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目的分析探讨梅毒性脊髓炎临床和影像学特点。方法回顾性研究我们确诊的2例梅毒性脊髓炎患者的临床及影像学资料,并结合相关文献复习,对上述资料进行分析总结。结果共有11例梅毒性脊髓炎患者纳入分析。梅毒性脊髓炎临床罕见,归于脊膜血管梅毒一类。临床表现没有特异性,主要是横贯性脊髓脊膜损害。临床上大多数病例为急性或亚急性起病,进行性加重,仅有1例是缓慢起病,病程中突然恶化。影像学多表现为长节段胸段或颈胸段脊髓髓内病变,只有1例腰骶髓受累病例,还有1例同时累及颅内大动脉狭窄。梅毒性脊髓炎在T2加权像上呈现脊髓实质内长节段高信号病灶,增强扫描时可见脊髓表浅部位的局灶性强化,也称为脊髓"烛光征";影像学虽有一定特征性,但同样也缺乏特异性。脑脊液检查全部表现为蛋白增高,细胞数增多,脑脊液细胞学为淋巴细胞为主的炎症,本病的确诊只能依据血清及脑脊液梅毒特异性抗体检测。梅毒性脊髓炎绝大部分病例治疗效果较好,但患者恢复的速度和程度却可以存在明显差异。绝大多数起病急、病程短、进展快的患者治疗效果既快又好,而病程相对较长、病史过程中有突发恶化特点的患者治疗效果可能不好。合并脑膜血管梅毒的1例患者也遗留了神经功能缺损。结论梅毒性脊髓炎临床罕见,临床和影像学都不具有特异性,很容易误诊漏诊。当遇到长节段脊髓病变时要想到本病可能,应当尽快行血清及脑脊液梅毒相关抗体检测。在明确诊断后要尽快治疗,不同病程及病史特点的梅毒性脊髓炎患者对青霉素等抗生素治疗的反应可能会有所不同。  相似文献   

目的 探讨梅毒性血管炎的临床特点.方法 回顾性分析4例梅毒性血管炎患者的临床资料.结果(1)4例患者均为男性,年龄38 ~ 68岁,均无明确的脑血管病危险因素.均为急性起病,其中3例表现为偏瘫、失语,1例有精神行为异常;(2)4例患者CSF检查都存在蛋白、细胞轻度升高;血清及CSF快速反应素环状卡片试验(RPR)、螺旋体血球凝结试验(TPHA)均阳性;(3)4例患者头颅影像学检查显示脑缺血性病变,其中3例脑血管呈现多发狭窄改变;(4)青霉素治疗后,临床症状及实验室指标均有明显好转.结论 梅毒性血管炎多呈卒中样起病;血清及CSF梅毒特异性抗体阳性及头颅影像学检查显示脑血管炎改变是确诊依据;青霉素治疗有效.  相似文献   

神经梅毒6例临床分析   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:46  
目的 探讨梅毒感染后致神经系统损害的临床特点。方法 结合文献分析本院收治的 6例梅毒感染后出现中枢神经系统 (CNS)病变的临床及检验学、影像学特点、治疗经过、预后等。结果  6例患者 ,男 5例 ,女 1例 ,年龄 2 0~ 56岁 ,均有冶游史 ,多无明确梅毒感染的全身症状 ,文化程度偏低。其中脑血管梅毒 2例 ,脊髓脑膜血管梅毒 3例 ,脊髓痨 1例。头颅MR表现有 :脑干内多发T1 低信号 ,T2 及水抑制呈高信号结节状病灶 ;放射冠多发结节状异常信号区 ,T1 呈低信号 ,T2 呈稍高信号 ;枕叶皮质及皮层下见楔形T1 呈等信号 ,T2 及水抑制呈高信号影。脊髓MR表现为脊髓轻度增粗 ,其内可见散在异常信号。全部病例血清快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)及梅毒螺旋血凝试验 (TPHA)均阳性 ,5例脑脊液RPR及TPHA阳性。结论 神经梅毒以男性多见 ,尤其是青壮年 ,均以CNS症状起病 ,梅毒全身症状可不明显 ,容易误诊。  相似文献   

梅毒性视神经炎12例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的总结梅毒性视神经炎临床特点和病理生理学机制。方法回顾分析12例梅毒性视神经炎患者的临床症状与体征、实验室检查、电生理学检查、影像学检查、治疗及预后。结果 12例患者(18只眼)均以视力下降为主要表现,呈急性或亚急性起病,呈单眼或双眼先后发病,视力损害程度不尽一致,伴视野缺损、眼底改变;脑脊液白细胞计数增加、蛋白定量升高;血清快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)和梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(TPHA)阳性,脑脊液RPR试验/甲苯胺红不加热血清试验和TPHA试验阳性;视觉诱发电位P100波潜伏期延长、波幅降低;MRI显示视神经萎缩、视神经眶内段或视神经全长异常信号;予水剂青霉素静脉滴注和苄星青霉素肌肉注射后视力好转。结论神经梅毒作为视神经炎的病因临床并不常见,应注意与特发性视神经炎和缺血性视神经病变相鉴别,梅毒血清学和脑脊液检测有助于诊断,早期诊断和规范治疗对视力恢复至关重要。  相似文献   

神经梅毒8例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨梅毒感染后神经系统损害的临床特点。方法 回顾性分析本院收治的 8例神经梅毒患者的临床特点、血清学变化、影像学异常、治疗经过及预后。结果 全部病例特异性梅毒螺旋体血凝试验 (TPHA)及血浆快速反应素试验 (RPR)均阳性 ,6例患者脑脊液TPHA和RPR阳性 ,全部病例予青霉素或菌必治治疗 ,症状改善。结论 神经梅毒好发于中年男性 ,梅毒全身症状可不明显 ,其临床表现多样 ,容易误诊和漏诊 ,如不及时诊治 ,可导致严重后果 ,加强对神经梅毒的认识具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨神经梅毒的临床特点.方法 对22例神经梅毒患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 本组男17例,女5例.首发症状为为智能下降10例,精神症状4例,卒中样发作3例,癫痫发作2例,头痛2例,双下肢无力1例.主要临床症状包括卒中样发作4例,智能下降12例,精神症状10例,癫痫发作7例,睡眠障碍6例,头痛4例,双下肢无力1例.22例患者查血清快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)、梅毒螺旋体特异抗体检测(TPHA)均阳性;17例行脑脊液RPR、TPHA试验,15例RPR阳性,16例TPHA阳性;18例患者脑脊液白细胞及蛋白含量升高.17例患者行脑电图检查,有8例异常,均表现为广泛性慢波.20例行MRI检查,异常19例,主要累及皮质和皮质下白质,呈长T.、长T2异常信号改变.经大剂量青霉素治疗后,20例患者症状明显缓解,2例复发.结论 神经梅毒多见于中年男性,主要症状为智能下降及精神症状;血浆及脑脊液TPHA、RPR阳性,脑脊液细胞数及蛋白升高.  相似文献   

患者女,48岁,已婚,朝鲜族。因头痛,呕吐及左季肋部疼痛2个月,左上下肢无力1周入院。查胸廓对称,左腋中线第九肋处有压痛。双眼底视乳头边界不清,右额面部触痛觉略减退,左肢体肌力Ⅳ级,肌张力减低,左半身深浅反射减弱,双侧Gordon's征(+),左0ppenheim's征(+)。尿常规,尿素氮正常,腰穿压力400mmH_2O,CSF  相似文献   

目的总结不同时期神经梅毒患者临床特征以及梅毒血清学和脑脊液检测特点。方法回顾分析12例不同时期神经梅毒患者[早期神经梅毒5例,包括4例脑(脊)膜梅毒、1例脑(脊)膜血管梅毒;晚期神经梅毒7例,均为麻痹性痴呆]的临床症状、影像学表现、梅毒血清学和脑脊液检测、治疗及预后。结果 12例神经梅毒患者血清抗梅毒螺旋体特异性抗体和快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)、脑脊液抗梅毒螺旋体特异性抗体均呈阳性,9例脑脊液RPR试验阳性。5例早期神经梅毒患者中1例脑脊液压力升高、3例白细胞计数增加、4例蛋白定量升高;7例晚期神经梅毒患者中1例脑脊液压力升高、7例白细胞计数增加、7例蛋白定量升高,脑脊液细胞学均呈淋巴细胞反应且以小淋巴细胞为主。12例患者分别静脉滴注不同剂量青霉素或肌肉注射头孢曲松钠,8例神经精神症状明显好转、4例未见明显改善。结论神经梅毒发病形式多样,临床症状不典型,极易误诊。明确诊断需依靠临床表现及梅毒血清学和脑脊液检测,早期诊断和规范治疗对改善预后和减少并发症至关重要。  相似文献   

神经梅毒的临床特征与诊断分析   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32  
目的:分析神经梅毒的分型和临床特征及提供早期诊断依据。方法:回顾性分析经临床和实验室检查确诊的18例神经梅毒病人的有关临床资料。结果:神经梅毒的临床特征包括:(1)急性、亚急性起病为主;(2)临床以间质型,尤其是以脑卒中起病常见,症状元特异性;(3)血清学检查以梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(TPHA)及快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)特异性较高;(4)脑脊液检查表现为压力增高(42.9%)、蛋白增高(81.2%)及细胞数增高(56.3%);(5)头颅CT、MRI表现与高血压、动脉硬化所致脑梗死不同,为多发、散在病灶。结论:神经梅毒早期误诊率高,临床表现与分型密切相关,实验室及影像学检查是诊断的重要依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨血浆快速反应素试验(RPR)阴性神经梅毒患者的临床特点。方法回顾性分析6例血浆RPR阴性神经梅毒患者的临床资料。结果 6例患者均为男性,主要表现为肢体麻木乏力4例,认知障碍2例,意识障碍2例,排尿障碍2例,头昏1例,视物重影1例,肢体抽搐1例,步态不稳1例,口齿欠清1例。5例患者进行腰穿CSF检查,RPR均阴性,4例梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验、梅毒螺旋体抗体阴性。头颅MRI示陈旧性缺血灶及脑萎缩6例,新发脑梗死病灶3例;头颅MRA示大血管严重病变2例。结论血浆RPR阴性神经梅毒患者临床表现及影像学检查缺乏特异性,诊断依赖于血清学试验、临床及影像学表现的综合判断。  相似文献   

A man was kicked on the neck, 10 days after which he noted right-sided numbness. Clinically, he had diminished deep tendon reflexes over the left upper limb, absent left superficial abdominal reflexes, a left extensor plantar response, mild left hemiparesis, diminished pinprick, temperature and vibratory sensation up to the right T(4-5) dermatome and diminished proprioceptive sensation in the right upper and lower limbs. Cervicothoracic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a left C(6-7) posterolateral disc prolapse with indentation and oedema of the cord at the same level. He was given intravenous dexamethasone, with mild resolution of his motor but not his sensory symptoms. Transcranial magnetic stimulation and evoked potentials performed 3 days later were unremarkable. He was discharged soon after, preferring to seek traditional therapy in his country. We attempt to explain the anatomical basis for his clinical signs, review the literature for similar cases, and examine the usefulness of available treatment and investigations.  相似文献   

三例神经梅毒的临床特征与诊断   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的分析神经梅毒的临床特征及提供早期诊断依据。方法回顾性分析经临床和实验室检查确诊的3例神经梅毒患者的有关临床资料。结果神经梅毒的临床特征包括:(1)急性、亚急性起病多,少数慢性起病;(2)临床以间质型,尤其脑卒中最常见;(3)荧光螺旋体抗体吸收(FTA-ABS)试验及梅毒快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)阳性率极高;(4)脑脊液检查表现为蛋白含量增加、细胞数增多(以淋巴细胞为主);(5)头颅CT或MRI表现与高血压、糖尿病所致常见的脑梗死不同,病灶多发,可分布在脑的所有部位。结论神经梅毒误诊率高,临床表现、实验室及影像学检查是其诊断的重要依据。  相似文献   

In three women with multiple sclerosis, paroxysmal itching occurred. We were able to detect the spinal segment lesions corresponding to the dermatome of paroxysmal itching by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in them. Case 1. A 38-year-old woman was admitted with chief complaints of tingling sensation in the left side of the body, left hemiparesis and paroxysmal itching in the neck and left upper extremity. Examination on admission revealed left hemiparesis, mildly exaggerated deep tendon reflexes in the left upper and lower extremities, positive Lhermitte's sign. Superficial sensation was decreased and dysesthetic below the left C3 segment. Vibration and joint sense were moderately decreased in the left upper limb. Painful tonic seizure-like attack occurred in the neck bilaterally. Paroxysmal itching occurred in the neck and left upper extremity corresponding to the cervical spinal segments bilateral C3, left C4 to C6. MRI revealed multiple high signal intensities in the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, the medullo-cervical junction and the cervical segment C3 to C4 in T2-weighted spin-echo images. The C3 to C4 lesion was found in the left dorsal area of spinal cord in axial image. High signal areas of cervical cords on T2-weighted spin-echo images were reduced in response to adrenocorticosteroid therapy, and paroxysmal itching disappeared. Case 2. A 24-year-old woman complained chiefly of mild tetraparesis and left hand clumsiness. On admission, she had right central facial palsy, mild weakness of all limbs, painful tonic seizure of left upper limb, positive Lhermitte's sign and bilateral Babinski sign. Superficial sense was mildly decreased and dysesthetic in left upper extremity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

神经梅毒临床特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 分析神经梅毒的临床、神经影像学和实验室检查特征。方法回顾性分析符合神经梅毒诊断标准的3例患者的临床、神经影像和实验室资料。结果3例患者均为男性,梅毒性血管炎、麻痹性痴呆、梅毒性脑膜炎伴视神经炎各1例;血清和脑脊液快速血浆反应素(rapid pliasma reagin,PRP)试验及梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(treponema palliMum hemagglutination assay,TPHA)均阳性;MRI显示左延髓、左小脑半球、基底节多发长T1长T2斑点状异常信号。TCD、颈动脉超声和DSA提示多发血管炎。结论神经梅毒根据不同类型有不同发病形式,首诊易误诊,神经影像学可提示颅内多发血管病变,血清和脑脊液梅毒抗体阳性即可确诊,青霉素为首选药物。  相似文献   

The authors report a rare case of 49-years old woman with rapidly progressing anaplastic oligoastrocytoma primarily localized in the spinal cord. Increasing spastic paresis of the right lower limb was concomitant with decrease in superficial sensibility in this limb and the right side of the trunk below Th10 level, suggested a lesion within the spinal cord. However, it was the difficult confirming the diagnosis by spinal MR imaging, and the negative result of the first MR examination (performed 5 weeks after manifestation of first clinical symptoms of the disease) delayed surgical treatment. During the next 3 weeks the neurological syndrome increased to spastic paraparesis with sphincters dysfunction and decrease in superficial and vibratory sensibility within the lower limbs and the trunk below the Th10 level. The second MR examination of the spine revealed an intraspinal tumour at Th8-Th10 levels. Surgical (partial excision of the tumour) and radiation treatment was given. Histopathological examination of tumour tissue showed the presence of anaplastic oligoastrocytoma. During the follow-up of our patient we found cerebral foci, probably of metastatic origin ascending with cerebrospinal fluid. More than 5 months after the diagnosis was established the patient died of primary disease. The imaging parameters of both spinal MR examinations were similar, however, on second examination narrower field of vision was used. In both cases Magnevist was administered. Discussing factors which might be responsible for the false-negative result of spinal MR examination--the examination of choice for detection of proliferative transformation--the authors take artefacts connected with respiratory and circulatory function, peristaltic movements, and with field of vision into consideration.  相似文献   

A 34-year-old woman presented with numbness in both lower limbs and weakness of right lower limb twenty six days after a primary varicella infection (chickenpox) associated with fever and rash. Neurological examination revealed numbness of both lower limbs, more severe on the right side, mild paresis of the right lower limb, particularly in the tibialis anterior muscle, and absent ankle jerk on the right. After admission, hyperalgesia appeared at the thoracic 10-12 levels. The T2-weighted MRI of the spinal cord revealed a high signal intensity lesion at the Th 9 level and gadolinium enhancement was seen in that lesion as well as in the bilateral posterior radicles and the left anterior radix at the Th 9 level. On needle electromyography, fasciculation was found in the right tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscles. The temporal dispersion of F-wave was seen in the right peroneal nerve. We diagnosed the patient suffered from radiculomyelitis following the primary varicella infection. The secondary immunological mechanism rather than direct viral invasion is most likely in our patient, because (1) neither VZV DNA, nor anti-VZV antibody was positive in the CSF, and (2) the duration was relatively long between the development of skin rash and that of neurological symptoms.  相似文献   

Introduction: Muscle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an innovative tool for exploring focal neuropathies. However, its usefulness in mild, proximal, or chronic lesions, when electromyography (EMG), the current “gold standard” sensitivity is inadequate, has yet to be studied. Methods: Clinical, MRI, and EMG examinations were performed in 113 muscles of 17 consecutive patients with clinically diagnosed lower limb focal neuropathies. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI and EMG were evaluated in relation to disease duration, severity, and anatomical location. Results: Muscle MRI was highly sensitive for the detection of denervated muscle, and, unlike EMG, its sensitivity did not decrease regardless of the anatomical location, duration, or severity of the neuropathy. Five MRI false positives were noted, including three in the thigh muscles. Conclusions: Muscle MRI is an alternative tool to EMG in proximal, mild, or chronic clinical diagnoses of lower limb focal neuropathies. However, it also seems prone to false‐positive results, particularly in proximal muscles. Muscle Nerve, 2012  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: We report the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in a case of neurosyphilis revealed by the involvement of two cranial nerves. CASE REPORT: A 41-year-old man developed a right cochleovestibular and left trigeminal neuropathy, associated with high serum titers of VDRL and TPHA, high titers of TPHA in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and several CSF oligoclonal IgG bands. On MRI, hypertrophy and gadolinium contrast enhancement of these cranial nerves were associated with several supratentorial cortical nodules surrounded by marked cerebral edema, corresponding to syphilitic gummas. One of these cortical nodules was biopsied. Microscopic examination showed lesions of meningoencephalitis with necrosis and granulomatous vasculitis. After penicillin therapy, the serum VDRL titers and the MRI abnormalities disappeared, a partial clinical recovery was observed and a significant reduction of the serum TPHA titers was found. DISCUSSION: Such MRI abnormalities are not specific and can be observed in various tumoral, auto-immune and infectious diseases. They can also mimic neurofibromatosis type II. Cranial nerve involvements in neurosyphilis can result from nerve inflammation in basal meningitis, nerve ischemia in meningovasculitis or from compression by an adjacent gumma. In our case, the cranial neuropathy was related to a mixed meningovascular and parenchymatous form of neurosyphilis.  相似文献   

We herein report two patients with neurosarcoidosis presenting girdle sensation in the trunk and polyradiculoneuritis. The first patient, a 53-year-old woman, manifested subacute progressive paresthesia in all four limbs and below the Th 3 level with girdle sensation from the thorax to lower abdomen and mild weakness in the left upper limb and the bilateral lower limbs. The patient was diagnosed to have sarcoidosis based on a biopsy of the scalenus anticus lymph nodes. The second patient, a 63-year-old woman, showed an acute onset of weakness and paresthesia in all four limbs and girdle sensation from the Th 5 to Th 8 level. On examination, she demonstrated diminished tendon reflexes in all four limbs, mild to severe weakness in all four limbs, paresthesia in all four limbs and below the Th 5 level. Although Guillain-Barré syndrome was initially suspected in this patient, the presence of girdle sensation led us to examine the possibility of neurosarcoidosis. Her examination demonstrated an abnormal accumulation of gallium in the bilateral hilar lymph nodes and mediastinum on scintigraphy, an elevated CD 4/CD 8 ratio in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, a negative tuberculin reaction, and elevated serum lysozyme level. These findings thus fulfilled the clinical criteria for sarcoidosis. None of the two patients showed any abnormalities in the thoracic cord MRI. In the first patient F wave was not evoked in either upper or lower limbs, while in the second patient temporal dispersion on M wave was observed in the right median and both ulnar nerves. We therefore consider the girdle sensation to have not been caused by myelopathy but instead by polyradiculopathy. When sarcoid peripheral neuropathy masquerades as Guillain-Barré syndrome, then the presence of girdle sensation may help diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis.  相似文献   

We report a non-compromised patient with acute sensory neuropathy (ASN) developed following cytomegalovirus (CMV) hepatitis. A 67-year-old man admitted to a hospital because of acute hepatic dysfunction accompanying fever and skin eruption. One month later, when hepatic function normalized, numbness and clumsiness started acutely first in the right upper limb next to all the extremities. He found difficulty in walking in a couple of weeks. One month after the commencement of neurological illness, he was referred to us. On examination, he had sensory limb ataxia. His gait was wide-based, and Romberg sign was positive. Position sense was severely diminished in the extremities. Skin sensation was also attenuated distally, while no motor weakness was noted. Tendon reflexes were almost absent. Nerve conduction studies revealed absent sensory potentials in all but the left median nerve, in which amplitude was 5.5 microV with sensory conduction velocity of 40.7 m/s. Motor conduction studies, on the other hand, appeared normal except for a slight focal delay in the right ulnar nerve across the elbow. Mild increase in F-wave latencies was noted. A sural nerve specimen taken two months after the neurological onset showed a marked decrease in myelinated fiber density and active fiber degenerations accompanying axonal sproutings. Sj?gren syndrome and paraneoplastic neuropathy were excluded serologically and by comprehensive imaging techniques. Although IgM anti-CMV antibody was not detected, serum IgG anti-CMV antibody was positive and significantly increased during the neurological illness. The intrathecal antibody synthesis of IgG anti-CMV antibody was suggested by a low serum/cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) antibody ratio and a high CSF IgG index. From these observations, it was strongly suggested that acute hepatitis and subsequent ASN were associated with CMV infection in this patient. Although some cases with post-infectious ASN have been previously reported, this is the first report of ASN preceded by CMV infection.  相似文献   

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