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目的:通过初诊腊斯默森脑炎(Rasmussen encephalitis,RE)患者的临床处理过程,明确治疗方法的选择.方法:按照欧洲共识的诊断标准,初诊RE 9例.分析患者的病史、病程、发作特点、脑电图、MRI和PET表现,动态观察患者的MRI和PET,其中6例患者建议大脑半球切除手术治疗,3例患者建议颅脑病理活检.结果:所有患者均表现为一侧起始的部分性发作,多种发作形式,6例患者出现部分性癫(痫)持续状态(epilepsia partialis continua,EPC).就诊时7例患者有轻偏瘫.所有患者MRI均出现半球萎缩,PET示半球性或半球多灶性低代谢,脑电图示半球的慢活动.在临床处理上,4例行半球切除术,病理学检查支持RE诊断,其中2例合并局灶性皮质发育不良(FCD),为双重病理改变;另1例脑活检后排除RE.另外4例拒绝手术和脑活检.结论:对于初诊的RE患者,MRI及PET的动态观察是RE诊断的重要方法,脑手术组织病理学和脑活检亦可明确诊断.  相似文献   

Patients with Rasmussen encephalitis (RE) may develop a variety of involuntary movements. We report a 26-year-old woman who presented with a 3-year history of progressive, continuous myoclonus of the left side of the face and left arm as well as left spastic hemiparesis. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed right hemisphere and basal ganglia atrophy, and 24-hour electroencephalogram demonstrated diffuse slowing with random sharp waves in both hemispheres. An 18-fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography scan indicated hypometabolism of the right cerebral hemisphere, including basal ganglia and thalamus. We successfully treated her myoclonus with injections of botulinum toxin A into the left zygomaticus muscle.  相似文献   

Severe focal motor epilepsy is considered a clinical hallmark of Rasmussen encephalitis (RE). The authors report a 6-year-old girl with progressive right sided hemiparesis, loss of language skills, left sided hemispheric atrophy, and brain pathologic features characteristic for RE. The patient did not experience seizures over a 2 year period after symptom onset and for several months during follow-up. This report expands the clinical spectrum of RE and suggests that seizures are not a universal symptom of RE. Our patient’s quite remarkable neurologic deficits along with active inflammation in the absence of epilepsy supports that, at least in some individuals, unilateral hemispheric progressive inflammation can occur without active seizure activity.  相似文献   

Purpose: Rasmussen encephalitis (RE) leads to progressive tissue and function loss of one brain hemisphere and often intractable epilepsy. This is the first randomized prospective treatment trial in RE. Methods: Germany‐wide, patients with suspected recent‐onset RE were recruited and if eligible randomized to tacrolimus or intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIGs). A loss of motor function or hemispheric volume by ≥15% (in patients >12 years at disease onset: ≥8%) led to study exit. Untreated patients served as a historical control group. Key Findings: Over 6.3 years, 21 patients with recent‐onset RE were identified. Sixteen were randomized to tacrolimus (n = 9) or IVIG (n = 7). Immunotreated patients had a longer “survival” than the historical controls. Neither treatment was more efficacious than the other. Two tacrolimus patients experienced serious adverse events. No immunotreated but several untreated patients developed intractable epilepsy. No patient with refractory epilepsy became treatment‐responsive under immunotherapy. Significance: The countrywide incidence rate of diagnosed RE is estimated as 2.4 cases/107 people ≤ age 18/year. Treatment with tacrolimus or IVIG may slow down tissue and function loss and prevent development of intractable epilepsy. However, immunotherapy may “arrest” patients in a dilemma state of pharmacoresistant epilepsy but too good function to be offered functional hemispherectomy. These compounds may therefore contribute to the therapeutic armamentarium for RE patients without difficult‐to‐treat epilepsies.  相似文献   

Five young children developed slowly progressive hemiparesis as the initial manifestation of Rasmussen encephalitis (RE). Three have remained seizure free over an observational period of 1.3–1.9 years. In the remaining two patients, seizures occurred after 0.5 and 0.6 years respectively. We suggest that RE might be presently underdiagnosed and should be suspected in cases of new onset hemiparesis. In this series, three out of five patients showed oligoclonal bands on examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which represented additional diagnostic hints towards an immune-mediated condition. According to recently published formal diagnostic criteria, evidence of progressive cerebral hemiatrophy or bioptic identification of RE-typical inflammation confirms the diagnosis in such cases. Long-term immunotherapy is recommended in order to prevent further tissue loss and functional decline.  相似文献   

副肿瘤性边缘叶脑炎的临床和影像学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨副肿瘤性边缘叶脑炎(PLE)的临床和影像学特征。方法 报告2例PLE患者(分别合并侵袭性胸腺瘤及肺癌)的临床、实验室及影像学资料。结果 2例均有癫痫发作、记忆及定向降碍、明显精神异常。头颅MRI均表现为颞叶海马长T1、长T2信号。1例在急性期胸部正电子发射扫描(PET)表现为病灶部位放射性浓集。结论 临床表现及影像学检查是诊断PLE的重要手段。  相似文献   

We present two case studies, one of generalized chorea and one of hemichorea, both after severe hypoglycemia episodes. Both cases showed hyperperfusion in their SPECT scans. The MRI and SPECT findings serve as clues regarding the role of basal ganglion dysfunction associated with chorea.  相似文献   

Rasmussen encephalitis (RE) is a rare form of severe unihemispheric epilepsy established to be an autoimmune disease. Here we demonstrate the presence of autoantibodies against Munc18-1 in 20% of patients collective with biopsy-proven RE. Intriguingly, brain biopsy specimens of these patients showed a striking perivascular accentuated infiltration of B-lymphocytes and plasma cells, suggesting a subgroup of RE patients harboring Munc18-1 antibodies and concomitant B- and plasma cell infiltration.  相似文献   

抗N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体脑炎及病毒性脑炎的临床表现相似但治疗方法及预后不同,故早期鉴别至关重要。抗体检测及病原学检测存在延时、假阴性等不足,常规辅助检查缺乏特异性,鉴别价值有限。^18F脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)标记的正电子发射计算机断层显像(PETCT)检查对于抗NMDA受体脑炎早期代谢异常敏感性高,存在特征性的枕叶低代谢和额颞叶高代谢。病毒性脑炎行^18F-FDG PETCT检查研究病例数较少,不同病毒性脑炎的脑代谢表现不同,但均无特征性的枕叶代谢减退。本文现围绕NMDA受体脑炎及病毒性脑炎行^18F-FDG PETCT检查时的脑代谢特点综述如下。  相似文献   

Parry‐Romberg syndrome (PRS) is a sporadic disease of unknown etiology with typical onset in childhood or in young adults. It is characterized by a slow and progressive atrophy affecting one side of the face, the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, the muscles, the cartilages, and the underlying bony structures. The neurological symptoms usually include focal epilepsy, migraine, and unilateral brain lesions on the same side as the atrophy. A common neuroimaging finding of the syndrome is white matter high signal intensity on brain magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Rasmussen encephalitis (RE) is a rare and chronic inflammatory disease of the brain that begins in the first decade of life and more rarely in adolescents and adults. It usually involves one hemisphere with focal cortical inflammation. Neurologic symptoms are intractable seizures and progressive hemiplegia. Both PRS and RE are often associated with other inflammatory or autoimmune disorders and only 1 case of both syndromes has been reported in literature. We report the clinical and neuroradiological findings in a 6‐year‐old boy, presenting with focal hemifacial and arm motor seizures and progressive facial hemiatrophy. Serial MR imaging studies revealed progressive brain hemispheric signal alterations and atrophy. This would thus suggest acoexistence of PRS and RE.  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography in Alzheimer's disease (AD) demonstrates a metabolic decrease, predominantly in associative posterior cortices (comprising the posterior cingulate cortex), and also involving medial temporal structures and frontal regions at a lesser degree. The level of activity in this wide network is roughly correlated with dementia severity, but several confounds (such as age, education or subcortical ischemic lesions) may influence the brain-behaviour relationship. Univariate analyses allow one to segregate brain regions that are particularly closely related to specific neuropsychological performances. For example, a relationship was established between the activity in lateral associative cortices and semantic performance in AD. The role of semantic capacities (subserved by temporal or parietal regions) in episodic memory tasks was also emphasized. The residual activity in medial temporal structures was related to episodic memory abilities, as measured by free recall performance, cued recall ability and recognition accuracy. More generally, AD patients' performance on episodic memory tasks was correlated with the metabolism in several structures of Papez's circuit (including the medial temporal and posterior cingulate regions). Multivariate analyses should provide complementary information on impaired metabolic covariance in functional networks of brain regions and the consequences for AD patients' cognitive performance. More longitudinal studies are being conducted that should tell us more about the prognostic value of initial metabolic impairment and the neural correlates of progressive deterioration of cognitive performance in AD.  相似文献   

Abnormality in cerebral blood flow (CBF) distribution can lead to hypoxic–ischemic cerebral damage in newborn infants. The aim of the study was to investigate minimally invasive approaches to measure CBF by comparing simultaneous 15O-water positron emission tomography (PET) and single TI pulsed arterial spin labeling (ASL) magnetic resonance imaging (MR) on a hybrid PET/MR in seven newborn piglets. Positron emission tomography was performed with IV injections of 20 MBq and 100 MBq 15O-water to confirm CBF reliability at low activity. Cerebral blood flow was quantified using a one-tissue-compartment-model using two input functions: an arterial input function (AIF) or an image-derived input function (IDIF). The mean global CBF (95% CI) PET-AIF, PET-IDIF, and ASL at baseline were 27 (23; 32), 34 (31; 37), and 27 (22; 32) mL/100 g per minute, respectively. At acetazolamide stimulus, PET-AIF, PET-IDIF, and ASL were 64 (55; 74), 76 (70; 83) and 79 (67; 92) mL/100 g per minute, respectively. At baseline, differences between PET-AIF, PET-IDIF, and ASL were 22% (P<0.0001) and −0.7% (P=0.9). At acetazolamide, differences between PET-AIF, PET-IDIF, and ASL were 19% (P=0.001) and 24% (P=0.0003). In conclusion, PET-IDIF overestimated CBF. Injected activity of 20 MBq 15O-water had acceptable concordance with 100 MBq, without compromising image quality. Single TI ASL was questionable for regional CBF measurements. Global ASL CBF and PET CBF were congruent during baseline but not during hyperperfusion.  相似文献   

Rasmussen encephalitis (RE) is a progressive inflammatory disorder characterized by brain hemiatrophy, unilateral focal deficits, and drug‐refractory focal epilepsy. Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) is a hallmark of the disease. Several immunomodulatory treatments may slow but not halt the disease progression. The treatment of choice still relies on surgical hemispheric disconnection, which is burdened by heavy neurologic morbidity. More limited cortical resections, although more tolerable, are usually considered to be, at best, only transiently effective in RE. Hemispheric disconnections may be not feasible when neurologic functions are preserved and the dominant hemisphere is affected. Adult patients with a milder RE course that preserves neurologic function for a long period are particularly at risk of developing severe deficits after surgery. In this study we present the histories of two patients with adult‐onset RE who have undergone selective cortical resections to control EPC, avoiding, at the same time, the severe postsurgical deficits that may be induced by hemispheric disconnective surgery. The good result obtained on EPC has been stable over a prolonged period; however, this result was not paralleled by the stop of neurologic progression in one of the two cases. A PowerPoint slide summarizing this article is available for download in the Supporting Information section here .  相似文献   

There is considerable uncertainty regarding the cortical areas in the human brain that are involved in gustatory processing. Evidence from nonhuman primates indicates that parts of the peri-central opercular region (secondary somatosensory cortex) and insular cortex may be important for gustatory processing. The aim of the study was to examine changes in cerebral blood flow during gustatory stimulation (with sucrose or water) in the insulo-opercular region of the human brain with positron emission tomography using only movement of the tongue and mouth as control conditions. This is important because subtractions of responses to one gustatory stimulus from those to another may mask gustatory activity that is common to both stimuli, even when the control stimulus is an apparently tasteless one (e.g. water). Bilateral increases in activity were observed in the insulo-opercular region and, consistent with animal work, they indicate that there are a number of separate foci within this general area where primary gustatory inputs may be processed.  相似文献   

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