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Zusammenfassung Die gastrointestinale myoelektrische Aktivität wurde im Tierexperiment (Hand, n=6) nach unterschiedlichen abdominalchirurgischen Eingriffen untersucht. Die Registrierung der elektrischen Aktivität erfolgte mittels implantierter Serosaelektroden beim nüchternen Tier, postprandial and nach Stimulation mit Ceruletid. Abdominalchirurgische Eingriffe wie Laparotomie, Dünndarmsegmentresektion and Hemikolektomic rechts, führten zu einer kurzfristigen Unterbrechung der normalen Motilitat in Magen and Darm. Der Zeitpunkt der Restauration der Motilität mit Wiederauftreten des Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) variierte in Abhängigkeit vom durchgeführten Eingriff zwischen 3 h nach Dünndarmsegmentresektion bis zu 49 h nach Kolonresektion. Ausgeprägte Störungen des basalen elektrischen Rhythmus (BER) im Magen, wie Tachygastrie and Tachyarrhythmie persistierten über den Zeitpunkt des Wiederauftreten eines normalen MMC's im Dünndarm hinaus. Nahrungsaufnahme in der frühen postoperativen Phase induzierte ein typisches Fedpattern, jedoch nie vor dem ersten postoperativen MMC. Ceruletid stimulierte den Darm in der Phase des postoperativen hens zu segmentalen Aktivitäten. Fine Induktion geordneter, sich nach kaudal fortpflanzender myoelektrischer Aktivität und damit eine Verkürzung des postoperativen Ileus ließ sich nicht induzieren.
Early postoperative motility after abdominal surgery in dogs
Summary Gastrointestinal myoelectrical activity was registered in 6 dogs after different surgical procedures such as laparotomy, segmental resection of the jejunum and right hemicolectomy. Animals were studied in the fasted- and fed state and after pharmacological stimulation with Ceruletide. The electrical activity was recorded by means of 6 bipolar electrodes implanted along the intestinal wall. Abdominal surgery abolished normal motility in the stomach and small intestine only for a short period of time. The time for the reappearance of regularly recurring activity fronts varied with the type of the surgical procedure from 3 h after segmental resection of the jejunum to 49 h after colon resection. Severe disturbances of the BER (basic electrical rhythm) in the stomach as tachygastria and tachyarrhythmia persist even after restoration of the MMC (migrating motor complex) in the small intestine. Feeding induced a typical fedpattern but never before restoration of the MMC. Stimulation of the intestine during postoperative ileus with Ceruletide increases segmental myoelectrical activity. The period of postoperative ileus was not reduced.
Die Arbeit wurde im Rahmen eines DFG Forschungsprojektes AZ Schi 231/2-1 durchgeführt.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This retrospective study was performed to investigate the clinical and radiological results after STAR total ankle replacement. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between January 2000 and September 2004, 49 patients with an average age of 62.5 years underwent total ankle replacement with the STAR prosthesis. At an average follow-up of 30.4 months, 48 patients were examined clinically and radiologically. The Kofoed ankle score and the patients' subjective satisfaction were evaluated. RESULTS: The operation improved the Kofoed ankle score significantly, from 28 to 86 points, 90% of the patients were satisfied with the results. The revision rate was 10%. CONCLUSION: The early results after implantation of the STAR ankle prosthesis are encouraging. With correct indication, a high rate of pain reduction and patient satisfaction can be achieved. The long-term benefit of this procedure has yet to be determined.  相似文献   



Complications after cholecystectomy are continuously documented in a nationwide database in Germany. Recent studies demonstrated a lack of reliability of these data. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of a control algorithm on documentation quality and the use of routine diagnosis coding as an additional validation instrument.


Completeness and correctness of the documentation of complications after cholecystectomy was compared over a time interval of 12 months before and after implementation of an algorithm for faster and more accurate documentation. Furthermore, the coding of all diagnoses was screened to identify intraoperative and postoperative complications.

Results and discussion

The sensitivity of the documentation for complications improved from 46 % to 70?% (p?=?0.05, specificity 98?% in both time intervals). A prolonged time interval of more than 6 weeks between patient discharge and documentation was associated with inferior data quality (incorrect documentation in 1.5?% versus 15?%, p?相似文献   

Regional analgesia provides effective pain relief during delivery. Postpartal neurological deficits may be due to pressure of the fetal head on nerve structures at the pelvic rim or may be a complication of epidural analgesia. Nerve injuries due to spontaneous delivery and instrumental delivery are much more common than neurological deficits from epidural analgesia such as epidural hematoma or epidural abscess. The pattern of nerve damage is usually unilateral and non segmental. This case report describes the differential diagnosis of neurological deficit after spontaneous delivery under epidural analgesia and a discussion of the recent literature. Finally recommendations for the treatment of neurological deficits after delivery under epidural analgesia are presented.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 7 Textabbildungen (12 Einzelbilder).Herrn Prof. Dr. G. Hohmann zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Cerebral perfusion reserve may be determined by assessing changes in cerebral blood flow using vasodilators. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) may be used to measure cerebral blood flow speed in response to such stimuli. The aim of this study was to analyze cerebral vasoreactivity in patients with high-grade carotid stenosis and to determine the short- and long-term effects of desobliteration. A total of 40 patients had bilateral preoperative studies done and 24 were re-evaluated 1 year later. The preoperative vasomotor capacity using TCD with CO2 was 57%±45. Hemodynamic reserve did not decrease significantly in the early postoperative period on the operated hemisphere, and 1 year later hemodynamic reserve had increased to to 102%±80%. Contralateral reactivity also improved. One year later patients with unilateral stenosis (n=11) presented with a restitution of reactivity to 65%±46% after initial postoperative ipsilateral decrease from 51%±35% to 48%±38%. Patients with bilateral stenoses (n=9) demonstrated an initial decrease from 70%±60% to 48%±21% and a significant rise to 115%±77% 1 year later (P=0.02). Both the significant postoperative increase in the cerebral vasomotor capacity in patients with bilateral carotid stenoses registered in both hemispheres and long-term improvement in patients with unilateral stenosis underline the effectivity of carotid desobliteration in antiembolic prophylaxis and in cerebral blood flow increase, irrespective of the symptomatology.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den Jahren 1959–1976 wurden an der Chirurgischen Klinik der Universität Tübingen 183 Gastrektomien wegen Magenkrebs durchgeführt. Die durchschnittliche Operationsletalität lag bei 19,1%, postoperative Komplikationen traten in 41 % der Fälle auf. Die häufigste Todesursache war die oesophageale Anastomoseninsuffizienz. Die beiden hauptsächlich angewandten Verfahren, die Dünndarminterposition nach Longmire-Gütgemann und die Oesophagojejunostomie mit Braunscher Fußpunktanastomose unterscheiden sich erheblich in der Komplikations- und Letalitätsrate. Die Dünndarmzwischenschaltung erweist sich bei nahezu identischen prä- und intraoperativen Risikofaktoren mit einer Operationsletalität von 4,4 % und deutlich kleinerer Anastomoseninsuffizienz-Gefährdung der technisch einfachen Oesophagojejunostomie überlegen. Es ist demnach die sogenannte Ersatzmagenbildung bei Gastrektomie nicht nur wegen der besseren Spät-, sondern auch wegen der besseren Frühergebnisse anderen operativen Methoden der Wiederherstellung der Darmpassage vorzuziehen.
Early complications and early mortality of various operative methods of gastrectomy
Summary From 1959–1976, 183 gastrectomies were performed in the Chirurgische Klinik of the University of Tübingen, for gastric carcinoma. The average mortality for the operations was 19.1 %, postoperative complications occurred in 41 % of the cases. The most frequent cause of death was failure of the oesophageal anastomoses. The two methods most commonly used, Longmire-Gütgemann's interposition of small intestine and oesophagojejunostomy with Braun's anastomosis, differ considerably in the complication rate and mortality. The interposition of small intestine, with almost identical preoperative and intraoperative risk factors, an operative mortality of 4.4 % and distinctly less danger of anastomotic failure was shown to be superior to the technically simple oesophagojejunostomy. The formation of an artificial stomach in gastrectomy is therefore to be preferred to all other surgical methods of reconstruction of the intestinal passage, not only because of the better late results but also because of the better early results.



In recent years arthroscopic interventions of the hip joint have become increasingly more frequent. An advantage of the procedure is that open surgery can be avoided in many cases by using minimally invasive procedures. The spectrum of indications is becoming increasingly broader and more differentiated. Complications are rare.

Material and methods

According to the types of complications 13,154 cases from institutions having conducted approximately 470 hip arthroscopies per year between 2008 and 2012 were collated, observed and analysed. Intraoperative or postoperative complications were taken into account.


According to our definition, the overall complication ratio came to 6.3%. Relatively frequent complications were damage caused by inadequate setup, nerve lesions and broken instruments. Severe complications such as vascular lesions, intra-or postoperative fractures, infections and avascular necrosis are rare.


In hip arthroscopy special attention has to be paid to patient positioning, traction performing and portal establishing. This procedure performed by an experienced surgeon resulted in a low ratio of complications.  相似文献   

Einleitung: Die Tracheotomie langzeitbeatmeter Intensivpatienten hat sich als integrierter Bestandteil der Beatmungsbehandlung etabliert. In den vergangen Jahren konnte sich zunehmend die perkutane Dilatationstracheotomie (PDT) als komplikationsarme Alternative zur konventionellen chirurgischen Tracheotomie durchsetzen. Seit kurzem steht mit der translaryngealen Tracheotomie (TLT) nach Fantoni ein weiteres perkutanes Verfahren zur Verfügung. Ziel der vorliegenden klinischen Untersuchung war es, die Ergebnisse nach elektiver TLT bei chirurgischen Intensivpatienten bezüglich Komplikationsrate und Praktikabilit?t aufzuzeigen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach einem klinischen Überblick über die Häufigkeit der sogenannten zentralen akuten Magen-Darmblutungen und über die Vielgestaltigkeit ihrer auslösenden Faktoren wird darauf hingewiesen, daß die akuten Blutungen aus dem Magen-Darmtrakt oft mit Erkrankungen der Lunge vergesellschaftet sind.Die experimentellen Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, daß es sich bei den akuten Magen-Darmblutungen nach Hirnschädigungen nicht so sehr um einen besonderen neurogenen Mechanismus, sondern um ein generalisiertes Schocksyndrom handelt.Nach verschiedenen Schädigungen des ZNS ist es nicht nur zu Schleimhautblutungen im Magen-Darmtrakt gekommen, sondern in jedem Falle auch zum akuten hämorrhagischen Lungenödem, das scheinbar vor diesen aufgetreten ist. Es wurde die Vermutung ausgesprochen, daß das hämorrhagische Lungenödem eine Voraussetzung der akuten Magen-Darmblutungen ist.Wahrscheinlich kommt es durch eine Kreislaufzentralisation im normovolämischen, neurogenen Schock zu einer Überfüllung des Lungenkreislaufes und Blutaustritten in die Alveolen. Das hämorrhagische Lungenödem erreicht solche Maße, daß alle Lungenlappen von Blut geradezu überschwemmt werden und das Tier im eigenen Blut zu ersticken scheint. Die folgende Einschränkung der Atemfläche führt zu einer Hypoxydose, die unserer Auffassung nach erst zu den akuten Magen-Darmblutungen Anlaß geben. Die gleichzeitig auftretenden Schleimhautblutungen in der Trachea, Endocard und anderen inneren Organen bestätigen das vermutete generalisierte Schocksyndrom.Die therapeutische Konsequenz aus den Tierversuchen ist neben der Freihaltung der Atemwege, die Abschwächung der Kreislaufzentralisation und damit Entlastung des kleinen Kreislaufes. Das hämorrhagische Lungenödem soll dadurch verhindert werden.Die Frühdiagnose des Lungenödems wäre von besonderem Interesse, weil es sich bei den akuten Magen-Darmblutungen, die oft als erstes Hinisches Symptom auftreten, um irreversible Organveränderungen im Schock handelt.
Summary After a clinical review of the frequency of the so-called central acute gastrointestinal haemorrhage and of the multiplicity of its causative factors, attention is drawn to the fact that acute haemorrhages in the gastro-intestinal tract are often associated with lesions of the lungs.Experimental investigations have shown that with the acute gastro-intestinal haemorrhages after brain injury one is dealing not so much with a specific neurogenic mechanism as with a generalised shock syndrome.Following different injuries to the central nervous system not only do haemorrhages in the mucosa of the gastro-intestinal tract result, but in addition there is in every case acute haemorrhagic lung oedema which apparently develops beforehand. The hypothesis is put forward that the haemorrhagic lung oedema may be the cause of the gastro-intestinal haemorrhage.Apparently, during the peripheral vasoconstriction in normo-volaemic neurogenic shock, overloading of the pulmonary circulation occurs which leads to haemorrhages in the alveoli. The haemorrhagic lung oedema reaches such proportions that all the lobes of the lung are flooded with blood and the animal appears to suffocate in its own blood. The consequent reduction in the effective area of the respiratory epithelium leads to hypoxaemia which in our view provides the basis for the acute gastro-intestinal haemorrhage. Submucosal haemorrhages which develop simultaneously in the trachea, endocardium and in other viscera, emphasise the severity of the generalised shock syndrome.The therapeutic consequence of the animal experiments is that in addition to maintaining a free air-way, one should reduce the peripheral vasoconstriction and thus enlarge the active circulatory area. By these means, haemorrhagic lung oedema should occur less frequently.The early diagnosis of pulmonary oedema should be of particular interest because it is concerned with the acute gastro-intestinal haemorrhage (which often occurs as the first clinical symptom) and with irreversible organ changes in shock.

Resumen Después de una revisión clínica de la frecuencia de la hemorragia gastrointestinal aguda, llamada también «central», y de la multiplicidad de los factores responsables se llama la atención sobre el hecho que las hemorragias gastrointestinales agudas van a menudo asociadas a lesiones del pulmón.Investigaciones experimentales han demostrado que las hemorragias gastrointestinales agudas, que sobrevienen después de una lesión cerebral, no van frecuentemente en relación con un mecanismo «neurogénico» específico pero sí con un síndrome de shock «generalizado».En numerosas lesiones del sistema nervioso central ocurren no solamente hemorragias de la mucosa gastro-intestinal, sino también, en cada caso, hemorragia aguda del pulmón que aparentemente se desarrolla antes.Se emite la hipótesis sobre que el edema del pulmón hemorrágico es en su origen una hemorragia gastro-intestinal secundaria.Aparentemente, durante la vasoconstricción periférica en el shock neurogénico. sobreviene una sobrecarga de la circulación pulmonar que conduce a hemorragias en los alveolos. El edema del pulmón hemorrágico adquiere taies proporciones que todos sus lóbulos están inundados de sangre; «el animal aparece como ahogado en su propia sangre». La reducción consecutiva de la superficie efectiva del epitelio respiratorio conduce a una hipoxia que, a nuestro parecer, es la causa de la hemorragia gastro-intestinal aguda. Las hemorragias submucosas que ocurren simultáneamente en la traquea, endocardio y otras visceras, amplian la gravedad del síndrome de shock generalizado.La consecuencia terapéutica de las experiencias hechas en animales es que manteniendo un «paso libre del aire» se puede reducir la vasoconstricción periférica y ensanchar así la superficie circulatoria activa. De esta manera el edema hemorrágico del pulmón será menos frecuente.El diagnóstico precoz de un edema pulmonar será de un particular interés porque está en relación con la hemorragia gastro-intestinal aguda (a menudo primer síntoma clinico) que de una manera irreversible se transforma en shock.

Résumé Après une revue clinique de la fréquence de l'hémorragie gastro-intestinale aiguë appelée aussi «centrale» et de la multiplicité des facteurs responsables, l'attention est attirée sur le fait que les hémorragies gastro-intestinales aiguës sont souvent associées à des lésions des poumons.Des investigations expérimentales ont montré que les hémorragies gastro-intestinales aiguës, survenant après lésion du cerveau, ne sont pas le plus souvent en rapport avec un mécanisme «neurogénique» spécifique, mais bien avec un syndrome de choc «généralisé».Dans diverses lésions du système nerveux central, il survient non seulement des hémorragies de la muqueuse gastro-intestinale mais aussi, dans chaque cas, hémorragie aiguë du poumon qui apparemment se développe avant.On émet l'hypothèse que l'oedème du poumon hémorragique est à l'origine d'une hémorragie gastro-intestinale secondaire.Apparemment, pendant la vasoconstriction périphérique dans un choc neurogénique, il survient une surcharge de la circulation pulmonaire qui conduit à des hémorragies dans les alvéoles. L'oedème du poumon hémorragique atteint de telles proportions que tous les lobes sont inondés de sang; «l'animal apparaît comme noyé dans son propre sangra. La réduction consécutive de la surface effective de l'épithélium respiratoire conduit à une hypoxémie qui, à notre avis, est à la base de l'hémorragie gastro-intestinale aiguë. Les hémorragies submuqueuses qui se développent simultanément dans la trachée, l'endocarde et les autres viscères, amplifient la gravité du syndrome de choc généralisé.La conséquence thérapeutique des expériences faites sur des animaux est qu'en maintenant un «libre passage d'air» on peut réduire la vasoconstriction périphérique et élargir ainsi la surface circulatoire active. De cette façon-là, l'oedème hémorragique du poumon sera moins fréquent.Le diagnostic précoce d'un oedème du poumon sera d'un intérêt tout particulier parce qu'il est en rapport avec l'hémorragie gastro-intestinale aiguë (souvent premier symptôme clinique) qui, de façon irréversible, se transforme en choc.

Riassunto Da uno sgardo clinico sulla frequenza delle cosidette emorragie gastro-enteriche acute di origine centrale e sui molteplici fattori che ad esse sono associate, si nota che molto spesso l'emorragia acuta gastro-enterica si accompagna ad una lesione polmonare.Ricerche sperimentali hanno mostrato che l'emorragia acuta gastro-enterica nel traumatizzato cranico non dipende da un particolare meccanismo neurogeno, ma genericamente da una sindrome da shock. In molti casi di svariate lesioni del sistema nervoso centrale non solo si è verificata una emorragia acuta gastro-enterica, ma in ogni caso questa è stata preceduta da un edema polmonare acuto emorragico. Viene quindi logica la supposizione che l'edema polmonare emorragico sia la causa dell'emorragia gastro-enterica.Probabilmente lo shock neurogeno provoca una ipertensione nel circolo polmonare ed un'emorragia massiva negli alveoli. L'edema emorragico complica ulteriormente queste condizioni, ed in breve tutti i lobi polmonari si riempiono di sangue. La diminuzione della superficie respiratoria porta ad una ipossia, che precede l'emorragia gastro-enterica acuta. La contemporanea emorragia nella trachea, nell'endocardio e negli altri organi interni, provoca la sindrome da shock generalizzata.Le conseguenze terapeutiche di queste ricerche sull'animale sono la nécessità di tener pervie le vie aeree e di ridurre l'ipertensione nel piccolo circolo, in modo da combattere l'edema polmonare.La diagnosi precoce di edema polmonare è di particolare importanza, in quanto esso è seguito dall'emorragia acuta gastro-enterica, che spesso appare come primo sintomo clinico e che porta attraverso alterazioni irreversibili dei vari organi allo shock.

Nach einem Vortrag auf der gemeinsamen Tagung der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neurochirurgie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie im September 1962 in Bad Ischl.  相似文献   



Luxation following endoprosthetic hip replacement represents a frequent and severe complication and is the reason for a relevant number of hip arthroplasty revision interventions. The probability of occurrence of luxation of a total hip arthroplasty is associated with the indications, patient and operation-specific risk factors. Approximately 50 % of luxations after total hip arthroplasty occur within 3 months of the operation (early luxation).


The diagnostics of luxation of total hip arthroplasty are carried out by clinical and radiological methods. The causative assignment is made by assessment of joint stability, the bony situation (e.g. loosening, periprosthetic fracture and defects) and the soft tissue (e.g. pelvitrochanterian musculature). In cases of clinical and paraclinical signs of infection and of late luxations, a joint puncture is indicated.


Therapy decisions are made depending on the cause (e.g. implant malpositioning, pelvitrochanterian insufficiency, impingement, incongruence between head and inlay and combinations of causes). Therapy of acute total hip prosthesis luxation begins with imaging controlled repositioning carried out with the patient under adequate analgesia and sedation. Conservative therapy is carried out by immobilization with a hip joint orthesis or pelvis-leg cast for 6 weeks. Operative therapy strategies for recurrent luxation are restoration of the correct implant position and sufficient soft tissue tension. Larger hip heads, bipolar heads and tripolar cups are more commonly used due to the geometrically lower probability of dislocation (higher jumping distance). Luxation of total hip prostheses due to infection is treated according to the principles of periprosthetic infection therapy. The rate of recurrence of luxation of 30 % is high so that in cases of unsuccessful therapy treatment should best be carried out in a center for revision arthroplasty.


The search for the exact cause of total hip prosthesis luxation is extremely important. A classification is only possible when the exact cause is known and together with patient and implant-specific details the therapeutic approach can be ascertained. In revision operations the intraoperative functional diagnostics must be exactly documented. The reasons for delayed luxations could be prosthesis infections, abrasion and loosening.  相似文献   

Pneumonectomy can represent the appropriate surgical treatment option in advanced or centrally localized non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A satisfactory oncologic tumor surgery can be reached in these cases although pneumonectomy is associated with a significantly higher mortality and morbidity than less extensive resection of the lung parenchyma. The aim of this article is a systematic review and the presentation of possible postoperative consequences of pneumonectomy in the early and late phases, which depend not only on the underlying disease but are also primarily affected by the state and function of the remaining contralateral lung parenchyma. Cardiopulmonary complications, especially pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrhythmia or myocardial infarction lead to increased 30-day mortality in the early postoperative period. Moreover, advanced ages over 70 years can be identified as a significant risk factor for poor quality of life after pneumonectomy.  相似文献   

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