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It is demonstrated that not all voltage-gated calcium channel types expressed in neostriatal projection neurons (L, N, P, Q and R) contribute equally to the activation of calcium-dependent potassium currents. Previous work made clear that different calcium channel types contribute with a similar amount of current to whole-cell calcium current in neostriatal neurons. It has also been shown that spiny neurons possess both "big" and "small" types of calcium-dependent potassium currents and that activation of such currents relies on calcium entry through voltage-gated calcium channels. In the present work it was investigated whether all calcium channel types equally activate calcium-dependent potassium currents. Thus, the action of organic calcium channel antagonists was investigated on the calcium-activated outward current. Transient potassium currents were reduced by 4-aminopyridine and sodium currents were blocked by tetrodotoxin. It was found that neither 30 nM omega-Agatoxin-TK, a blocker of P-type channels, nor 200 nM calciseptine or 5 microM nitrendipine, blockers of L-type channels, were able to significantly reduce the outward current. In contrast, 400 nM omega-Agatoxin-TK, which at this concentration is able to block Q-type channels, and 1 microM omega-Conotoxin GVIA, a blocker of N-type channels, both reduced outward current by about 50%. These antagonists given together, or 500 nM omega-Conotoxin MVIIC, a blocker of N- and P/Q-type channels, reduced outward current by 70%. In addition, the N- and P/Q-type channel blockers preferentially reduce the afterhyperpolarization recorded intracellularly. The results show that calcium-dependent potassium channels in neostriatal neurons are preferentially activated by calcium entry through N- and Q-type channels in these conditions.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that not all voltage-gated calcium channel types expressed in neostriatal projection neurons (L, N, P, Q and R) contribute equally to the activation of calcium-dependent potassium currents. Previous work made clear that different calcium channel types contribute with a similar amount of current to whole-cell calcium current in neostriatal neurons. It has also been shown that spiny neurons posses both “big” and “small” types of calcium-dependent potassium currents and that activation of such currents relies on calcium entry through voltage-gated calcium channels. In the present work it was investigated whether all calcium channel types equally activate calcium-dependent potassium currents. Thus, the action of organic calcium channel antagonists was investigated on the calcium-activated outward current. Transient potassium currents were reduced by 4-aminopyridine and sodium currents were blocked by tetrodotoxin. It was found that neither 30 nM ω-Agatoxin-TK, a blocker of P-type channels, nor 200 nM calciseptine or 5 μM nitrendipine, blockers of L-type channels, were able to significantly reduce the outward current. In contrast, 400 nM ω-Agatoxin-TK, which at this concentration is able to block Q-type channels, and 1 μM ω-Conotoxin GVIA, a blocker of N-type channels, both reduced outward current by about 50%. These antagonists given together, or 500 nM ω-Conotoxin MVIIC, a blocker of N- and P/Q-type channels, reduced outward current by 70%. In addition, the N- and P/Q-type channel blockers preferentially reduce the afterhyperpolarization recorded intracellularly.The results show that calcium-dependent potassium channels in neostriatal neurons are preferentially activated by calcium entry through N- and Q-type channels in these conditions.  相似文献   

Among other characteristics, the steady-state current-voltage relationship of patch-clamped single atrial myocytes from guinea-pig hearts is defined by an outward current hump in the potential region -15 to +40 mV. This hump was reversibly suppressed by Co2+ (3 mM) or nitrendipine (5 microM) and enhanced by Bay K 8644 (5 microM). The maintained outward current component suppressed by Co2+ extended between -15.2 +/- 1.9 mV and +39.5 +/- 1.7 mV (mean +/- SEM of 14 cells) and has an amplitude of 95.7 +/- 9.4 pA at +10 mV. In isochronal I-V curves, the hump was already visible at 400 ms with essentially the same amplitude as at 1500 ms. The Co2+-sensitive outward current underlying the hump was poorly time-dependent during 1.5 s voltage pulses but slowly relaxed upon repolarization. Tail currents reversed near the K+ equilibrium potential under our experimental conditions. The current hump of the steady-state I-V curve was also abolished by caffeine (10 mM) or ryanodine (3 microM), both drugs that interfere with sarcoplasmic reticulum function. Apamin (1 microM) or quinine (100 microM) but not TEA (5-50 mM) markedly reduced its amplitude. However, at similar concentrations as required to inhibit the hump, both apamin and quinine appeared to be poorly specific for Ca2+-activated K+ currents in heart cells since they also inhibited the L-Type Ca2+ current. It is concluded that a long lasting Ca2+-activated outward current, probably mainly carried by K+ ions but not sensitive to TEA, exists in atrial myocytes which is responsible for the current hump of the background I-V curve.  相似文献   

A Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) current constitutes a large part of the transduction current in olfactory sensory neurons. The binding of odorants to olfactory receptors in the cilia produces an increase in cAMP concentration; Ca(2+) enters into the cilia through CNG channels and activates a Cl(-) current. In intact mouse olfactory sensory neurons little is known about the kinetics of the Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) current. Here, we directly activated CNG channels by flash photolysis of caged cAMP or 8-Br-cAMP and measured the current response with the whole cell voltage-clamp technique in mouse neurons. We measured multiphasic currents in the rising phase of the response at -50 mV. The current rising phase became monophasic in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+), at +50 mV, or when most of the intracellular Cl(-) was replaced by gluconate to shift the equilibrium potential for Cl(-) to -50 mV. These results show that the second phase of the current in mouse intact neurons is attributed to a Cl(-) current activated by Ca(2+), similarly to previous results on isolated frog cilia. The percentage of the total saturating current carried by Cl(-) was estimated in two ways: 1) by measuring the maximum secondary current and 2) by blocking the Cl(-) channel with niflumic acid. We estimated that in the presence of 1 mM extracellular Ca(2+) and in symmetrical Cl(-) concentrations the Cl(-) component can constitute up to 90% of the total current response. These data show how to unravel the CNG and Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) component of the current rising phase.  相似文献   

Large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channels in secretory neurons.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (BK) are believed to underlie interburst intervals and contribute to the control of hormone release in several secretory cells. In crustacean neurosecretory cells, Ca2+ entry associated with electrical activity could act as a modulator of membrane K+ conductance. Therefore we studied the contribution of BK channels to the macroscopic outward current in the X-organ of crayfish, and their participation in electrophysiological activity, as well as their sensitivity toward intracellular Ca2+, ATP, and voltage, by using the patch-clamp technique. The BK channels had a conductance of 223 pS and rectified inwardly in symmetrical K+. These channels were highly selective to K+ ions; potassium permeability (PK) value was 2.3 x 10(-13) cm(3) s(-1). The BK channels were sensitive to internal Ca2+ concentration, voltage dependent, and activated by intracellular MgATP. Voltage sensitivity (k) was approximately 13 mV, and the half-activation membrane potentials depended on the internal Ca2+ concentration. Calcium ions (0.3-3 microM) applied to the internal membrane surface caused an enhancement of the channel activity. This activation of BK channels by internal calcium had a KD(0) of 0.22 microM and was probably due to the binding of only one or two Ca2+ ions to the channel. Addition of MgATP (0.01-3 mM) to the internal solution increased steady state-open probability. The dissociation constant for MgATP (KD) was 119 microM, and the Hill coefficient (h) was 0.6, according to the Hill analysis. Ca2+-activated K+ currents recorded from whole cells were suppressed by either adding Cd2+ (0.4 mM) or removing Ca2+ ions from the external solution. TEA (1 mM) or charybdotoxin (100 nM) blocked these currents. Our results showed that both BK and K(ATP) channels are present in the same cell. Even when BK and K(ATP) channels were voltage dependent and modulated by internal Ca2+ and ATP, the profile of sensitivity was quite different for each kind of channel. It is tempting to suggest that BK and KATP channels contribute independently to the regulation of spontaneous discharge patterns in crayfish neurosecretory cells.  相似文献   

ATP signaling to neurons and glia in the nervous system occurs via activation of both P2Y and P2X receptors. Here, we investigated the effects of P2Y(1) receptor stimulation in developing striatal medium-sized neurons using patch-clamp recordings from acute brain slices of 7- and 28-day-old rats. Application of the selective P2Y(1) receptor agonist 2-(Methylthio) ADP trisodium salt (2-MeSADP; 250 nM) increased outward K(+) currents evoked by a ramp depolarization protocol in voltage-clamp recordings. This effect was observed in 59 out of 82 cells (72%) and was blocked completely by the P2Y(1) antagonist, 2'-deoxy-N(6)-methyl adenosine 3',5'-diphosphate. The averaged 2-MeSADP-sensitive conductance was fitted by the sum of a linear conductance and a Boltzmann relation, giving one-half activation voltage of -14.2 mV and an equivalent charge of 2.91. The 2MeSADP-mediated effect was sensitive to submillimolar concentrations of tetraethylammonium (TEA; 200 μM), to 200 nM iberiotoxin and to 100 nM apamin, suggesting the involvement of both big and small potassium (BK and SK, respectively) calcium-activated channels. In current-clamp experiments, 2-MeSADP decreased depolarization-evoked action potential (AP) firing in all 26 cells investigated, and this effect was reversed by TEA and by apamin but not by iberiotoxin. We conclude that the stimulation of P2Y(1) receptors in developing striatal neurons leads to activation of calcium-activated potassium channels [I(K(Ca))] of both BK and SK subtypes, the latter responsible for decreasing the frequency of AP firing in response to current injection. Therefore, P2Y(1) signaling leading to activation of I(K(Ca)) may be important in regulating the activity of medium-sized neurons in the striatum.  相似文献   

Single channel Ca2+ currents inHelix pomatia neurons   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Unitary Ca2+ currents of TEA injected Helix neurons were recorded in the Giga seal situation (6, 7) from microscopic membrane patches exposed to 50 mM [Ca2+]o, O [Na+]o, 20 mM [TEA+]o and 2.5 M [TTX]o. Constant field assumptions yield a channel permeability of 2.9±1.0×10–14 cm3s–1 corresponding to slope conductances of 5 to 15 pS between 0 and –30 mV. Frequency of occurrence of the units strongly increased with depolarization. Mean open time of the Ca2+ channels was about 3 ms without obvious dependence on voltage. A similar open time was seen with [Ba2+]o, yielding about double the current strength when compared with [Ca2+]o.  相似文献   

Using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques, we demonstrate, for the first time, that rat submandibular acinar cells contain a tetraethylammonium (TEA)-insensitive, Ca2+-activated K+ conductance which is not attributable to large conductance, voltage-sensitive, Ca2+-dependent K+ channels (maxi-K+ channels). Taken together with our recent K+ efflux and fluid secretion studies in intact rat submandibular gland, we postulate that the K+ conductance reported here may be involved in the basolateral K+ efflux pathway activated by cytosolic Ca2+ concentration during secretion by this gland.  相似文献   

The most common cardiovascular side effects of antidepressants are cardiac arrhythmias and orthostatic hypotension. Little is known, however, about the mechanisms by which these adverse reactions may occur, especially with regard to newer drugs such as fluoxetine. We hypothesized that these side effects may have an electrophysiological basis at the level of the cardiac myocyte. Thus, we investigated the effects of fluoxetine and other antidepressants on action potentials and ionic currents of rat ventricular myocytes using the amphotericin B perforated patch clamp technique. Fluoxetine (10 microM) prolonged the action potential duration (APD50) to 146.7 +/- 12.9% of control value without altering resting membrane potential. Fluoxetine and sertraline potently inhibited the L-type Ca2+ current (IC50 = 2.82 and 2.31 microM, respectively), but did not significantly modify the steady-state inactivation. Amitriptyline and imipramine had similar, but slightly weaker, effects (IC50 = 3.75 and 4.05 microM, respectively). Fluoxetine attenuated the peak transient outward K+ current and also altered current kinetics, as shown by accelerated decay. Fluoxetine did not change the voltage-dependence of the steady-state inactivation. Sertraline, amitriptyline and imipramine inhibited the transient outward K+ current with potencies very similar to fluoxetine. In contrast to the other antidepressants tested, trazodone weakly inhibited the Ca2+ and K+ currents and moclobemide had no detectable effect. Our comparative pharmacology data suggest that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as fluoxetine, are as potent as tricyclic antidepressants in inhibiting L-type Ca2+ and transient outward K+ currents. These inhibitory effects may contribute to cardiovascular complications such as arrhythmias and orthostatic hypotension.  相似文献   

Sharp electrode current-clamp recording techniques were used to characterize the response of nigral dopamine (DA)-containing neurons in rat brain slices to injected current pulses applied in the presence of TTX (2 microM) and under conditions in which apamin-sensitive Ca2+-activated K+ channels were blocked. Addition of apamin (100-300 nM) to perfusion solutions containing TTX blocked the pacemaker oscillation in membrane voltage evoked by depolarizing current pulses and revealed an afterdepolarization (ADP) that appeared as a shoulder on the falling phase of the voltage response. ADP were preceded by a ramp-shaped slow depolarization and followed by an apamin-insensitive hyperpolarizing afterpotential (HAP). Although ADPs were observed in all apamin-treated cells, the duration of the response varied considerably between individual neurons and was strongly potentiated by the addition of TEA (2-3 mM). In the presence of TTX, TEA, and apamin, optimal stimulus parameters (0.1 nA, 200-ms duration at -55 to -68 mV) evoked ADP ranging from 80 to 1,020 ms in duration (355.3 +/- 56.5 ms, n = 16). Both the ramp-shaped slow depolarization and the ensuing ADP were markedly voltage dependent but appeared to be mediated by separate conductance mechanisms. Thus, although bath application of nifedipine (10-30 microM) or low Ca2+, high Mg2+ Ringer blocked the ADP without affecting the ramp potential, equimolar substitution of Co2+ for Ca2+ blocked both components of the voltage response. Nominal Ca2+ Ringer containing Co2+ also blocked the HAP evoked between -55 and -68 mV. We conclude that the ADP elicited in DA neurons after blockade of apamin-sensitive Ca2+-activated K+ channels is mediated by a voltage-dependent, L-type Ca2+ channel and represents a transient form of the regenerative plateau oscillation in membrane potential previously shown to underlie apamin-induced bursting activity. These data provide further support for the notion that modulation of apamin-sensitive Ca2+-activated K+ channels in DA neurons exerts a permissive effect on the conductances that are involved in the expression of phasic activity.  相似文献   

Intracellular photorelease of Ca2+ from caged Ca2+ (DM-nitrophen or nitr5) and the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration were used to investigate Ca2+-activated currents in inner hair cells (IHCs) of the mammalian cochlea. Photoliberation of intracellular Ca2+ activated outward currents with a mean amplitude of 260±110 pA when IHCs were voltage-clamped, near the resting membrane potential, at –50 mV. The photoactivated currents were reversibly blocked by extracellular application of tetraethylammonium (TEA, 10 mM), neomycin (1 mM) and charybdotoxin (1 M), but not by apamin. The voltage dependence of membrane currents activated by photolysis of DM-nitrophen demonstrated a reversal potential near the K+ equilibrium potential (E k) and saturation near 0 mV. The presence of Ca2+-activated currents was further confirmed by the effects of extracellular adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP, 10 M) and the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin (10 M). Both agents raised intracellular Ca2+ and simultaneously activated outward currents when IHCs were voltage-clamped near the resting membrane potential. In experiments where currents were activated by depolarizing voltage steps, nifedipine (50 M) and Cd2+ (1 mM) reduced significantly (20–50%) the whole-cell outward currents, suggesting the presence of L-type Ca2+ currents activating K+ currents. These results are the first direct evidence for Ca2+-activated K+ currents in mammalian IHCs, these currents being potentially important for cell repolarization during sound-induced depolarization and synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Isolated ascidian Halocynthia roretzi blastomeres of the muscle lineage exhibit muscle cell-like excitability on differentiation despite the arrest of cell cleavage early in development. This characteristic provides a unique opportunity to track changes in ion channel expression during muscle cell differentiation. Here, we show that the intrinsic membrane property of ascidian cleavage-arrested muscle-type cells becomes oscillatory by expressing transient outward currents (I(to)) activated by Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) in a maturation-dependent manner. In current-clamp mode, most day 4 (72 h after fertilization) cleavage-arrested muscle cells exhibited an oscillatory membrane potential of -20 mV at 15 Hz, whereas most day 3 (48 h after fertilization) cells exhibited a spiking pattern. In voltage-clamp mode, the day 4 cells exhibited prominent transient outward currents that were not present in day 3 cells. I(to) was abolished by the application of 10 mM caffeine, implying that CICR was involved in I(to) activation. I(to) was based on K(+) efflux and sensitive to tetraethylammonium and some Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel inhibitors. We found a 60-pS single channel conductance that was activated by local Ca(2+) release in ascidian muscle cell. Voltage-clamp recording with an oscillatory waveform as a command pulse showed that CICR-activated K(+) currents were activated during the falling phase of the membrane potential oscillation. These results suggest that developmental expression of CICR-activated K(+) current plays a role in the maturation of larval locomotion by modifying the intrinsic membrane excitability of muscle cells.  相似文献   

Blocker-resistant Ca2+ currents in rat CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sochivko D  Chen J  Becker A  Beck H 《Neuroscience》2003,116(3):629-638
Ca(2+) currents resistant to organic Ca(2+) channel antagonists are present in different types of central neurons. Here, we describe the properties of such currents in CA1 neurons acutely dissociated from rat hippocampus. Blocker-resistant Ca(2+) currents were isolated by combined application of N-, P/Q- and L-type Ca(2+) current antagonists (omega-conotoxin GVIA 2 microM; omega-conotoxin MVIIC 3 microM; omega-agatoxin IVA 200 nM; nifedipine 10 microM) and constituted approximately 21% of the total Ba(2+) current.The blocker-resistant current showed properties similar to R-type currents in other cell types, i.e. voltages of half-maximal inactivation and activation of -76 and -17 mV, respectively, and strong inactivation during the test pulse. In addition, blocker-resistant Ca(2+) currents in CA1 neurons displayed a characteristically rapid deactivation. Application of mock action potentials revealed that charge transfer through blocker-resistant Ca(2+) channels is highly sensitive to action potential shape and changes in resting membrane voltage. Pharmacological experiments showed that these currents were highly sensitive to the divalent cation Ni(2+) (half-maximal block at 28 microM), but were relatively resistant to the spider toxin SNX-482 (8% and 52% block at 0.1 and 1 microM, respectively).In addition to the functional analysis, we examined the expression of pore-forming and accessory Ca(2+) channel subunits on the messenger RNA level in isolated CA1 neurons using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Of the pore-forming alpha subunits encoding high-threshold Ca(2+) channels, Ca(v)2.1, Ca(v)2.2 and Ca(v)2.3 messenger RNA levels were most prominent, corresponding to the high proportion of N-, P/Q- and R-type currents in these neurons.In summary, CA1 neurons display blocker-resistant Ca(2+) currents with distinctive biophysical and pharmacological properties similar to R-type currents in other neuron types, and express Ca(2+) channel messenger RNAs that give rise to R-type Ca(2+) currents in expression systems.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of Na+ influx on large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channels in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) by means of patch clamp and SBFI microfluorescence measurements. In current-clamped HUVECs, extracellular Na+ replacement by NMDG+ or mannitol hyperpolarized cells. In voltage-clamped HUVECs, changing membrane potential from 0 mV to negative potentials increased intracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i) and vice versa. In addition, extracellular Na+ depletion decreased [Na+]i. In voltage-clamped cells, BKCa currents were markedly increased by extracellular Na+ depletion. In inside-out patches, increasing [Na+]i from 0 to 20 or 40 mM reduced single channel conductance but not open probability (NPo) of BKCa channels and decreasing intracellular K+ concentration ([K+]i) gradually from 140 to 70 mM reduced both single channel conductance and NPo. Furthermore, increasing [Na+]i gradually from 0 to 70 mM, by replacing K+, markedly reduced single channel conductance and NPo. The Na+–Ca2+ exchange blocker Ni2+ or KB-R7943 decreased [Na+]i and increased BKCa currents simultaneously, and the Na+ ionophore monensin completely inhibited BKCa currents. BKCa currents were significantly augmented by increasing extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]o) from 6 to 12 mM and significantly reduced by decreasing [K+]o from 12 or 6 to 0 mM or applying the Na+–K+ pump inhibitor ouabain. These results suggest that intracellular Na+ inhibit single channel conductance of BKCa channels and that intracellular K+ increases single channel conductance and NPo. GH Liang and MY Kim contributed equally to this publication and therefore share the first authorship.  相似文献   

 目的:探讨顺铂激活的低分化鼻咽癌细胞(CNE-2Z)氯通道电流是否为钙激活的氯电流。方法:采用膜片钳全细胞记录技术记录细胞内/外无Ca2+及钙通道阻断剂对顺铂激活氯电流的影响,并用高渗灌流液观察顺铂激活氯电流的容积敏感性。结果:去除细胞外液的Ca2+后,5 μmol/L顺铂能诱发氯电流,且电流大小与细胞外有Ca2+ 时无明显差异,但潜伏期与达峰时间延长。细胞内外均无Ca2+ 对顺铂激活氯电流未产生影响。钙通道阻断剂nifedipine未能抑制顺铂诱发的氯电流。但细胞外灌流高渗液几乎可完全抑制顺铂激活的氯电流。结论: 顺铂激活的氯通道开放不依赖于细胞内/外的Ca2+,该通道不是钙激活氯通道而很可能是容积敏感性氯通道。  相似文献   

Potassium channels play an important role in controlling neuronal firing and synaptic interactions. Na(+)-activated K(+) (K(Na)) channels have been shown to exist in neurons in different regions of the CNS, but their physiological function has been difficult to assess. In this study, we have examined if neurons in the spinal cord possess K(Na) currents. We used whole cell recordings from isolated spinal cord neurons in lamprey. These neurons display two different K(Na) currents. The first was transient and activated by the Na(+) influx during the action potentials, and it was abolished when Na(+) channels were blocked by tetrodotoxin. The second K(Na) current was sustained and persisted in tetrodotoxin. Both K(Na) currents were abolished when Na(+) was substituted with choline or N-methyl-D-glucamine, indicating that they are indeed dependent on Na(+) influx into neurons. When Na(+) was substituted with Li(+), the amplitude of the inward current was unchanged, whereas the transient K(Na) current was reduced but not abolished. This suggests that the transient K(Na) current is partially activated by Li(+). These two K(Na) currents have different roles in controlling the action potential waveform. The transient K(Na) appears to act as a negative feedback mechanism sensing the Na(+) influx underlying the action potential and may thus be critical for setting the amplitude and duration of the action potential. The sustained K(Na) current has a slow kinetic of activation and may underlie the slow Ca(2+)-independent afterhyperpolarization mediated by repetitive firing in lamprey spinal cord neurons.  相似文献   

Microglia are the main immunocompetent cells of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). Activation of cultured microglial cells and subsequent release of nitric oxide and cytokines critically depends on intracellular calcium levels. Since microglia undergo dramatic morphological, biochemical and electrophysiological changes in response to pathological events in the CNS, we investigated temporal changes in expression levels of ion channels involved in cellular calcium homeostasis in mouse cortical microglial cells in culture. Specifically, we assessed the inward and delayed outward rectifier potassium currents (I IRK and I DRK), calcium (Ca2+) release-activated Ca2+ currents (I CRAC) and Ca2+-activated TRPM4-like currents (I CAN) in non-activated microglia and cells that were activated by exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) between 3 and 48 h. Unstimulated microglial cells, subcultured from an astrocyte coculture, typically exhibited a ramified, rod-shaped morphology. During the first 3 days of culture cell size and shape were maintained, but the percentage of cells showing prominent I IRK went up and those expressing I DRK went down. Cells retaining I DRK exhibited smaller amplitudes, whereas those of I IRK and I CRAC were not affected. However, after 24 h of exposure to 1 microg ml(-1) LPS, most cells showed an amoeboid ('fried egg'-shaped) morphology with a 62% increase in cell capacitance. At that point in time, only 14% of the cells revealed I IRK and 3% had I DRK exclusively, whereas the majority of cells expressed both currents. The amplitudes of I CRAC and I IRK progressively decreased after stimulation, whereas I DRK transiently reached a maximum after 6 h of LPS exposure and then returned to pre-stimulation expression levels. Cultured microglia also revealed TRPM4-like, Ca2+-activated non-selective currents (I CAN) with an EC50 of 1.2 microm [Ca2+]i. The expression levels of this current did not change significantly during and after 24 h of LPS exposure. We propose that LPS-induced down-regulation of I IRK and I CRAC will reduce the cell's capacity to produce significant calcium influx upon receptor activation and result in decreased sensitivity to exogenous stimulation. In this scenario, I CAN expression would remain constant, although its activity would automatically be reduced due to the diminished calcium influx capacity of the cell.  相似文献   

Mudpuppy parasympathetic cardiac neurons exhibit spontaneous miniature outward currents (SMOCs) that are thought to be due to the activation of clusters of large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (BK channels) by localized release of Ca(2+) from internal stores close to the plasma membrane. Perforated-patch whole cell recordings were used to determine whether Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) is involved in SMOC generation. We confirmed that BK channels are involved by showing that SMOCs are inhibited by 100 nM iberiotoxin or 500 microM tetraethylammonium (TEA), but not by 100 nM apamin. SMOC frequency is decreased in solutions that contain 0 Ca(2+)/3.6 mM Mg(2+), and also in the presence of 1 microM nifedipine and 3 microM omega-conotoxin GVIA, suggesting that SMOC activation is dependent on calcium influx. However, Ca(2+) influx alone is not sufficient; SMOC activation is also dependent on Ca(2+) release from the caffeine- and ryanodine-sensitive Ca(2+) store, because exposure to 2 mM caffeine consistently caused an increase in SMOC frequency, and 10-100 microM ryanodine altered the configuration of SMOCs and eventually inhibited SMOC activity. Depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores by the Ca-ATPase inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid (10 microM) inhibited SMOC activity, even when Ca(2+) influx was not compromised. We also tested the effects of the membrane-permeable Ca(2+) chelators, bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-N,N,N', N'-tetraacetic acid-AM (BAPTA-AM) and EGTA-AM. EGTA-AM (10 microM) caused no inhibition of SMOC activation, whereas 10 microM BAPTA-AM consistently inhibited SMOCs. After SMOCs were completely inhibited by BAPTA, 3 mM caffeine caused SMOC activity to resume. This effect was reversible on removal of caffeine and suggests that the source of Ca(2+) that triggers the internal Ca(2+) release channel is different from the source of Ca(2+) that activates clusters of BK channels. We propose that influx of Ca(2+) through voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels is required for SMOC generation, but that the influx of Ca(2+) triggers CICR from intracellular stores, which then activates the BK channels responsible for SMOC generation.  相似文献   

Whole-cell voltage-clamping of thalamic relay neurons was used to examine the possibility of a Zn(2+)-mediated reduction of the low-threshold transient Ca(2+) current (I(T)) of a central element in thalamocortical oscillations. We found that Zn(2+) reversibly decreased I(T) in a concentration-dependent manner (IC(50)=55 microM), mainly by reducing the number of I(T) channels available for activation. Zn(2+) did not affect the reaction kinetics, but did affect the voltage-dependence of I(T) channel gating. However, the apparent alterations in gating properties were not enough to account for the huge I(T) reduction.  相似文献   

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