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This article describes a 3-pronged compliance strategy to implement a tobacco-free campus policy at 1 large, land grant public university in the South, and evaluates its impact on outcomes and costs. Although there has been a recent wave of tobacco-free colleges, policy restrictiveness and implementation vary, and compliance remains a challenge. The 3 Ts strategy (Tell-Treat-Train) involves regular, consistent communications, access to tobacco treatment medications and counseling, and ongoing training of supervisors and student leaders. Administrative support, access to tobacco treatment, campus buy-in, sustained communications, and careful implementation planning are critical to instituting a tobacco-free university policy.  相似文献   

多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome,MODS)发病急,病情进展迅速,病死率极高,是危重病医学领域内的尖端课题。天津市急救医学研究所自20世纪70年代起就开始了以中西医结合方法治疗MODS的探索。并最早发现菌体溃解后产生的内毒素会进一步加重对脏器功能的损伤,从而提出了中西医结合治疗MODS的“菌毒并治”理论体系。以此理论为指导,在对MODS发病机制进行深入研究的同时,使得对MODS的中医辨证分型及治疗也得到了规范及完善,逐步形成了“四证四法”的辨证治疗原则,即:活血化瘀法治疗血瘀证;清热解毒法治疗毒热证;扶正固本法治疗急性虚证;通里攻下法治疗腑气不通证。同时,也形成了一套MODS的中西医结合治疗规范,降低了MODS患者的病死率。  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性冠脉综合征患者血清高敏C-反应蛋白(Hs-CRP)、血脂水平变化及舒降之的干预情况。方法 69例急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者随机分为舒降之组(40例)和常规治疗组(29例),治疗前后分别测定Hs-CRP、TC、TG、LDL、HDL,另30例健康人为对照。结果与对照组比较ACS患者Hs—CRP水平明显升高,且与心肌损害程度密切相关。舒降之治疗2周,能明显下调ACS患者的Hs—CRP水平。结论 血清Hs—CRP水平与ACS的发生、程序密切相关,舒降之的抗炎作用在ACS的早期治疗中有重要意义。  相似文献   

J A Randolph 《AAOHN journal》2000,48(8):385-394
A convenience sample of 52 participants was used to examine the construct validity and sensitivity of four "localized discomfort" instruments and the severity of clients with carpal tunnel syndrome, using the "known group" method. Three groups known to have severe, mild, or no carpal tunnel syndrome based on either nerve conduction studies or an inability to complete a physical challenge (exercise) were used. The participants rated the amount of localized discomfort for one hand, wrist, and arm on four different instruments. Following a physical challenge, strenuous enough to result in an increase in localized discomfort, the four instruments were readministered. The difference in the pre- and posttest scores was compared for both sensitivity and validity. The ease of administration of the four instruments was also assessed. All four instruments were found to demonstrate sensitivity. Two of the four instruments, the Unipolar Borg Scale and the first Visual Analog Scale, were found to be most valid and easiest to administer. Occupational health nurses could use these two valid and sensitive tools as early markers for future injury. The tools also could be used to measure the progress of an intervention or therapy following an injury and gauge readiness for return to work.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析“春夏养阳,秋冬养阴”理论来指导四时养生。方法:从精神、饮食、生活起居等方面来论述四时养生的法则。结果和结论:“春夏养阳,秋冬养阴”是养生保健、防治疾病的指导思想,人的生命活动应当顺应四时阴阳变化,才能正气充盛,健康长寿。  相似文献   

Grimby G. Invited commentary on “Level of evidence in four selected rehabilitation journals.”Level of evidence has been studied in 4 selected rehabilitation journals in the article by Kocak, Unver, and Karatosun. However, other journals within the rehabilitation field would also have been relevant to study to get a more comprehensive analysis. Examples of such journals are mentioned in this commentary. The limitations of the traditional impact factor are discussed, and the use of a 5-year impact factor is suggested. The categorization of journals used and the lack of definitions of the categories are criticized. The importance of publishing more randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews in rehabilitation is supported.  相似文献   

针刺正常老年人"四关穴"的脑功能MRI研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
目的采用脑功能磁共振成像(fMRI)探讨针刺正常老年人“四关穴”(双侧太冲穴和合谷穴)的中枢神经机制。方法针刺13例正常老年人“四关穴”,同时进行全脑fMRI扫描。为避免针刺后效应的影响,实验采用单组块设计。数据采用SPM99进行分析。图像中每个体素的t值形成统计参数图,以P<0.05(经比较修正后)的体素作为激活体素。结果针刺正常老年人“四关穴”激活双侧小脑半球、小脑蚓部、左侧额中回、双侧额下回、双侧中央旁小叶、双侧丘脑、后扣带回和前扣带回。针刺“四关穴”所激活的脑区,并非是单独针刺太冲穴和合谷穴所激活脑区的简单叠加。结论针刺正常老年人“四关穴”激活后扣带回和额叶,这可能是该组合穴治疗精神类疾病的中枢神经机制。fMRI是一种客观显示针刺治疗脑改变的方法。  相似文献   

This lecture can be viewed in its entirety online by visiting http://vimeo.com/24148123.  相似文献   

介绍了大庆市卫生局发挥护理专业优势 ,把护理工作延伸到社区 ;发挥护士素质特长 ,把健康理念落实到社区 ;发挥护士特有的潜能 ,全心全意服务于社区。通过社区护理工作 ,使卫生服务更加贴近社区、贴近家庭、贴近百姓、贴近生活。保证全市人民“生能顺利、病能医治、老能康乐、死能安息。”的具体做法和成效。  相似文献   

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