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A total of 98 consecutively admitted psychiatric inpatients were asked for their daily consumption of coffee, tea and other products containing caffeine. Calculation of the corresponding daily caffeine intake was performed using data from the literature and from caffeine measurements carried out in different coffee and tea preparations in the hospital. Of the patients 13% presented a high (750 mg daily) caffeine consumption before hospitalization. The average caffeine consumption per day decreased from 405 mg before to 332 mg during hospitalization (P<0.04), but the before and during hospitalization caffeine consumptions were highly correlated (rho=0.651;P<0.00001). The decrease in caffeine consumption seems to be influenced by a lower availability of caffeine at hospital. Among the diagnostic groups (DSM-III-R criteria), the caffeine intake was highest in schizophrenia and lowest in anxiety and major depression patients. Patients under a neuroleptic treatment before admission presented a higher caffeine intake. At hospital the high caffeine users showed the highest score on the factor depression (Hopkins Symptom Checklist; HSCL-58). However, the influence of other factors, such as weight and cigarette consumption, which correlated also with the caffeine intake (rho=0.359;P<0.001; and rho=0.83;P<0.00001, respectively), have also to be considered. Our data suggest that inquiry into caffeine consumption should be included routinely for psychiatric patients, e.g. at admission, because patients with a psychotic disorder undergo a higher risk for an excessive caffeine consumption.  相似文献   

The stigmatisation of the psychiatric patient is still a strong barrier to the integration process of these subjects in our society. Therefore, it is necessary to identify what types of prejudices exist and the types of variables with which they are linked, in order to plan strategies to reduce them. In this exploratory study we administered a semi-structured interview to 303 subjects in order to examine the relationships between social attitudes towards mental disorders and some social demographic variables, the information about mental disorders and the previous 'contacts' with psychiatric patients. The data analysis shows that there is a relationship between knowledge of psychiatric patients and a more positive attitude towards them (i.e., less fear, more integration and work opportunities). This study is to be considered preliminary as far as people's attitudes towards psychiatric patients are concerned. This result encourages the planning and implementation of sensitisation and information programs concerning mental disorders, in the sense that increasing the knowledge of mental disorders could lead to significant achievements in the important fight against the stigma surrounding psychiatric patients.  相似文献   

Are there patterns of characteristics in psychiatric patients, different from traditional diagnostic considerations, that could provide important information for understanding, treatment, and research? To pursue this question, this report describes an investigation of clinical and demographic characteristics in a representative sample of first admissions for functional psychiatric disorder. Analyzing the patterns of these characteristics showed that social class had a particularly key role relating to a larger number of characteristics than did symptom and functioning measures. Symptoms when analyzed together revealed replicated factors not corresponding to diagnostic types. The implications of these and other findings for considering a broad perspective in conceptualizing, studying, and treating psychiatric disorder are discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: It is known that people with schizophrenia make poor dietary choices and smoke at alarmingly high rates. There is also anecdotal evidence that they may ingest large amounts of caffeine. However, while smoking habits in this population have been examined, no recent study has quantified caffeine consumption taking into account various dietary caffeine sources unrelated to coffee including convenience foods such as candy bars, chocolate or soft drinks, and compared results to US population data. METHODS: We employed 24-h diet recalls to assess dietary habits in a sample of outpatients suffering from schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Caloric intake and caffeine consumption were quantified and the relationship to various sociodemographic variables including body mass index (BMI) and dietary quality was examined. RESULTS: 146 patients were recruited. Mean BMI in the sample was 32.7+/-7.9. Patients ingested 3,057+/-1,132 cal on average. Patients smoked at higher rates (59.6% vs. 23.4%, p< or =0.001), higher numbers of cigarettes/day (24+/-14.4 vs. 13.5+/-11.3, t=8.549, p<0.001) and ingested more caffeine (471.6+/-584.6 mg vs. 254.2+/-384.9 mg, t=6.664, p<0.001) than US population comparisons. Caffeine consumption was correlated to the number of cigarettes smoked daily (r=0.299, p< or =0.001), but not to BMI (r=0.134, p=0.107) or dietary parameters such as caloric intake (r=0.105, p=0.207). CONCLUSION: Community-dwelling schizophrenia patients consume significantly more caffeine and nicotine than US population comparisons. Clinicians should be aware that while a significant proportion of patients are overweight and have poor dietary quality - which merits lifestyle counseling on its own - there is a lack of correlation between those factors and smoking and caffeine intake. Thus, lifestyle modification counseling in all patients should address smoking and caffeine intake concurrently.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents the results of an Italian multicentre study on the 6-month outcome of psychiatric patients discharged after short-term in-patient treatment from 21 general hospital psychiatric units. Two outcome measures were used: relapses (defined as readmissions for psychiatric treatment or suicide) and community tenure. The data showed, on average, a fairly high relapse rate (43% in 6 months) combined with a good community tenure. The findings are discussed in the light of the heterogeneity in patterns of care provision observed in Italian psychiatric services after the changes introduced by the 1978 Mental Health Act, reported in a previous paper.  相似文献   

Results of case-control studies and of a prospective investigation in men suggest that consumption of coffee could protect against the risk of Parkinson's disease, but the active constituent is not clear. To address the hypothesis that caffeine is protective against Parkinson's disease, we examined the relationship of coffee and caffeine consumption to the risk of this disease among participants in two ongoing cohorts, the Health Professionals' Follow-Up Study (HPFS) and the Nurses' Health Study (NHS). The study population comprised 47,351 men and 88,565 women who were free of Parkinson's disease, stroke, or cancer at baseline. A comprehensive life style and dietary questionnaire was completed by the participants at baseline and updated every two to four years. During the follow-up (10 years in men, 16 years in women), we documented a total of 288 incident cases of Parkinson's disease. Among men, after adjustment for age and smoking, the relative risk of Parkinson's disease was 0.42 (95% CI: 0.23-0.78; p for trend < 0.001) for men in the top one-fifth of caffeine intake compared to those in the bottom one-fifth. An inverse association was also observed with consumption of coffee (p for trend = 0.004), caffeine from noncoffee sources (p for trend < 0.001), and tea (p for trend = 0.02) but not decaffeinated coffee. Among women, the relationship between caffeine or coffee intake and risk of Parkinson's disease was U-shaped, with the lowest risk observed at moderate intakes (1-3 cups of coffee/day, or the third quintile of caffeine consumption). These results support a possible protective effect of moderate doses of caffeine on risk of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Of 135 patients on an acute psychiatric ward, 34 were "high users" of coffee. The high users tended to be older, single, and have diagnoses of psychosis. They showed significantly more state anxiety than other patients, but there were no differences in trait anxiety or MMPI scores. Further research is suggested to determine whether high caffeine consumption among inpatients may be related to staff coffee-drinking behavior and/or treatment with anticholinergic drugs.  相似文献   

We amplified sequences of the Chlamydia pneumoniae (CP) major-outer membrane protein in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 23 of 107 (21.5%) relapsing-remitting or secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and two of 77 (2.6%) patients with other neurological diseases (OND) (P = 0.00022). CP+ patients showed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of more active disease (P = 0.02) compared to CP- MS patients and tended to have an anticipation of age at disease onset (32.3 +/- 12 versus 28.5 +/- 10 years; P = ns) causing a longer disease duration (7.5 +/- 5 versus 4.4 +/- 4 years; P = 0.016) at the time of clinical evaluation. These findings, although indirectly, suggest that CP infection of the central nervous system (CNS) might affect disease course in a subgroup of MS patients.  相似文献   

The ways of using antipsychotic drugs have greatly changed over the last 10 years. The aim of this study was to evaluate such changes in psychiatric patients admitted to the Psychiatric Department of Milan's Ospedale Maggiore in 1989 (n=350), 1999 (n=718) and 2002 (n=628). The medical records of the hospitalized patients were evaluated by analyzing the anamnestic and clinical data with particular reference to age, gender, diagnosis and medication use. In 2002, atypical antipsychotics were more frequently prescribed as monotherapy upon discharge than typical antipsychotics (32.64% vs. 30.10%). Combinations of two or more antipsychotic drugs were prescribed upon discharge for 20.63% of the patients in 1989, 31.24% in 1999 and 23.09% in 2002. The combinations of one typical and one atypical drug increased from 4.04% in 1999 to 13.06% in 2002. The mean (+/-S.D.) daily antipsychotic drug dose (expressed in chlorpromazine equivalents) was significantly higher in 2002 than in 1999 and 1989. The results of this study confirm the trend to use combinations of one typical and one atypical antipsychotic, and higher doses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In order to examine prospectively the characteristics of violence among psychiatric patients, a 5-year study was carried out in an acute psychiatric unit. METHOD: All assaultive behaviour occurred in the ward during the study period were assessed routinely using the Staff Observation Aggression scale (SOAS). RESULTS: Of 1534 patients admitted to the unit during the study period, 116 were responsible for 329 aggressive episodes (prevalence of violence=7.5%, 2.8 incidents/patient). Most violent patients had an ICD-9 diagnosis of schizophrenia and/or delusional syndromes (55.1%), a history of violence (80.7%) and previous psychiatric admissions (92%). Approximately half of the incidents had no specific cause, occurred during daytime and the first week of admission and, in most cases, were directed towards individuals (77.8%). CONCLUSION: Although confirming the low rate of violence among Italian psychiatric in-patients, the study indicates the need for more attention to the problem of aggression in general hospital psychiatric units.  相似文献   

The Inventory for Depressive Symptomatology is a new scale for measuring depressive symptoms. The reliability, validity and correlations between self-report and clinician-rated versions of the scale were examined in 86 Italian psychiatric patients. Results confirmed the validity and internal consistency of the scales. Self-ratings and clinician ratings were highly correlated. Total score on the self-rating scale was generally higher than the corresponding clinician scale score. Item analysis revealed that most items were rated slightly higher by self-report, with the items contributing most to this discrepancy being psychomotor agitation and retardation, self-outlook, and irritable mood. Both quality of mood and psychomotor agitation were more frequently endorsed by self-report than by clinician rating.  相似文献   

There are great variations in the way psychotropic drugs are prescribed. Most experts are in favour of psychopharmacological monotherapy, but little is known about the extent to which it is actually practised. A survey of the psychopharmacological medication of all patients under treatment was carried out in three Austrian psychiatric clinics of various types on two separate days. A psychiatric university clinic, the psychiatric department of a general hospital and a regional mental hospital were selected for the survey. It was established that only 8% to 22% of the patients underwent psycho-pharmacological monotherapy and that the patients received 2.2 to 3.3 psychotropics on average. Five to 22% of the patients received five or more psychotropic agents. The results are presented in more detail in relation to the diagnoses of schizophrenia and depression. The rare occurence of monotherapy might be due to unsound treatment regimens in some instances, but much more to a general trend in psychiatry fostering polydrug use.  相似文献   

The pattern of utilization of mental health services in south Verona (Italy) and in Groningen (the Netherlands) was studied. The local psychiatric case registers were used to select patients aged 15 years or more who had at least one contact in 1982 and no contacts in the previous 365 days. Each patient was followed for 36 months after the first contact in 1982. The 2 cohorts differed in size (373 in south Verona and 590 in Groningen), age, diagnosis and pattern of care, whereas the sex distribution was similar. The cohort in Groningen was characterized by a higher number of elderly people, suffering from organic psychoses. Drug dependence prevailed in south Verona, while alcohol dependence was predominant in Groningen. The pattern of care was classified according to 2 basic measures, the gross duration of care and the net duration of care. In south Verona single consulters were almost 3 times more common than in Groningen. In general, patients in Groningen tended to depend more on the mental health services. Linear regression analysis was used to determine the extent to which the pattern of care was predicted by the sociodemographical and clinical characteristics of the patients. Only the site where the contacts were made (south Verona or Groningen) and the diagnosis were significantly associated with the pattern of care.  相似文献   

There have previously been several studies of deaths of psychiatric inpatients, mainly in northern European countries and the U.S.1–10 Alström,6 Odegard,7 and Malzberg8 reported that the patients admitted for the first time to mental hospitals have a relative risk of death four to ten times higher than that of the general population and concluded that this was attributable to conditions specifically associated with the hospital facilities and with the hospitalized patient group.The physical conditions of mental hospitals have undergone major changes over time and so have the psychologic and social characteristics of hospitalized patient groups. As a result, factors associated with patients' deaths have also been subject to changes with this passage of time. From the epidemiologic point of view, studies of psychiatric patients who have died in mental hospitals may therefore raise interesting questions.Using two sources of information, i.e., death certificates and mental hospital discharge records, the author has investigated all psychiatric patients who have died in the mental hospitals of Kanagawa Prefecture for 3 years. These deaths have then been related to total deaths in the general population of the Prefecture in the same period.  相似文献   

Drug use was monitored in a total of 2,592 psychiatric inpatients in 6 hospitals. The efficacy was rated as satisfactory in 78% of the drug exposures. Nearly 37% of the patients had an adverse reaction. However, only 1.5% of the reactions were noted as being of major severity.  相似文献   

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