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A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model including fourteen compartments (artery, vein, and twelve tissues) was used to predict plasma and tissue ftorafur concentrations in rats after a 100 mgkg i.v. dose. Fairly good agreement was obtained between the predicted and observed time courses of ftorafur concentrations in plasma and tissues. This model was also used to predict plasma ftorafur concentrations for man. Fairly good agreement was again obtained between the predicted and observed plasma ftorafur concentrations. Additionally, it was ascertained that the ratio of body weight (kg) to distribution volume (liter) of ftorafur was approximately 1:1 in man, rat, monkey, dog and rabbit, and the ratio of body weight (kg) to total body clearance (mlmin) was the same in all cases except rabbit.  相似文献   

A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for diazepam disposition was developed in the rat, incorporating anatomical, physiological, and biochemical parameters, i.e., tissue volume, blood flow rate, serum free fraction, distribution of diazepam into red blood cells, drug metabolism and tissue-to-blood distribution ratio. The serum free fraction of diazepam was determined by equilibrium dialysis at 37°C and was constant over a wide concentration range. Partition of diazepam between plasma and erythrocytes was determined in vitroat 37°C, and the resultant blood-to-plasma concentration ratio was constant over a wide concentration range. The enzymatic parameters (Km, Vmax)of the eliminating organs, i.e., liver, kidney, and lung, previously determined using microsomes, were used for the prediction. The tissue-to-blood distribution ratios inferred by inspection of the data when pseudoequilibrium is reached after i.v. bolus injection of 1.2 mg/kg diazepam were corrected according to the method of Chen and Gross. Predicted diazepam concentration time-course profiles in plasma and various organs or tissues, using an 11-compartmental model, were compared with those observed. Prediction was successful in all compartments including brain, the target organ of diazepam. Scale-up of the disposition kinetics of diazepam from rat to man was also successful.  相似文献   

AIMS: To create a general physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for drug disposition in infants and children, covering the age range from birth to adulthood, and to evaluate it with theophylline and midazolam as model drugs. METHODS: Physiological data for neonates, 0.5-, 1-, 2-, 5-, 10- and 15-year-old children, and adults, of both sexes were compiled from the literature. The data comprised body weight and surface area, organ weights, vascular and interstitial spaces, extracellular body water, organ blood flows, cardiac output and glomerular filtration rate. Tissue: plasma partition coefficients were calculated from rat data and unbound fraction (f u) of the drug in human plasma, and age-related changes in unbound intrinsic hepatic clearance were estimated from CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 (theophylline) and CYP3A4 (midazolam) activities in vitro. Volume of distribution (V dss), total and renal clearance (CL and CL R) and elimination half-life (t(1/2)) were estimated by PBPK modelling, as functions of age, and compared with literature data. RESULTS: The predicted V dss of theophylline was 0.4-0.6 l kg(-1) and showed only a modest change with age. The median prediction error (MPE) compared with literature data was 3.4%. Predicted total CL demonstrated the time-course generally reported in the literature. It was 20 ml h(-1) kg(-1) in the neonate, rising to 73 ml h(-1) kg(-1) at 5 years and then decreasing to 48 ml h(-1) kg(-1) in the adult. Overall, the MPE was - 4.0%. Predicted t(1/2) was 18 h in the neonate, dropping rapidly to 4.6-7.2 h from 6 months onwards, and the MPE was 24%. The predictions for midazolam were also in good agreement with literature data. V dss ranged between 1.0 and 1.7 l kg(-1) and showed only modest change with age. CL was 124 ml h(-1) kg(-1) in the neonate and peaked at 664 ml h(-1) kg(-1) at 5 years before decreasing to 425 ml h(-1) kg(-1) in the adult. Predicted t(1/2) was 6.9 h in the neonate and attained 'adult' values of 2.5-3.5 h from 1 year onwards. CONCLUSIONS: A general PBPK model for the prediction of drug disposition over the age range neonate to young adult is presented. A reference source of physiological data was compiled and validated as far as possible. Since studies of pharmacokinetics in children present obvious practical and ethical difficulties, one aim of the work was to utilize maximally already available data. Prediction of the disposition of theophylline and midazolam, two model drugs with dissimilar physicochemical and pharmacokinetic characteristics, yielded results that generally tallied with literature data. Future use of the model may demonstrate further its strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

There are numerous studies which examine the disposition of theophylline from a traditional point of view. Information about the behaviour of drugs, including theophylline, is, however, very scarce when investigating the kinetics by means of a physiological flow model. This study is concerned with the development of a predictive analytical model for the pharmacokinetics of theophylline in nonpregnant and pregnant rats. This model postulates that specific organ or tissue masses may be simulated by compartments whose elements have physiological properties, e.g., tissue volumes, blood flow, and metabolic activity. A model has been developed that has blood, brain, hepatic, muscular, pulmonary, renal, and fetal tissues. With few exceptions, the agreement was good between predicted and calculated tissue data in the pregnant and nonpregnant rats. Finally, model simulations were performed to investigate the impact of different pulmonary extraction ratios on the concentration-time profile of theophylline in a "hypothetical" human patient.  相似文献   

There are numerous studies which examine the disposition of theophylline from a traditional point of view. Information about the behaviour of drugs, including theophylline, is, however, very scarce when investigating the kinetics by means of a physiological flow model. This study is concerned with the development of a predictive analytical model for the pharmacokinetics of theophylline in nonpregnant and pregnant rats. This model postulates that specific organ or tissue masses may be simulated by compartments whose elements have physiological properties, e.g., tissue volumes, blood flow, and metabolic activity. A model has been developed that has blood, brain, hepatic, muscular, pulmonary, renal, and fetal tissues. With few exceptions, the agreement was good between predicted and calculated tissue data in the pregnant and nonpregnant rats. Finally, model simulations were performed to investigate the impact of different pulmonary extraction ratios on the concentration-time profile of theophylline in a hypothetical human patient.This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research [(FRN)82/2090].  相似文献   

We assess the goodness of fit of three physiologically based models of benzene pharmacokinetics to experimental data in Fischer-344 rats. These models were independently developed and published. Large differences in the quality of the fit are observed. In addition, the parameter values leading to acceptable fits are spread over the entire range of physiologically plausible values and can be quite different from average or standard values. On the other hand, choosing standard values for the parameters does not ensure good predictions of all tissue levels. These results emphasize the difficulty of a rigorous calibration of physiological models, and the need for further research in this area, including precise experimental determination of parameter values. Physiological models are powerful tools, but for risk assessment purposes simpler models, making equivalent use of the crucial data, are probably preferable.  相似文献   

Hydroquinone (HQ) produces nephrotoxicity and renal tubular adenomas in male F344 rats following 2 years of oral dosing. Female F344 and SD rats are comparatively resistant to these effects. Nephrotoxicity and tumorigenicity have been associated with a minor glutathione conjugation pathway following the oxidation of HQ to benzoquinone (BQ). The majority of administered doses (90-99%) consists of glucuronide and sulfate conjugates of HQ. An initial physiologically based pharmacokinetic model was developed to characterize the role of kinetics in the strain differences observed in HQ-induced renal toxicity and tumorigenicity. Partition coefficients, protein-binding, and metabolic rate constants were determined directly or estimated from a series of in vivo and in vitro studies. Metabolism was confined to the liver and GI tract. The total flux through the glutathione pathway represented the "internal dose" of HQ for nephrotoxicity. Simulations were compared to a variety of data from male and female F344 rats, male SD rats, and a single male human volunteer. Simulations of intraperitoneal administration resulted in higher amounts of glutathione conjugates than comparable oral doses. This was consistent with protein-binding and toxicity studies and emphasized the importance of first-pass GI tract metabolism. In addition, male F344 rats were predicted to form more total glutathione conjugates than SD rats at equivalent dose levels, which was also consistent with the observed strain differences in renal toxicity. This model represents the first stage in the development of a biologically based dose-response model for improving the scientific basis for human health risk assessments of HQ.  相似文献   

目的:建立替格瑞洛在健康人群中的生理药动学(PBPK)模型,预测其口服给药后在人体的吸收部位与吸收量及组织分布特征,为预测替格瑞洛药物互相作用和临床治疗提供参考依据。方法:通过文献和ADMET Predictor软件计算获取替格瑞洛建模的理化参数及生物药剂学参数,通过替格瑞洛注射给药的药动学数据获取替格瑞洛在人体的清除率(CL),应用Gastro PlusTM软件建立替格瑞洛口服给药的PBPK预测模型,并对模型进行验证和优化。通过所建立的预测模型,能预测药物体内药-时曲线,预测药物吸收部位与吸收量及口服给药后药物在各个组织及器官中的药物暴露量。结果:模型拟合替格瑞洛的药-时曲线与实测值的平均折合误差(AFE)和绝对平均折合误差(AAFE)值分别为1.0和1.1,这表明所建立的PBPK模型有效性良好。药物主要的吸收部位为空肠,吸收量为35.8%。口服替格瑞洛后,药物在身体各个组织中均有广泛的分布,其在脂肪组织、红骨髓和黄骨髓中的药物显露量约是血中药物暴露量1.6倍。结论:所建立的PBPK模型可较好模拟替格瑞洛口服给药后的体内药动学行为,对于预测药物可能的相互作用及临床给药方案有指导意义。  相似文献   

A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model of the transfer of organic solvents in rat bodies was developed. The model has six compartments, i.e. lungs, vessel-rich tissue, muscles, fat tissue, tail, and liver, each being interconnected by the blood flow system. The transfer of organic solvents was expressed by simultaneous differential equations, which were then solved numerically by a personal computer using a simple spreadsheet program. m -xylene was used to represent organic solvents. The physiological parameters for rats (alveolar ventilation, cardiac output, tissue volume, tissue blood flow, etc.) and physicochemical or biochemical properties (blood/air partition coefficient, tissue/blood partition coefficients, metabolic constants, etc.) of m -xylene were based on the data obtained from the literature and our experiments. The partition coefficient of m -xylene for the tail and the blood flow and the volume of the rat tail were experimentally determined with adult rats. The results of simulation of rat exposure to m -xylene (50 and 500 ppm for 6 h) were essentially in good agreement with the experimental data on rats, i.e. the parent compound (m -xylene) concentration in the tail blood and the cumulative excretion of the metabolites in the urine were consistent.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of dermal absorption are important in the analysis of risk from dermal exposure to toxic chemicals and for the development of topically applied drugs, barriers, insect repellents, and cosmetics. In vitro flow-through cells offer a convenient method for the study of dermal absorption that is relevant to the initial processes of dermal absorption. This study describes a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model developed to simulate the absorption of organophosphate pesticides, such as parathion, fenthion, and methyl parathion through porcine skin with flow-through cells. Parameters related to the structure of the stratum corneum and solvent evaporation rates were independently estimated. Three parameters were optimized based on experimental dermal absorption data, including solvent evaporation rate, diffusivity, and a mass transfer factor. Diffusion cell studies were conducted to validate the model under a variety of conditions, including different dose ranges (6.3-106.9 microg/cm2 for parathion; 0.8-23.6 microg/cm2 for fenthion; 1.6-39.3 microg/cm2 for methyl parathion), different solvents (ethanol, 2-propanol and acetone), different solvent volumes (5-120 microl for ethanol; 20-80 microl for 2-propanol and acetone), occlusion versus open to atmosphere dosing, and corneocyte removal by tape-stripping. The study demonstrated the utility of PBPK models for studying dermal absorption, which can be useful as explanatory and predictive tools that may be used for in silico hypotheses generation and limited hypotheses testing. The similarity between the overall shapes of the experimental and model-predicted flux/time curves and the successful simulation of altered system conditions for this series of small, lipophilic compounds indicated that the absorption processes that were described in the model successfully simulated important aspects of dermal absorption in flow-through cells. These data have direct relevance to topical organophosphate pesticide risk assessments.  相似文献   

目的:建立阿托伐他汀在健康人群中的生理药动学模型,预测其在人体内的组织分布及特征,为优化阿托伐他汀的治疗方案提供依据。方法:文献中获取关于阿托伐他汀理化参数及体外酶促动力学参数及数值。结合药物理化参数得到组织-血浆分配平衡系数(Kp),应用GastroPlus软件,建立阿托伐他汀的生理药动学模型, 验证模型有效性, 预测各器官组织中阿托伐他汀的经时变化,并运用模型预测阿托伐他汀在儿童及老年人群体内各器官组织中药物的经时变化,为个体化用药提供依据。结果:经验证,模型的有效性良好。阿托伐他汀在14个组织室均有分布,其中在血液、皮肤、肺中分布较高,Cmax分别为6.04,1.70,1.32 ng·ml-1;在脂肪和脑中分布较低,Cmax分别为0.31,0.33 ng·ml-1。儿童及老年人群体各器官组织阿托伐他汀的经时变化模型预测发现,儿童血液、皮肤、肺分布较高,Cmax分别为12.49,3.52,2.73 ng·ml-1;脑分布最低,Cmax为0.69 ng·ml-1;老年血液、皮肤、肺分布较高,Cmax分别为8.97,2.53,1.96 ng·ml-1;肌肉分布最低,Cmax为0.63 ng·ml-1。结论:儿童及老年体内阿托伐他汀不同组织分布的Cmax为青年健康人群的两倍,显示年龄影响阿托伐他汀在体内的分布,儿童和老年人应用阿托伐他汀,存在较高发生不良反应的风险,应根据生理生化指标调整剂量,避免不良反应的发生。  相似文献   

Pregnancy is associated with numerous physiological changes that influence absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Moreover, the magnitude of these effects changes as pregnancy matures. For most medications, there is limited information available about changes in drug disposition that can occur in pregnant patients, yet most women are prescribed one or more medications during pregnancy. In this investigation, PBPK modeling was used to assess the impact of pregnancy on the pharmacokinetic profiles of three medications (metformin, tacrolimus, oseltamivir) using the Simcyp® simulator. The Simcyp pregnancy‐PBPK model accounts for the known physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. For each medication, plasma concentration–time profiles were simulated using Simcyp® virtual populations of healthy volunteers and pregnant patients. The predicted systemic exposure metrics (Cmax, AUC) were compared with published clinical data, and the fold error (FE, ratio of predicted and observed data) was calculated. The PBPK model was able to capture the observed changes in Cmax and AUC across each trimester of pregnancy compared with post‐partum for metformin (FE range 0.86–1.19), tacrolimus (FE range 1.03–1.64) and oseltamivir (FE range 0.54–1.02). Simcyp model outputs were used to correlate these findings with pregnancy‐induced alterations in renal blood flow (metformin, oseltamivir), hepatic CYP3A4 activity (tacrolimus) and reduced plasma protein levels and hemodilution (tacrolimus). The results illustrate how PBPK modeling can help to establish appropriate dosing guidelines for pregnant patients and to predict potential changes in systemic exposure during pregnancy for compounds undergoing clinical development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) approach for predicting the plasma concentration-time curves expected after intravenous administration of candidate drugs to rodents. The predictions were based on a small number of properties that were either calculated based on the structure of the candidate drug (octanol:water partition coefficient, ionization constant(s)) or obtained from the typical high-throughput screens implemented in the early drug discovery phases (fraction unbound in plasma and hepatic intrinsic clearance). The model was tested comparing the predicted and the observed pharmacokinetics of 45 molecules. This dataset included six known drugs and 39 drug candidates from different discovery programs, so that the performance of the model could be evaluated in a real discovery case scenario. The plasma concentration-time curves were predicted with good accuracy, the pharmacokinetic parameters being on average two- to three-fold of actual values. Multivariate analysis was used for identifying the candidate properties which were likely associated to biased predictions. The application of this approach was found useful for the prioritization of the in vivo pharmacokinetics screens and the design of the first-time-in-animal studies.  相似文献   

Despite the plethora of studies discussing the benefits of vitamin D on physiological functioning, few mathematical models of vitamin D predict the response of the body on low‐concentration supplementation of vitamin D under sunlight‐restricted conditions. This study developed a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model utilizing published human data on the metabolic cascade of orally derived, low‐concentration (placebo, 5 μg and 10 μg) supplementation of vitamin D over the course of 28 days in the absence of sunlight. Vitamin D and its metabolites are highly lipophilic and binding assays of these compounds in serum may not account for binding by lipids and additional proteins. To compensate for the additional bound amounts, this study allowed the effective adipose–plasma partition coefficient to vary dynamically with the concentration of each compound in serum utilizing the Hill equation for binding. Through incorporating the optimized parameters with the adipose partition coefficient adaptation to the PBPK model, this study was able to fit serum concentration data for circulating vitamin D at all three supplementation concentrations within confidence intervals of the data. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for trichloroethylene (TCE) in the male Long-Evans (LE) rat was needed to aid in evaluation of neurotoxicity data collected in this rodent stock. The purpose of this study was to develop such a model with the greatest possible specificity for the LE rat. The PBPK model consisted of 5 compartments: brain, fat, slowly perfused tissue, rapidly perfused viscera, and liver. Partition coefficients (blood, fat, muscle, brain, liver) were determined for LE rats. The volumes of the brain, liver, and fat compartments were estimated for each rat, with tissue-specific regression equations developed from measurements made in LE rats. Vapor uptake data from LE rats were used for estimation of Vmaxc. As blood flow values for LE rats were not available, values from Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Fischer-344 (F344) rats were used in separate simulations. The resulting values of Vmaxc were used to simulate tissue (blood, liver, brain, fat) TCE concentrations, which were measured during (5, 20, 60 min) and after (60 min of TCE followed by 60 min of air) flow-through inhalation exposures of LE rats to 200, 2000, or 4000 ppm TCE. Simulation of the experimental data was improved by use of F-344 blood-flow values and the corresponding Vmaxc (8.68 mg/h/kg) compared to use of SD flows and the associated Vmaxc (7.34 mg/h/kg). Sensitivity analysis was used to determine those input parameters with the greatest influence on TCE tissue concentrations. Alveolar ventilation consistently (across exposure concentration, exposure duration, and target tissue) had the greatest impact on TCE tissue concentration. The PBPK model described here is being used to explore the relationship between measures of internal dose of TCE and neurotoxic outcome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND and objective: The mechanistic framework of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models makes them uniquely suited to hypothesis testing and lineshape analysis, which help provide valuable insights into mechanisms that contribute to the observed concentration-time profiles. The aim of this article is to evaluate the utility of PBPK models for simulating oral lineshapes by optimizing clearance and distribution parameters through fitting observed intravenous pharmacokinetic profiles. METHODS: A generic PBPK model, built in-house using MATLAB software and incorporating absorption, metabolism, distribution, biliary and renal elimination models, was employed for simulation of the concentration-time profiles of nine marketed drugs with diverse physicochemical and pharmacokinetic profiles and absorption rates determined solely by transcellular or paracellular permeability and solubility. The model is based on easily available physicochemical properties of compounds such as the log P, acid dissociation constant and solubility, and in vitro pharmacokinetic data such as Caco-2 permeability, the fraction of the compound unbound in plasma, and microsomal or hepatocyte intrinsic clearance. Clearance and distribution parameters optimized through simulation of intravenous profiles were used to simulate their corresponding oral profiles, which are determined by a multitude of parameters, both compound-dependent and physiological. Comparison of the simulated and observed oral profiles was done using goodness-of-fit parameters such as the reduced chi(2) statistic. Fold errors were calculated for the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC), maximum plasma concentration (C(max)) and time to reach the C(max) (t(max)), to assess the accuracy of predictions. RESULTS: The approach of predicting the oral profiles by optimizing the clearance and distribution parameters using the observed intravenous profile seemed to perform well for the nine compounds chosen for the study. The mean fold error for oral pharmacokinetic parameters, such as the C(max), t(max) and AUC, and for lineshape simulation was within 2-fold. CONCLUSIONS: The validation of the generic PBPK model built in-house demonstrated that as long as the absorption profile of a compound is determined solely by solubility and paracellular or transcellular permeability, the PBPK simulations of oral profiles using optimized parameters from intravenous simulations provide reasonably good agreement with the observed profile with respect to both the lineshape fit and prediction of pharmacokinetic parameters. Therefore, any lineshape mismatch between PBPK simulated and observed oral profiles can be interpreted suitably to gain mechanistic insights into the pharmacokinetic processes that have resulted in the observed lineshape. A strategy has been proposed to identify involvement of carrier-mediated transport; clearance saturation; enterohepatic recirculation of the parent compound; extra-hepatic, extra-gut elimination; higher in vivo solubility than predicted in vitro; drug-induced gastric emptying delays; gut loss and regional variation in gut absorption.  相似文献   

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