毒质量的关键,对内镜的清洗消毒效果监测后建议采用超声波清洗机适酶溶液超声清洗,如果手工清洗,增加消毒浸泡时间以便达到规范的消毒效果。  相似文献   

There is increasing interest amongst general practitioners in carrying out minor surgical procedures but it is unclear what resources are available for this. We decided to assess the level of knowledge of sterilization and the use of benchtop sterilizers in general practice by circulating a postal questionnaire to the 883 general practices in the Trent Regional Health Authority. The response rate was 49%. Minor surgical procedures were performed in 86% of practices but less than half of respondents understood what was meant by sterilization. 28% considered that the floor of the surgery should be disinfected or sterilised and 13% believed that immersion in 2% glutaraldehyde for 10 min constituted sterilization. 93% had a benchtop steriliser, only a quarter kept a log book, and approximately a third had it serviced at intervals of one year or longer. Less than 50% understood the correct position in which a bowl or kidney dish should be placed and 41% had used or had access to a local sterile services department. The concept of sterilization is not clearly understood and the use of benchtop sterilisers in Trent is suboptimal. On-going education of staff in primary care is required and consideration should be given to a system of accreditation.  相似文献   

超声波清洗、戊二醛消毒后内窥镜微生物学检测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨如何更有效地做好内镜清洗消毒的规范化管理,评价经经不同方法清洗高效消毒剂消毒后内窥镜消毒效果,预防和控制由内镜检查所造成的医源性感染,确保医疗安全。方法内窥镜用不同方法彻底清洗后用2%戊二醛浸泡消毒进行细菌学检测。结果经超声波清洗机适酶溶液超声清洗内窥镜的戊二醛浸泡消毒30 min后细菌学检测合格率达92.30%,普通方法手工清洗后经戊二醛浸泡30min消毒后细菌学检测合格率达仅占67.47%。结论内镜的规范化清洗是保证消毒质量的关键,对内镜的清洗消毒效果监测后建议采用超声波清洗机适酶溶液超声清洗,如果手工清洗,增加消毒浸泡时间以便达到规范的消毒效果。  相似文献   

Firefighters are exposed to carcinogens such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during fires and from their personal protective equipment (PPE). Recent research has shown that decontamination processes can reduce contamination on both gear and skin. While firefighter cultures that honor dirty gear are changing, little is known about current attitudes and behaviors toward decontamination in the fire service. Four hundred eighty-five firefighters from four departments completed surveys about their attitudes, beliefs, perceived norms, barriers, and behaviors toward post-fire decontamination processes. Overall, firefighters reported positive attitudes, beliefs, and perceived norms about decontamination, but showering after a fire was the only decontamination process that occurred regularly, with field decontamination, use of cleansing wipes, routine gear cleaning, and other behaviors all occurring less frequently. Firefighters reported time and concerns over wet gear as barriers to decontamination.  相似文献   

人为因素对消化内镜清洗消毒效果影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的通过对消化内镜清洗消毒效果的监测和比较,探讨人为因素在消化内镜清洗消毒效果中的影响。方法将洗消人员分为3组:未经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组,经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组;混合组(既有未经过系统培训及考核的也有经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组),采用现场采样监测法对其3组洗消人员实验性清洗消毒后的消化内镜共计208份标本进行生物学监测。结果208份标本共检出阳性标本23份,阳性率为11.1%;其中未经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组标本60份,检出阳性标本13份,阳性率为21.7%;经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组标本60份,检出阳性标本0份,阳性率为0;混合组标本88份,检出阳性标本10份,阳性率为11.4%;对未经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组和经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组的试验进行比较,细菌阳性检出率差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论人为因素直接影响消化内镜清洗消毒效果。  相似文献   

本文探讨了生物恐怖袭击在世界和我国威胁的现实性、反生物恐怖袭击大量人员洗消的原则和基本方法、反生物恐怖袭击洗消技术和装备的研究进展以及我国在反生物恐怖袭击洗消技术和装备存在的问题,为进一步做好反生物恐怖袭击应急救援准备工作和开展生防人员洗消技术装备研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的研制一款在核化突发事件发生时能够迅速开设撤收、自动化程度高的洗消作业移动平台。方法通过文献检索和实地调研,摸索核化伤员去污洗消的实际需求,采用模块化设计,并通过专家论证法,完善移动平台设计细节。结果成功研制的洗消平台采用了电动螺纹推杆结构自动拓展方舱,可在3 min迅速展开,每小时可同时对重伤员(1人/h,≤5人/d)和中轻伤员(4人/h,≤20人/d)进行舱内洗消。同时针对突发核辐射与化学中毒事件卫生应急处置队伍的需求,分别完成装载平台、通信监控、综合保障等三个子系统模块设计。结论该款洗消平台能够快速启动应急响应,对受到核化污染的伤病员进行去污洗消,减少人员伤亡,避免污染扩散。  相似文献   

Firefighters' skin may be exposed to chemicals via permeation/penetration of combustion byproducts through or around personal protective equipment (PPE) or from the cross-transfer of contaminants on PPE to the skin. Additionally, volatile contaminants can evaporate from PPE following a response and be inhaled by firefighters. Using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as respective markers for non-volatile and volatile substances, we investigated the contamination of firefighters' turnout gear and skin following controlled residential fire responses. Participants were grouped into three crews of twelve firefighters. Each crew was deployed to a fire scenario (one per day, four total) and then paired up to complete six fireground job assignments. Wipe sampling of the exterior of the turnout gear was conducted pre- and post-fire. Wipe samples were also collected from a subset of the gear after field decontamination. VOCs off-gassing from gear were also measured pre-fire, post-fire, and post-decon. Wipe sampling of the firefighters' hands and neck was conducted pre- and post-fire. Additional wipes were collected after cleaning neck skin. PAH levels on turnout gear increased after each response and were greatest for gear worn by firefighters assigned to fire attack and to search and rescue activities. Field decontamination using dish soap, water, and scrubbing was able to reduce PAH contamination on turnout jackets by a median of 85%. Off-gassing VOC levels increased post-fire and then decreased 17–36 min later regardless of whether field decontamination was performed. Median post-fire PAH levels on the neck were near or below the limit of detection (< 24 micrograms per square meter [µg/m2]) for all positions. For firefighters assigned to attack, search, and outside ventilation, the 75th percentile values on the neck were 152, 71.7, and 39.3 µg/m2, respectively. Firefighters assigned to attack and search had higher post-fire median hand contamination (135 and 226 µg/m2, respectively) than other positions (< 10.5 µg/m2). Cleansing wipes were able to reduce PAH contamination on neck skin by a median of 54%.  相似文献   

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