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1本病例心电图特点入院时心电图有典型SⅠ、SaVL加深>1.5mm,Ⅲ异常Q波,即SⅠQⅢ图型。入院后2周的心电图表现逐渐出现TⅢ倒置,即TⅢ图型,胸前导联V1~4,R增高、ST段下移和T波深倒置,SⅠ、SaVL变浅,QⅢ消失并且出现小r。2应考虑的疾病急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死:本例心电图Ⅲ异常Q波应与急性下壁心肌梗死鉴别,但该患者吸气后Ⅲ异常Q波变小、aVF异常Q波消失,Ⅱ无Q波;同时本例心电图V1~V3R波增高和T波倒置需与正后壁心肌梗死鉴别,后者V7~V9Q波大于R波的1/2,并且心肌肌钙蛋白和肌酸激酶同工酶应明显增高,超声心动图显示局部室壁运动障…  相似文献   

目的:探讨心电图对肺栓塞(PE)的诊断价值.方法:分析2001年9月~2006年12月我院确诊的94例PE心电图的变化特征.结果:心电图提示窦性心动过速53例(56.4%),SⅠQⅢTⅢ征24例(25.5%),单纯SⅠ40例(42.6%),QⅢ49例(52.1%),TⅢ46例(48.9%),aVR主波向上13例(13.8%).Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF及胸前导联T渡变化及ST-T异常在PE中也较常见,共60例(63.8%);完全性或不完全性右束支传导阻滞7例(7.4%),右心室肥大37例(39.4%).10例溶栓治疗成功后心电图即刻恢复正常.结论:PE心电图变化具有一过性、多变性的特点,并随病程发展而呈动态变化,对诊断PE有重要价值.  相似文献   

舒燕  唐英蓉  姜荣建  程标  孔洪 《华西医学》2005,20(4):648-649
目的:探讨肺栓塞部位及溶栓治疗前后与心电图改变的关系.方法:回顾性分析60例确诊肺栓塞患者不同梗塞部位、溶栓治疗前后及出院前心电图变化.结果:1.不同肺栓塞部位心电图改变:右肺栓塞心电图表现,主要为SⅠ,SⅠQⅢTⅢ,QⅢTⅢ,TⅢ倒置,TV1-V2倒置,SV1-V5R挫折,粗顿,ICRBBB或CRBBB.而左肺栓塞心电图主要表现在SⅠ,TⅢ倒置,TV1-V2倒置及TV1-V5倒置,上肺叶栓塞的ECG改变<下肺叶,单节段损害ECG改变<多节段损害;2(1)入院时,SⅠ>0.1mv,51例次(85%)SⅠ>QⅢTⅢ37例次(61.67%),QⅢTⅢ37例次(61.67%),TⅢ倒置50例次(83.3%),TV1-V2倒置40例次(66.67%),TV1-V3倒置32例次(53.33%),Tv1-v4倒置27例次(45%),TV1-V5倒置7例次(11.67%),SV1-V5R挫折、粗钝31例次(51.67%),ICRBBB或CRBBB 8例次(13.33%).(2)溶栓后ECG变化,SⅠ变浅,QⅢ波减小或消失,TⅢ倒置变浅,TV1-V2倒置加深,ICRBBB、CRBBB减轻或消失,RavR可迅速下降至正常.(3)出院前变化,RⅡ增加,QⅢ减小,TⅢ变直立,Tv2直立.结论:肺栓塞部位与心电图改变亦密切相关.因此,可根据心电图的变化来评估肺栓塞的部位及面积.早期积极溶栓治疗能显著改善病人预后,动态观察溶栓前后典型或不典型心电图的变化有助于病情评估.  相似文献   

高血压特发性肥厚性主动脉下狭窄18例心电图分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨高血压特发性肥厚性主动脉下狭窄 (IHSS)心电图特征。方法 :回顾性分析 1986~ 2 0 0 0年收治的 18例高血压IHSS患者的资料。结果 :心电图显示V1,aVR导联T波直立 ;Ⅰ ,Ⅱ ,Ⅲ ,aVL ,aVF ,V3 ~V6导联T波倒置 0 4~ 1 0mV。 8例ST段呈凸面下移 0 0 5~ 0 2mV。 14例胸导联V3 ~V6R波之和 >6 5mV ,8例有Q波 (多见Ⅱ ,Ⅲ ,aVF ,aVL导联 ) ,仅 3例有室性早搏。结论 :V1,aVRT波直立 ,V3 ~V6T波深倒置及R波之和 >6 5mV ,对高血压IHSS临床初诊及筛选具有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

1病历摘要例1:女,48岁。因“腰椎间盘突出症“行牵引术7天,患者于解小便后突然出现高度呼吸困难,呼吸急促;心电图示窦性心律,完全性右束支传导阻滞,Ⅰ导联S波倒置,Ⅲ导联出现Q波,且T波倒置)。经抢救无效,约半小时后死亡。死后尸检证实患者死亡原因为大面积肺栓塞。例2:女,68岁。肺癌术后8天,在下床活动后突然感胸闷、憋气,呼吸急促,血氧饱和度约60%,血压进行性下降;心电图由入院时的正常演变为完全性右束支传导阻滞。考虑肺栓塞,给予溶栓治疗,在行静脉切开输液时,发现大隐静脉有血栓形成,经抢救无效,约2小时后死亡。  相似文献   

心电图对诊断肺栓塞的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈长生 《临床医学》2009,29(11):80-81
目的分析心电图改变在肺栓塞中的诊断作用:方法对45例肺栓塞患者的心电图进行分析。结果窦性心动过速21例(46.7%),胸前导联T波改变16例(35.6%),SⅠQⅢTⅢ征11例(24.4%),顺钟向转位10例(22.2%),aVR导联出现终末R波8例(17.8%),正常心电图5例(占11.1%),房性心律失常5例(11.1%),右束支传导阻滞4例(8.9%),左胸导联ST段下降2例(4.4%),室性期前收缩2例(4.4%),肺性P波1例(2.2%)。结论肺栓塞与心电图异常改变具有一定的相关性,对临床诊断治疗肺栓塞具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的 观察急性肺动脉栓塞患者心电图的表现和特征,为临床诊断提供依据.方法 回顾性分析确诊为急性肺栓塞的30例患者心电图改变.结果 异常心电图28例(93.33%),其中T波倒置17例(56.67%),S I Q Ⅲ T Ⅲ 10例(33.33%),S I TⅢ(S Ⅰ 或QⅢ)7例(23.33%),窦性心动过速9例(30.00%),心房颤动1例(3.33%),ST段改变7例(23.33%),完全性右束支阻滞5例(16.67%),aVR导联R波增高3例(10.00%),肺型P波1例(3.33%),电轴右偏2例(6.67%),顺钟向转位1例(3.33%).结论 急性肺栓塞的心电图改变无特异性,呈一过性及多变性,如能紧密结合临床及动态观察心电图的演变,则有助于急性肺栓塞的早期诊断.  相似文献   

1 病例报告 患者,男,54岁,因胸骨后疼痛2小时伴气急、出汗来院就诊,BP 135/90mmHg,心率86次/分,心电图见频发室性早搏二联律,V1导联室性早搏呈QR型,V2、V3、Ⅱ导联呈QS型,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF、V1~5ST段导联抬高0.1~0.5mV,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联ST段弓背向上,胸导联T波异常高耸,V3达2.2mV,肢体导联QRS电压低下.室性早搏波形显现急性下壁、前壁心肌梗死图形(见图1).收住院后查心电图见Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF、V1~5导联异常Q波和QS型,V1导联呈qR型,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、aVR、aVL、V5、V6导联QRS终末波粗钝,其中Ⅱ、V1~3导联图形与图1室性早搏图形相似(见图2).血心肌酶谱升高,诊断为急性下壁、前壁心肌梗死,完全性右束支传导阻滞.经过治疗,患者病情好转.查心电图见完全性右束支传导阻滞消失,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF、V1~4导联呈QS型.T波振幅下降,ST段尚未明显回降(见图3),数周后患者自感良好,要求出院,继续门诊随访.  相似文献   

心电图在肺栓塞诊断中的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过对肺栓塞及有相似临床表现的几组疾病心电图的对比,试图了解肺栓塞心电图的特点和心电图在肺栓塞诊断及鉴别诊断中的应用及意义.方法 共入选364例肺栓塞病例.其中肺栓塞组197例,对照组共167例.对照组分为:1组冠心病心力衰竭组70例,2组原发性高血压心力衰竭组47例,3组急性肺损伤/急性呼吸窘迫综合征组50例.对364例患者的心电图等临床资料进行分析.结果 肺栓塞组心电图出现电轴右偏、顺钟向转位、右束支传导阻滞、肺型P波、V1导联S波粗顿或挫折等与对照组相比明显增加,差异有统计学意义;S1Q3T3、胸前导联T波倒置出现的比率也是肺栓塞组最高,差异有统计学意义.结论 肺栓塞患者心电图的表现以右心负荷增加和反射性的冠状动脉缺血为主要表现;S1Q3T3可能是电轴右偏的表现;每一个指标的敏感性和特异性都难以承担诊断和鉴别诊断的重任;动态观察心电图对肺栓塞的诊断意义重大.  相似文献   

目的:探讨致心律失常性右室心肌病(ARVC)的临床和心电图特点。方法:收集、查阅2002-2005年20例诊断为ARVC患者入院病例资料,常规行临床资料、心电图、超声心动图、X线胸片、24h动态心电图及心内电生理检查的资料分析。结果:20例ARVC患者中有晕厥发作(65%)、心悸(100%)、频发室性早搏(100%)、右心室源性短阵室速(85%)。20例患者常规心电图检查中15例(75%)有右束支传导阻滞(RBBB),12例(60%)电轴右偏,7例(35%)出现Epsilon波,17例(85%)胸前导联V1~V3T波倒置,13例(65%)V1导联QRS波时限≥110ms,12例(60%)(V1+V2+V3导联QRS波时限之和)/(V4+V5+V6导联QRS波时限之和)比值>1.2。在无RBBB时,18例(90%)胸前导联V1~V3均可见延长的S波升支≥55ms。超声心动图示右心房内径为(48.00±8.81)mm,右心室内径为(50.90±10.30)mm,右心功能减退,射血分数为0.301±0.090。结论:ARVC多有发作性晕厥,心电图上可出现频发室早及呈左束支传导阻滞型室速,窦性心律时伴RBBB型或电轴...  相似文献   

The precordial electrocardiogram (ECG) leads V1 and V2 are often misplaced. Such misplacement usually involves placing these leads too high on the chest. The resulting ECG may generate erroneous ECG patterns: e.g. incomplete right bundle branch block, anterior T wave inversion, septal Q waves, ST-segment elevation. These features may falsely suggest acute or old cardiac ischemia, pulmonary embolism, or a type-2 Brugada pattern. On rare occasion, conversely, high placement of V1 and V2 may reveal a true type-1 Brugada pattern. The emergency clinician needs to be aware of the possibility of lead misplacement, and should know how to suspect it based on unusual P wave morphology in V1 and V2.  相似文献   

Electrocardiographic manifestations of pulmonary embolism   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The electrocardiogram (ECG) may be entirely normal in the patient with pulmonary embolism (P/E); alternatively, any number of rhythm and/or morphologic abnormalities may be observed in such a patient. The abnormal ECG may deviate from the norm with alterations in rhythm, in conduction, in axis of the QRS complex, and in the morphology of the P wave, QRS complex, and ST segment/T wave. The electrocardiographic findings associated with PE are numerous, including arrhythmias (sinus tachycardia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, atrial tachycardia, and atrial premature contractions), nonspecific ST segment/T wave changes, T wave inversions in the right precordial leads, rightward QRS complex axis shift and other axis changes, S1Q3 or S1Q3T3 pattern, right bundle branch block, and acute cor pulomnale. This review focuses on the ECG and the various abnormalities seen in the patient with PE.  相似文献   

Delayed-contrast-enhancement (DCE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can identify areas of myocardial damage in patients with acute myocarditis (AM). The aim of this study was to assess the electrocardiographic findings in AM diagnosed by DCE-MRI. Eighty-one patients (72 men, 35 ± 13 years) with AM were prospectively enrolled. All of them underwent MRI and 12-lead-ECG recordings. In the admission electrocardiogram (ECG 1), as well as in that obtained 48 h later (ECG 2), the following parameters were analyzed: rhythm, PR, QRS, and QTc-intervals, intraventricular conduction, abnormal Q waves, ST segment elevation, and T wave inversion. On admission, 77 patients (95%) were in sinus rhythm, while four patients (6%) manifested severe arrhythmias. No difference between ECG 1 and ECG 2 was observed regarding abnormal Q waves, PR, QRS, and QTc-intervals. Electrocardiogram 1 was normal in 26 patients (32%, normal ECG group), and abnormal in 55 patients (68%, abnormal ECG group). ST elevation was found in 46 patients (57%), inverted T wave in seven patients (9%) and left bundle branch block (LBBB) in two patients (3%). Areas of DCE suggesting AM were found in each patient. No relationship concerning the location of the involved region (s) was found between ECG (leads with ST/T abnormalities) and MRI (areas showing DCE). The ECG in AM can either be normal or reflect abnormalities including arrhythmias, LBBB, ST segment elevation, and T wave inversion. The location of myocardial involvement deduced on the basis of ECG leads showing ST/T changes is not in close relationship with the areas of ventricular damage detected by MRI.  相似文献   

Although acute pulmonary embolism (PE) may give rise to certain electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, most of these changes have low sensitivity and specificity and are of limited value alone in the diagnosis. Possible ECG changes with acute PE include S(1)Q(3)T(3) pattern, atrial tachyarrhythmias, incomplete right bundle-branch block, or negative T wave over right and midprecordial leads. Elevation of ST segment is a rare ECG manifestation with PE. We present a case of PE that went unrecognized in the emergency department (ED). The patient presented with anterior chest pain and dyspnea, and ECG showed ST elevation in V3 through V6. The differential diagnosis included acute coronary syndrome and acute pericarditis. Echocardiography revealed dilatation and dysfunction of right ventricle. Emergent computed tomographic pulmonary angiography showed bilateral pulmonary artery thrombosis and confirmed the diagnosis. Thrombolytic therapy with tissue plasminogen activator was initiated, and symptoms subsided dramatically. We proposed that the ST elevation in anterolateral leads might be the reciprocal changes of myocardial strain in the interventricular septum or right ventricle lateral wall. In a patient with such a critical condition and a confusing ECG, echocardiography played an important role in the diagnostic procedure, enabling prompt therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

目的 研究特勃人员T波改变特点及鉴别步骤,为其健康鏊定提供依据.方法 检查8 248例常规心电图,对523例T波改变进行研究.结果 ①T波改变阳性率为6.34%(523/8 248),50岁以下占95.60%(500/523).②T波改变出现在Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联占43.02%(225/523),Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF及V4~V6导联占53.35%(279/523),其他导联占3.63%(19/523).单项T波改变占72.85%(381/523),伴ST段轻度下移占27.15%(142/523).③T波低平占89.87%(470/523),双峰或倒置占10.13%(53/523).④T波改变判为功能性占99.24%(519/523),其中去除生理诱因T波自行恢复144例,T波正常变异14例,平板运动试验阴性195例,普萘洛尔试验阳性166例.病理性T波改变占0.76%(4/523),为运动试验阳性者.结论 特勤人员T波改变常见,多见于50岁以下者,大多数为功能性.采用"四步鉴别法"即"寻找生理诱因、识别正常变异、做好鉴别试验、综合资料定性"能较准确鉴别,可作为健康鉴定一项参考指标.  相似文献   

正常人右胸头胸导联心电图特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评价一种新的右胸导联心电图:头胸(HC)导联心电图的应用价值。方法对64例正常人描记同时间、同部位的Wilson导联(V3R~V7R)和HC导联(Hv3R~Hv7R)图形。结果两种导联方法心电图均无ST段抬高;HV5R~HV7R直立P波多于V5R~v7R(P均(0.05);病理Q波(Q≥1/4R,t>0.04秒)或Qr型波在V4R为6%,V5R为56%,V6R为62%,V7R为65%,T波直立者仅12%,然而HC导联均为R型或石型,T波直立者达88%。Q波出现率在V5R和HV5R、V6R和HV6R、V7R和HV7R间呈显著差异(P均<0.001),直立T波出现率在V3R~V7R和HV3R~HV7R间亦有明显差异(P波<0.01)。根据图形特征,HC导联右胸图形可分为3型:(1)HV3R~HV7R呈R型伴T波直立者占55%;(2)HV3R~HV5R为rS型,HV6R和HV7RR型伴T彼直立者占33%;(3)HV3R~HV7R均呈rS型伴T波平坦者占12%。结论由于HC导联右胸心电图在健康人群中表现为正常的P-QRS-T波群,故有益于右室疾病的诊断。  相似文献   

To assess the pre-study, null hypothesis that there is no difference in the electrocardiogram (EKG) findings for Emergency Department (ED) patients who rule in vs. rule out for suspected pulmonary embolism, a retrospective review of a cohort of patients with pulmonary embolism and their controls was conducted in an academic, suburban ED. Patients who were evaluated in the ED during a one-year study period for symptoms suggestive of pulmonary embolism were eligible for inclusion. All patients with pulmonary embolism and sex- and age-matched controls comprised the final study groups. Two board-certified cardiologists reviewed each patient's EKG. There were 350 eligible patients identified; 49 patients with pulmonary embolism and 49 controls were entered into the study. The most common rhythm observed in both groups was normal sinus rhythm (67.3% cases vs. 68.6 % controls; p = 1.0). Abnormalities believed to be associated with pulmonary embolism occurred with similar frequency in both case and control groups (sinus tachycardia [18.8 % vs. 11.8%, respectively; p = 0.40]), incomplete right bundle branch block (4.2% vs. 0.0%, respectively; p = 0.24), complete right bundle branch block (4.2% vs. 6.0, respectively; p = 1.0), S1Q3T3 pattern (2.1 vs. 0.0, respectively; p = 0.49), S1Q3 pattern (0.0 vs. 0.0), and extreme right axis (0.0 vs. 0.0). New EKG changes were identified more frequently for patients with pulmonary embolism (33.3% vs. 12.5% controls; p = 0.03), but specific findings were rarely different between cases and controls. In our cohort of ED patients, we did not identify EKG features that are likely to help distinguish patients with pulmonary embolism from those who rule out for the disease.  相似文献   

目的了解我国女性心尖球囊综合征(ABS)患者的心电图特点。方法对国内医学期刊报道的50 例女性ABS患者心电图资料进行分析。结果50 例患者均为窦性心律,98%的患者出现心电图异常改变,其中85.7%呈ST段抬高,抬高幅度0.1~0.8mV,抬高的ST 段在30 min~2 周回落;42%出现T 波倒置,24%出现病理性Q波,病理性Q波在6 h~1 个月消失;28%QT间期延长,38%并发心律失常。结论女性ABS患者的心电图异常改变发生率高,其改变具有短暂性和可逆性的特点。  相似文献   

目的 归纳总结D-二聚体阴性(D-二聚体<0.5μg/mL)的肺栓塞患者的临床特点,从而提高肺栓塞诊断准确率、降低肺栓塞的病死率。方法 对南京医科大学第一附属医院2006年1月至2009年12月收治的D-二聚体阴性的疑似肺栓塞患者的危险因素、临床特征及辅助检查进行回顾分析,将16例最终确诊肺血栓栓塞症患者与同期排除肺栓塞的41例疑似患者的临床特点进行比较,采用t检验及四格表Fisher确切概率法比较各组间临床表现、生命体征及辅助检查结果的差异。结果 D-二聚体阴性的肺栓组与非病例组相比,既往有VTE病史、有近期手术史者更易于发病,胸闷、呼吸困难常见,病例组呼吸频率高于对照组,病例组下肢水肿较对照组多见,心电图典型ECG SI QⅢTⅢ改变多见。结论D-二聚体作为急性肺栓塞筛选检查,其阴性预测值较高,但当患者出现进行性呼吸困难、下肢水肿、既往有VTE病史、有近期手术史、心电图出现SIQⅢTⅢ改变时,即使D-二聚体阴性,临床工作者也需引起重视,必要时可考虑进一步检查以排查有无肺栓塞。  相似文献   

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