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??Galli gigerii endothelium corneum is collected from the dried inner wall of the stomach of Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson and it is used for a long history as an edible traditional Chinese medicine. Galli gigerii endothelium corneum contains rich nutrient components such as proteins, polysaccharides, animo acids, and trace elements, and displayed various bioactivities including anti-oxidative effect, improving the level of blood glucose and lipid, as well as hemorheological parameters and gastrointestinal function. Based on the published literatures in the recent years, the advance in the research on the traditional use, chemical constituents, pharmacological activities of Galli gigerii endothelium corneum was summarized, which can provide the scientific basis for the further research and development of Galli gigerii endothelium corneum.  相似文献   

??Quinazoline ring, as a key skeleton structure, can produce a variety of biological activities after combining with multi-kinds of biological macromolecules. Quinazoline compounds have played particularly important roles in the discovery of anticancer drugs. The progress in quinazoline derivatives with anticancer activity was reviewed in this paper. Quinazoline compounds were classified into five types according to different substituent groups. The bioactivities of substituent groups containing quinazoline ring were discussed. And the development trend as well as the prospect of quinazoline derivatives with anticancer activity is summarized.  相似文献   

??OBJECTIVE To prepare sulfadiazine solid dispersion, determine its solubility and dissolution in vitro, and investigate its physical properties. METHODS Using in vitro dissolution as an index, single factor test and orthogonal design were used to optimize the preparation process of sulfadiazine solid dispersion. The existing state of sulfadiazine was identified by DSC, IR spectroscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction. RESULTS The solubility and dissolution rate of sulfadiazine solid dispersion prepared by the optimized preparing process were increased by 17 times and 3 times respectively than crude sulfadiazine. Sulfadiazine existed in an amorphous state as shown by phase identification. CONCLUSION The solid dispersion prepared by the solvent-molten method with PEG4000 as the carrier can significantly improve the solubility and the dissolution rate of sulfadiazine.  相似文献   

??OBJECTIVE To establish the HPLC fingerprint of Rhodiola crenulata herbs from Sichuan plateau, and compare them with commercially available samples. METHODS RP-HPLC analysis was applied using Agilent Zorbax C18 chromatographic column (4.6 mm??250 mm,5 ??m). The mobile phase A was 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution and mobile phase B was 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile. The flow rate was 1 mL??min-1 and the column temperature was maintained at 35 ??. The detection wavelength was set at 245 nm and injection of sample was 20 ??L. The traditional Chinese medicine fingerprint chromatogram similarity evaluation system (Version 2004A), principal component analysis, and cluster analysis were used to compare 30 Rhodiola crenulata samples from various locations based on their HPLC chromatograms. RESULTS The established HPLC fingerprint of Rhodiola crenulata was able to analyze Rhodiola crenulata from different sources. CONCLUSION The method has good repeatability and stability, and can be used for the quality management standard of Rhodiola crenulata.  相似文献   

??OBJECTIVE To investigate the stability of etanercept in vacuum and water to lay foundation for study on its bioactiveprotection. METHODS Umbrella sampling and steered molecular dynamics simulation aqueous solution adopted to study the dissociation process of dimer etanercept with Gromacs software and amber99sb-ildn force field. RESULTS Potential of mean forcel(PMF) free energy of etanercept dissociation in vacuum was approximately three times of that in aqueous solution. And the maximum barrier force of etanercept dissociation in vacuum was approximately ten times of that in aqueous solution. The solvation environment had effect on the stability of antibody protein. Freeze-drying in vacuum could improve the stability of antibody protein. CONCLUSION In the process of steered molecular dynamics simulation, the pulling force can be got easily and is less affected by other factors, which can be used to characterize the stability of active structure of antibody protein dimer.  相似文献   

??OBJECTIVE To optimize the formula of celecoxib gel by studying the effects of different doses of penetration enhancers on the penetration of celecoxib through skin in vitro. METHODS With sodium alginate as the gel base, factorial design method was used to choose the optimal formula of penetration enhancers among four different formulas to prepare celecoxib gels. The release rate of celecoxib in the release media was detected by modified Franz diffusion cells method, and the steady percutaneous speed (J), permeability coefficient (Kp) and the accumulative permeation quantity (Q) in 12 h were calculated. RESULTS The accumulative permeation quantity (Q) in 12 h of celecoxib from the gels made with the four different formulas were 27.93,25.12,18.79 and 19.35 ??g??cm-2, respectively. The gel with 1% azone and 1% menthol as penetration enhancers had the maximum Q value, 27.93 ??g??cm-2, its penetration process conformed to Higuchi equation, and the steady percutaneous speed (J) and permeability coefficient(Kp)were also higher than the other three experimental groups. CONCLUSION With sodium alginate as the gel base, azone and menthol have a synergistic effect on the percutaneous penetration of celecoxib gels, and the best formula is 1% azone and 1% menthol.  相似文献   

??OBJECTIVE To explore the statistical METHODS for proficiency testing in the drug control field. METHODS The statistical METHODS were sorted out with data processing used in inter-laboratory and proficiency testing by various industries both at home and abroad.The Grubbs test and Dixon test in classical statistical method were focused on as well as quartile method and iterative method in the robust statistical method, and the characteristics of the different statistic METHODS was summarized respectively.RESULTS Every method has its advantages and application conditions.CONCLUSION It is suggested that proper statistical method be chosen according to the data characteristics of the test RESULTS.  相似文献   

??OBJECTIVE To evaluate retrospectively the clinical application of apatinib in a hospital. METHODS The medical records including apatinib were collected during April 2015 to March 2016. Then, the rationality and safety of drug use were evaluated. RESULTS The 84 patients used apatinib during this time, while 15.48% (15 patients) conformed to the approved indications. The major adverse reactions were gastrointestinal disorders, hypertension, skin disorders and myelosuppression. CONCLUSION Irrational use of apatinib such as off-label use, inadequate usage and dosage exists in clinic. Clinicians should pay close attention to the rationality of apatinib, and clinical pharmacists can improve the safety and effectiveness of therapeutic drugs by taking this as the breakthrough point.  相似文献   

??OBJECTIVE To analyze the connotation and composition of the clinical value of drugs, and to build the index system for the evaluation of drug's clinical value, hence to provide references for its scientific evaluation. METHODS We designed the preliminary constructs index system referencingmedicine clinical evaluation indicatorsof German and French firstly. And then the expert interview and Delphi survey were used to analysis to determine the index system and index weight of medicine clinical evaluation. RESULTS The classified index system of the clinical value was established, which was composed of 2 first-grade indexes including clinical value and innovation value and 15 grade two indexes. Experts were invited to assess the value ranking according to the background information of rosuvastatin, atorvastatin and simvastatin statin drugs by their generic names. The expert's scoring results were summarized to determine the sequence. And it were compared with the average market prices in Germany, France, Britain, the United States, South Korea, Japan and analyzed. CONCLUSION The clinical value of drugs is an international standard for determining the reasonable price of drugs. This research method is feasible to determine the drug prices sequencing by the classified clinical value of drugs in the same kind of product. The price sequencing of some generic names of statin drugs did not correspond with its clinical value sequence, and the price can not reflect its value. The integrity and authenticity of the background data directly determine the classification of the clinical value. Various parties are needed to participate in providing detailed data and information.  相似文献   

??OBJECTIVE To prepare the total alkaloids of Strychni Semen(TASS)-total glucosides of Paeony(TGP) gel and study its in vitro transdermal absorption of two alkaloids(strychnine and brucine) after the combination of TASS and TGP. METHODS The excised abdominal skin of mice was used as the permeation model. Utilizing the modified Franz diffusion cell, the suitable receiving solution was elected to test the content of two alkaloids by HPLC, and thus the percutaneous rates and permeability coefficients were obtained. RESULTS 20% Ethanol-normal saline was taken as receiving solution. With combination use of TASS and TGP, the penetration quantities of strychnine and brucine in different (1:1,1:3,1:6) gels were felled by 22.7%,48.4%,69.1% and 5.93%,23.8%,80.7% after 24 h. And with the increase of compatibility proportion, infiltration rate and skin retention rate also gradually reduced. CONCLUSION The compatibility of TASS and TGP drug delivery can reduce the toxic ingredients through capacity, there is a “attenuated” effect, the best ratio is 1:6.  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗风湿病研究中几个被忽略的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂胜豪  胡永红 《中医杂志》2001,42(10):627-628
尽管近10年来在中西医结合治疗风湿病临床和基础研究方面取得了令人嘱目的成绩,但在某些领域还存在不足之处。从以下3方面提出了看法:一是注重中药对全身受损器官的治疗作用。许多常见风湿病属于弥漫性结缔组织病,每种疾病,除了特有的靶器官受损外,全身其他组织脏器也有不同程度的破坏,从某种意义上讲,对非特异性靶器官组织的治疗的重要性不亚于特异性靶器官,由于受累器官广泛,高发,重要,因此应加强中医中药对众多受损的非特异性靶器官的治疗研究。二是加强对中药治疗后疾病预后结局总体评估的研究,评价治疗方式的有效性应以患者预后为终点指标,而非注重生理指标的变化,因为短期效果良好并不表示能改善长期预后,有效的证据并不等同于有益的证据,因此要大大加强对难治性风湿病的远期预后指标的评估,这是中医中药走向世界的重要途径。三是加强对有效药物的毒副作用的“解毒”研究,治疗风湿病的中西药中,有很多有效的药物因存在毒副作用而限制了其广泛运用,若能以中医理论为指导,从中药里探索出拮抗这些毒副作用的方法,将极大地丰富中西医结合治疗风湿病的研究领域,具有很高的理论和实用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨中药临床药学的开展及中药临床药师的培养模式。方法通过分析医院中药临床药学的开展情况,阐述开展中药临床药学的重要性和必要性。包括临床药师的选拔、培养、工作内容及工作中遇到的困难等,提出解决方法。结果目前开展中药临床药学工作没有现成的模式可以参考和借鉴,我院药师在实践中开展中药临床药学工作,取得一定成效。结论作为中药临床药师,工作实践中需要不断学习提高。  相似文献   

泛论湖北中医学院标本中心现状与今后发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中药标本中心的任务是为中药专业教学服务,应办成具有科学普及性的中药博物馆。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人类回归大自然热的出现,中药的资源优势、疗效优势和预防保健优势越来越受到国际上认可。但因为我国中药在整体水平上的发展相对滞后,影响了中药的标准化、现代化和国际化进程,同时也阻碍了中医药事业的快速发展,本文试分析中草药的现状并几点改进措施。  相似文献   

哈医药的现状与发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈萨克族是我国56个民族中的一员,现有人口九十多万,伊犁州就是以哈萨克族为主体民族的民族自治州.哈萨克族同其他少数民族一样,在与其他各民族间的文化交流中,互相影响、互相交融,但又保持了其鲜明浓郁、独具风格的民族特色.哈医药是哈萨克族民族医药,有着十分悠久的历史,有其自己的医疗特色,是祖国传统医药学中的一个重要组成部分.哈萨克族长期以游牧生活为主,在同疾病作斗争的长期实践中,创造了独特的医疗方法和用药特点,这就形成了哈医药.在哈萨克民族的生存发展中,哈医药在防病治病中发挥了相当重要的作用,为哈萨克族人民群众的身体健康和繁衍昌盛做出了贡献.  相似文献   

我国中医内科临床研究历史悠久,在后来的发展过程中逐渐形成了完整的医学体系。现代医学的发展对传统中医内科临床研究提出了挑战。通过对中医内科临床研究的现状进行分析,从而提出解决的思路与方法,这对我国中医内科研究工作具有重大意义。  相似文献   

新世纪的发展需要高素质的人才,本文从注重思想道德教育,加强创新教育的培养,深化教学改革及培养鲜明健康的个性等几个方面,提出高素质中医药人才培养的基本途径。  相似文献   

浅谈中医临床思维培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中医院校的临床基本技能,尤其是临床思维能力培养一直是中医学教育的薄弱环节。随着医疗体制的改革,医学教育模式的转变以及医学院校的招生规模的不断扩大,学生实践机会大大减少,已成为当前中医教育界面临的一个严峻而亟待解决的突出问题。而如何培养及提升学生们的中医临床思维是老师在课堂和临床带教时最关注和关心的问题之一。  相似文献   

对中医药学发展过去,现状与未来的一些思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文对中医药学发展的过去,现状与未来进行了分析和讨论。认为当前在中医教学,临床工作中存在较为严重的理论与实践脱节,中医学术“西化”、“淡化”等现象;研究工作中存在“证”的动物模型未能解决,中医基本理论的产质未能阐明, 研究大体上沿袭西药开发思等问题。  相似文献   

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