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Responding to the challenge for efficient and high quality health care, the shared care paradigm must be established in health. In that context, information systems such as electronic patient records (EPR) have to meet this paradigm supporting communication and interoperation between the health care establishments (HCE) and health professionals (HP) involved. Due to the sensitivity of personal medical information, this co-operation must be provided in a trustworthy way. To enable different views of HCE and HP ranging from management, doctors, nurses up to systems administrators and IT professionals, a set of models for analysis, design and implementation of secure distributed EPR has been developed and introduced. The approach is based on the popular UML methodology and the component paradigm for open, interoperable systems. Easy to use tool kits deal with both application security services and communication security services but also with the security infrastructure needed. Regarding the requirements for distributed multi-user EPRs, modelling and implementation of policy agreements, authorisation and access control are especially considered. Current developments for a security infrastructure in health care based on cryptographic algorithms as health professional cards (HPC), security services employing digital signatures, and health-related TTP services are discussed. CEN and ISO initiatives for health informatics standards in the context of secure and communicable EPR are especially mentioned.  相似文献   

Health care in the information society. A prognosis for the year 2013   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Our society is increasingly influenced by modern information and communication technology (ICT). Health care has profited greatly by this development. How could health care provision look in the near future, in 10 years, or more precisely, in the year 2013? What measures must be undertaken by political and self-governing health institutions, and by medical informatics research, to ensure an efficient, medically advanced and yet affordable future health care system? Three factors will greatly influence the further development of information processing in health care within the near future: the development of the population, medical advances, and advances in informatics. These factors have motivated us to set up 30 theses for health care provision in the year 2013. The theses cover areas of health care, such as its people, its information systems, and its ICT tools. Three major goals requiring achievement have been identified: patient-centered recording and use of medical data for cooperative care, process-integrated decision support through current medical knowledge, comprehensive use of patient data for research and health care reporting. In consequence, political institutions should provide a framework for networked, patient-centered health care. They are called on to regulate the storage and exchange of health care data and of appropriate information system architectures. Finally, the health care institutions themselves must emphasize professional information management more strongly. Relevant research topics in medical informatics are: comprehensive electronic patient records, modern health information system architectures, architectures for medical knowledge centers, specific data processing methods ('medical data mining'), and multi-functional, mobile ICT tools.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this project was to design and develop a personal electronic health record (EHR) in order to support patient empowerment and additionally to enhance their communication and information exchange with health professionals through this EHR. Method: The functionality of a personal Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) may vary from a simple web-based interface for interactive data entry and data review up to a much more powerful system additionally supporting electronic data/document communication between clinical information systems of primary care practitioners or hospitals and even reminder based support for the empowered citizen, to actively take care of his health, based on relevant disease management programs. It is one means to support patient empowerment, additionally supported by tools for building a patient community. Since storage and communication of data in an EHR comprises sensible personal health data, each of those functions needs specific security and access management requirements to be considered and implemented. Result: Clinical pilot projects are already done or under development.  相似文献   

A security architecture for interconnecting health information systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several hereditary and other chronic diseases necessitate continuous and complicated health care procedures, typically offered in different, often distant, health care units. Inevitably, the medical records of patients suffering from such diseases become complex, grow in size very fast and are scattered all over the units involved in the care process, hindering communication of information between health care professionals. Web-based electronic medical records have been recently proposed as the solution to the above problem, facilitating the interconnection of the health care units in the sense that health care professionals can now access the complete medical record of the patient, even if it is distributed in several remote units. However, by allowing users to access information from virtually anywhere, the universe of ineligible people who may attempt to harm the system is dramatically expanded, thus severely complicating the design and implementation of a secure environment.This paper presents a security architecture that has been mainly designed for providing authentication and authorization services in web-based distributed systems. The architecture has been based on a role-based access scheme and on the implementation of an intelligent security agent per site (i.e. health care unit). This intelligent security agent: (a) authenticates the users, local or remote, that can access the local resources; (b) assigns, through temporary certificates, access privileges to the authenticated users in accordance to their role; and (c) communicates to other sites (through the respective security agents) information about the local users that may need to access information stored in other sites, as well as about local resources that can be accessed remotely.  相似文献   

Health information systems supporting shared care are going to be distributed and interoperable. Dealing with sensitive personal medical information, such information systems have to provide appropriate security services, allowing only authorised users restricted access rights to the patients' data according to the 'need to know' principle. Especially in healthcare, chip card based information systems occur in the shape of patient data cards providing informational self determination and mobility of the users as well as quality, integrity, accountability, and availability of the data stored on the card, thus improving the shared care of patients. The DIABCARD project aims at the implementation and evaluation of a chip card based medical information system (CCMIS) for facilitating communication and co-operation between health professionals in different organisations or departments caring the same patient with diabetes as an example. In co-operation with the EC-funded TrustHealth(2) project, communication and application security services needed are provided like strong authentication as well as the derived services such as authorisation, access control, accountability, confidentiality, etc. The solution is based on Health Professional Cards and Trusted Third Party services. In addition to the secure handling of the patient's chip card and data in DIABCARD workstations, the secure communication between these workstations and related departmental systems has been implemented. Based on the results of this feasibility study, an enhanced security services specification for the DIABCARD example of a CCMIS is provided which will be implemented in the framework of a health network being established in the German federal state Bavaria. Beside the preferred solution of a combination of Patient Identification Card and Patient Data Card, lower level alternatives using card-verifiable certificates are explained in some details. Finally, a few legal issues, future trends like the XML standard set and their implications for the solution presented as well as for distributed health information systems in general are shortly discussed.  相似文献   

Health information systems - past, present, future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1984, Peter Reichertz gave a lecture on the past, present and future of hospital information systems. In the meantime, there has been a tremendous progress in medicine as well as in informatics. One important benefit of this progress is that our life expectancy is nowadays significantly higher than it would have been even some few decades ago. This progress, leading to aging societies, is of influence to the organization of health care and to the future development of its information systems. Twenty years later, referring to Peter Reichertz' lecture, but now considering health information systems (HIS), two questions are discussed: which were lines of development in health information systems from the past until today? What are consequences for health information systems in the future? The following lines of development for HIS were considered as important: (1) the shift from paper-based to computer-based processing and storage, as well as the increase of data in health care settings; (2) the shift from institution-centered departmental and, later, hospital information systems towards regional and global HIS; (3) the inclusion of patients and health consumers as HIS users, besides health care professionals and administrators; (4) the use of HIS data not only for patient care and administrative purposes, but also for health care planning as well as clinical and epidemiological research; (5) the shift from focusing mainly on technical HIS problems to those of change management as well as of strategic information management; (6) the shift from mainly alpha-numeric data in HIS to images and now also to data on the molecular level; (7) the steady increase of new technologies to be included, now starting to include ubiquitous computing environments and sensor-based technologies for health monitoring. As consequences for HIS in the future, first the need for institutional and (inter-) national HIS-strategies is seen, second the need to explore new (transinstitutional) HIS architectural styles, third the need for education in health informatics and/or biomedical informatics, including appropriate knowledge and skills on HIS. As these new HIS are urgently needed for reorganizing health care in an aging society, as last consequence the need for research around HIS is seen. Research should include the development and investigation of appropriate transinstitutional information system architectures, of adequate methods for strategic information management, of methods for modeling and evaluating HIS, the development and investigation of comprehensive electronic patient records, providing appropriate access for health care professionals as well as for patients, in the broad sense as described here, e.g. including home care and health monitoring facilities. Comparing the world in 1984 and in 2004, we have to recognize that we imperceptibly, stepwise arrived at a new world. HIS have become one of the most challenging and promising fields of research, education and practice for medical informatics, with significant benefits to medicine and health care in general.  相似文献   

During the past decade, there have been many regional, national and European projects focused on the development of platforms for secure access and sharing of distributed patient information. A platform is needed because present local or enterprise-wide information systems are typically not intended for cross-organisational secure access of patient data. Most of the present secure platforms are local or regional. Commonly used platform types in the health care environment vary from secure point-to-point communication systems to internet-based portals. This paper defines an enhanced cross-security platform which makes it possible for different kinds of local, regional, and national health information systems to communicate in a secure way. The proposed evolutionary way interconnects regional or national security domains with the help of a cross-platform zone. A more revolutionary model based on peer-to-peer Grid like networks and dynamic security credentials is also discussed. The proposed evolutionary model uses cross-domain security and interoperability services to ensure secure communication and interoperability between different security domains. The platform supports both communication defined beforehand and adhoc dynamic access to distributed electronic health records (EHRs). The internet is proposed as the "glue" between different regional or national security domains.  相似文献   

Valenti WM 《The AIDS reader》2000,10(11):647-651
Extrapolating data from 2 large retrospective studies, the IOM report provides an estimate of errors in health care. While these estimates have been taken from inpatient experience and not from ambulatory care (the site of most HIV/AIDS care today), these estimates have stimulated discussion and action on the part of the Federal government and health care organizations to improve patient safety. HIV/AIDS care lends itself to electronic solutions as suggested in the IOM report. Providers are under increasing pressure to do more clinical work and documentation in an era of shrinking resources. Managing the care of patients with HIV/AIDS requires frequent visits and necessitates documentation of both clinical and nonclinical information and considerable coordination and tracking of care activities by all members of the care team, with the goals of good outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Recent studies suggest that the current standard of HIV care is effective and cost-effective. Today's electronic technologies can help sustain these good outcomes by helping to manage large volumes of critical health information more efficiently. Electronic management of health information requires a change in work patterns and a significant capital investment for health organizations. Federal standards for management of electronic health information are in early implementation stages. To start the process, managed care organizations and HIV/AIDS providers should become familiar with the capabilities of electronic health information systems, begin the planning and needs assessment processes, and begin to lay the infrastructure needed for such systems.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the chief information officer (CIO) in the health care enterprise has gained recognition as a member of the senior management team based on an understanding of business processes and business language. The clinical information system (CIS) in the health care environment poses a new frontier for CIOs, who are generally unfamiliar with both clinical languages and clinical processes. The authors discuss the role formal informatics training can have in preparing learners for future careers as CIOs in CIS environments. The health information management (HIM) specialization within the MBA program at the University of Illinois at Chicago is one example of an educational program designed to train future CIOs who can manage the business, technical, and clinical aspects of the health care environment.  相似文献   

The present situation in health care From the perspective of regional society, there are many public facilities which support the health, medication and welfare for the residents, and they operate their own service without an appropriate linkage or organized method of sharing information with each other. It is important to provide health care based on a principle with a concept of health information management by life stage. As present, such information is divided among several government agencies, namely the Ministries of Health and Welfare, Education and Labor. Infant, school medical exam, and adult or geriatric annual check-ups are under the control of the respective Ministries. As a result, we lack in communication between regional facilities and sharing information. Recent advancement in medical information systems and instruments have been remarkable. Especially after the electronic medical card will be in officially used, the medical check supporting system will gradually come into wide-spread use with easy operation. To swim with the current of the times, it is important to cooperate with organizations in other fields for practical use of personal health data. We must make an effort to establish an effective method of using computer and individual information to collect significant data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Electronic health records are increasingly being used to facilitate referral communication in the outpatient setting. However, despite support by technology, referral communication between primary care providers and specialists is often unsatisfactory and is unable to eliminate care delays. This may be in part due to lack of attention to how information and communication technology fits within the social environment of health care. Making electronic referral communication effective requires a multifaceted "socio-technical" approach. Using an 8-dimensional socio-technical model for health information technology as a framework, we describe ten recommendations that represent good clinical practices to design, develop, implement, improve, and monitor electronic referral communication in the outpatient setting. These recommendations were developed on the basis of our previous work, current literature, sound clinical practice, and a systems-based approach to understanding and implementing health information technology solutions. Recommendations are relevant to system designers, practicing clinicians, and other stakeholders considering use of electronic health records to support referral communication.  相似文献   

BackgroundCare partners are key members of patients’ health care teams, yet little is known about their experiences accessing patient information via electronic portals.ObjectiveTo better understand the characteristics and perceptions of care partners who read patients’ electronic visit notes.Patient involvementFocus groups with diverse patients from a community health center provided input into survey development.MethodsWe contacted patient portal users at 3 geographically distinct sites in the US via email in 2017 for an online survey including open ended questions which we qualitatively analyzed.ResultsRespondents chose whether to answer as care partners (N = 874) or patients (N = 28,782). Among care partner respondents, 44% were spouses, 43% children/other family members, and 14% friends/neighbors/other. Both care partners and patients reported that access to electronic notes was very important for promoting positive health behaviors, but care partners’ perceptions of importance were consistently more positive than patients’ perceptions of engagement behaviors. Open-ended comments included positive benefits such as: help with remembering the plan for care, coordinating care with other doctors, decreasing stress of care giving, improving efficiency of visits, and supporting patients from a geographical distance. They also offered suggestions for improving electronic portal and note experience for care partners such as having a separate log on for care partners; having doctors avoid judgmental language in their notes; and the ability to prompt needed medical care for patients.DiscussionCare partners value electronic access to patients’ health information even more than patients. The majority of care partners were family members, whose feedback is important for improving portal design that effectively engages these care team members.Practical valuePatient care in the time of COVID-19 increasingly requires social distancing which may place additional burden on care partners supporting vulnerable patients. Access to patient notes may promote quality of care by keeping care partners informed, and care partner’s input should be used to optimize portal design and electronic access to patient information.  相似文献   



There are few opportunities to study the use of integrated electronic health record (EHR) systems, where single patient records are used by a number of health care staff. The purpose of the study was to understand how an integrated electronic health record system was used by health care staff in the treatment and management of diabetes patients. The investigation was focused on the interface between the primary and secondary care services which patients access for their diabetes care.


Observations of the use of an integrated electronic health record during patients’ consultations with health care staff were conducted over a three month period. Twelve patients were followed through their consultations with a range of health care staff at a secondary care Diabetes Centre and in primary care settings. A thematic analysis of the observation data was undertaken.


The integrated electronic health record system had been implemented across the primary and secondary care interface and was used by many, but not all, clinicians involved in the care of patients with diabetes. In some areas of care it enabled health care staff to access more accurate and detailed information to inform their clinical decision-making. Issues including negotiating rules for accessing patient records and duplication of recording in paper record systems had not been resolved consistently across services.


The findings offer suggestive evidence that a shared electronic health record can support more integrated care. Unresolved issues in implementing the system across all services and settings highlight the governance problems that can arise when systems are developed locally but are then extended across organisational and professional boundaries.  相似文献   

In order to obtain more information about the reasons why patients consult their general practitioner 1000 patients completed a questionnaire in the waiting rooms of eight general practices. After the consultation the patients received a second questionnaire. The aim of the study was to determine why people decide to consult their general practitioner about one complaint but not about a second complaint. Both questionnaires were based on the health belief model, augmented by three other factors: the perceptions patients have of their own abilities to cope with their condition (efficacy of self care), their knowledge about the complaint and their need for information. The results showed that two of the additional factors (efficacy of self care and need for information) as well as most of the factors of the health belief model (efficacy of general practitioner care, perceived severity of complaint and cues to consult) were important determinants of consulting the general practitioner. The results suggest that patients sometimes expect information from their general practitioner rather than medical treatment. Furthermore, as the perceived efficacy of general practitioner care is also an important determinant, unnecessary consultation or unnecessary delay in treatment could be prevented by offering patients information about the potential effectiveness of medical care or self care for specific conditions. Implications for general practitioners' daily practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years shared decision making between patients and their health care providers and the inclusion of patient preferences in patient care have been, in theory, embraced as models for good clinical practice. Patients' experiences, values, and preferences are increasingly acknowledged as important pieces of evidence for appropriate health care decision making. To effectively use information about patient preferences in patient care, this information, which is gathered through a process of preference elicitation, needs to be integrated with other types of information, e.g., diagnoses, treatments, and patient status indicators within the context of a longitudinal electronic health record. This integration requires that patient preference-related concepts be represented nonambiguously and in a manner that renders them suitable for computer rather than human processing. In this article, the authors describe important patient preference-related concepts and illustrate the use of the LOINC semantic structure as a terminology model to create fully specified names for a sample of 15 preference elicitations from 8 published research articles.  相似文献   

A toolset using object-oriented techniques including the nowadays popular unified modelling language (UML) approach has been developed to facilitate the different users' views for security analysis and design of health care information systems. Paradigm and concepts used are based on the component architecture of information systems and on a general layered security model. The toolset was developed in 1996/1997 within the ISHTAR project funded by the European Commission as well as through international standardisation activities. Analysing and systematising real health care scenarios, only six and nine use case types could be found in the health and the security-related view, respectively. By combining these use case types, the analysis and design of any thinkable system architecture can be simplified significantly. Based on generic schemes, the environment needed for both communication and application security can be established by appropriate sets of security services and mechanisms. Because of the importance and the basic character of electronic health care record (EHCR) systems, the understanding of the approach is facilitated by (incomplete) examples for this application.  相似文献   

《Genetics in medicine》2013,15(10):779-785
Electronic health record systems are in widespread use but currently have very limited genomic capabilities. Electronic health record systems are a logical place for patient genomic information to be stored and used for decision support and improvement of patient care. Genomic data and their automated interpretation are very challenging for electronic health record software development because they are substantially different than other kinds of electronic health record data and decision support. Those differences, the resulting challenges, and possible solutions are reviewed in this article.Genet Med15 10, 779–785.  相似文献   

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