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现阶段我国高校存在着严重的人力、物力、财力和土地等教育资源浪费现象 ,成为制约高校教学质量和办学效益的重要因素。文章对教育资源浪费概念的表述及其内涵的理解作了阐述 ,分析了目前高校内部教育资源浪费的现状及原因 ,并对如何减少教育资源浪费提出对策与措施。  相似文献   

纪烨  张正尤 《首都医药》2012,(21):29-29
北京卫生职业学院成立大会暨2012级新生开学典礼日前在北京会议中心隆重举行。中国关心下一代委员会主任、第十届全国人大常委会副委员长顾秀莲、教育部职成司副司长王扬南、卫生部科技教育司教育处调研员敬蜀青、北京市发改委副主任刘印春、北京市教委委员郑登文、北京市卫生局党委副书记、巡视员张秀芳、北京市中医管理局局长赵静等领导出席会议。北京市卫生局副局长王松灵在会上介绍了北京卫生职业学院的成立背景。  相似文献   

王岳峰 《药学教育》2005,21(4):16-18
通过对西南交通大学近年来创办的生物工程系和药学院所开设的生物工程、生物信息、制药工程和中药学本科专业涉及的课程体系和实验室建设的分析,探索同一院校中相近学科教育资源共享的必要性和可能性,提出院系专业整合,共享教育资源,降低教育成本,提高教育效率的办学模式的建议。  相似文献   

老干部电子健康档案的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨军队干休所健康档案管理模式,以适应信息化管理的要求.方法 通过"军队老干部医疗保健网络服务平台"提供规范、统一、完整的健康档案格式,为老干部建立健康档案,并且通过持续不断的积累,逐步完善健康档案.结果 掌握老干部身体的基本情况和健康现状,为开展常规医疗,促进健康长寿服务.结论 应用计算机技术和网络技术,做到科...  相似文献   

本文使用教育元数据描述规范LOM(Learning Object Management)描述教育资源,并结合移动Agent技术,提出了一种网格环境下基于移动Agent的教育资源发现模型,阐述了教育资源发现过程,并对相关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

目的:促进电子处方事前审核模式的开展,提高处方合格率。方法:介绍我院通过建立门/急诊电子处方审核小组、审核依据以及实施办法等实施电子处方事前审核模式,并针对实施初期出现的审核效率低、审核标准不统一、干预反馈不及时等问题,借助品管圈活动和互联网工具微信等完善该模式的情况。结果:通过优化系统设置、统一审核标准、采用微信公众平台进行一对一反馈沟通等措施,完善了我院的电子处方事前审核模式。药师事前审核单张处方的平均时间由50 s下降至30.58 s,处方合格率由86.77%上升到95.30%,审方效率和处方合格率明显提高。结论:电子处方事前审核模式的实施及不断完善,可降低处方的不合格率,促进门/急诊患者的合理用药。  相似文献   

我校的碑刻文化是一个理想的教学资源,为文言文教学搭建一个文化平台。我校作为县大堂遗址,集中了周围的历史碑刻,记载了我们地方的历史事迹,利用碑刻文化资源,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生文言文阅读的能力,增加学生的文化积累,进而有效促进高中文言文的教学。有感于此,笔者试以文言文教学为例,试谈地方碑刻文化资源与文言文教学整合的几点看法:一、挖掘地方碑刻文化资源,寻找与文言文教学的  相似文献   

随着信息化时代、知识经济时代的到来,电子政务正在加快发展,档案信息资源的整合已成了档案部门的当务之急,与此同时,电子政务的发展也赋予了档案信息资源整合的新的内涵,并为之提供了绝好的条件与更广阔的空间。区域档案信息资源整合的研究,有效的规避了在档案信息化中所普遍存在的发展程度、水平不一的问题,更具实践意义,更能够回应理论的呼声,是对档案信息化领域研究的一大补充。  相似文献   

为突破传统做法,充分发挥信息技术优势,实现全面、快捷、实时、真实、客观的反映药品经营企业是否遵守GSP等相关法律法规要求开展经营行为,实现流通环节的全过程监管,山东省青岛市食品药品监督管理局研发了药品经营企业行政许可系统、日常规范监管系统和GSP认证管理系统等3个操作平台,由上述3个操作平台相互关联,构成完整的电子监管系统。  相似文献   

DIALOG医学类数据库资源概览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍国外有关医学药品类及与人类生命科学息息相关的数据库 ,着重介绍其包括的内容、收藏年限、更新周期等 ,通过这些数据库的概述 ,不仅可使从事医学方面的人士知道从哪可得到自己所需的信息 ,也可使情报工作者从中获得一些数据库建设的启迪  相似文献   

西红花是浙江省\  相似文献   

四川省野生天麻资源调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为天麻资源的保护及持续利用提供科学依据。方法:查阅相关文献及标本,结合市场产销信息及网络信息,确定了峨眉山、马边县、康定县、泸定县、丹巴县、青川县、平武县为主要调查区域,并进行了走访和样方调查。结果:四川地区野生天麻主要为黄天麻,集中分布在海拔800~3130m、经度101°41′~105°29′、纬度29°01′~32°26′区域内亚高山落叶阔叶林、竹林,生境土壤为弱酸性的山地黄棕壤,总蕴藏量为6600kg。结论:年降雨量、相对湿度和年均日照时数可能是影响野生天麻资源分布的关键因素。  相似文献   

Objective. To explore the current status of pharmacy education in Thailand.Methods. The International Pharmaceutical Federation of the World Health Organization’s (FIP-WHO) Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools was used for this study. The survey instrument was distributed to the deans of the 19 faculties (colleges) of pharmacy in Thailand.Results. More than half the colleges have been in existence less than 20 years, and the government owns 80% of them. There were 2 paths of admission to study pharmacy: direct admission and central admission system. The doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) programs can be divided into 4 types. Approximately 60% of all teaching staff holds a doctoral degree. Regarding the work balance among teaching staff, around 60% focus on teaching activities, 20% focus on research, and less than 20% focus on patient care services concurrent with real practice teaching. The proportion of student time dedicated to theory, practice, and research in PharmD programs is 51.5%, 46.7%, and 1.8%, respectively. Sites owned by the colleges or by others were used for student training. Colleges followed the Office of the National Education Standards’ Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) and External Quality Assurance (EQA), and the Pharmacy Council’s Quality Assessment (ONESQA) .Conclusion. This study provides a picture of the current status of curriculum, teaching staff, and students in pharmacy education in Thailand. The curriculum was adapted from the US PharmD program with the aim of meeting the country’s needs and includes industrial pharmacy and public health tracks as well as clinical tracks. However, this transition in pharmacy education in Thailand needs to be monitored and evaluated.  相似文献   

Objective: Since provision of integrated services for patients with dual pathology or dual disorders (coexistence of an addictive disorder and another mental health disorder) is an important challenge in mental health, this study assessed health care professionals’ perceptions and knowledge of the current state of specific resources for patients with dual pathology in Spain. Methods: We conducted a national survey of health care professionals seeing patients with dual pathology in treatment facilities throughout Spain. Participants completed a specific online questionnaire about the needs of and available resources for patients with dual pathology. Results: A total of 659 professionals, mostly psychologists (n = 286, 43.4%) or psychiatrists (n = 217, 32.9%), participated in the study. Nearly all participants who responded to these items reported that specific resources for dual pathology were needed (n = 592/635, 93.2%); 76.7% (n = 487) identified intermediate resources, 68.8% (n = 437) acute detoxification units, and 64.6% (n = 410) medium-stay rehabilitation units as particularly necessary. In the opinion of 54.0% of respondents (n = 343), integrated mental health and addiction treatment services were available. Of the participants who answered these items, only a small proportion (n = 162/605, 26.8%) reported that there were appropriate outpatient programs for dual pathology, 30.4% (n = 184/605) specific hospitalization units, 16.9% (n = 99/587) subacute inpatient units, 34.2% (n = 201/587) outpatient intermediate resources, 15.5% (n = 91/587) day hospitals, and 21.5% (n = 126/587) day centers. Conversely, 62.5% (n = 378/587) of participants reported a greater presence of specific detoxification/withdrawal units, 47.3% (n = 286/587) psychiatric acute admission units, and 41.9% (n = 246/587) therapeutic communities. In the professionals’ opinion, the presence of specialty programs was low; 11.6% of respondents (n = 68/587) reported that vocational programs and 16.7% (n = 98/587) reported that occupational rehabilitation programs were available. Employee turnover was common: 51.9% of respondents (n = 314/605) stated that employee turnover was occasional to frequent. Conclusions: According to the professionals surveyed, specific health care resources for the management of dual pathology are currently insufficient, underlining the need for additional efforts and strategies for treating individuals with comorbid disorders.  相似文献   



To evaluate instructor use patterns and satisfaction with DM Educate, a comprehensive, Web-based diabetes course.


Instructors completed a post-course survey instrument to assess their use of course materials and components, as well as satisfaction with the course content, design, and technology utilized, and to solicit their suggestions for additional content areas.


Thirty-eight percent of respondents utilized DM Educate as a standalone elective and 62% had integrated materials into existing courses. The pharmacotherapy module was the most utilized at 91% and slide sets were the most utilized course components at 63%. All instructors stated that they would use the course again the following year. Suggestions for improvement included incorporation of more active-learning activities and patient cases.


Instructors’ were highly satisfied with the course materials and technology used by DM Educate, a Web-based diabetes education course, and indicated they were able to customize the course materials both to establish new courses and supplement existing courses. All instructors planned to use the course again.  相似文献   

消化性溃疡病住院患者健康教育满意度的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解住院消化性溃疡患者对消化性溃疡病教育工作的满意度。方法采用问卷调查法,评估100例消化性溃疡患者对消化性溃疡病教育工作满意度状况。结果对消化性溃疡教育护士的总体工作满意度在80%以上;近20%的消化性溃疡患者提出心理健康的指导不足;消化性溃疡教育护士的业务素质有待进一步提高;个体化健康教育要更具针对性;消化性溃疡教育护士教育的技巧有待提高。结论患者对消化性溃疡工作满意度较高,但要进一步重视和加强消化性溃疡教育护士的培训,不断提高消化性溃疡教育质量。  相似文献   

黄仁杰 《药学教育》2007,23(6):58-60
通过查阅和分析相关文献,介绍了六个发展中国家的药学教育概况,从中获得对我国特别是经济欠发达地区高等药学职业教育发展的几点启示。  相似文献   

东南亚部分国家和地区临床药学教育现状概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
庞挺  吴春福 《药学教育》2008,24(4):54-59
随着经济的发展及大众生活水平的提高,社会对药学服务型人才的需求不断增长。通过对东南亚部分国家和地区临床药学教育现状的概述,期望为我国高校药学教育改革及人才培养提供借鉴。简要介绍了东南亚部分国家和地区如何面对当代市场的需求,积极进行改革,树立起以培养药学服务型人才为主流的药学高等教育理念,以培养同未来药学实践相适应的服务型人才。  相似文献   

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