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目的了解护理实习学生艾滋病知识、态度、护理意愿及其相关性.方法采用问卷方法对68名护理实习生进行现况调查.结果护生的艾滋病知识均分为13.7分,对职业感染、不可能传播HIV的途径等知识回答正确率低.态度均分为0.89分,86.8%护生的态度分为正分,表示同情和支持艾滋病病人,但对因静脉吸毒、性乱、同性恋染上艾滋病者持歧视态度.护理意愿均分为77.7分,有25%的护生表示不愿意为艾滋病病人提供护理.相关分析表明艾滋病知识、态度、护理意愿之间呈显著性相关关系.结论护生艾滋病知识掌握不够全面,对艾滋病病人护理意愿低.本文为此提出相应对策.  相似文献   

参与式艾滋病知识培训在护理本科生中的应用   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
目的 确定参与式艾滋病知识培训对改变护理本科生知识、态度、护理意愿的效果。方法 采用随机对照实验设计。参与研究的68名护生被随机分成2组,每组34人。实验组接受参与式艾滋病知识培训,对照组只接受艾滋病知识讲座。在培训前后采用问卷调查法对两组护生进行测量。结果 实验组与对照组护生在培训后知识分数均显著提高。实验组培训后态度正分值有显著改善(t=2.9,P=.006),护理意愿也显著提高(t=3.7;P=.001),而对照组两者变化却不显著。培训后,除知识变量外,实验组的态度正分值明显高于对照组(t=2.2,P=.003),护理意愿也明显高于对照组(t=2.4,P=.02)。结论 参与式艾滋病培训效果明显优于传统的知识讲座,能改善护生对艾滋病病人的态度及护理意愿。  相似文献   

目的:了解感染科实习护生对HIV相关知识的掌握情况,探讨消除对住院艾滋病患者的歧视以及改善护理意愿的方法。方法对106名护生进行艾滋病相关知识培训,培训前后采用艾滋病相关知识掌握情况、态度、担心感染和护理意愿问卷进行调查。结果短期培训后护生艾滋病相关知识正确率较培训前提高;对艾滋病错误认识的态度从(3.5±0.5)分降低到(3.4±0.5)分,担心感染从(4.1±0.9)分降低到(3.7±1.0)分,差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为2.043,4.545;P<0.05)。结论对护生的艾滋病相关知识经过短期培训是可以改善的,但其护理意愿即行为的改变不明显;在思想观念上,了解并深入认识疾病,提高积极行为还需要更长的时间。  相似文献   

刘华  周小兰  宋梅  黄黎 《全科护理》2011,9(25):2327-2329
[目的]了解护理本科生对艾滋病知识的掌握情况以及对艾滋病的态度。[方法]采用自行设计的问卷,对166名护理本科3年级学生进行艾滋病知识、态度调查。[结果]护理本科生艾滋病知识问卷得分为33.22分±2.61分,对艾滋病基本知识、传播途径知识、预防及治疗知识掌握得较好,但是对非传播途径知识掌握的不全面;护理本科生艾滋病态度问卷得分为28.86分±3.24分,对艾滋病病人存在正向的态度;护理本科生艾滋病知识与态度有显著的相关性。[结论]护理本科生对艾滋病的知识掌握得较好,对艾滋病病人存在较强的正向态度,但担心护理病人时被感染的心理普遍存在,护理病人的意愿不高,因此有必要对护理本科生开设艾滋病相关知识的课程。  相似文献   

目的探讨实习护生的工作压力、就职意愿及其相关性。方法采用问卷调查法对365名实习护生的工作压力、就职意愿、家人对选择护理职业的态度等进行调查分析。结果实习护生的工作压力源依次为:工作量负荷、处理死亡或濒死的病人、对病人治疗不确定、缺乏社会支持、准备不充分、与护理老师及医生的冲突。91.4%护生表示毕业后会选择护理职业,而8.6%的护生明确表示不会选择护理职业,家长对护理护生就业持支持和较支持态度的占88.7%,持无所谓和不太支持的占11.3%。实习护生择业意愿与工作压力成中度相关。结论护理实习护生的工作压力在一定程度上影响着毕业后的就职意愿,应引起学校及医院的关注。  相似文献   

目的调查福州市护生对老年人态度、老化知识和从事老年护理工作意愿并分析其影响因素,为护理教育改革和促进护生就业提供理论依据。方法采用一般资料问卷、对老年态度量表和老化知识量表对福州市563名护理学生进行调查。结果护生对老年人态度情况,总分为(159.54±18.88)分,得分处于中上水平;护生老化知识得分为(10.06±3.27)分。563名护生中有294名(52.22%)护生表示愿意从事老年护理工作。不愿意从事老年护理的原因依次是在意社会舆论看法、照顾老年人很麻烦、自身发展前景不佳、对老年护理不了解、工资及福利不能满足自己的期望、所学知识不能得到很好的运用、培训进修机会少等。结论福州市护生对老化知识掌握不足,从事老年护理工作意愿处于中等水平。学校应增加老年护理相关课程和开展老年护理相关活动,提高护生的老化知识,培养正确的择业观。  相似文献   

目的了解高年级大专护生对艾滋病知识掌握情况和态度,为医学院校开展艾滋病相关教育提供依据。方法采用自制问卷对青海省3所院校338名在校大专护生进行调查。结果护生对感染艾滋病病毒的危险行为掌握不全面;对艾滋病非传播途径存在误区;护生对艾滋病护理意愿不高;艾滋病职业防护知识缺乏;艾滋病学校教育所占比例不高。结论加强艾滋病相关知识及职业防护知识的专业教育,确立艾滋病学校教育的主导地位,消除护生对艾滋病的消极心理,为护生今后参与艾滋病预防和控制工作打下基础。  相似文献   

冯娟  罗芬芳 《护理学报》2010,17(8):72-73
目的了解实习护生对社区护理职业的认知和态度,为护理专业毕业生就业指导提供依据。方法采取随机抽样的方法,用自制问卷对189名实习护生进行社区护理职业认知和态度调查。结果本组调查的护生中,7.0%认为非常了解社区护理工作,60.4%了解社区护理工作,而24.6%不了解社区护理工作;44.9%非常愿意从事社区护理工作,36.4%可勉强接受从事社区护理工作,而7.5%不愿意从事社区护理工作。相关性分析结果显示:是否了解社区护理工作与从事社区护理工作的意愿的相关性有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论实习护生对社区护理认识不够,从而将影响护生从事社区护理的意愿,有必要对在校护生加强社区护理的学习教育,多增加社区护理实践,从而使更多的护生自觉加入到这项事业当中。  相似文献   

目的了解临床护理实习生对艾滋病(AIDS)知识的掌握情况及对AIDS患者的态度。方法自行设计调查问卷,对200名临床实习生进行问卷调查。结果护理实验对AIDS基本知识认知普遍较高,但对非传播途径认识不足,大专以上者正确回答率仅66.7%,中专60.1%;93.0%的护生担心接触AIDS患者受感染,39.0%的护生不愿意护理AIDS患者。结论应加强对临床护理实习生AIDS防治专业知识的培训,端正对AIDS患者的态度。  相似文献   

[目的]了解不同层次毕业护生对老年人态度和老化知识及其从事老年护理工作的意愿。[方法]随机抽取不同层次护理专业毕业生315名,采用一般资料问卷和老年人态度量表(KAOP)及老化知识问卷(FAQ1)进行调查。[结果]不同层次毕业护生从事老年护理意愿的强度比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.011),其中中专护生意愿强度最高(68.58%)、大专次之(58.70%)、一本最低(36%);护生的KAOP总得分为155.01分±20.80分,不同层次护生的得分比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000),两两比较显示:中专、大专及一本护生与三本、二本护生的差异有统计学意义;不同层次毕业护生的老化知识得分比较,差异无统计学意义(P=0.074)。[结论]不同层次毕业护生从事老年护理意愿的强度有差异,护生从事老年护理意愿强度随学历层次上升呈下降趋势,持不确定态度者占1/3,潜在发展空间较大;护生对老年人态度均呈正向,但中专、大专及一本护生较二本和三本护生对老年人态度更趋正向;护生的老化知识均非常缺乏。  相似文献   

This paper presents baseline data on attitudes towards HIV/AIDS patients and homophobic levels among nursing students in three Baltic Sea countries: Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. The aim is to describe and compare nursing students' attitudes in these three countries and to explore how attitudes towards HIV/AIDS correlate with background variables. The total sample comprised 471 nursing students. The respondents demonstrated average attitude scores towards patients with HIV/AIDS and rather positive attitudes towards homosexually oriented patients. Significant country differences were found, with Finnish nursing students showing the most positive attitudes towards HIV/AIDS patients and homosexually oriented patients. Previous experience of HIV/AIDS patients was the single factor with the greatest positive impact on nursing students' attitudes. Nursing students' willingness to provide care for an HIV/AIDS patient was associated with a positive attitude towards these patients. Length of employment experience correlated negatively with general attitude, and older nursing students with more work experience showed a more negative attitude towards homosexual patients. Proper education to achieve a sound knowledge base and good nursing skills promotes a more positive attitude to HIV/AIDS. It is important that nursing students are sensitive and show respect for the patient's human dignity. There is need for greater harmonization of education in the three countries.  相似文献   

目的 了解实习护生对艾滋病相关知识掌握情况及影响因素,为有针对性开展健康教育提供依据.方法 用整群抽样法,以班级为单位抽取共计544例实习护生,采取不记名独立填写的方式进行艾滋病认知、态度问卷调查.结果 实习护生对艾滋病知识处于中等水平,平均得分(9.49±3.16)分,对主要传播途径认识正确率为81.40%;对高危行为和安全套等知识掌握仅有42.28%.实习护生对待艾滋病的态度呈中等水平,平均得分(172.11±14.37)分.艾滋病知识水平、态度水平的影响因素为学历、民族以及知识得分.结论 实习护生对艾滋病知识掌握不够,态度有待提高.对实习护生开展健康教育不仅要注重提高知识水平,更要加大对艾滋病的态度及高危行为的教育力度.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of an HIV/AIDS educational programme for Chinese nurses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: This paper reports a study examining the effect of a multifaceted HIV/AIDS educational intervention on the knowledge, attitudes and willingness of Chinese nurses in caring for patients with human immunodeficiency virus. BACKGROUND: The expanding HIV/AIDS epidemic challenges nurses to increase their knowledge about this devastating illness to provide effective HIV/AIDS prevention and care to their patients. HIV/AIDS educational interventions, which were developed for North American and European nurses, have not been studied among nurses in other societies. METHODS: The study employed a pretest, post-test experimental design with 208 nurses from seven Chinese provinces. The intervention consisted of a 5-day workshop comprising didactic lectures interspersed with activities designed to elicit discussion of participants' values and personal feelings about HIV/AIDS. Bloom's Taxonomy and principles of good HIV/AIDS educational practice guided the educational intervention. Outcome variables were HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude toward patients with HIV/AIDS (including empathy for and desire to avoid these patients) and willingness to provide nursing care to these patients. The data were collected in 2003. FINDINGS: At baseline, HIV/AIDS knowledge was not high and attitudes and willingness to care were neutral. Knowledge, attitudes toward patients with HIV/AIDS and willingness to provide nursing care to these patients were each improved at the conclusion of the workshop (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: As the HIV/AIDS epidemic expands, nurses will be called upon to deliver competent, compassionate and comprehensive care to patients and their significant others. Intensive, interactive HIV/AIDS professional workshops can contribute to the national effort by increasing knowledge and improving attitudes towards and willingness to provide nursing care for patients with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

In the current AIDS pandemics, equipping health professional students with adequate knowledge and positive attitude is necessary to produce graduates who can deliver appropriate intervention to patients infected with HIV or who have developed AIDS. The purpose of this study was 1) to investigate the Nigerian physiotherapy students' knowledge, attitude, and their willingness to provide care for patients living with AIDS (PWA) and to 2) determine the sociodemographic variables that could influence the students' attitude and willingness to provide care for PWA. Physiotherapy students (N = 104) in four training programs in Nigeria were surveyed using a two-part questionnaire. Part I elicited sociodemographic and previous AIDS encounter information, and Part II assessed knowledge, attitude, and willingness to provide care to PWA. Nigerian students showed unsatisfactory knowledge, harbored negative attitude, and many of them were unwilling to render care for PWA. Religious affiliation, training programs, long-term career goals, and previous instructions on AIDS influenced the students' attitude. The study identified the need for a comprehensive AIDS curriculum and recommend that all programs in Nigeria include clinical clerkship, small group discussions, and seminars on ethical and medico-legal issues on AIDS in their curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether a 3-year programme of nursing studies enabled nursing students to graduate from the course with greater knowledge and more positive attitudes towards HIV infection and AIDS than when they began the course. Students on a maths and information technology course were used as controls. The study involved the use of a questionnaire which gathered information about students' experience, knowledge, attitudes and moral judgement regarding HIV infection and AIDS. The experimental hypothesis stated that nursing students show a greater increase in knowledge and positive attitude change towards HIV infection and AIDS than maths students. The results showed significant differences between third year nursing students' knowledge about HIV and AIDS when compared with other groups but it was noted that knowledge levels for all groups was quite low. There was no difference between first and third year nursing students' attitudes and moral judgement about HIV and AIDS but there was a significant difference between nursing students and maths students. It was suggested that there is a need to modify nurse education programmes in order to have greater impact on this topic area.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess nursing students' knowledge about HIV infection and AIDS. 231 nursing students at a nursing college in Sydney were invited, and agreed, to participate. They were surveyed on knowledge about transmission, precautions to take when providing nursing care and epidemiology, general attitudes to HIV/AIDS, attitudes to patient-care, risk of infection at work and homosexuality. Two knowledge and four attitude scales were constructed. The students showed a fairly high level of knowledge: a mean percentage score of 78 on the transmission scale and 80 on the precaution scale. They also had some misconceptions about transmission routes. A majority (72%) had favourable attitudes to AIDS patient care; a minority (22%) had a clear fear of contagion through occupational exposure; 26% had negative attitudes to homosexuality. Nursing students with AIDS-care experience had significantly more positive attitudes than those who had no such experience. Knowledge and attitudes were positively correlated (correlation range 0.24-0.46). It is suggested that training programmes include experiential learning to address fear, discomfort and anxieties about HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

German nursing students' knowledge of and attitudes to HIV and AIDS: two decades after the first AIDS case This study describes German nursing students' (n=180) knowledge and attitudes relating to HIV/AIDS, their homophobia level, willingness to care for people with AIDS, and their approach to possible sexual risk behaviours. A questionnaire was used to collect the data (response rate 97.8%). The results indicated that the nursing students had a rather high knowledge level concerning AIDS. However, there were gaps of knowledge, such as regarding AIDS immunopathology or the symptoms of the disease. Single nursing students and those having cared for a person with AIDS had a more thorough knowledge about the disease. In general, the attitudes towards AIDS and people with AIDS were tolerant and positive, and homophobia was only found with a small minority. Students having positive attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS had less homophobia compared to those having negative attitudes towards persons suffering from AIDS. Those with positive attitudes were more willing to care for patients with HIV/AIDS, while those with a high homophobia level were less willing to do so. In addition, students having a high AIDS knowledge level tended less towards negative attitudes and homophobia than those with a low level of knowledge. The implications of the research for nursing education will be discussed.  相似文献   

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