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我国禁毒工作中长期使用"毒品预防"一词,在此理念影响下逐渐产生了教育的负向功能,导致了毒品认知混乱、教育方式恐吓化、预防康复理念冲突以及教育主体单一化等问题.基于当前毒品预防教育工作中的现实困境,应强调"药物滥用预防"的理念,构建全方位预防观,调整预防内容和方式,构建药物滥用预防的评估体系,加强药物滥用预防制度保障,以...  相似文献   

《中国药物滥用防治杂志》是由卫生部主管、中国药物滥用防治协会主办的国家级学术性并兼有一定科普性的期刊,主要介绍有关药物滥用(主要是指毒品、麻酔品、精神药品、酒精、有机溶剂及普通药品的滥用)的预防、治疗、宣传、健康教育及流行病调查的刊物。国内统一刊号为CN-3742/R。  相似文献   

1.《中国药物滥用防治杂志》是由卫生部主管、中国药物滥用防治协会主办的国家级学术性期刊 ,其实用性强 ,在国内外公开发行。它主要介绍有关药物滥用 (主要是指毒品、麻醉品、精神药品、酒精、有机溶剂及普通药品的滥用 )的预防、治疗、宣传、健康教育及流行病调查的刊物。国内统一刊号为 CN11— 2 94 4 / R。本杂志设有法规、论著、综述、专题讲座、药品管理、戒毒与临床、调查与研究、教育与预防、药物滥用与检测、吸毒与艾滋病、戒烟控酒、合理用药、药品介绍、读者园地、信息报道、科普知识、经验交流、企业报导等栏目。2 .来稿请附…  相似文献   

1995年7月-1997年8月,本文作者在云南昆明一所城市中学和一所农村中学开展以学校为基础减少毒品需求和HIV/AIDS预防项目。评估结果显示:以学校为基础减少毒品需求和HIV/AIDS预防的方法已为学校所接纳,通过参与式学校预防活动尤其是同伴教育,有效地提高了学习抵御药物滥用和HIV/AIDS的知识和技巧,同时改变了师生对药物滥用者和HIV感感渚 的态,并且在两校中成长起来了一批有经验的项目管  相似文献   

开展预防药物滥用教育的建议   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为遏制药物滥用不断蔓延的趋势 ,科学地实施预防药物滥用教育是必要的 ,紧迫的。希望禁毒局组织医学、心理学和社会学等学科专家编写多媒体预防滥用教材。教育内容可包括介绍有关毒品的知识以及人际交流等个人和社会技能和心理健康方面的知识。与教育部协商将这项教育列入大、中学素质教育的正式课程 ,并与各有关部门协商解决讲课的具体事宜。  相似文献   

1 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》是经国家科学技术部批准,由卫生部主管,中国药物滥用防治协会和宁波戒毒研究中心主办的双月刊,报道我国在药物滥用防治领域的学术动向和进展。其实用性强,国内外公开发行。它是专门刊登有关毒品、麻醉品、精神药品、酒精、烟草等有依赖性物质的实验研究、临床诊疗、医学预防、流行病学调查和政策分析的刊物。本刊面向全国医疗卫生、公安、部队等戒毒机构,社会医学、健康教育、宣传部门、各级卫生行政和社区管理部门及大中专医学院校。大16开,64页,为中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊和中国期刊全文数据库全…  相似文献   

1《中国药物滥用防治杂志》是经国家科学技术部批准,由卫生部主管,中国药物滥用防治协会和宁波戒毒研究中心主办的双月刊,报道我国在药物滥用防治领域的学术动向和进展。其实用性强,国内外公开发行。它介绍毒品、麻醉品、精神药品、酒精、烟草等有依赖性物质的实验研究、临床诊疗、医学预防、流行病学调查和政策分析的刊物。本刊面向全国医疗卫生、公安、部队等戒毒机构,社会医学、健康教育、宣传部门、各级卫生行政和社区管理部门及大中专医学院校。大16开,64页,为中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊和中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊。…  相似文献   

防治药物依赖服务概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1预防工作方面预防药物滥用处运用不同预防方法 ,循序渐进地向学校、家长及社区推广预防药物滥用的意识和教育。自1991年向学校负责人及老师推广预防药物滥用教育 ,至今已有70 %的中学参与了多项预防计划 ,共有千名老师接受过有关讲座 ,其中近百名老师完成了深入的培训课程。近年学校响应日见积极 ,愈来愈重视及支持预防教育 ;从1995年起预防计划能直接面向中学生 ,迄今已有过万名学生参加了预防药物滥用的讲座及活动。预防教育主要对象是青少年。为了进一步防止青少年滥用药物 ,于1995年在北区开设了一间青年社区中心,设有…  相似文献   

10442份药物滥用监测报表分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
药物滥用监测是各国政府了解药物滥用动态,禁毒决策科学化和药物滥用防治等方面不可缺的信息保证,是禁毒的一项重要基础性工作.联合国有关国际组织及存在相关问题的国家都非常重视药物滥用监测,建立了专门的监测体系和机制开展这项工作.我国政府也十分重视药物滥用监测工作,1984年7月在我国毒品问题刚浮现之际,卫生部在原北京医科大学成立了"中国药物依赖性研究所".90年代初,卫生部决定在中国药物依赖性研究所成立"国家药物滥用监测中心".我省的药物滥用监测站于1997年经国家卫生部批准成立,设在我院内,负责我省药物滥用的监测工作.  相似文献   

1994年3月 -1996年1月 ,联合国亚太经社会与中国国家禁毒委员会合作 ,在云南省瑞丽市开展中缅边境地区减少毒品需求和HIV/AIDS预防项目。项目选择四个村寨进行试点工作。两年的预防活动结束后 ,评估研究显示 :项目村寨药物滥用的发病率减少 ,HIV感染者发病率降低。提高了靶对象对药物滥用和HIV/AIDS的预防知识的认识 ,转变了靶对象对药物滥用者和HIV感染者的不正确认识 ,促进了靶对象的健康生活模式。  相似文献   

Context: A cross-sectional school survey on drug use and related attitudes among students to ascertain the prevalence of substance use, and to serve as a baseline from which to develop prevention and education materials for primary school. Objectives: The main purpose of the study was to make recommendations for a drug prevention and education curriculum for primary school. The objectives of the study were to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to substance use and abuse among school children. Setting: Five public schools of the Northern District of Moscow, Russia. Participants: 1099 school students 10-15 years old. Results: Alcohol is the drug of choice among Moscow's students. Extensive experience with alcohol is normal behaviour for many. Tobacco smoking is highly prevalent as well. The use of illicit drugs among students is not at all high in comparison with alcohol use or tobacco smoking. Conclusions: The school survey data suggest that the development of a school-based substance abuse prevention and education programme should be based mainly on promotion of healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

Context: A cross-sectional school survey on drug use and related attitudes among students to ascertain the prevalence of substance use, and to serve as a baseline from which to develop prevention and education materials for primary school. Objectives: The main purpose of the study was to make recommendations for a drug prevention and education curriculum for primary school. The objectives of the study were to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to substance use and abuse among school children. Setting: Five public schools of the Northern District of Moscow, Russia. Participants: 1099 school students 10-15 years old. Results: Alcohol is the drug of choice among Moscow?s students. Extensive experience with alcohol is normal behaviour for many. Tobacco smoking is highly prevalent as well. The use of illicit drugs among students is not at all high in comparison with alcohol use or tobacco smoking. Conclusions: The school survey data suggest that the development of a school-based substance abuse prevention and education programme should be based mainly on promotion of healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   


The study investigates the effectiveness and appropriateness of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Keepin’ it REAL (KiR) curriculum – America’s most prevalent in-school prevention programme – using a modified systematic review procedure as adapted from the Cochrane Handbook. No published studies research the D.A.R.E. version of KiR, and so we consider the Keepin’ it REAL intervention as a whole. After reviewing the abstracts of 677 studies matching relevant keyword searches, 11 studies matched inclusion criteria (e.g. testing effectiveness on substance use). The systematic review yields mixed results for the effectiveness of the Keepin’ it REAL intervention. Concerns remain regarding the appropriateness of the KiR D.A.R.E. programme: (1) KiR has only been tested on a narrow audience and may not be appropriate for D.A.R.E.’s larger audience, (2) KiR may not be effective in reducing substance use among elementary school students and (3) the specific versions of KiR implemented by D.A.R.E. (KiR D.A.R.E. and KiR D.A.R.E. Elementary) have yet to be tested for efficacy. The authors recommend independent, randomised trials for the KiR D.A.R.E. curriculum and the development of a standardised measure and evaluation system for in-school substance use prevention programmes.  相似文献   

The present study reports a preliminary evaluation of D.A.R.E.'s new elementary school keepin' it REAL substance abuse prevention program. Given the widespread dissemination of D.A.R.E., this evaluation, even though of short term effects, has important implications for national prevention efforts. The new prevention curriculum teaches social and emotional competencies such as decision making and resistance skills. Social and emotional competencies and other risk factors were examined among students (N = 943) in 26 classrooms, 13 classrooms in the treatment condition (n = 359) and 13 classrooms in the control condition (n = 584) using a quasi-experimental matched group design. Pretest comparisons of treatment and control groups were completed, along with attrition analyses, and hierarchical logistic and linear regressions were computed to assess the intervention. The results revealed that the intervention produced significant effects on preventative factors such as the likelihood of resisting peer pressure, increased responsible decision making knowledge and decision-making skills, and confidence in being able to explain why they would refuse offers of cigarettes. The results of this study suggest that D.A.R.E.'s elementary keepin' it REAL program has promise as a social and emotional learning (SEL) based prevention program.  相似文献   

The recent national heightened interest in drug abuse, involving social campaigns by political leaders, has provided an opportune time for interested workers to articulate and advocate a drug and alcohol education programme. Education in this case means the intentional giving of assistance or advice (by an educator or change agent) in a process of decision making on the use of alcohol and drugs. It should be integrated into the school curriculum, be multidisciplinary in approach, and in particular the parents of youths from elite homes should be involved. There are elements of drug education in developed countries that can be creatively adapted to countries like Nigeria. The programme will take into cognisance the religious differences between the North and South of the country, the literacy level and availability of Community resources. A national drug and alcohol policy will enhance the effectiveness of such a programme.  相似文献   

Blueprint is a universal multi-component prevention programme involving young people aged 11 to 13. In 2005 Blueprint completed delivery of drug prevention through work with schools, parents and the media in communities in England, reinforced by increased action to restrict the availability of tobacco, alcohol and volatile substances to under-age youth. The programme evaluation includes process, impact, outcome and cost measures. This article describes the formative research and process of planning that formed the development of the Blueprint programme and the evidence base underpinning the approach. The process has established for the first time the systematic integration of research with the framework of the national school curriculum and Drug Strategy delivery partnerships. The completed evaluation in 2007 will be a major opportunity to reassess the role of drug education and prevention in meeting educational needs and as part of national drug and alcohol strategies.  相似文献   

Blueprint is a universal multi-component prevention programme involving young people aged 11 to 13. In 2005 Blueprint completed delivery of drug prevention through work with schools, parents and the media in communities in England, reinforced by increased action to restrict the availability of tobacco, alcohol and volatile substances to under-age youth. The programme evaluation includes process, impact, outcome and cost measures. This article describes the formative research and process of planning that formed the development of the Blueprint programme and the evidence base underpinning the approach. The process has established for the first time the systematic integration of research with the framework of the national school curriculum and Drug Strategy delivery partnerships. The completed evaluation in 2007 will be a major opportunity to reassess the role of drug education and prevention in meeting educational needs and as part of national drug and alcohol strategies.  相似文献   

目的:了解毒品较泛滥的民族地区处于高危年龄阶段的医学生对毒品(主要是海洛因)、吸毒、戒毒及全民禁毒等相关知识的认识情况,为少数民族地区的学校及教育工作者对学生的相关教育及决策提供依据。方法:采用不记名问卷形式,对凉山卫校学生进行毒品相关知识调查。结果:在300份问卷中,共回收有效问卷286份,回收率95.3%。其中,近98.0%的汉族学生知道"白粉"即海洛因是本地最流行的毒品,91.1%的少数民族学生知晓该问题。对毒品成瘾特性的进一步认识,汉族学生为58.7%、少数民族学生为32.2%,两组相比差异有显著性(P<0.05)。对毒品成瘾的危害性了解较完整的汉族学生为76.0%,少数民族学生为56.7%,两组相比差异有显著性(P<0.05)。学生对禁毒戒毒的关注程度仅为62.0%。结论:毒品较泛滥民族地区卫校学生对常见毒品的知晓率较高,但对毒品的深入认识不够,有的认识甚至是错误的,还应加强多方位的科学教育,尤其是对少数民族学生。  相似文献   

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