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This study elucidates the perspective of low-income HIV-positive African American women who have not received cervical cancer screening for five or more years, on the barriers they face in accessing and using reproductive health care. We focused on how women who live in a severely economically depressed and racially segregated neighborhood experience barriers to cervical cancer screening. Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Services Use, which allows for the organization of conditions and situations that bar utilization of health services, served as the theoretical framework. Findings from individual semi-structured interviews with 35 participants revealed the importance of psychological and emotional barriers as well as the more commonly reported economic, social, and health care system barriers. We suggest how access to care for this population can be increased by including psychological and emotional components in intervention efforts.  相似文献   

Increasing the level of prenatal care among African American women may be one method of improving the health and well-being of African American women and children. This article identifies factors influencing access to and use of prenatal care and strategies for increasing the use of prenatal care among low-income African American women. Barriers to prenatal care, the strengths and limitations of prenatal care in reducing infant mortality and improving infant outcomes, and the importance of providing more comprehensive prenatal care that addresses both the medical and psychosocial needs of the low-income African American mother and her infant are discussed. Changes in prenatal care services that include the medical and lay communities, public health organizations, public policy organizations, and medical financing institutions are identified.  相似文献   

An ecological model for school-based mental health services that targets urban low-income aggressive children—a highly vulnerable and underserved population—is presented. The goals of the model are to increase children's and teachers' involvement in the delivery of services and to increase the integration of these services into existing school resources and activities. The model proposes that mental health service providers work in collaboration with teachers to deliver services that (1) can be managed by existing school resources and personnel, (2) are related to empirically based factors associated with reduced aggression and increased social functioning, and (3) are group administered to increase the number of children served and to reduce stigmatization associated with mental health services. The model is individualized and flexible by acknowledging that contexts for aggression differ across classrooms and children and by providing services specific to those contexts. Two studies are presented illustrating the application of this model to decrease aggression and increase academic engagement in low-income urban public schools.Dolores Webster works in a private practice in Philadelphia.  相似文献   

Help-seeking pathways and barriers to accessing health care services were surveyed in 51 West African refugee women who had settled recently in Perth, Western Australia, and in 100 Australian women. Shame or fear of what family and friends might think, fear of being judged by the treatment provider, fear of hospitalization, and logistical difficulties were significant impediments to accessing health care services for the refugee women. Surprisingly, barriers often were greater for the more-educated refugee women and strengthened with years of residence in Australia. Strategies to help at-risk women overcome these barriers need to be implemented to ensure appropriate access to health care services.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a qualitative study of 53 low-income women who were smokers at the onset of pregnancy. Study participants were interviewed during pregnancy to document smoking trajectories and factors contributing to, or undermining, harm reduction and quit attempts. Thirty percent of women quit smoking completely, 43% engaged in sustained harm reduction, and 26% reduced their smoking levels intermittently. Case studies of women are presented to illustrate reasons for quitting, harm reduction practices, and factors influencing relapse and smoking continuation. Women's motivations to quit are highlighted. Moral identity as a mother was found to be a key motivating factor behind women's quit attempts. Future programs targeting this population would do well to acknowledge moral identity as an issue and recognize the challenges of quitting for women with limited social support and little control over their immediate environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous research showed low-income African American women with limited access to breast screening information through mass media to have a low likelihood of obtaining screening. This report describes a controlled evaluation of a component of a community-based breast screening promotion program focused on increasing screening among low-income African American women. METHODS: A direct-contact screening promotion component tailored to the needs of low-income African American women was conducted between 1990 and 1997 in one of two matched Florida study areas. Before and after assessments of breast screening, behavior and psychosocial mediators of screening were examined using logistic regression analyses for 1201 women with differing levels of exposure to media information about breast screening. RESULTS: Recent/repeat mammography use increased significantly in the program area for women with limited access to media information, although there was no significant program impact on hypothesized psychosocial mediators of screening. CONCLUSIONS: The program led to increased mammography use among low-income African Americans having limited access to screening information through the media. For these women, using direct contact to deliver educational messages and facilitation of access to services may be the best method available to promote regular mammography.  相似文献   

Despite the Netherlands' reputation as a world leader with respect to gay rights, homosexual Dutch men have much higher rates of mood disorders, anxiety disorders and suicide attempts than heterosexual Dutch men. Epidemiologists report similar disparities elsewhere in Western Europe and North America. These findings have been the focus of a blossoming psychological literature, inspired by minority stress theory and deploying quantitative methods. Our investigation aims to complement this body of work by adopting an ethnographic approach. Drawing from fieldwork conducted in the Netherlands from 2009 to 2010, we explore sociocultural and contextual factors that have received relatively little attention with respect to gay mental health. In the Netherlands – considered a model for gay equality – how can one understand high rates of psychiatric disorders among gay men? This study points to heteronormativity, complex dynamics involving long-term relationships and processes within gay subcultures as key issues. Notwithstanding their putative socioeconomic, legal and political equality, gay men struggled – at various stages of the life cycle – with internalised norms that they found difficult to fulfil. The desire to embody these ideals, and structural constraints in meeting them, could be potent sources of disappointment and distress.  相似文献   

This paper examines mental health service use among publicly insured white and African-American pregnant and postpartum women who live in a metropolitan area. The study examines the extent to which ethnicity, physical health problems, and behavioral health risk factors are associated with the probability of service use during the prenatal-postpartum period. It also analyzes the patterns of service utilization for those women who used mental health services. Medicaid claims and eligibility data, County Reporting System claims and admissions data, and Pennsylvania State Vital Birth Records were integrated using a unique algorithm. Logistic regression was employed to estimate the probability of mental health service use among 3,841 low-income women residing in Philadelphia who were continuously enrolled in Medicaid for 9 months preceding delivery and 6 months postpartum. Analyses were also conducted on the intensity and location of service use, as well as psychiatric diagnosis, during pregnancy and the postpartum period. About 10% of the women used mental health services during the study period. Women were more likely to use services if they were Caucasian, had a number of chronic diseases, had a number of pregnancy complications, and smoked. Among users, the same proportion (ca. 6%) used services during pregnancy and postpartum, with the average number of outpatient visits slightly higher during pregnancy than during the postpartum period. Most outpatient services (86%) were delivered in the specialty sector. Most women who used mental health services (84%) were diagnosed with minor psychiatric disorders including minor depression and anxiety disorders. Women who used services during the postpartum only were more likely to be diagnosed with major depression, whereas women who used services throughout the perinatal period were more likely to be diagnosed with severe mental disorders. Health providers can use information generated in this study to identify women who are likely to have a need for mental health services.  相似文献   

Data from the 1997 National Survey of America's Families (NSAF) are used to analyze access to care and use of health care services for low-income women. Three groups of women are examined: those with Medicaid coverage, those with private coverage, and those with no insurance. Findings show that uninsured women faced larger access barriers and utilized fewer services, particularly preventive care services, than women with either public or private coverage. Access and use did not differ greatly between Medicaid and privately covered women. The results suggest that expansions in coverage, either through Medicaid or through private options, could improve access to care for uninsured women.  相似文献   

The involvement of women with mental health problems in cancer screening was examined in order to explore service delivery options among this particular group. Structured interviews were used to identify the utilization of cancer screening and barriers experienced in accessing such screening among this group. The sample of women reported similar utilization rates of cancer screening as the general female population of the same Australian state. However, they identified a number of barriers to effective access to cancer screening. In response to the interview finding that consumers valued screening services from a well-known provider in a familiar environment, a series of women's health clinics were offered within a mental health service. This experience is described and was used to try to better understand barriers to cancer screening experienced by women with mental health problems. The women's health clinics were most efficiently offered in conjunction with hospital-based psychiatric services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the association between attributes of primary care providers and care for depression, from a patients' perspective, among a sample of predominantly low-income African American women. METHODS: Computer-assisted telephone interviews were conducted among a population-based sample of 1202 women residing in Washington, DC. RESULTS: Respondents whose primary care physicians provided more comprehensive medical services were more likely to be asked about and treated for depressive symptoms than women whose providers were less medically comprehensive. Women who rated their providers as having more respect for them also were more likely to be asked about and treated for depression. CONCLUSIONS: More comprehensive primary care delivery and a physician-patient relationship focused on mutual respect are associated with greater rates of physician inquiry about and treatment for depression among vulnerable women.  相似文献   


Introduction: Sexual and behavioral health disparities have been consistently demonstrated between African American and White adults and between sexual minority and heterosexual communities in the United States; however, few studies using nationally representative samples have examined disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual adults within African American populations. The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of sexual and behavioral health outcomes between sexual minority and heterosexual African American adults and to examine whether there were different patterns of disparities for African American sexual minority men and women, respectively.

Methods: We analyzed data from 4502 African American adults who participated in the 2001–2015 waves of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Using multivariable analyses, we examined differences in HIV, sexually transmitted infections, mental health, and substance use among African American sexual minority and heterosexual men and women.

Results: After adjusting for sociodemographic variables, African American sexual minority men had significantly higher odds of HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and poor mental health compared to their heterosexual male counterparts, whereas African American sexual minority women had significantly higher odds of Hepatitis C, poor mental health, and substance use compared to their heterosexual female counterparts.

Conclusions: These findings demonstrate notable sexual orientation disparities among African American adults. Disparities persisted beyond the role of sociodemographic factors, suggesting that further research utilizing an intersectional approach is warranted to understand the social determinants of adverse health outcomes among African American sexual minority men and women.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of United States-based research on the ways in which racism can affect mental health. It describes changes in racial attitudes over time, the persistence of negative racial stereotypes and the ways in which negative beliefs were incorporated into societal policies and institutions. It then reviews the available scientific evidence that suggests that racism can adversely affect mental health status in at least three ways. First, racism in societal institutions can lead to truncated socioeconomic mobility, differential access to desirable resources, and poor living conditions that can adversely affect mental health. Second, experiences of discrimination can induce physiological and psychological reactions that can lead to adverse changes in mental health status. Third, in race-conscious societies, the acceptance of negative cultural stereotypes can lead to unfavorable self-evaluations that have deleterious effects on psychological well-being. Research directions are outlined.  相似文献   

Utilization of public health services by high-risk pregnant women is contingent on women's awareness of those services. This article reports on an evaluation of public health promotional methods and compares high-risk pregnant women users of public health services to eligible nonusers. For women who used public health services, the two most frequently reported sources of information were a public health nurse or a friend. Users of services in contrast with nonusers tended to have had fewer pregnancies, lower income, and use WIC. They were also less likely to attend church and to have more contact with their child's school. These findings can assist agencies in planning outreach activities.  相似文献   

This article describes findings from interviews of parents targeted for outreach efforts that encouraged them to use Medicaid''s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment(EPSDT) Program. Begun in the 1970s, the EPSDT program held out the promise of ensuring that needy children would receive comprehensive preventive care. With only one-third of eligible children in the United States receiving EPSDT checkups, the program has yet to fulfill its promise. This study sought to understand parents'' perceptions of barriers to using EPSDT by interviewing (a) 110 parents who did not schedule EPSDT checkups for their children after being exposed to outreach efforts and (b) 30 parents who did. Although the EPSDT Program is designed to provide health care at no charge and to provide assistance with appointment scheduling and transportation, these low-income parents identified significant barriers to care. Reasons for not using EPSDT services included (a) competing family or personal issues and priorities; (b) perceived or actual barriers in the health care system; and (c) issues related directly to problems with the outreach efforts. Parents who successfully negotiated these barriers and received EPSDT services encountered additional barriers, for example, scheduling and transportation difficulties, long waiting room times, or care that they perceived to be either unresponsive to their medical needs or interpersonally disrespectful. The implications for future outreach efforts and improving access to preventive health care services are discussed.  相似文献   

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