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Pulmonary alveolar macrophages were obtained from healthy volunteers by saline pulmonary lavage, and aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase was measured in the cells. Enzyme activity was low in cells from five nonsmokers with a mean of 0.008±0.004 U/106 cells. Cells obtained from nine cigarette smokers contained higher enzyme levels, with a mean of 0.095±0.024 U/106 cells. A former cigarette smoker was lavaged on five occasions. Enzyme activity during two lavages 4 mo apart were 0.010 and 0.009 U/106 cells, respectively. 1 wk after smoking was resumed, the enzyme activity rose slightly to 0.013, and reached 0.041 U/106 cells by 1 mo. Upon cessation of smoking, the enzyme activity returned to control levels by the next lavage, 2 mo later. These data indicate that aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase may be induced in pulmonary alveolar macrophages of subjects chronically exposed to cigarette smoke.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages were retrieved by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from 30 patients, 24 smokers and six nonsmokers. The macrophages were separated from other cells in the BAL fluid by glass adherence. The amount of hydrogen peroxide released into the media by these macrophages was then measured by a new method of determining hydrogen peroxide concentration. Two groups were found. Group 1, who did not spontaneously release hydrogen peroxide, were mostly nonsmokers (six of nine), and group 2, who spontaneously secreted hydrogen peroxide (87.5 +/- 17.08 nmol/10(6) macrophages [mean +/- SEM]), were all smokers (21 of 21). When the alveolar macrophages in group 1 were stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate, they secreted as much hydrogen peroxide as the stimulated macrophages of group 2 (group 1: 125.0 +/- 92.08 nmol/10(6) macrophages, group 2: 116.7 +/- 14.82 nmol/10(6) macrophages). We conclude that there is a subset of smokers whose alveolar macrophages spontaneously release hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Enhanced cytotoxic potential of alveolar macrophages from cigarette smokers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cigarette smoking increases the numbers and oxidative metabolism of alveolar macrophages. Increased production of superoxide (O2-) and H2O2 by alveolar macrophages may contribute to the pathogenesis of cigarette-induced lung diseases. The cytotoxicity mediated by alveolar macrophages from smokers (n = 11) and nonsmokers (n = 13) was compared in an in vitro assay in which the target cells were chromium 51-labeled lung explants. The spontaneous cellular cytotoxicity mediated by smoker macrophages was significantly greater than that of nonsmoker macrophages (cytotoxic index 20.3% +/- 1.9% compared with 5.5% +/- 0.9%, P less than 0.001). Phorbol myristate acetate significantly increased the cytotoxic index of nonsmoker macrophages but did not cause further increases in smoker macrophage killing. The antioxidants superoxide dismutase and catalase produced partial inhibition of smoker macrophage cytotoxicity, suggesting that target cell killing was mediated in part by oxidant mechanisms. Supplementation of smokers' diets with high-dose oral vitamin E failed to decrease smoker alveolar macrophage cytotoxicity. These findings demonstrate that smoker alveolar macrophages possess enhanced cytotoxic potential for normal lung parenchymal cells.  相似文献   

目的探讨吸烟对男性精液质量及精子核DNA完整性的影响。方法 120例男性不育患者根据吸烟习惯和烟龄分为3组:A组日吸烟量小于10支,且烟龄不超过1年;B组日吸烟量10~20支,且烟龄5~10年;C组日吸烟量大于或等于20支,且烟龄大于或等于10年。选用35例已生育健康男性作为对照。对其精液常规参数及DNA片段化指数(DFI)值进行检测。结果不育吸烟组精子活力显著低于不育非吸烟组,DFI值显著增高;A、B、C3组比较,C组精子活力显著低于B组和A组,DFI值显著增高。结论吸烟可以破坏精子核DNA完整性,严重影响精液质量。  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages from patients with active pulmonary sarcoidosis have been shown to secrete several factors, such as interleukin-1 and alveolar macrophage-derived growth factor. We examined alveolar macrophages from nonsmoking patients with sarcoidosis undergoing bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for evaluation of disease activity. We compared these cells with macrophages from smoking and nonsmoking control patients. The amount of hydrogen peroxide released by the macrophages either spontaneously or after stimulation by phorbol myristate acetate was measured. The alveolar macrophages from smokers spontaneously released hydrogen peroxide, as we previously observed. The macrophages from the patients with sarcoidosis also released detectable amounts of hydrogen peroxide, but the macrophages from the non-smokers did not. Alveolar macrophages from all three groups released hydrogen peroxide when stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate. The macrophages from all three groups were examined for the presence on the surface membrane of beta-galactosidase, an enzyme that appears on the surface of older, activated macrophages. The macrophages in the BAL fluid of the patients with sarcoidosis had less beta-galactosidase staining than did those from the smokers, although they released comparable amounts of hydrogen peroxide. These findings suggest that alveolar macrophages in the BAL fluid of patients with sarcoidosis are younger, more monocyte-like, and activated by various factors, including gamma-interferon.  相似文献   

The lung is at risk for injury from inhaled oxidants, including components of cigarette smoke; therefore, maintaining a chemical antioxidant defense would be advantageous. The potential for ascorbic acid to assume this protective role was investigated by comparing the total ascorbate content of alveolar macrophages obtained from human smokers and nonsmokers, from hamsters that were exposed to cigarette smoke for 4 to 6 weeks, and from a control group of unexposed hamsters. The abilities of alveolar macrophages from these four sources to accumulate 14C-labeled ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbate were also compared. The total ascorbate content in hamster macrophages was 19.5 +/- 1.7 and 44.3 +/- 2.8 nmol/10(7) cells for nonsmokers and smokers, (n = 5) and 73.8 +/- 13.1 nmol/10(7) cells (n = 13, p less than 0.1) for nonsmokers and smokers, respectively. In both humans and hamsters, the rates of accumulation of ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbate were significantly greater (p less than 0.05) for alveolar macrophages from smokers compared with nonsmokers of the same species. After internalization, greater than or equal to 70% of the dehydroascorbate was reduced to ascorbic acid by alveolar macrophages from nonsmokers and smokers of both species. An aqueous extract of cigarette smoke oxidized significantly more ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbate in vitro than a comparable volume of phosphate-buffered saline solution without smoke. The increased content of total ascorbate in alveolar macrophages from smokers and their enhanced ability to accumulate ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbate in vitro may reflect protective utilization of ascorbic acid under conditions of increased oxidant stress, compared with nonsmokers. In addition, alveolar macrophages may internalize dehydroascorbate that has been generated by oxidants in the alveolar space and reduce it to ascorbic acid so it can be reused as an antioxidant.  相似文献   

Pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAM), obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage from 47 individuals, reduced hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] and decreased its mutagenicity. Their specific activity--mostly mediated by cytosolic, enzyme-catalyzed mechanisms--was significantly higher than in corresponding preparations of mixed-cell populations from human peripheral lung parenchyma or bronchial tree, or from rat lung or liver. At equivalent number of PAM, Cr(VI) reduction, total protein, and some oxidoreductase activities were significantly increased in smokers. No appreciable variation could be detected between lung cancer and noncancer patients. In rats, the Cr(VI)-reducing activity of PAM preparations was induced by Aroclor 1254. Thus, alveolar macrophages provide crucial defense mechanisms not only by phagocytizing metals, but also by metabolically reducing Cr(VI). The epithelial-lining fluid (ELF) also displayed some Cr(VI) reduction. Together with already investigated metabolic processes occurring inside lung cells, these mechanisms are expected to determine thresholds in the pulmonary carcinogenicity of chromium.  相似文献   

In vivo studies have shown a major role for the alveolar macrophage in the killing of inhaled bacteria. This contrasted with earlier work which showed a preservation of phagocytic properties but a loss of bactericidal capacity when alveolar macrophages were studied in vitro. Recently, alveolar lining material (ALM) from rats has been shown to enhance the in vitro bactericidal capacity of alveolar macrophages from homologous animals against Staphylococcus aureus. Utilizing a similar system, we have confirmed that rat alveolar macrophages do not kill S. aureus in vitro unless the bacteria have been incubated with rat ALM (R-ALM) before phagocytosis. In addition, human ALM (H-ALM) from 7 of 11 patients assayed showed an enhancement of bactericidal capacity by rat alveolar macrophages which was not significantly different from the results utilizing R-ALM. H-ALM from the other four patients gave results which differed significantly from results with H-ALM from the first seven patients and R-ALM (P less than 0.001). Preliminary results suggest that the factor enhancing the bactericidal capacity of rat alveolar macrophages is present in the lipid fraction of the ALM. Further characterization of the ALM is warranted in an effort to explain the enhancement of the bactericidal capacity of alveolar macrophages by most, but not all, H-ALM tested.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a mediator released by stimulated mononuclear phagocytes that is thought to play an important role in modulating T and B lymphocyte activation as well as in contributing to the febrile response and other inflammatory processes. Circulating mononuclear phagocytes, blood monocytes, readily release IL-1 when stimulated. However, the ability of lung mononuclear phagocytes, alveolar macrophages, to dispose of the large daily burden of inhaled antigens without stimulating an inflammatory response suggests that the release of IL-1 by alveolar macrophages may differ significantly from that of blood monocytes. To evaluate this hypothesis, normal autologous alveolar macrophages, obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage, were compared with blood monocytes for their ability to release IL-1 in response to a standard stimulus, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Alveolar macrophages were found to be at least 1,000 times less sensitive to LPS than blood monocytes. Furthermore, alveolar macrophages released significantly less IL-1 than blood monocytes (26 +/- 11 vs. 128 +/- 21 U/10(6) cells X 24 h, respectively, after stimulation with 10 micrograms/ml of LPS, P less than 0.001). This difference was not due to the release of substances by macrophages, which inhibited lymphocyte proliferation in response to IL-1, or to degradation of IL-1 by macrophages. Culturing macrophages in the presence of indomethacin and dialysis of macrophage supernatants did not affect the difference, and culturing macrophages with monocytes did not decrease detectable IL-1 activity from the monocytes. The IL-1 produced by the two cell types was indistinguishable by anion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and isoelectric focusing. In addition, consistent with the findings for alveolar macrophages, macrophages generated by the in vitro maturation of blood monocytes were also deficient in their ability to release IL-1. These findings suggest that if the population of alveolar macrophages obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage represents the total in vivo population of alveolar macrophages, although normal human macrophages are capable of IL-1 release, they are relatively limited in this ability, and this limitation seems to be linked to the maturational state of the mononuclear phagocyte. These observations may explain, in part, the ability of alveolar macrophages to clear the airspaces of foreign antigens without extensive activation of other pulmonary inflammatory and immune effector cells.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages (AM) from pathogen-free rabbits were unable to release reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) unless they were conditioned in serum for 24-48 h before triggering with membrane-active agents. The degree of serum conditioning of AM depended upon the concentration of serum used; optimal ROI release was obtained at or above 7.5% fetal bovine serum (FBS). FBS, autologous rabbit serum, pooled rabbit serum, and pooled human serum were each capable of conditioning AM for release of ROI. Serum conditioning of AM requires synthesis of new protein(s); and the enzyme required for ROI production, NADPH oxidase, was only detectable in serum-conditioned cells. Moreover, serum-conditioned cells lost their ability to release ROI after transfer to serum-free medium, while cells maintained in serum-free medium acquired the capacity to release ROI after their transfer to serum-containing medium, demonstrating the reversibility of the phenomenon. Initial purification data indicate that conditioning is mediated by a discrete serum constituent, which precipitates 40-80% saturated ammonium sulfate, does not bind to Cibacron Blue columns, and has a molecular weight of 30,000 to 50,000, as determined by molecular exclusion chromatography. Unlike gamma interferon, which also enhances ROI release by macrophages, our serum-conditioning factor is not acid labile, retaining 67% of its activity after 120 min incubation at pH 2.0. Moreover, it does not appear to be a contaminating endotoxin, since LPS neither conditioned AM for ROI production, nor triggered ROI production by serum-conditioned AM. We propose that such a conditioning requirement may normally protect the lung against ROI-mediated tissue injury. However, during a pulmonary inflammatory reaction initiated by other mediator systems, the resulting transudation of plasma proteins into the alveolar spaces may condition AM in situ for ROI production.  相似文献   

The concentrations of cationic local anesthetics present in effluents from subsegmental bronchoscopic lavage were determined. Subsequently, the effect of these agents on lavaged human AM was evaluated in vitro. The results indicate that concentrations of LDC that may alter human AM function are present in effluents during routine subsegmental bronchopulmonary lavage. LDC and TRC in a dose-dependent fashion rapidly inhibited oxygen consumption and superoxide anion (O-2.) release by unstimulated human AM or AM stimulated by bacteria or the membrane-active chemical PMA. Concentrations of 2 mM TRC or 16 mM LDC reduced O2 consumption and O-2. release by unstimulated AM by more than 70% and blocked the usual spurt in O2 uptake and O-2. release observed for stimulated AM. This inhibition was not due to cytotoxicity, since washing n a balanced salt solution restored the metabolic function of treated AM. TRC or LDC also had effects on the morphology of washed human AM, causing rounding of the cell surface (scanning electron microscopy). In summary, the findings show that anesthetic agents routinely present in lavage effluents have the capacity to alter the function and structure of human AM. Although the effect must be considered in the design and interpretation of studies using AM obtained by bronchopulmonary lavage, the cationic anesthetics may also prove to be valuable agents for evaluating cell membrane-related events of human AM.  相似文献   

In order to study possible interactions between opioids and cigarette smoking, we examined the effects of oral methadone administration on the smoking behavior of five male methadone-maintenance patients. Isolated subjects smoked their regular brand of cigarettes ad libitum in a naturalistic laboratory environment while reading or watching television. Ninety minutes before each daily 2-hr smoking session subjects received either placebo, dextromethorphan (a taste blind) or one of three doses of methadone, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 times their regular maintenance dose (40-60 mg). Each subject received each treatment five times, in a mixed order across days. Methadone pretreatment resulted in a dose-related increase in the number of cigarettes smoked per session (from a mean of 2.8 after placebo to 5.6 after the high dose of methadone). The total time spent puffing during the session increased from a mean of 27 sec after placebo to 74 sec after the high dose of methadone. CO levels in expired air (a measure of actual smoke inhalation) showed corresponding dose-related increases. Methadone administration also resulted in dose-related decreases in pupil diameter and increases in subjective ratings of smoking satisfaction and dose-strength. Dextromethorphan had no significant effects on any measure of smoking behavior or subjective response. The results demonstrate that methadone can produce substantial increases in cigarette smoking and may have implications regarding the proposed role of endogenous opioids in the smoking process.  相似文献   

Oxygen-independent killing by alveolar macrophages   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We have found that normal alveolar macrophages can kill an intracellular parasite by a mechanism that does not involve toxic metabolites of oxygen. We studied the interaction between Toxoplasma gondii and rat alveolar macrophages in vitro. We were interested in Toxoplasma because it causes pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients but not in healthy individuals, and we chose the rat because it resembles immunocompetent human subjects in being resistant to T. gondii. Resident rat alveolar macrophages could kill large numbers of T. gondii. This occurred without a respiratory burst as judged by intracellular reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium and quantitative release of superoxide. Furthermore, scavengers of toxic oxygen metabolites had no effect on the toxoplasmacidal activity of the alveolar macrophages, nor did prior exhaustion of their respiratory burst with PMA. Whereas acid pH (e.g., 4.5-6.0) rapidly kills extracellular T. gondii, raising of the intralysosomal acid pH of rat alveolar macrophages by incubating them with weak bases did not inhibit their ability to kill T. gondii. Killing of Toxoplasma occurred within 1 h of initial exposure to the alveolar macrophages. However, there was no evidence that killing preceded ingestion; Toxoplasma attached to the surface of the cell appeared viable, and when phagocytosis was blocked with sodium fluoride the organisms survived. These results indicate that rat alveolar macrophages possess a powerful nonoxidative microbicidal mechanism, which is distinct from acidification of the phagolysosome but which probably involves phagosome formation. This mechanism may be clinically relevant, for we have recently observed that human alveolar macrophages also kill T. gondii by an oxygen-independent process.  相似文献   

Summary. The effect elicited by cigarette smoking on the reactive hyperaemia that develops following release of arterial occlusion in human skin was investigated, and compared to the corresponding effects elicited by oral administration of indomethacin (an inhibitor of the prostaglandin-forming enzyme cyclo-oxygenase) or nicotine, or by smoking of nicotine-free cigarettes. Finger blood flow was determined in human volunteers, using venous occlusion plethysmography, in the basal state and after 5 min of arterial occlusion. All subjects were studied before and after they had smoked two tobacco cigarettes, two herbal (nicotine-free) cigarettes, or chewed a nicotine chewing gum. The determinations before and after tobacco smoking were repeated after administration of indomethacin. In separate series, the effects of smoking on heart rate and systemic blood pressure were recorded. The basal finger blood flow was significantly (P< 0·05) diminished following cigarette smoking, by about 35%, and so was the reactive hyperaemia (P<0·05), by about 55%. The reactive hyperaemia after administration of indomethacin in combination with cigarette smoking did not differ from that obtained after cigarette smoking alone. The reactive hyperaemia was not affected by oral administration of nicotine, or by smoking of two herbal cigarettes. Cigarette smoking elicited increases in heart rate and systemic blood pressure that were of similar magnitude before and after indomethacin. From these data, we conclude that cigarette smoking elicits an inhibitory effect on the reactive hyperaemia in the human finger. This effect is probably not caused by nicotine, and seems to act via blockade of the vascular relaxation normally mediated by locally formed cyclo-oxygenase products.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to characterize the oxidative metabolism of estradiol by human term placenta and its modulation by cigarette smoking. METHODS: Placental microsomes were prepared from term placentas obtained from 13 cigarette smokers (20 to 30 cigarettes per day until the time of delivery) and 13 control subjects who were nonsmokers. Estrogen metabolism was studied by incubation of 250 nmol/L [(3)H]estradiol with placental microsomes and NADPH, and the estrogen metabolites were determined by HPLC and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. RESULTS: 2-Hydroxyestradiol was the major hydroxyestrogen detected, followed by 6alpha-hydroxyestradiol. Small amounts of several other hydroxyestrogen metabolites (4-hydroxyestradiol, 6beta-hydroxyestradiol, 7alpha-hydroxyestradiol, and 16alpha-hydroxyestradiol) were also detected. Large amounts of estrone plus small amounts of 2-hydroxyestrone and unidentified nonpolar metabolites were formed. Cigarette smoking stimulated the placental hydroxylation of benzo[a ]pyrene by about 16-fold. Cigarette smoking had little or no effect on the overall rate of placental estradiol metabolism or on the formation of estrone, 2-hydroxyestradiol, 2-hydroxyestrone, or 16alpha-hydroxyestradiol. However, placental formation of 4-hydroxyestradiol and 7alpha-hydroxyestradiol was increased 38% (P =.08) and 150% (P =.05), respectively, in cigarette smokers. The formation of 6alpha-hydroxyestradiol was decreased 33% (P =.04). Metabolic formation of 15alpha-hydroxyestradiol was observed during incubations of estradiol with placental microsomes from 11 of the 13 cigarette smokers, but this metabolite was not detected during incubations with placental microsomes from any of the 13 nonsmokers. Analysis of data from all 26 placentas showed that the 15alpha-hydroxylation of estradiol was highly correlated with benzo[a ]pyrene hydroxylation (r = 0.93; P <.001). CONCLUSIONS: Many hydroxylated estradiol metabolites were formed by placental microsomes from cigarette smokers and nonsmokers. 15alpha-Hydroxylation of estradiol was markedly stimulated in the placentas of cigarette smokers.  相似文献   

To study the interaction of lymphocytes and macrophages in the control of extracellular matrix turnover, we determined the effects of several soluble T cell products on mononuclear phagocyte production of metalloproteinases. Cytokines including IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha), GM-CSF, and IFN-gamma were each tested for capacity to modulate macrophage metalloproteinase and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) expression. The addition of IL-4 to cells cultured under basal conditions caused a dose-dependent suppression in the release of 92-kD type IV collagenase without affecting TIMP production. 92-kD enzyme secretion was inhibited by 50% with 1-2 ng/ml of IL-4 and by 90% with 10 ng/ml of IL-4. When cells were first exposed to killed Staphylococcus aureus to induce metalloproteinase production, IL-4 potently blocked the stimulated release of both interstitial collagenase and 92-kD type IV collagenase, again without effect upon TIMP. Metabolic labeling experiments and Northern hybridizations demonstrated that IL-4 exerted its action at a pretranslational level. Furthermore, IL-4 possessed the capacity to inhibit metalloproteinase expression even in the relatively immature peripheral blood monocyte. As reported previously (Shapiro, S. D., E. J. Campbell, D. K. Kobayashi, and H. G. Welgus. 1990. J. Clin. Invest. 86:1204), IFN-gamma suppressed constitutive macrophage production of 92-kD type IV collagenase. Despite the frequent antagonism observed between IL-4 and IFN-gamma in other systems, the combination of these two agents lowered metalloproteinase biosynthesis dramatically, whereas IL-4 opposed the IFN-gamma-stimulated production of cytokines (IL-1 and TNF alpha). IL-6 had only minimal effect upon metalloproteinase production, but appeared to specifically augment TIMP release. In summary, cytokines released by activated T cells may profoundly reduce the capacity of the macrophage to mediate extracellular matrix degradation.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a significant cause of lower respiratory tract disease in children and individuals with cell-mediated immunodeficiencies. Airway epithelial cells may be infected with RSV, but it is unknown whether other cells within the lung permit viral replication. We studied whether human alveolar macrophages supported RSV replication in vitro. Alveolar macrophages exposed to RSV demonstrated expression of RSV fusion gene, which increased in a time-dependent manner and correlated with RSV protein expression. RSV-exposed alveolar macrophages produced and released infectious virus into supernatants for at least 25 d after infection. Viral production per alveolar macrophage declined from 0.053 plaque-forming units (pfu)/cell at 24 h after infection to 0.003 pfu/cell by 10 d after infection and then gradually increased. The capability of alveolar macrophages to support prolonged RSV replication may have a role in the pulmonary response to RSV infection.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking produces oxidant-mediated changes in the lung important to the pathogenesis of emphysema. Since vitamin E can neutralize reactive oxygen species and prevent peroxidation of unsaturated lipids, it may constitute an important component of the lung's defense against oxidant injury. To better characterize the antioxidant protective role of vitamin E, young asymptomatic smokers and nonsmokers were evaluated by bronchoalveolar lavage before and immediately after a 3-wk course of oral vitamin E (2,400 IU/d). Smoker alveolar fluid at baseline was relatively deficient in vitamin E compared with nonsmoker fluid (3.1 +/- 0.7 ng/ml vs. 20.7 +/- 2.4 ng/ml, P less than 0.005). Although smoker alveolar fluid vitamin E levels increased to 9.3 +/- 2.3 ng/ml after supplementation, the levels remained significantly lower than nonsmoker baseline levels (P less than 0.01). This deficiency was explained, in part, by the increased oxidative metabolism of vitamin E to the quinone form in the lungs of smokers compared with nonsmokers. Although the significance of a lower concentration of alveolar fluid vitamin E is unclear, it may compromise the antioxidant protection afforded by the alveolar fluid as it coats the lung's epithelial surface. The protective role of vitamin E was assessed by cytotoxicity experiments, which demonstrated that the killing of normal rat lung parenchymal cells by smoker alveolar macrophages was inversely related to the vitamin E content of the parenchymal cells. These findings suggest that vitamin E may be an important lower respiratory tract antioxidant, and that the deficiency seen in young smokers may predispose them to an enhanced oxidant attack on their lung parenchymal cells.  相似文献   

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