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Alternative splicing is a potent regulator of gene expression that vastly increases proteomic diversity in multicellular eukaryotes and is associated with organismal complexity. Although alternative splicing is widespread in vertebrates, little is known about the evolutionary origins of this process, in part because of the absence of phylogenetically conserved events that cross major eukaryotic clades. Here we describe a lariat-sequencing approach, which offers high sensitivity for detecting splicing events, and its application to the unicellular fungus, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, an organism that shares many of the hallmarks of alternative splicing in mammalian systems but for which no previous examples of exon-skipping had been demonstrated. Over 200 previously unannotated splicing events were identified, including examples of regulated alternative splicing. Remarkably, an evolutionary analysis of four of the exons identified here as subject to skipping in S. pombe reveals high sequence conservation and perfect length conservation with their homologs in scores of plants, animals, and fungi. Moreover, alternative splicing of two of these exons have been documented in multiple vertebrate organisms, making these the first demonstrations of identical alternative-splicing patterns in species that are separated by over 1 billion y of evolution.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, a surveillance mechanism known as nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) degrades the mRNA when a premature-termination codon (PTC) is present. NMD requires translation to read the frame of the mRNA and detect the PTC. During pre-mRNA splicing, the exon-exon junction complex (EJC) is recruited to a region 20-24 nt upstream of the exon junction on the mature mRNA. The presence of a PTC upstream from the EJC elicits NMD. Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) III is a nuclear protein that interacts physically or functionally with translation initiation factors eIF4G and eIF4B, respectively, and shares strikingly high identity with the initiation factors eIF4AI/II. Here we show that siRNA against eIF4AIII, but not against eIF4AI/II, inhibits NMD. Moreover, eIF4AIII, but not eIF4AI, is specifically recruited to the EJC during splicing. The observations that eIF4AIII is loaded onto the mRNA during splicing in the nucleus, has properties related to a translation initiation factor, and functions in NMD raises the possibility that eIF4AIII substitutes for eIF4AI/II during NMD.  相似文献   

The multiprotein exon junction complex (EJC) that is deposited upstream of spliced junctions orchestrates downstream events in the life of a metazoan mRNA, including its surveillance via the nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) pathway. However, the mechanism by which the spliceosome mediates EJC formation is not well understood. We show that human eIF4G-like spliceosomal protein (h)CWC22 directly interacts with the core EJC component eIF4AIII in vitro and in vivo; mutations at the predicted hCWC22/eIF4AIII interface disrupt association. In vivo depletion of hCWC22, as for yeast Cwc22p, causes a splicing defect, resulting in decreased levels of mature cellular mRNAs. Nonetheless, hCWC22 depletion yields increased levels of spliced RNA from the unusual nonsense codon-containing U22 host gene, which is a natural substrate of NMD. To test whether hCWC22 acts in NMD through coupling splicing to EJC deposition, we searched for mutations in hCWC22 that affect eIF4AIII deposition without affecting splicing. Addition of hCWC22(G168Y) with a mutation at the putative hCWC22/eIF4AIII interface exacerbates the defect in splicing-dependent deposition of eIF4AIII(T334V) with a mutation reported to be in direct contact with mRNA, linking hCWC22 to the process of EJC deposition in vitro. Importantly, the addition of hCWC22(G168Y) affects deposition of eIF4AIII(T334V) without inhibiting splicing or the efficiency of deposition of the endogenous eF4AIII(WT) in the same reaction, demonstrating hCWC22’s specific role in eIF4AIII deposition in addition to its role in splicing. The essential splicing factor CWC22 has, therefore, acquired functions in EJC assembly and NMD during evolution from single-celled to complex eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks provide a temporal structure to processes from gene expression to behavior in organisms from all phyla. Most clocks are synchronized to the environment by alternations of light and dark. However, many organisms experience only muted daily environmental cycles due to their lightless spatial niches (e.g., caves or soil). This has led to speculation that they may dispense with the daily clock. However, recent reports contradict this notion, showing various behavioral and molecular rhythms in Caenorhabditis elegans and in blind cave fish. Based on the ecology of nematodes, we applied low-amplitude temperature cycles to synchronize populations of animals through development. This entrainment regime reveals rhythms on multiple levels: in olfactory cued behavior, in RNA and protein abundance, and in the oxidation state of a broadly conserved peroxiredoxin protein. Our work links the nematode clock with that of other clock model systems; it also emphasizes the importance of daily rhythms in sensory functions that are likely to impact on organism fitness and population structure.  相似文献   

Winardi  R; Discher  D; Kelley  C; Zon  L; Mays  K; Mohandas  N; Conboy  JG 《Blood》1995,86(11):4315-4322
A developmental alternative splicing switch, involving exon 16 of protein 4.1 pre-mRNA, occurs during mammalian erythropoiesis. By controlling expression of a 21-amino acid peptide required for high- affinity interaction of protein 4.1 with spectrin and actin, this switch helps to regulate erythrocyte membrane mechanical stability. Here we show that key aspects of protein 4.1 structure and function are conserved in nucleated erythroid cells of the amphibian Xenopus laevis. Analysis of protein 4.1 cDNA sequences cloned from Xenopus erythrocytes and oocytes showed that tissue-specific alternative splicing of exon 16 also occurs in frogs. Importantly, functional studies with recombinant Xenopus erythroid 4.1 demonstrated specific binding to and mechanical stabilization of 4.1-deficient human erythrocyte membranes. Phylogenetic sequence comparison showed two evolutionarily conserved peptides that represent candidate spectrin-actin binding sites. Finally, in situ hybridization of early embryos showed high expression of 4.1 mRNA in ventral blood islands and in developing brain structures. These results demonstrate that regulated expression of structurally and functionally distinct protein 4.1 isoforms, mediated by tissue-specific alternative splicing, has been highly evolutionarily conserved. Moreover, both nucleated amphibian erythrocytes and their enucleated mammalian counterparts express 4.1 isoforms functionally competent for spectrin-actin binding.  相似文献   

Cancer cells preferentially metabolize glucose by aerobic glycolysis, characterized by increased lactate production. This distinctive metabolism involves expression of the embryonic M2 isozyme of pyruvate kinase, in contrast to the M1 isozyme normally expressed in differentiated cells, and it confers a proliferative advantage to tumor cells. The M1 and M2 pyruvate-kinase isozymes are expressed from a single gene through alternative splicing of a pair of mutually exclusive exons. We measured the expression of M1 and M2 mRNA and protein isoforms in mouse tissues, tumor cell lines, and during terminal differentiation of muscle cells, and show that alternative splicing regulation is sufficient to account for the levels of expressed protein isoforms. We further show that the M1-specific exon is actively repressed in cancer-cell lines—although some M1 mRNA is expressed in cell lines derived from brain tumors—and demonstrate that the related splicing repressors hnRNP A1 and A2, as well as the polypyrimidine-tract-binding protein PTB, contribute to this control. Downregulation of these splicing repressors in cancer-cell lines using shRNAs rescues M1 isoform expression and decreases the extent of lactate production. These findings extend the links between alternative splicing and cancer, and begin to define some of the factors responsible for the switch to aerobic glycolysis.  相似文献   

Presenilins (PS) provide the catalytic activity for gamma-secretase, which cleaves physiologically relevant substrates including Notch, ErbB4, and APP. Recent genetic studies indicated that the contribution of PS1 to mouse development includes gamma-secretase-independent functions that cannot be easily explained by any of the demonstrated or hypothesized functions of this protein. To begin a nonbiased analysis of PS1 activity unencumbered by the dominant effect stemming from loss of Notch function, we characterized PS functions in the early land plant Physcomitrella patens, which lacks Notch, ErbB4, and APP. Removal of P. patens PS resulted in phenotypic abnormalities. Further assays performed to delineate the defective pathways in PS-deficient P. patens implicated improper function of the cytoskeletal network. Importantly, this characterization of a nonmetazoan PS uncovered a previously undescribed, evolutionarily conserved function (human PS1 can rescue the growth and light responses) that is gamma-secretase-independent (mutants with substitutions of the catalytic aspartyl residues retain the activity). Introduction of PpPS into PS-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts rescues normal growth rates, demonstrating that at least some metazoan functions of PS are evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

L A Sung  S Chien  Y S Fan  C C Lin  K Lambert  L Zhu  J S Lam  L S Chang 《Blood》1992,79(10):2763-2770
Human protein 4.2 (P4.2) is a major membrane skeletal protein in erythrocytes. Individuals with P4.2 deficiency exhibit spherocytosis and experience various degrees of hemolytic anemia, suggesting a role for this protein in maintaining stability and integrity of the membrane. Molecular cloning of P4.2 cDNAs showed that P4.2 is a transglutaminaselike molecule in erythrocytes but lacks the essential cysteine for cross-linking activity. Two cDNA isoforms have been identified from a human reticulocyte cDNA library, with the long isoform containing a 90-base pair (bp) in-frame insertion encoding an extra 30 amino acids near the N-terminus. Characterization of the P4.2 gene suggests differential splicing as the mechanism for generating these two cDNA isoforms. The donor site for the short isoform (P4.2S) agrees better with the consensus than the donor site for the long isoform (P4.2L) does. Expression of P4.2L was detected by a long-isoform-specific antibody raised against a peptide within the 30-amino acid insert. Western blot analyses showed P4.2L to be a minor membrane skeletal protein in human erythrocytes with an apparent molecular weight (mol wt) of approximately 3 Kd larger than the major protein 4.2, P4.2S. By in situ hybridization of a full-length 2.4-kilobase (kb) cDNA to human metaphase chromosomes, the gene for P4.2 was mapped to bands q15-q21 of chromosome 15, and it is not linked to the gene for coagulation factor XIIIa (plasma transglutaminase, TGase).  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin (TPO), the ligand for c-mpl, is a novel cytokine comprising an amino terminal domain with homology to erythropoietin and a glycosylated carboxyl terminal domain that does not bear overall homology to other known proteins. We report the cloning of cDNAs encoding the porcine and murine TPO and the characterization of the human TPO gene. The cDNA for an additional splice form (TPO-2) with a four-amino-acid deletion within the erythropoietin-like domain has been isolated and is conserved between humans, pigs, and mice. Species comparison of TPO shows that the amino terminal erythropoietin-like domain is highly conserved, while the carboxyl terminal domain is less conserved. Recombinant murine TPO and human TPO are each able to activate both the murine and human c-mpl receptors, indicating an absence of strict species specificity. Human TPO is encoded by a single gene consisting of six exons and located on chromosome 3q27-28.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BDV) is a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus that belongs to the Mononegavirales. Unlike other animal viruses of this order, BDV replicates and transcribes in the nucleus of infected cells. Previous studies have shown that BDV uses RNA splicing machinery for its mRNA expression. In the present study, we identified spliced RNAs that use an alternative 3' splice site, SA3, in BDV-infected cell lines as well as infected animal brain cells. Transient transfection analysis of cDNA clones of BDV RNA revealed that although SA3 is a favorable splice site in mammalian cells, utilization of SA3 is negatively regulated in infected cells. This negative splicing activity of the SA3 site is regulated by a putative cis-acting region, the exon splicing suppressor (ESS), within the polymerase exon of BDV. The BDV ESS contains similar motifs to other known ESSs present in viral and cellular genes. Furthermore, our results indicated that a functional polyadenylation signal just upstream of the BDV ESS is also involved in the regulation of alternative splicing of BDV. These observations represent the first documentation of complex RNA splicing in animal RNA viruses and also provide new insight into the mechanism of regulation of alternative splicing in animal viruses.  相似文献   

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