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[目的]调查某市高校大学生吸烟现状及其对烟草相关知识态度行为(KAP),为高校开展大学生控烟工作提供科学依据。[方法]选取某市3所高校(医学院校1所、非医学院校2所)的在校大学生,按照年级分层整群抽样,使用统一问卷进行有关吸烟与控烟知识、态度和行为的调查。[结果]共调查2500名,获得有效问卷2472份,应答率为98.9%。大学生吸烟率为21.9%(542名),其中男生吸烟率为34.8%(506名),女生吸烟率为3.5%(36名),男生吸烟率高于女生(P〈0.001)。烟草相关知识的了解情况、吸烟与控烟态度等与吸烟行为相关(P〈O.05)。多因素分析显示,男性、年龄增长、非医学专业、城镇、对烟草危害知晓率低、对被动吸烟态度忍让、对他人吸烟持赞成态度的均是吸烟行为的危险因素。[结论]大学生对烟草相关知识、对吸烟和控烟的态度与吸烟行为有关。  相似文献   


This survey evaluated tobacco use of migrant tobacco workers in eastern North Carolina. Sixty-nine (38%) out of 181 mostly male, Mexican farmworkers were smokers. Compared to non-smokers, three times more smokers reported alcohol use in the past week (p = 0.002). More smokers compared to non-smokers reported poor to fair health, and fewer had worked previously in tobacco agriculture, but these differences were not statistically significant. Also not statistically significant, those smokers who were older and those who understood the most English smoked more cigarettes per day. Because farmworkers are exposed to many non-tobacco respiratory irritants, and because of the health risks of smoking, those who smoke should be urged to quit.  相似文献   

目的:更针对性、更有效地开展吸烟干预工作,减少乃至消除吸烟对健康的危害。方法:按三阶段随机抽样原则抽取15-69岁人群6425人进行吸烟有害健康的认识和态度的问卷调查。结果:有81%的吸烟者和85%的非吸烟者认为吸烟对健康有危害(包括轻度和重度危害);有69%的吸烟者和76%的非吸烟者认为被动吸烟对健康有危害;认为孕妇吸烟对胎儿的发育存在轻至重度影响的有65%,对吸烟易患疾病的认识,有57%的被调查者知识吸烟易患慢支炎,有33%的人知道易患肺癌,只有2.3%的人知道易患冠心病;而知道易患慢支炎,肺炎,冠心病3种疾病的人不足1%,对吸烟行为的态度,赞同吸烟可以消除疲劳,提高工作效率这一说法的比例较大,为35%,倡导医务人员,教师,家长应起表率作用,赞同他们应带头不吸烟或不应当着小孩面吸烟的分别达69%和63%,欢迎政府出台相关政策来限制吸烟,减轻烟草的危害;赞同应禁止出售香烟给未成年的青少年的比较非常高,达75%,赞同应禁止公共场所吸烟的也有64%,结论:人们对吸烟危害健康的知识不全面,甚至是模糊的。应加强吸烟对健康危害知识的宣传教育,提高人群自觉控烟行为。  相似文献   



Is use of tobacco a major health problem among medical students? To find out the factors associated with the use of tobacco.

Materials and Methods:

A cross-sectional study was done on 250 undergraduate male medical students using a pre-designed, pre-tested questionnaire to study about the problem and various correlates of the tobacco use. Data was collected and analysed using Excel and SPSS software.


Among the tobacco users (28.8%), smoking was found in 87.5% and tobacco chewing in the form of gutka, khaini, gulmanjan (locally available forms of tobacco) in 37.5% as the predominant means of the use of tobacco. The mean age of our sample was 23.5 years. The residential background, i.e., rural or urban, and religion were not significantly associated with the use of tobacco in the present study. Hostellers were found to be more frequent tobacco users as compared to day-scholars. There was a familial aggregation of the use of tobacco. The factor initiating the use of tobacco was usually peer pressure.


Tobacco use is a significant problem among the male medical students and we need to take steps to stop its use by them so as to prevent them from being exposed to its hazardous effects. This will also make their role in the advocacy of the smoking cessation activities more trustworthy.  相似文献   

目的了解2018年自贡市居民烟草流行情况,为制定有效的全市控烟政策、探究控烟健康教育新方法提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,对自贡市5区2县1975名15~69岁的居民进行问卷调查,计算分析现在吸烟率、每日吸烟率、每日吸烟量、成功戒烟率和意图戒烟率等指标,根据第6次人口普查数据进行样本事后分层校正,数据统计分析采用卡方检验、Fisher精确检验、以及二项Logistic回归分析。结果全市共调查1975人,经2010年第六次全国人口普查数据标化后全市现在吸烟率为23.9%,男性现在吸烟率为47.1%,女性现在吸烟率为0.6%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);城市和农村居民现在吸烟率分别为23.1%、28.6%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论自贡市农村地区居民、农民和工人群体、中年人群吸烟率较高,中青年人群和职业人群意图戒烟率较高,这将是自贡市今后控烟的重点人群及重点方向。  相似文献   



Seventy per cent of premature deaths among adults are due to behavioral patterns that emerge in adolescence, including smoking.


The objective was to study the prevalence of tobacco use among adolescent students in South Delhi and its epidemiological correlates.

Materials and Methods:

This was a cross-sectional study.


Three schools and two colleges of South Delhi were chosen. There were 550 adolescent students aged 14-19.

Statistical Analysis:

Statistical analysis was done using proportions, the chi-square test, and multivariate logistic regression.


A total of 88 (16.0%) students reported having ever tried cigarette or bidi smoking. The prevalence of current smoking was 7.1%. Exactly 10% (55) of the students reported having ever used smokeless forms of tobacco. The prevalence of tobacco use overall was found to be 20.9%, and was significantly higher (P=0.016) among the males than the females. Tobacco use was found to be significantly associated with having seen a brother/sister smoke (OR 5.15), best friend smoke (OR 2.92), and belonging to a nuclear family (OR 1.96).


Tobacco use is still an important risk behavior among adolescent students. This study found a strong association of tobacco use by the adolescents with their having seen various role models ever smoking.  相似文献   

目的了解日照市各类人群对艾滋病相关知识的知晓情况及对AIDS的态度行为,为日照市开展AIDS/HIV健康教育奠定基础。方法对日照市的农村居民、城市居民、政府官员、宾馆服务人员等4类人群进行AIDS知识与态度的问卷调查。结果政府官员的知晓率为83.38%,城镇居民为72.45%,服务人员为72.33%,农村居民为66.36%。结论日照市各类人群的艾滋病防治知识知晓率较高,但仍存在不足,应进一步加强宣传教育。  相似文献   

谈立峰 《职业与健康》2006,22(15):1198-1200
目的了解职业高中(职高)生的艾滋病知识、态度的现状,为探讨有效地普及艾滋病知识的方法提供依据。方法采取随机整群抽样的方法对常州市某职高在校的855名学生进行艾滋病知识、态度的调查。结果职高生艾滋病基本知识的平均知晓率为60.80%,艾滋病传播途径平均知晓率为81.96%,艾滋病预防措施的平均知晓率为64.51%。31.91%的学生对艾滋病有恐惧感,92.20%的学生同情艾滋病患者或感染者,83.45%的学生愿意帮助艾滋病患者或感染者,88.53%的学生愿意接受HIV的检测,94.68%的学生愿意了解艾滋病防治知识。结论职高生艾滋病知识知晓率仍有待提高,通过多种方式宣传艾滋病知识是普及艾滋病知识的有效途径。  相似文献   

上海市育龄妇女紧急避孕知识和意识调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为了解上海市育龄妇女紧急避孕意识和知识水平及需求,1998年3~5月随机抽查10017例18~49岁的上海市育龄妇女。结果表明,知道紧急避孕者占28.2%,且在不同婚姻状况、年龄、文化程度、职业间存在显著差异:已婚者紧急避孕知晓率高于未婚者;25岁以上者知晓率明显高于25岁以下者;初中及以上文化程度者知晓率远高于文盲组和小学组;科技人员、职员及行政干部组知晓率高于农民组和其他组。紧急避孕知识来源于计划生育干部的途径为最高,达50.2%,且在不同婚姻状况、年龄、文化程度、职业间存在显著差异。已婚者紧急避孕服务需求地点以单位医务室、社区咨询站为最高。可见,目前上海市育龄妇女紧急避孕知识较为缺乏,应加强紧急避孕知识的宣传,提供紧急避孕服务。  相似文献   

目的了解南通市不同职业人群吸烟状况、对吸烟相关知识的认知及对公共场所禁烟的态度。方法于2007年5—6月在南通市采用方便抽样和配额抽样的方法,对南通市医疗机构、学校、政府机构、公共交通场所、餐厅和网吧等6类公共场所331名工作人员进行调查,内容包括调查对象基本信息、主动吸烟及被动吸烟状况、对吸烟相关知识的认知、对公共场所禁烟的态度。结果调查人群现在吸烟率为21.15%,男性(50.74%)高于女性(0.51%),差别有统计学意义(P0.001);被动吸烟率为56.62%,其中男性51.28%,女性58.76%,差别无统计学意义(P=0.260)。不同职业人群对吸烟和被动吸烟损害健康的正确知晓率均高于90%,而对被动吸烟具体危害正确知晓率较低(均低于90%)。男性人群中,服务行业人员的吸烟率(65.63%)高于其他行业。不同职业人群中,教师的被动吸烟率(29.63%)低于其他职业人群;服务行业人群对吸烟相关知识的正确知晓率和对公共场所禁烟的支持率均低于其他职业。不同职业人群对"医务人员不应当着病人面吸烟"、"学生不应吸烟"、"公务员开会时不应吸烟"非常同意的比例较高(均大于85%)。结论南通市男性现在吸烟率较高,服务行业的吸烟率高于非服务行业。应大力开展吸烟和被动吸烟危害的宣传,加大公共场所禁烟管理力度,以改善不同职业人群对禁烟的态度。  相似文献   

In an effort to strengthen tobacco use prevention programs, this study explores early (9- to 13-year-old) adolescent motivations for and perceptions of use. Data were collected, via electronic keypads, from students visiting 12 health education centers in the U.S. (N=1433). Multivariate logistic regression showed that perceptions of frequent peer tobacco use and popularity of adolescent smoking, in addition to absence of family discussion of tobacco use, were associated with greater likelihood for smoking and of reporting past smoking. Even though most participants thought adolescents who smoke are very unpopular, more than 60% said the primary reason for adolescent smoking was that smokers believe it will make them popular. Participants thought the best way to prevent use was to give kids “other fun things to do instead.” Recommendations are given for customizing curricula or programs.Editors’ Strategic Implications: These promising findings, based on cross-sectional data, make an argument for earlier tobacco use prevention efforts. Prevention researchers, more broadly, should look at the innovative and promising method of using centralized remote computer keypads for data collection.  相似文献   

[目的]了解医学生对捐献血小板的态度、认知及行为状况,为职能部门进行针对性宣传教育工作提供参考依据。[方法]2012年4~5月,对广东医学院湛江校区部分学生进行调查。[结果]调查471人,经常主动了解血小板捐献相关知识的占19.75%;听说过机采血小板的占59.66%,认为捐献血小板不会影响捐献者的凝血功能的占24.63%,表示可以无条件捐献血小板的占27.60%,各项知识知晓率均为男生高于女生,有随年级的增高而下降的趋势(P〈0.01或〈0.05);41.19%献过全血,6.58%献过成份血;担心捐献血小板感染疾病的占53.29%;获得血小板捐献相关知识途径主要是课堂(占77.92%)、互联网(占73.04%)、电视广播报纸等媒体(占72.19%)、大众性宣传(占68.37%)、同学朋友(占63.27%)。[结论]该校医学生对机采血小板知识了解较少,对捐献血小板认同度较低。  相似文献   

Background: India made 2 important policy statements regarding tobacco control in the past decade. First, the India Tobacco Control Act (ITCA) was signed into law in 2003 with the goal to reduce tobacco consumption and protect citizens from exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS). Second, in 2005, India ratified the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). During this same period, India conducted the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) in 2003 and 2006 in an effort to track tobacco use among adolescents. Methods: The GYTS is a school‐based survey of students aged 13‐15 years. Representative national estimates for India in 2003 and 2006 were used in this study. Results: In 2006, 3.8% of students currently smoked cigarettes and 11.9% currently used other tobacco products. These rates were not significantly different than those observed in 2003. Over the same period, exposure to SHS at home and in public places significantly decreased, whereas exposure to pro‐tobacco ads on billboards and the ability to purchase cigarettes in a store did not change significantly. Conclusions: The ITCA and the WHO FCTC have had mixed impacts on the tobacco control effort for adolescents in India. The positive impacts have been the reduction in exposure to SHS, both at home and in public places. The negative impacts are seen with the lack of change in pro‐tobacco advertising and ability to purchase cigarettes in stores. The Government of India needs to consider new and stronger provisions of the ITCA and include strong enforcement measures.  相似文献   

[目的]了解威海市居民对艾滋病的认知和态度情况,为有关部门有针对性地开展预防艾滋病的健康教育工作提供重要依据.[方法]2005年1月,采用多阶段抽样方法,对威海市4区(市)11 694名15岁及以上人群进行艾滋病认知和态度调查.[结果]调查人群中,74.4%不清楚或不了解艾滋病的传播途径,41.3%不知道艾滋病的预防措施,70.9%不知道或不认为艾滋病能在我国蔓延,上述比例农村大于城区;57.3%的人希望了解更多艾滋病方面的知识;将近1/3的人不能正确对待艾滋病病人和HIV携带者.[结论]部分居民认知水平偏低.  相似文献   

[目的 ]通过开展以预防烟草使用为切入点的健康促进学校活动 ,提高中小学生预防烟草使用的知、信、行水平。 [方法 ]采用整群抽样调查方法 ,1998年 10月至 2 0 0 0年 3月 ,在嘉兴市对试点学校和对照学校学生分别进行健康知识调查后 ,在试点学校开展以预防烟草使用为重点的健康促进综合干预活动 ,对照学校按常规进行控烟健康教育。干预后再对试点学校和对照学校学生进行调查 ,并对干预效果进行评估。 [结果 ]试点学校不同学龄段中小学生相关健康知识均有所提高 ,与烟草有关的正确信念和健康行为形成率明显提高。且试点学校学生能够较之以前更为容易地获取控烟知识。 [结论 ]学校预防烟草使用健康促进项目对于提高中小学生健康知识水平 ,改善与烟草有关的健康信念 ,建立拒烟技巧等健康行为效果显著  相似文献   

目的 了解四川省慢病监测点人群吸烟、饮酒现状,分析吸烟与饮酒的关系,为进一步制定控烟、限酒政策提供依据.方法 根据2010年慢病监测项目,采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取四川省8个县(区)4 847名18岁及以上的常住居民进行调查.比较不同性别、年龄吸烟及饮酒状况的差异,并分析两者之间的关系.结果 四川省居民2010年男性吸烟率为67.28%,女性5.19%;现在吸烟率男性为56.42%,女性3.63%;50%以上的吸烟者平均开始吸烟年龄在20岁以下;男性平均每天吸烟16支,女性7支.男性过去1个月饮酒率为53.59%,女性为12.07%;过去12个月男性饮酒率为61.31%,女性17.26%;男性平均每天饮酒量为65 g,女性24.6 g;男性适量饮酒率为17.83%,女性39.01%.吸烟率和饮酒率,平均每日吸烟率和饮酒率呈正相关关系.结论 四川省慢病监测点人群吸烟、饮酒率高,适量饮酒率低,男性高于女性;吸烟和饮酒密切相关.因此,应积极采取措施控烟,同时限酒.  相似文献   

2007年某农业院校学生艾滋病知识与态度调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]了解大学生对艾滋病相关知识的水平与态度,为制定相应的政策、规划和措施提供依据。[方法]2007年,对山东农业大学部分在校学生进行调查。[结果]调查1227人,对艾滋病可通过性、血液、母婴途径传播的知晓率均在83.37%以上,对非有效传播途径的知晓率为12.80%~66.10%;获得艾滋病相关知识的途径主要为报刊(占89.49%)、广播电视(占85.49%)、教科书(占66.50%);93.32%想了解更多艾滋病知识,50.94%愿意做艾滋病知识宣传员。[结论]农业院校学生艾滋病相关知识的知晓率较高,但不够全面。  相似文献   

This study examined how condom use attitude, self-efficacy, and partner intimacy related to five stages of consistent condom use. Interview data were collected from sexually active, heterosexual, African-American crack cocaine smokers (N = 366). Dependent measures assessed both the participants’ own responses and their perceptions about their last sex partner’s own personal condom use attitude and participants’ condom use self-efficacy expectations. Partner intimacy was assessed both as a continuous attitudinal and as a discrete relationship measure. Less than 10% were classified as consistent condom users. Two thirds of inconsistent users were in the Precontemplation (PC) stage. The contemplation (C) and preparation (P) stages were equal among the remainder of the inconsistent condom users. Higher partner intimacy reduced modestly readiness for consistent condom use. The stage but not the intimacy group was related to the condom use attitudes and self-efficacy measures. Last partners’ perceived own negative attitudes were significantly related to the stages of consistent condom use and was especially low in the action (A) and maintenance (M) stages. Participants’ own negative attitudes were unrelated to the stages. Of the self-efficacy measures, both participants’ performance and situational condom use self-efficacies increased significantly after the PC stage and were highest in the P, A, and M stages. However, situational self-efficacy accounted for most of performance self-efficacy variance. In sum, consistent condom use was rare. A partner’s attitudes and the participants’ own situational self-efficacy expectations, rather than intimacy, determined the readiness to adopt consistent condom use.  相似文献   

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