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对象行为协议对于理解对象行为语叉、对象行为验证、测试以及指导其他开发者正确使用对象所提供的外部行为都有十分重要的意义.然而在很多遗产系统中,对象行为协议常常缺失或随着长期的代码维护而出现不一致.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种静态的对象行为协议逆向恢复方法.该方法首先通过源代码分析获取对象(类)内部各方法之间直接和间接的依赖关系,然后在对象(类)内部依赖关系的基础上构建行为协议状态机.由于对象(类)内部的依赖关系是对象行为约束的主要根源,而静态分析具有全面、准确的优点,因此该方法获得的行为协议具有较好的准确性,而相关的实验结果也很好地验证了这一点.  相似文献   

群体药动学研究方法的比较和评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程坤  朱家壁 《中国药师》1999,2(1):45-48
群体药动学研究方法主要包括单纯集聚法、传统二步法、迭代二步法、非参数法、吉布斯取样法、混合效应模型法等。简介这些研究方法的原理及应用,重点介绍基于混合效应模型的NONMEM程序的应用,并详细介绍目前对NONMEM法的一些改进。  相似文献   

基于语音信号的时变特性,本文提出了动静态特征参数结合的语音信号识别方法,首先在特征参数提取中引入了小波包变换,借助MFCC(Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient)参数的提取方法,用小波包变换代替傅立叶变换和Mel滤波器组,提取了新的静态特征参数DWPTMFCC(Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform Mel-Frequency Coefficient),然后把它与一阶DWPTMFCC差分参数相结合成一个向量,作为一帧语音信号的参数,通过试验和仿真,此参数具有很高的识别率,是一种很好的语音特征参数.并且把混沌特性引入到神经元,构成混沌神经网络,把这种神经网络用于语音识别,并与常用的BP神经网络识别方法进行了比较.试验结果表明,混沌神经网络的平均识别率要高于同等条件下常用的神经网络方法的识别率.  相似文献   

目的探讨与比较动静态结合消毒与静态消毒对手术室空气消毒的效果。方法研究时间为2013年1月至2016年12月,选择我我市中心医院普外科的两间手术室-A手术室与B手术室,A手术室采用静态消毒,B手术室采用动静态结合消毒。结果 A手术室与B手术室消毒后的菌落数分别为(256.33±42.11)cfu/m~3和(26.42±4.14)cfu/m~3,都明显低于消毒前的(2234.29±671.44)cfu/m~3和(2294.13±633.14)cfu/m~3(P<0.05),消毒后B手术室的菌落数也明显低于A手术室(P<0.05)。A手术室与B手术室医院感染发生率分别为0.50%和0.06%,B手术室医院感染发生率明显低于A手术室(P<0.05)。结论相对于静态消毒,动静态结合消毒在手术室空气消毒的应用提高了空气质量,降低了医院感染发生率,有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:介绍群体药动学(PPK)近年来的研究进展及应用。方法:查阅近年来的文献,综述近年来群体药动学的研究进展及应用。结果:群体药动学的研究对临床合理用药、新药研究及评价有很大的指导意义。结论:PPK的研究方法已逐渐成为临床药动学研究的重要手段,并将发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

逆向疫苗学:研制疫苗的基因组方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制疫苗的传统方法需要培养病原微生物 ,并利用生化、免疫学和微生物学方法获得其裂解物 ,以识别其重要免疫成分。运用此法虽然生产了许多疫苗 ,但对很多病原体仍不能生产相应的疫苗。如今 ,利用基因组信息可以在硅片上研制新疫苗而不需要培养病原体 ,这种方法称为“逆向疫苗学”。利用此法可以减少鉴别候选疫苗的时间 ,并且对于那些难以培养或不能培养的病原体也可以制备出相应的疫苗。已用此法制备了B群脑膜炎球菌 (MenB)疫苗。此法同样可以运用于其他领域 ,包括病毒疫苗。  相似文献   

程序教学克服了传统教学的缺点,计算机辅助教学是当前教改的一个热点,开展程序教学就需要程序教材,掌握程序教材的编制原则和运用方法,就可指导广大的专业课教师运用各种软件编制适合本专业使用的CAI课件,运用在教学实践上,并不断完善,从而提高教学效率和质量.  相似文献   

脑卒中后的三大功能障碍是肢体功能障碍,语言功能障碍和吞咽功能障碍.其中吞咽障碍是脑卒中常见并发症,其发生率达30%~65%[1],也是最危急的的并发症.而我科通过运用护理程序的方法对吞咽障碍的患者进行护理健康宣教取得了良好的效果,现报告如下.  相似文献   

目的探讨甲状腺^99Tc^m-MIBI动静态显像在甲状腺癌诊断中的价值。方法对54例^99Tcm04甲状腺显像为“冷”结节的患者行甲状腺^99Tc^m-MIBI动静态显像。患者均行外科手术治疗,并作病理检查。结果血流灌注显像对甲状腺癌诊断的灵敏度、特异性和准确性分别为73.7%、85.7%和81.5%,静态显像对甲状腺癌诊断的灵敏度、特异性和准确性分别为78.9%、85.7%和83.3%。结论甲状腺“冷”结节行甲状腺^99Tc^m-MIBI动静态显像对于甲状腺癌的诊断具有较高的临床价值。  相似文献   

在文献报道次卟啉合成方法的基础上,对原反应操作进行了改进:设计了程序升温法。反应分两个阶段:第一阶段110℃~12O℃控温,使充分生成中间过渡态产物;第二阶段190℃~200℃控温,再发生消除反应,使反应趋于合理。后处理中,改用热水代替乙醚研磨、洗涤,使操作简便可行。  相似文献   

Successive daily injections of LSD-25 and UML (1-methyl-d-lysergic acid butanolamide) caused progressive depression of brain 5-HT levels in the rat. On the fourth day, the decrease was significant with respect to the highly significant fall observed after a single administration, whereas it had been shown earlier that conditioned behaviour is no longer affected by LSD-25 after 3 days and that simultaneous administration of a single dose of LSD-25 and UML is equally ineffective in this respect. Its depression of 5-HT levels, however, has now been shown to be equal to that of LSD-25 alone at doses that influence conditioned behaviour. The findings indicate that changes in such behaviour are not dependent on brain 5-HT levels and that no link exists between such levels and the psychotomimetic effect of LSD-25 in man.  相似文献   



Characterisation of powder flow is important for pharmaceutical processing and manufacturing. This work aims at a better understanding of how fractal particle and bulk properties affect the static and dynamic flow of excipients.


Traditional methods of flowability testing, e.g. the angle of repose or the flow through an orifice, were complemented by avalanching in a rotational drum. Dynamic image analysis provided a fractal contour line dimension of the powder bulk in the drum (bD F ). This was compared to the contour line fractal dimension of particles (pD F ) as obtained from the box-counting method. Avalanche testing was able to measure also cohesive materials that were otherwise difficult or not measurable at all using the classical methods.


The values of the avalanche energy were in good agreement with the different flow properties of the samples. These flow properties showed good correlations with bD F in that poor flow properties were associated with a more rugged contour line of the bulk and hence higher bD F .


Interestingly, there was no correlation observed between pD F and bD F , which may suggest that a distinct bulk structure typically emerges from the particles under dynamic flow. Future research should further clarify how fractal powder aspects affect pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.

Formulation development includes selection of appropriate excipients to stabilize the active pharmaceutical ingredient throughout its recommended shelf life, against potential excursions in its life cycle and sometimes to aid in the delivery of therapeutics into the patient. Identity and quantity of every ingredient in a therapeutic formulation are critical to achieve their intended purpose. Deviations from a target composition can result in manufacturing, safety, and efficacy challenges. It is mandatory to establish robustness of a formulation for the expected changes in its composition arising from the qualified “process variability” of the impacting process steps during manufacture. The approach for carrying out a robustness study evolved through improved understanding of a therapeutic stability and exploration of new tools, including the quality by design elements strongly recommended by regulatory agencies. An approach is presented here to study formulation robustness in multidimensional space using a customized experimental design and novel multidimensional diagrams, which present a unique way of identifying robustness limits. The concept is universally applicable to any multivariate analysis and such diagrams would be useful to comprehend the outcome on all variables at a glance. Interpretation of these diagrams is discussed, some of which are applicable in general to any statistical design of experiment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年患者动态和静态心电图检查结果。方法:在医院心电图科室2015年10月~2017年11月期间诊治的老年患者中选取93例作研究对象,对其分别应用动态心电图、静态心电图检查。结果:动态心电图在室性早搏与室上性早搏者、缺血性ST-T改变者、房室传导阻滞者中检出率均高于静态心电图(P<0.05);在束支阻滞、窦性心动过缓、窦性心动过速、心房扑动、心房纤颤中的检出率高于静态心电图,但二者均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:老年患者应用动态心电图检查的临床效果优于静态心电图,其可及时检测出老年患者无症状心肌缺血、心律失常,从而制定出相应治疗方案,改善患者预后。  相似文献   

目的 探讨带锁髓内钉静力与动力固定治疗股骨、胫骨骨折的临床疗效.方法 1998年10月~2005年12月应用带锁髓内钉治疗股骨、胫骨骨折,资料齐全且可以随访的病例共102例,其中男66例,女36例.年龄18~76岁,平均42岁,股骨骨折47处,胫骨骨折65处.按AO分类方法:A型39处,B型51处,C型22处.静力固定74处,动力固定38处.结果 平均随访时间2年,静力固定组无骨折不愈合;动力固定组3处不愈合.结论 带锁髓内钉治疗股骨骨折动力化固定有可能导致骨折短缩、旋转、不愈合发生,不推荐静力锁定后常规动力化;胫骨骨折应用带锁髓内钉静力固定是否需要常规动力化尚存争议,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

目的:掌握肿瘤科住院人数的季节变化规律,验证时间序列法在预测肿瘤科住院人数中的科学性和实用性,为及时、合理安排肿瘤病人入院,并得到及时的诊断和治疗提供科学依据。方法:以某院2002~2004年肿瘤科住院人数为依据,引用时间序列法从理论上预测2005年肿瘤科住院人数,并对3年来的肿瘤病人收治情况进行动态分析。结果:将预测值与实际完成值进行比较,结果与实际情况基本相符,显示出肿瘤科住院人数呈逐年上升趋势。结论:时间序列法预测肿瘤科住院人数结果准确、可靠,它弥补了其它预测方法的不足,说明使用时间序列法进行肿瘤科住院人数的预测,具有较强的科学性和适用性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨吸气相动态及静态压力容积(P-V)线曲折点的相关性和应用价值。方法:比较绵羊急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)模型,在呼气末正压(PEEP)为0 kPa(ZEEP)、静态 P-V曲线曲折点对应压力作为 PEEP(曲折点PEEP及曲折点PEEP-0.294kPa和曲折点PEEP个0.294 kPa时的动静态P-V曲线曲折点的存在及相关性。结果:在不同水平的PEEP条件下,曲折点压力、容积及Sb/Sa间均有很好的相关性(P<0.05)。结论:在绵羊ARDS模型中,动静态P-V曲线曲折点有很好的相关性,可较好地对肺泡复张程度进行量化测量,使判定最佳PEEP的方法更加方便简捷。  相似文献   

John Hart 《Dose-response》2013,11(1):41-48
There are a number of variables that are correlated with land elevation. Land elevation, and in particular, its surrogate variables such as natural background radiation, can be studied in relation to cancer rates. The present ecological study focuses on three such variables correlated with land elevation: natural background radiation (NBR), oxygen concentration (OC), and barometric pressure (BP). In addition, the study uses a novel approach for determining median land elevation values from which the surrogated variables are estimated. Inverse correlations were observed for NBR while direct correlations were found for OC and BP suggesting the presence of a protective effect with all three variables. Further study is indicated to either verify or refute these findings.  相似文献   

Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal dorsal horn and its extracellular concentration is regulated by glial glycine transporter (GlyT) 1 and neuronal GlyT2. This study was conducted to elucidate the effects of intrathecal injections of GlyT1 and GlyT2 inhibitors on two distinct types of mechanical allodynia, dynamic and static allodynia, in mice with herpetic or postherpetic pain. The GlyT2 inhibitor ALX1393, but not the GlyT1 inhibitor sarcosine, suppressed dynamic and static allodynia at the herpetic and postherpetic stages. Intrathecal ALX1393 suppressed dynamic allodynia induced by intrathecal strychnine and N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA). Intrathecal sarcosine suppressed dynamic allodynia induced by intrathecal strychnine, but not NMDA. Expression level of GlyT1, but not GlyT2, mRNA in the lumbar dorsal horn was decreased at the herpetic and postherpetic stages. Glycine receptor α1-subunit mRNA was decreased in the lumbar dorsal horn at the herpetic, but not postherpetic stage, without alteration in α3-subunit mRNA. The results suggest that GlyT2 is a potential target for treatment of dynamic and static allodynia in patients with herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia. The lack of efficacy of GlyT1 inhibitor may be explained by activation of NMDA receptors and the down-regulation of GlyT1 in the lumbar dorsal horn.  相似文献   

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