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背景:髌韧带在膝关节的运动中起着非常重要的的作用,因其断裂比较少见,临床上误诊率较高。目前重建髌韧带的方法较多,疗效报道不一,治疗不当容易出现髌骨位置不良,会严重影响膝关节的功能。 目的:探讨保留止点自体肌腱移植治疗陈旧性髌韧带断裂的临床疗效。 方法:对8例单侧陈旧性髌韧带断裂的患者行保留止点的半肌腱、股薄肌重建髌韧带,髌韧带重建后行半环形石膏后托固定屈膝15°1周,髌韧带重建后2周拆除切口缝线,3周去除石膏行股四头肌等长等张练习,6周时佩戴可调节膝关节护具进行膝关节活动度锻炼,3次/d,每周增加10°。髌韧带重建3个月后允许完全负重行走。 结果与结论:所有患者髌韧带重建后无并发症,X射线示髌骨恢复正常高度。膝关节功能恢复良好。所有患者髌韧带重建后24个月行走2 km以上膝关节无不适。与髌韧带重建前相比,髌韧带重建后24个月患者的Lysholm评分明显增加(P < 0.05),说明保留止点的半腱肌、股薄肌重建髌韧带可重建治疗陈旧性髌韧带断裂。  相似文献   

目的 采用改进的Herbert螺钉修复髌韧带断裂,对其修复强度进行生物力学检测,明确该方法是否优于目前临床常用的骨钻孔修补法。方法 (1)22只新鲜羊膝关节标本在靠近胫骨结节6mm处切断髌韧带。分成两组,螺钉组和缝合组,分别对髌韧带进行修补缝合。测量缝合后髌韧带断裂时瞬间拉力和最大承受拉力。(2)11只活体狗手术切断双侧后腿髌韧带后,分别用螺钉和单纯缝合方法进行修补,4周后观察韧带愈合情况,并进行力学测试。结果 (1)螺钉组羊髌韧带缝合后断裂平均瞬间拉力为(71.13±14.23)N,缝合组为(46.09±8.41)N,两组间有显著差异(P<0.05)。螺钉组的平均最大拉力为(80.46±11.73)N,缝合组为(54.60±9.79)N,两组间亦有显著差异(P<0.05)。(2)活体狗螺钉组髌韧带完全愈合5例,缝合组2例。螺钉组平均断裂瞬间拉力为(202.99±12.17)N,缝合组为(162.41±15.80)N(P<0.05)。螺钉组最大拉力为(219.69±15.73)N,缝合组为(177.92±15.31)N(P<0.05)。结论 对于近止点的韧带断裂,改进的Herbert螺钉优于骨钻孔修补方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用聚酯人工韧带(1igament advanced reinforcement system,LARS)修复新鲜闭合性跟腱断裂的疗效。方法 14例新鲜闭合性跟腱断裂患者,术中在跟腱体内建立隧道,LARS人工韧带包埋于其中编织缝合。术后不采用外固定,早期功能锻炼。观察韧带与组织的生物相容性及功能恢复情况,并按Amer-Lindholm评分标准评定疗效。结果所有病例均获随访,时间6~14个月,评分结果:优8例,良5例,差1例,优良率95.5%。1例出现腓肠肌肌力减退,无切口愈合不良、感染、隧道内骨溶解及跟腱再次断裂发生。结论 LARS韧带修复跟腱操作简便,术后并发症少,利于早期功能训练,是一种安全、有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

背景:对于跟腱断裂,临床传统修复方法是应用踝周自体肌腱移位修复,自体肌腱取材有限,供区损伤,以牺牲正常的动力和稳定结构为代价;而同种异体肌腱移植具有来源丰富,取材方便,不破坏宿主正常结构,保持其原有生物结构特性等优点。 目的:评价同种异体肌腱移植修复跟腱断裂的临床效果。 方法:2008年8月至 2011年6月收治30例急性、陈旧性跟腱断裂患者,4例陈旧损伤有2-5 cm不等缺损,应用同种异体肌腱移植修复缺损,移植后短腿石膏固定患肢,4周后拆除石膏行功能锻炼。按Arner-lindholm疗效评定标准评价临床治疗结果。 结果与结论:住院时间平均12.5 d。移植后25例获得随访,随访1-3年,未见再断裂病例。按Arner-lindholm评定标准,25例中优20例,良3例,可2例,优良率为92%。患者踝关节功能恢复正常,3 例跟腱与邻近组织粘连, 影响踝关节背伸, 足部蹬力无明显下降。2例考虑排异反应,经对症处理痊愈。1例出现少许皮缘坏死、切口感染,扩创换药,行邻近转移皮瓣覆盖后痊愈。所有患者出院时切口均愈合。结果显示,同种异体肌腱移植修复跟腱断裂效果满意,是一种值得推荐的治疗选择。但远期疗效需要进一步观察。  相似文献   

膝关节内侧髌股韧带止点的解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察国人内侧髌股韧带止点的解剖学特点及其在髌骨稳定中的作用。 方法 采用30例成人尸体膝关节标本,观测国人内侧髌股韧带止点的解剖学特点。 结果 内侧髌股韧带在股骨端附着于收肌结节与股骨内上髁之间的骨脊上,此处纤维薄而窄,向前逐渐增宽增厚。在髌骨端,附着于髌骨内缘上2/3,此处最厚最宽。 结论 揭示了内侧髌股韧带止点的解剖学特点,为临床应用提供解剖学基础。  相似文献   

髌韧带移植重建交叉韧带距离及其临床意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
ObjectiveTo study the location and the length of cruciate ligament transposed from patellar ligament and the clinical significance.MethodsThe location of the reconstructed cruciate ligament and the bone-patellar ligament-bone (B-PL-B) were measured on 18 knees of fresh cadavers.ResultsThe lengths of reconstructed anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and of the bone-patellar-bone were 22.5±0.9 mm,29.0±2.5 mm and 41.0±4.0 mm respectively.ConslusionsThe length of the patellar ligament is enough for the reconstruction of the cruciate ligaments.The locations and the lengths of the reconstructed ligaments play an important role in functional recovery and stabilization of the joint.  相似文献   

目的探讨同种异体韧带重建内侧髌股韧带(Medial patellofemoral ligament,MPFL)治疗复发性髌骨脱位(Recurrent dislocation of knee-cap,RDP)的疗效。方法采用同种异体韧带重建内侧髌股韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位21例,男9例,女12例;平均年龄33.9岁,根据Lysholm膝关节功能评定表评估膝关节功能来评价疗效。结果术后随访6~24个月,平均随访9.7月,优良19例,可差2例,优良率90.4%。结论同种异体韧带重建内侧髌骨韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位安全,可靠。  相似文献   

自体髌韧带重建前交叉韧带后膝关节外侧感觉障碍的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
目的:研究自体B-P-B中1/3组织重建ACL后膝关节外侧皮肤感觉障碍的发病原因。方法:(1)对21例临床用自体B—P—B中1/3组织重建ACL的患者随访5~6年,测量其膝关节切口外侧皮肤感觉麻木范围。(2)解剖观察成人新鲜尸体标本3具6例和附腐固定的成人尸体标本15具30例的隐神经髌下支的分布范围。结果:术后患者均不同程度的出现膝关节外侧皮肤感觉障碍;隐神经髌下支自深筋膜穿出后,在胫骨内侧髁下方发出分支,横行跨过髌韧带分布至膝外侧皮肤。结论:隐神经髌下支分布到膝外侧皮肤,用自体B-P-B中1/3组织重建ACL在取材时可致其损伤,是术后并发膝外侧皮肤感觉障碍的原因。  相似文献   

背景:切开手术治疗急性跟腱断裂对跟腱的血运和腱周组织造成较大的破坏,容易发生跟腱粘连,延缓跟腱愈合。 目的:观察跟腱微创吻合器吻合修复急性跟腱断裂的效果。 方法:对2008-02/2009-08采用跟腱微创吻合器治疗的急性跟腱断裂并获得随访的22例患者,进行早期功能操练,并按照美国骨科协会足踝外科分会的标准评价踝关节功能,评价跟腱微创吻合器的治疗效果。 结果与结论:22例均获得随访,随访期为7~14个月(平均11.4个月),所有患者伤口愈合良好,未发生跟腱再断裂,无腓肠神经支配区的感觉缺失,吻合后3个月AOFAS标准评分为95分,吻合后6个月为98分。说明跟腱微创吻合器能微创治疗急性跟腱断裂并获得良好效果。  相似文献   

背景:髌股韧带重建有多种手术方式,其中股骨止点选取对手术实施影响较大,目前针对股骨止点的选取有多种方式,但无定论。目的:通过三维有限元软件分析膝关节不同屈曲状态下内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)股骨重建止点位置改变对髌股关节应力的影响,从而选择出合理准确的股骨重建止点。方法:获取成年人正常膝关节CT数据,导入Mimics、Geomagic及Soildworks软件进行提取模具、添加韧带,其中韧带的股骨止点选择分别为股骨内上髁与内收肌结节连线的中点、股骨内上髁、内收肌结节、股骨髁间窝顶部向内髁投射点和内收肌结节下10 mm,再将添加韧带后的模具导入机械软件Ansys,对不同股骨止点重建后髌股关节应力进行生物力学的有限元分析。结果与结论:(1)在膝关节屈曲0°和30°时,选取任一股骨止点产生的髌股关节应力大于其他屈曲角度(60°,90°,120°);无论采取哪种位点作为股骨端止点,当膝关节屈曲超过30°时,髌股关节间的接触应力大小基本无差别;(2)在膝关节屈曲0°和30°时,以内收肌结节为止点的髌股接触压力最大,以股骨内上髁与内收肌结节连线的中点为止点的接触力最小;在膝关节屈曲30°时,股骨内上髁...  相似文献   

Patellar tendon rupture following use of its central third for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a rare disabling injury that is technically difficult to repair. We report one case of patellar tendon rupture after harvesting the mid-third for ACL reconstruction. A number of different surgical methods exist for reconstructing patellar tendon ruptures. Here we report a case using a bone-tendon-bone (BTB) allograft, followed by a multiple-wire loop reinforcement with no postoperative immobilisation. One year after operation, our patient had regained full knee extension and flexion. Insall Salvati index on the operated side was identical to the uninjured side. The patient had good quadriceps strength, and isokinetic muscle testing showed no deficit in his right leg. He was able to return to professional handball without limitation.  相似文献   

BackgroundPatellar tendon rupture is a devastating complication after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Different strategies have been used to reconstruct or augment direct repairs.MethodsAcute patellar tendon ruptures after TKA were treated using ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene cable (Nesplon cable) for augmentation in four patients. Nesplon cables were inserted anteriorly through the quadriceps just above the patella, and drill holes were placed in the tibial tubercle with one in figure-of-eight fashion and the other in cerclage configuration. Clinical evaluations were performed using range of motion and Knee Society Score at the time of last follow-up. Mean follow-up was 3.5 years.ResultsPostoperatively, mean flexion was 119° and mean extension was 0° in all cases. No knees showed extension lag. Mean knee score was 93.8 and mean function score was 63.8. Infection occurred in one case.ConclusionPatellar tendon reconstruction with Nesplon cable was favorable with good clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

Severe patellar infera accompanied by pathologic shortening and fibrosis of the patellar tendon is relatively an uncommmon condition but can cause recalcitrant joint stiffness and limited range of motion after knee surgery or injury. This report presents a case of a 49-year-old male with severe patellar infera and limping due to joint stiffness after three-time knee surgeries. We report a successful outcome along with a finding of the well-healed allograft after the reconstruction of a patellar tendon using Achilles tendon-bone allograft.  相似文献   

We have reviewed 74 patients, at an average follow-up of nearly 3 years, following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with the central third of the patellar tendon to assess the incidence and severity of anterior knee symptoms, not only pain but also other symptoms related to the front of the knee. Sixty-two percent of patients had some degree of pain. In addition, there was numbness in 85%, patello-femoral crepitus in 47% and swelling in 26% of patients. Only one patient felt that the front of the knee was normal. Eleven percent felt that these symptoms were a significant problem.  相似文献   

Bioscrew fixation of patellar tendon autografts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Barber FA  Elrod BF  McGuire DA  Paulos LE 《Biomaterials》2000,21(24):2623-2629
Biodegradable interference screw fixation was studied using patellar tendon autografts in a randomized, prospective multicenter comparison of the PLLA Bioscrew and a metal interference screw. sixty-eight of 114 (60%) patients (34 Bioscrew and 34 metal screw) enrolled were available for follow up an average of 35 months after surgery (range 24–65). There were 42 males and 26 females with an average age of 29 years (16–50). Tourniquet times and associated surgical findings were similar for the two groups. Postoperative KT, Tegner, and Lysholm scores were not statistically different between the two groups. Average follow up KT maximum manual side-to-side difference was 0.9 mm for Bioscrews and 1.4 mm for metal screws. Postoperative Lachman and pivot shift testing were equivalent for the two groups. Other than six of the 7 mm Bioscrews breaking during insertion in the femoral tunnel, there were no problems related to the PLLA implants. No statistical difference was found between the Bioscrew and the metal screw groups, and there were no osteolytic or other reactive bone changes observed associated with the PLLA Bioscrew. These data indicate that the PLLA Bioscrew functions reliably as an interference fixation screw for patellar tendon autografts.  相似文献   

Open incision of the patellar tendon (PT) is thought to promote acute vascular responses which ultimately result in an enhanced degree of tendon repair. Such a clinical procedure is commonly applied to patients with refractory tendinitis. The objective of this study was to quantify the vascular adaptations (both anatomical and physiological) to longitudinal incision of the PT, and the resultant effects on tendon organisation. Fifty‐four New Zealand White rabbits were separated into 3 experimental groups and 2 control groups. Experimental groups underwent surgical incision of the right PT, and were assessed 3 d, 10 d and 42 d following injury; normal unoperated controls were evaluated at time zero, and sham‐operated controls were evaluated at 3 d to control for the effects of incising the overlying skin. Quantitative measures of PT blood supply (blood flow, microvascular volume) and geometric properties of PT substance were obtained for each PT. Histomorphology was assessed to evaluate vascular remodelling and matrix organisation in the healing PT. Longitudinal open incision surgery of the PT led to rapid increases in both blood flow and vascular volume. The incision of overlying tissues alone (sham‐operated) contributed to this measurable increase, and accounted for 36% and 42% of the elevated blood flow and vascular volume respectively at the 3 d interval. In the incised PT, blood flow significantly increased by 3 d compared with both time zero and sham‐operated controls, and remained significantly elevated at the 10 d interval. Similarly, vascular volume of the incised PT increased at 3 d compared both with time zero and sham‐operated controls. At the 10 d interval, the increase in vascular volume was greatest in the central PT substance. By 42 d both blood flow and vascular volume of the incised tendon had diminished, with only blood flow remaining significantly different from controls. In the contralateral limb, a significant neurogenically mediated vasodilation was measured in the contralateral PTs at both early time intervals, but was not seen by the later 42 d interval. With respect to PT geometric properties in the experimental animals, a larger PT results as the tendon matrix and blood vessels remodel. PT cross‐sectional area increased rapidly by 3 d to 1·3 times control values, and remained significantly elevated at 42 d postinjury. Morphological assessments demonstrated the disruption of matrix organisation by vascular and soft tissue components associated with the longitudinal incisions. Substantial changes in matrix organisation persisted at 42 d after surgery. These findings suggest that open longitudinal incision of the PT increases the vascular supply to deep tendon early after injury. These changes probably arise through both vasomotor and angiogenic activity in the tissue. Since PT blood flow and vascular volume return towards control levels after 6 wk but structural features remain disorganised, we propose that vascular remodelling is more rapid and complete than matrix remodelling after surgical incision of the PT.  相似文献   



Tendon harvesting for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction often injures sensory branches of the saphenous nerve. The reports on the prevalence of these injuries are scarce, while the implications on patient satisfaction are not known. Our objective was to compare the prevalence of sensory nerve injuries in patellar to hamstring autograft harvesting for anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions and follow up their postoperative course.


Between 2012 and 2014, patients who had a primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone patellar tendon bone or hamstring autografts were included (n = 94). We evaluated and compared demographic details, level of activity and postoperative sensation disturbances between both groups. Data was analyzed retrospectively.


The mean postoperative follow-up time was 23 months. At the last follow-up 46 (77%) patients of the patellar tendon group and 22 (58%) of the hamstring tendons group reported on reduced sensation; however, in both groups a quarter of these patients experienced full recovery within an average of seven to eight months. There were more patients in the hamstring tendons group that reported on partial recovery. In most cases midline incisions for patellar tendons harvesting injured the infrapatellar branch and medial incisions for hamstring tendons harvesting injured the sartorial branch of the saphenous nerve.


Harvesting tendon autografts for anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions by vertical incisions had high prevalence of saphenous nerve branches injury with a minor possibility for complete recovery within the first year. The loss of sensation was perceived by patients as a minor complication.

Level of evidence

Level IV, therapeutic case series.  相似文献   

目的介绍利用取腱器切取腓肠肌筋膜瓣,翻转缝合断裂跟腱的临床效果。方法选取2008年1月~2012年12月我院跟腱断裂病人21例,男15例,女6例,平均年龄33.5岁,为剧烈运动后跟腱撕裂伤,均采用手术治疗。俯卧位,跟腱断裂部位纵行手术切口,马尾状撕裂部位梳理整齐后编织缝合,根据需要腱膜的长度于切口近端相应部位作纵行小切口,用取腱器取筋膜条,自皮下隧道牵出远端切口,翻转,光滑面朝后加固缝合断裂跟腱。术后长腿石膏固定4周,短腿石膏固定2周。结果 21例患者均获得术后随访,平均随访时间2.3年(1~5年)。根据Arner Lindholm评分标准,优16例,良4例,差1例,优良率95.2%。结论取腱器微创小切口下取腓肠肌腱膜方法具有小切口,创伤小,美观等优点,术后正规康复功能锻炼后临床效果良好。  相似文献   

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