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本文报告241例孕妇血清中人微小病毒B19-IgM及其他TORCH抗体的检测结果,其中B19-IgM阳性率为7.05%,与蓁四项抗体阳性率比较,均呈显著性差异,表明我地区孕妇中人微小病毒B19较其余四项TORCH因子有着较高的新近感染率,从而提示有必要将B19-IgM列为孕发TORCH监测项目之一。  相似文献   

作者用ELISA法检测了105例有上感及皮疹史孕妇和正常孕妇血清中的B19特异性抗体,其结果B19-IgG抗体的总阳性率为33.3%(35/105),表明在我地区存在着B19感染孕妇和B19易感孕妇(B19-IgG抗体阴性者);同时检测的B19-IgM抗体的阳性率为:有上感及皮疹史者是12.9%(9/70),正常孕妇均为阴性(0/35),两者有显著性差异(P<0.05),提示上感及皮疹与B19的新近感染相关,而孕期的B19新近感染可致胎儿水肿死亡。因而我们认为孕期作该病毒监测在保证优生工作中有着重要意义。  相似文献   

孕妇人微小病毒B19-IgM与城乡和季节的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用ELISA法检测了 4 93例孕妇之人微小病毒B19-IgM ,其中城市孕妇为 2 31例 ,阳性率 6 % ,农村孕妇为 2 6 2例 ,阳性率 0 7% ,两者有极显著差异 (P <0 0 1) ,显示城市孕妇更易感染B19病毒 ;冬春孕妇为 2 5 0人 ,阳性率 5 2 % ,夏秋为2 4 3例 ,阳性率为 1 2 % ,两者也相差显著 (0 0 1


用ELISA法对孕早期有死胎、流产的57例孕妇(实验组)与35例正常孕妇(对照组)血清检测B19抗体(IgM、IgG)其中实验组B19-IgM阳性率(12.28%)与正常组B19-IgM阳性率比较有显著性差异(p<0.05),实验组B19-IgG阳性率(33.33%)与正常组B19-IgG阳性率(40%)无统计学差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

目的了解我区孕早期妇女TORCH及人细小病毒B19的感染情况.方法用ELISA法检测185例孕早期妇女血清中特异性 TORCH/HPVB19-IgM抗体.结果感染率分别为弓形体(TOX)2.16%,风疹病毒(RV)1.62%,巨细胞病毒(CMV)1.62%,单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型(HSV-Ⅱ)1.08%,人细小病毒B19(HPVB19)8.11%,其HPVB19-IgM抗体阳性率与TORCH各项相比,差异有显著的统计学意义(P<0.01).结论我区孕妇中人细小病毒B19新近感染率明显高于其它TORCH各项病原体的新近感染率,有必要把HPVB19列入TORCH监测项目中,以提高妊娠质量.  相似文献   

本文采用抗体捕获ELISA(capture ELISA)法对乌鲁木齐地区2560例孕妇外周血进行抗TORCH-IgM抗体检测。结果检出弓形体病毒阳性率1.09%,风疹病毒阳性率为1.17%,巨细胞病毒阳性率1.87%,单纯疱疹-Ⅱ型病毒阳性率为0.62%。本文就TORCH感染与优生优育的关系做了进一步的阐述,由此得出孕期开展TORCH检测,可及早发现和治疗病毒感染,排除胎儿异常发育,以确保胎儿健康和人口质量的提高。  相似文献   

1971年Nahmias将可造成胎儿垂直感染的几种病原体称为“TORCH”,包括弓形虫(Toxoplasma,TOX),风疹病毒(Rubella Virus,RV),单纯疱疹病毒(Herpes Si mplexVirus,HSV),巨细胞病毒(Cytomaglovirus,CMV)及其它微生物(Others),这些病原体可通过胎盘屏障传播给胎儿,导致流产、早产、胎儿中枢神经发育迟缓、畸形及死胎等,在围产医学中称为“TORCH综合征”。为了解武汉地区孕妇中TORCH的感染情况,以便在孕前和孕期向孕妇提出正确的建议,保证母婴健康,我们对本地区1078例孕妇进行了TORCH抗体水平测定,结果报道如下。1资料与方法1.1研…  相似文献   

我室用多聚酶链反应技术及ELISA法对1例临床拟诊为脑炎患儿的血清及脑脊液分别作了人微小病毒B19-DNA及该病毒特异性IgM、IgG抗体检测。其结果血清及脑脊液B19特异性IgM抗体均为强阳性;血清B19特异性IgG抗体阴性、脑脊液B19特异性IgG抗体强阳性;血清中检出B19-DNA。在国内首次提示人微小病毒B19感染与脑炎的发生有关。  相似文献   

我室用多聚酶链反应技术及ELISA法对1例临床拟诊为脑炎志儿的血清及脑脊液分别作了人微小病毒B19-DNA及该病毒特异性IgM、IgG抗体检测。其结果血清及脑脊液B19特异性IgM抗体均为强阳性;血清B19特异性IgG抗体阴性.脑脊液B19特异性IgG抗体强阳性;血清中检出B19-DNA。在国内首次提示人微小病毒B19感染与脑炎的发生有关。  相似文献   

目的了解胎儿水肿与人微小病毒B19感染的关系.方法对本次或既往妊娠中有水肿胎儿的29例母亲作Rh、ABO血型和相关抗体,以及弓形体、巨细胞病毒、柯萨奇病毒、人微小病毒B19抗体检测.其中,4例孕妇作羊水穿刺,1例作胎心彩超,1对夫妇作血红蛋白基因等测定.结果 29例中,B19病毒感染者17例(58.6%),合并胎儿染色体异常、Rh抗D抗体阳性各1例,夫妇均为α和β地中海贫血基因双杂合子1例.5例孕期B19病毒抗体阳性中2例作了中期引产,1例在4w后胎死宫内,1例分娩正常儿,1例失访.结论由孕妇B19病毒感染引起胎儿非免疫水肿者并不少见,若母体感染后不能正常产生保护性抗体,则极易发生不良妊娠结局.  相似文献   

血清PAPP-A在正常孕妇及子痫前期患者中的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨正常孕妇各孕周血清妊娠相关蛋白A(PAPP-A)的变化,及其与子痫前期发病的关系.方法采用时间分辨荧光免疫分析技术(DELFIA)检测11w至足月孕妇3935例,统计分析子痫前期孕妇与正常孕妇外周血清PAPP-A的中位数的差异.结果在正常孕妇组,血清PAPP-A浓度值随着孕周的增加而不断增高,至孕晚期达到最高水平;而子痫前期组孕妇外周血清PAPP-A水平明显高于相应孕周正常孕妇组的中位数.结论正常孕妇血清PAPP-A浓度随妊娠进展而逐渐上升至足月;子痫前期患者血清PAPP-A浓度显著高于同孕周正常孕妇,PAPP-A与子痫前期发病存在相关关系.  相似文献   

TORCH感染治疗与否对胎婴儿预后的关系探讨   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
目的:探讨TORCH感染治疗与否与胎婴儿预后的关系。方法:用ELISA结合PCR方法对妊娠6周-20周间检出TORCH感染而不愿终止妊娠的95例孕妇进行治疗后,随访直至分娩,与同期检出TORCH感染而未行治疗的195例中晚期孕妇比较。结果:在妊娠各期TORCH感染情况大致相同,只是各种病原体比例有所差异。继往有感染者,孕期易复发性感染。研究表明:无论在妊娠哪一期感染,均可以发生母婴垂直传播,治疗后并不能减少母婴垂直传播率,对早孕TORCH感染者,虽经积极治疗,队季可改善部分围产儿感染、出血等并发症外,沿不能从根本上纠正出生缺陷及胎婴儿的发育落后。结论:在早孕期间检出TORCH活动性感染者,可考虑胎儿的健康建议终止妊娠。  相似文献   

目的:研究人微小病毒B19病毒感染对胎儿的影响。方法:运用套式PCR检测孕妇外周血及脐血,胎盘及死肥和畸形胎儿的各种组织(脑,肝、肾、脾、肺,骨髓等)B19病毒的感染情况,阳性标本用第三对引物扩增进行证实,部分阳性标本扩增产物进行序列分析。结果:孕妇外周血中B19-DNA的阳性率为9.62%(10/104)(疾病组=7/54,对照组=3/50),脐血为4.8%(5/104)(5/54、0/50),胎盘为23.08%(24/104)(22/54,2/50),各种异常胎儿组织的平均阳性率为18.52%。扩增产物的DNA序列与GenBank中的B19病毒DNA序列同源性为98%。结论:B19病毒感染是引起死胎和畸形的主要因素之一。孕期应加强监测和预防感染。  相似文献   

2009年度昆明市孕产妇死因及相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析2009年度昆明市孕产妇死亡原因及相关因素,为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法利用孕产妇死亡报告卡及死亡评审资料进行统计分析。结果 1.2009年度在昆明市辖区内共发生孕产妇死亡28例,死亡率为40.24/10万。其中,直接产科原因占64.3%,妊娠合并内科疾病占21.4%,其它疾病占14.3%。(χ2=12.286,P=0.002);2.直接产科原因中,产科出血居第一位,占32.1%;3.年龄、文化程度、产检次数、产次、人流引产次数、死亡地点和接生者为孕产妇死亡相关因素(P〈0.05)。结论加强孕产妇监管,降低孕产妇死亡率。  相似文献   

孕妇和新生儿碘缺乏病研究V.孕妇群体尿碘分布与参考值   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2  
本文采用群体比较的方法分析了5350 例正常孕妇、4820 例正常男性和3092 例正常女性的尿碘分布状态。正态检验结果表明,孕妇、正常男性和女性以及总体尿碘均属正偏态分布。根据百分位数,本地区正常孕妇尿碘参考值范围在53418Iμg/L。正常人总体尿碘参考值范围在56406Iμg/L。  相似文献   

A split-sample study was conducted to evaluate the performances of three enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) utilizing one or more conformational antigens to detect human parvovirus B19 (B19V)-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) or IgG in the sera of 198 pregnant women. We compared EIAs available from Biotrin International, Inc. (Dublin, Ireland), Medac Diagnostika (Wedel, Germany), and Mikrogen (Martinsried, Germany). Specimens with discordant results were analyzed further using an immunofluorescence assay (Biotrin). Equivocal data accounted for close to half of all the discrepant results for both IgM and IgG, with 7 of 15 discrepant results from the Medac and Mikrogen kits involving equivocal data and the Biotrin kit giving a single equivocal result. For each specimen, a consensus was established from the four test results if agreement occurred among at least three of four results. Overall, the highest percentage of agreement with the consensus results was seen when Biotrin kits were used; 194 (100%) of 194 and 194 (99.5%) of 195 results for IgM and IgG, respectively, agreed with the consensus results. When Medac kits were used, 189 (97.4%) of 194 and 191 (97.9%) of 195 results for IgM and IgG, respectively, agreed with the consensus, and when Mikrogen kits were used, 179 (92.3%) of 194 and 193 (99%) of 195 results for IgM and IgG, respectively, agreed with the consensus. Given the consensus results, the Medac EIA appeared to generate presumed false-positive results for IgM and the Mikrogen EIA appeared to generate presumed false-positive results for IgG and IgM. In summary, the Biotrin EIAs produced far fewer equivocal results than the other assays and results of the Biotrin EIAs agreed more often with the consensus results than did those of the other commercially available EIAs for detecting B19V-specific IgM and IgG antibodies.  相似文献   

Sera from inhabitants of Belém, Pará (542 sera), Brazil and of members of 3 Brazilian tribes--Tiriyo/Alto Paru (near Surinam) (212 sera), Xicrin (128 sera), and Mekranoiti (121 sera)--of different age and sex groups were tested for the presence of specific antibody against human parvovirus (B19) (RIA) and rubella virus (latex agglutination test). Parvovirus (B19) IgG was found in 42.6% of the population sample from Belém but in only 4.7 to 10.7% of the members of the tribes. Rubella virus antibody was found in 72.7% of the sera from Belém but approaching a prevalence of 85-90% in age groups above 20 years. In the tribes rubella virus antibody was detected in 36.9 to 72.6% of all sera. There were remarkable sex differences of antibody prevalence in several age groups of the population from Belém and of the tribal populations. About a quarter of the skin rashes in Belém that were not attributable to infections with rubella, measles, or arboviruses were caused by recent B19 infections.  相似文献   

Objective: To study parvovirus B19 infection in immunocompromised subjects such as renal transplantation recipients.
Methods: Two cases of B19 infection in renal transplant recipients have been included in the study. The outcome of the infection has been studied by both serologic and virologic methods. A monitoring of the DNAemia was done by a nested PCR in endpoint titration assays.
Results: In one patient with severe anemia an acute B19 infection was diagnosed by PCR 26 days after the transplant; a high level of DNAemia persisted until an intravenous immunoglobulin treatment. Then a sharp decrease of the DNAemia was shown, without full clearance of B19 virus. In a lymphocyte suspension from the organ donor, B19 DNA was detected. In the other patient, who recovered spontaneously from anemia, a persistent B19 infection was demonstrated at day 106 after transplantation and was still demonstrable after 470 days.
Conclusions: A high level of B19 DNAemia was associated with symptomatic infection, with severe anemia, whereas low-level DNAemia was long-lasting in asymptomatic subjects with impaired immunologic responses. The endpoint titration assay by nested PCR was very useful for the monitoring of B19 infection, particularly following the therapeutic intravenous immunoglobulin administration.  相似文献   

Development of rapid and sensitive detection methods for group B streptococci (GBS) in pregnant women remains useful in order to adequately identify pregnant women at risk of transferring GBS to their neonate. This study compared the CDC recommended sampling and culture method with two qPCR methods for detecting GBS colonization.For a total of 100 pregnant women at 35-37 weeks of gestation, one rectovaginal ESwab each was collected. Eswab medium was inoculated into Lim broth, incubated for 24 h and plated onto chromID™ Strepto B agar (ChromAgar). DNA was extracted with the bioMérieux easyMAG platform, either directly from the rectovaginal ESwab or from Lim broth enrichment culture. Two different qPCR formats were compared, i.e. the hydrolysis probe format (Taqman, Roche) targeting the sip gene and the hybridization probe format (Hybprobe, Roche) targeting the cfb gene.Both qPCR techniques identified 33% of the women as GBS-positive. Only one culture-positive sample was qPCR-negative. QPCR directly on the sample significantly increased the number of women found to be GBS-positive (27%) compared to culture (22%). Moreover, the sensitivity of qPCR after Lim broth enrichment (33%) was again significantly higher than qPCR after DNA extraction directly from the rectovaginal swabs (27%).In conclusion, for prenatal screening of GBS from rectovaginal samples of pregnant women, our results are in accordance with CDC guidelines, which suggest using qPCR after Lim broth enrichment in addition to conventional (culture-based) detection. qPCR after Lim broth enrichment further increased the percentage of GBS-positive women, as detected by direct qPCR, from 27 to 33%, although the bacterial inoculum was low for these subjects.  相似文献   

Abstract The main aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxic effect of combined pharmacotherapy applied in post-operative treatment of cervical cerclage in pregnant women over six days. This study included 19 phenotypically healthy pregnant women in mid-trimester with a diagnosis of cervical insufficiency, mean age 28±5.33. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) was estimated in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients before surgical intervention and after the end of applied pharmacotherapy by application of cytokinesis block micronucleus (CBMN) test. Mean value of baseline MN frequency was 6.84±2.91 MN/1000 binucleated cells, and after the end of the applied therapy, 10.32±4.27 MN/1000 binucleated cells (P<0.001) were found. The data of cell proliferation index showed that the combined therapy did not induce significant difference in cell kinetics (P>0.05). Our results showed that combined pharmacotherapy treatment over six days significantly increased the frequency of MN in peripheral blood lymphocytes of pregnant women.  相似文献   

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