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A prospective study of risk drinking: at risk for what?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from two waves of a nationally representative U.S. population sample were used to link frequency of risk drinking in the year preceding the Wave 1 interview with the incidence or occurrence of various adverse outcomes in the approximately 3-year-period between the two interviews (n=22,122 Wave 1 drinkers who were reinterviewed at Wave 2). Risk drinking was defined as consuming the equivalent of 5+ standard drinks in a day for men and the equivalent of 4+ standard drinks in a day for women. Controls included sociodemographic and health characteristics, mean quantity of drinks consumed on risk drinking days and average volume of intake on non-risk drinking days. The odds of nonhierarchical alcohol abuse and dependence, initiation of smoking and incidence of nicotine dependence were increased at all frequencies of risk drinking and showed a fairly continuous increase in magnitude with increasing frequency, reaching OR of 3.03-7.23 for daily/near daily risk drinking. The incidence of liver disease was strongly increased among weekly or more frequent risk drinkers (OR=2.78-4.76). The odds of social harm and drug use were increased among daily/near daily risk drinkers (OR=1.61-2.54), and the likelihood of drivers license revocation showed near-significant increases at all frequencies of risk drinking. Frequency of risk drinking interacted with volume of intake on non-risk drinking days in predicting alcohol abuse and illicit drug use and with duration of drinking in predicting alcohol dependence. Risk drinking poses a threat of many types of harm, both directly and indirectly through its association with smoking initiation and nicotine dependence. These findings have illustrative value for prevention programs, and they indicate that frequent risk drinking is a strong marker for alcoholism.  相似文献   

Although rape and sexual victimization experiences have been hypothesized to contribute to subsequent heavy drinking and alcohol problems among women, little prospective evidence exists. The present prospective study examined whether sexual victimization contributes to subsequent heavy drinking among a community sample of women, 18-30 years of age (n=927). Using three waves of data, 12 months apart, we examined the impact of T1 sexual victimization on T2 heavy drinking, and of T2 sexual victimization on T3 heavy drinking. There were significant bivariate differences between sexually victimized and non-victimized women on heavy drinking both concurrently and prospectively. However, after controlling for prior heavy drinking and demographic variables, most differences disappeared. We also tested the hypothesis that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms would mediate the relationship between T2 sexual victimization and T3 heavy drinking. Although T2 sexual victimization predicted T2 PTSD symptoms, PTSD did not contribute to subsequent heavy drinking. Findings suggest that heavy drinking is relatively stable over time and that sexual victimization does not make a substantial independent contribution to heavy drinking among women in the general population.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether cannabis dependent users who met criteria for a secondary diagnosis of alcohol use disorder (AUD) would increase their use of alcohol in response to decreasing their use of marijuana in a behavioral treatment trial for cannabis use disorder (CUD). This phenomenon is commonly known as “substance substitution.” Participants were randomly assigned to one of four 9-session treatment conditions with cannabis and alcohol use measured at baseline, posttreatment, and at 4 follow-ups through 14 months. Of those enrolled (n = 198), 27 (13.6%) also met criteria for AUD. Linear mixed models were used to analyze alcohol use over time with cannabis use and time as predictors. Findings demonstrated that there were no associations between declines in cannabis use and changes in alcohol consumption in the full sample. However, among those with CUD who also had AUD, declines in cannabis use significantly predicted concurrent declines in alcohol use (p < .05). This study did not find evidence of substance substitution among individuals receiving treatment for CUD. Contrary to expectations, the results indicated that individuals with AUD were more likely to decrease, rather than increase, their alcohol use when they reduced their marijuana use. Treatment for CUD in this study appeared to result in improvements in substance use generally, at least for those with comorbid AUD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: DSM-IV alcohol dependence criteria of tolerance to alcohol and drinking more or longer than intended have relatively high prevalence among youth, and may be vulnerable to false positive symptom assignments that degrade diagnostic validity. We conducted a methodological study of DSM-IV symptom queries used to assess alcohol tolerance and impaired control over drinking to determine potential sources of measurement error. METHOD: Adolescents recruited from addictions treatment participated in either a focus group (n = 9) or an individual interview (n = 41) to provide data on their interpretation of selected items contained in a semi-structured diagnostic interview. RESULTS: When alcohol tolerance is operationally defined as a change in quantity to obtain the same effect, large individual differences in the change in quantity that represents a high level of tolerance limit the utility of this operational definition as an indicator of dependence. The symptom "drinking more or longer than intended", includes the embedded assumption that a limit on use had been set. Teens, however, typically intended to become intoxicated, rather than to keep to a limit. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents' understanding of symptom queries suggests how validity of DSM-IV alcohol symptoms and diagnoses can be improved through greater attention to developmental considerations affecting assessment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the characteristics of "diagnostic orphans" among cannabis users - those who report one or two symptoms of DSM-IV dependence but do not meet diagnostic criteria for DSM-IV abuse or dependence - 4 years post-assessment. METHOD: Data were collected from a representative population cohort of young Australian adults. Those who reported that they had used cannabis at least weekly at some point within the past year were assessed for symptoms of DSM-IV cannabis abuse and dependence using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview at age 20-21 years. The entire sample was followed up 4 years later. At age 24-25 years, cannabis use and cannabis diagnostic category were examined according to diagnostic category at age 20-21 years. RESULTS: Diagnostic orphans at age 20-21 years were more likely than non-problem cannabis users at that age to be using cannabis, and to meet criteria for cannabis abuse or dependence 4 years later. Those who had met criteria for cannabis abuse or dependence, however, appeared to be at greater risk relative to non-problematic users and diagnostic orphans of meeting criteria for cannabis abuse and dependence at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Young adult diagnostic orphans for cannabis use appear to be at lower risk of meeting full (or partial) diagnostic criteria after a 4-year follow-up, compared to those who had met criteria for cannabis abuse or dependence. This suggests that there is prognostic diagnostic utility in the threshold for dependence symptoms among young adult cannabis users. Diagnostic orphans did appear to be at greater risk than non-problem users for developing dependent and daily cannabis use, however, suggesting that clinicians would do well to intervene with this group.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Although epidemiologic studies have reported that problem drinking is associated with nonresponse to surveys, it is unclear whether parents' alcoholism is associated with nonresponse in their offspring. This question is particularly important to family studies of alcoholism. In the current study we constructed a model of offspring nonparticipation in a twin-family design and computed weights to recapture the distribution of offspring alcohol abuse and dependence. METHOD: In 1999, the first wave of a longitudinal study of offspring of alcoholic twins was conducted via telephone interview with members of the Vietnam Era Twin Registry. The target offspring sample consisted of 2,096 male and female children, of whom 1,270 were successfully interviewed. Offspring response status was classified as participation, refusal or unavailable/no consent. Stepwise logistic regression models were used to identify variables that were significantly associated with one or both types of offspring nonparticipation. A multinomial logit procedure with backward deletion was then used to build a model of the three levels of child response. RESULTS: Paternal alcoholism was not significantly associated with offspring nonresponse, although offspring nonparticipation because of not being located, or being deceased, disabled or unavailable was associated with current paternal smoking, paternal divorce and paternal marital status (after adjustment for other predictor variables). CONCLUSIONS: The most important conclusion to be drawn from current results is that the alcohol abuse and dependence history of fathers should not bias analyses in family studies of alcoholism when data are collected via telephone interview. Study limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Background: There are no studies to date which have examined complicated grief (CG) symptomatology in substance use disorder (SUD) populations specifically. This study aimed to determine if the presence of symptoms of CG is more frequent among drug dependent patients than a control group and identify which variables could be associated with the symptomatology of CG.

Method: Sociodemographic variables, drug and bereavement related characteristics, CG symptomatology and perceived social support were examined in a sample of 196 bereaved SUD patients (78.1% men). The control group was formed by 100 bereaved non-addicted participants (73% men). A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to identify which variables were associated with symptoms of CG.

Results: The presence of symptoms of CG among SUD patients was 34.2%, in comparison to 5% in the control group. Respondents with a higher CG symptomatology include: those being widowed (β=?0.165), those who had lost a sibling (β?=?0.253), those who had experienced a traumatic death (β?=?0.158), those without working status (β=?0.005). By contrast, being from the control group (β=??0.157), reporting secondary education (β?=??0.201) and perceived social support (β?=??0.146) were found to be protective factors.

Conclusions: These findings highlight the importance of diagnosing and treating those bereaved individuals with SUD who appear to be particularly vulnerable to develop CG symptomatology.  相似文献   

Impaired control over alcohol use may be defined as "a breakdown of an intention to limit consumption in a particular situation" (Heather, Tebbutt, Mattick, & Zamir, 1993, p. 701) and has long been considered an important feature of alcohol dependence. Evidence suggests impaired control is highly relevant to young adult problem drinking. In the natural history of problem drinking, impaired control tends to develop early and may predict alcohol-related problems prospectively in undergraduates. Impaired control over alcohol use may be a facet of generalized behavioral undercontrol specifically related to drinking. In particular, impaired control is theoretically and empirically related to impulsivity. The question of whether impaired control represents a facet of impulsivity or a related but separate construct requires further study. However, theoretical arguments and empirical evidence suggest that there are unique qualities to the constructs. Specifically, existing data suggest that self-report measures of impaired control and impulsivity over alcohol use relate distinctly to problem drinking indices in young adults. Several lines of future research concerning impaired control are suggested, using the impulsivity literature as a guide. We conclude that impaired control is a valuable construct to the study of young adult problem drinking and that measures of impaired control should be included in more young adult alcohol studies. The extent to which impaired control over the use of other substances and impaired control over engagement in other addictive behaviors are clinically relevant constructs requires additional study.  相似文献   

Patients with comorbid psychiatric and alcohol disorders may be ready to change one problem but not the other. This study compared 132 dually diagnosed patients' readiness for mental health treatment to their readiness to change alcohol use. The patients completed a measure of readiness to change alcohol use [the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale-Alcohol (URICA-A)] and the new Readiness for Mental Health Treatment measure. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) reveals that the measures have similar factor structures, but correlation and cluster analyses suggest that separate levels of patient motivation exist for mental health treatment and changing alcohol use. The newly developed mental health treatment measure will help clinicians tailor interventions to their patients' needs.  相似文献   

Recent reports indicate a relation between prenatal tobacco exposure (PTE) and offspring smoking. Many of these reports have been retrospective or have not included important variables such as other prenatal substance exposures, maternal and child psycho-social characteristics, mother's current smoking, and friends' smoking. No prior study has examined the timing of PTE. In this prospective study of a birth cohort of 567 14-year-olds, we examined the relation between trimester-specific PTE, offspring smoking, and other correlates of adolescent smoking. Average age of the adolescents was 14.8 years (range: 13.9-16.6 years), 51% were female, 54% were African-American. Data on maternal tobacco and other substance use were collected both prenatally and postnatally, 51% of the mothers were prenatal smokers and 53% smoked when their children were 14 years. PTE in the third trimester significantly predicted offspring smoking (ever/never, smoking level, age of onset) when demographic and other prenatal substances were included in the analyses. PTE remained a significant predictor of the level of adolescent smoking when maternal and child psychological characteristics were added to the model. When more proximal measures of the child's smoking were included in the model, including mother's current smoking and friends' smoking, PTE was no longer significant. Significant predictors of adolescent smoking at age 14 were female gender, Caucasian race, child externalizing behavior, maternal anxiety, and child depressive symptoms. Although direct effects of PTE on offspring smoking behavior have previously been reported from this study and by others, by early-adolescence, this association is not significant after controlling for the more proximal covariates of adolescent smoking such as mother's current smoking and peer smoking.  相似文献   

A history of sexual violence has been related to more complex treatment needs in patients with substance use disorders (SUD). Most of the existing studies, however, included patients with various types of SUD, did not examine gender differences and focused on a small range of clinical domains. Our sample consisted of opioid-dependent outpatients treated during a three-year period in a German metropolitan region. The analysis was based on a local case register and included all patients for whom information on lifetime sexual violence was available (N = 3531; 68.3% males). In a case–control design, patients with a history of sexual violence were compared to patients without these experiences regarding a wide range of clinical and social factors indicative of potential needs. Almost two thirds (65.6%) of the female patients and 10.9% of the males reported experiences of sexual violence. Victims differed from non-victims across a variety of domains, including more psychiatric symptoms and suicide attempts, more legal problems, financial and family problems, as well as a higher use of services. In contrast to a previous study among alcohol-dependent patients, no gender differences became apparent. Our findings suggest that experiences of sexual violence are an indicator for more complex needs in opioid-dependent patients of both genders. In addition to integrated trauma-informed approaches, an effort needs to be made to link addiction facilities to further institutions to meet these complex needs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine risk factors of incident onset of use, abuse and dependence of cannabis in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. METHODS: Risk factors were examined in a prospective longitudinal design across 4 years in a representative sample (N = 2,446) aged 14-24 at the outset of the study (EDSP). Patterns of DSM-IV defined cannabis use, abuse and dependence were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI). Potential risk factors were assessed at baseline. Incident cannabis use, abuse and dependence at second follow-up (on average 42 months after baseline) were the main outcome measures in this study. Associations were analyzed with logistic and negative binomial regressions. RESULTS: Using 11 of a total of 56 variables examined, the predictive value of the final multiple logistic regression for incident cannabis use was moderately good (area under the ROC curve = 0.78). Cannabis use frequency was predicted in the final model by 18 variables, cannabis abuse by two variables in the younger subsample and nine factors in the older group, and dependence by eight variables (dependence: ROC curve area = 0.97). Incident cannabis use was predicted mainly by availability of drugs, peers' drug use, a more 'positive' attitude towards future drug use, and regular previous use of licit drugs, while cannabis dependence was predicted primarily by parental death before age 15, deprived socio-economic status, and baseline use of other illicit drugs. CONCLUSION: Different factors predict the onset or severity of cannabis use and the progression to abuse and dependence. In addition to well-documented risk factors such as peer group pressure, drug availability, and low self-esteem, findings suggest that family history (e.g. parental mental disorders, early parental death), and prior experiences with legal drugs play a significant role in the initiation of cannabis consumption and the transition to cannabis use disorders in adolescents and young adults. Findings suggest that early intervention and prevention might be improved by better targeted treatment.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We examined whether inhalant use was associated with heroin and injection drug use (IDU) among adolescents aged 12 to 17 in the United States. METHODS: Data were drawn from the 2002/2003 administrations of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). We conducted logistic regression analyses to estimate associations of inhalant use with heroin use, heroin injection, and IDU, respectively, among adolescent drug users (N=8161). RESULTS: Approximately 30.9% of adolescents had ever used at least one illicit drug. More than one-fifth (22.2%) of adolescents were past-year or recent drug users. Among past-year adolescent drug users, 1.4% had progressed to heroin use and 1.2% reported IDU. Adolescents who had used inhalants and marijuana were 2.8 and 2.9 times as likely as adolescents who had used marijuana but not inhalants to report heroin use and any IDU, respectively. Adolescents who had used inhalants or other drugs but not marijuana were unlikely to use heroin. However, inhalant users, irrespective of their marijuana use histories, had greater odds of IDU than drug users who had not used inhalants. Adolescent drug users who were females, school dropouts, whites, or delinquents had significantly increased odds of heroin use and IDU. Cigarette smoking before the age of 15 was strongly associated with heroin use, and a history of foster care placement was associated with IDU. CONCLUSIONS: This national study of American adolescents identifies several subgroups of recent drug users, such as females, school dropouts, and youth who have used inhalants and marijuana, which have substantially increased odds of heroin use and IDU. Screening, prevention, and treatment interventions targeted to these groups might reduce medical and social complications of heroin use and IDU.  相似文献   



Prevalence rates of cannabis abuse and dependence are higher for younger adults when compared with older adults. It is necessary to examine the performance of criteria across age groups to establish whether these differences in prevalence rates are a result of diagnostic bias. The current study aims to investigate whether there is any age-related differential item functioning in the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for cannabis use disorders using an item response theory approach.


The sample consisted of 10,641 participants in a population-based survey of Australian adults aged 18 years and older. DSM-IV cannabis use disorders were assessed in all respondents who had used cannabis more than five times in the previous twelve months (n = 722). Age-based differential item functioning was assessed in each of the DSM-IV criteria for cannabis use disorders.


Age-based differential item functioning was only detected in the Hazard criterion of the DSM-IV cannabis use disorders. The Hazard criterion was found to be more discriminating for those aged 18–24 when compared with those aged 25 and over.


The DSM-IV criteria for cannabis use disorders appear to function similarly across age groups. Differential item functioning was only detected in the α parameter for the Hazard criterion. These results are discussed with regard to implications for future editions of the DSM system.  相似文献   

Whereas the model of Jellinek [Q. J. Stud. Alcohol 7 (1952) 673] of a predictable progression of alcoholism is generally supported, there have been few published studies regarding the natural history of illicit drug disorders. Identification of the development of drug abuse and/or dependence can inform clinicians and researchers on issues, such as diagnosis, prognosis, assessment, and prevention. This study employed a new measure adapted from the 46 events described in Jellinek's progression of alcoholism. Nine licit and illicit substances were also included within the cardsort. Fifty-two individuals motivated to enter drug treatment by a loved one were assessed pretreatment. The drug initiation sequence reported by this sample was as follows: alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, marijuana, and then other drugs. Spearman rank correlation coefficients were conducted between the drug sample and that of Jellinek yielding a modest correlation (r=.35, P=.019). These results suggest that Jellinek's model of progression of alcoholism may also apply to the development of drug disorders. However, important differences found between the alcohol and drug progressions are discussed.  相似文献   

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