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目的探讨餐后血糖异常对冠心病及冠状动脉病变程度的影响。方法选择我院122例进行冠脉造影检查的非糖尿病患者,其中60例确诊为冠心病,62例为非冠心病患者,均测定空腹血糖、OGTT及糖化血红蛋白。结果冠心病与非冠心病比较,餐后2小时血糖升高,差异有统计学意义,空腹血糖及糖化血红蛋白差异无统计学意义。冠状动脉狭窄程度与餐后2小时血糖呈正相关(r=0.34,P<0.01)。结论冠心病患者糖耐量受损明显者的冠状动脉病变重,餐后2小时血糖测定对冠心病的临床监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

1999年,美国心脏病学会(AHA)提出糖尿病(DM)是一种心血管疾病,并正式将糖尿病与血脂异常、高血压、吸烟等列为冠心病(CHD)的主要危险因素.2001年,美国国家胆固醇教育计划(NCEP)成人治疗组第三次报告(ATPⅢ)[1]又将糖尿病从过去的危险因素提升为糖尿病是冠心病的等危症.……  相似文献   

来自美国,欧洲和亚洲的流行病学资料均证实在自然人群中,已诊糖尿病患者与尚未被诊断的无症状糖尿病患者数量相当.在这些人群中有一部分人是通过筛查空腹血糖确诊的,而更多的人是通过OGTT试验或测试餐后血糖确诊的.这是因为葡萄糖刺激后2小时血糖随着年龄的增加而升高,空腹血糖则无这种改变.大多数无症状的老年糖尿病患者仅表现为负荷后高血糖.现在有越来越多的证据表明餐后高血糖可预测心血管疾病的发生发展.  相似文献   

糖代谢异常在冠心病患者中普遍存在,兩者并存显著增加心血管事件的风险,患者预后较差。提高冠心病患者血糖管理意识,注重糖代谢异常的早期筛查并制定合理有效的血糖管理策略,有利于减少心血管事件,显著改善患者预后。  相似文献   

目的:比较空腹血糖(FPG)和口服葡萄糖后2小时血糖(2-h PG)两种检测方法,在门诊高血压患者合并糖代谢异常检出中的贡献。方法:为多中心横断面研究,2009年在全国22个省市46家医院中,依照统一入选标准连续入选门诊高血压患者至少100例,资料收集包括问卷调查、体格检查和血生化检测等。血糖检测包括FPG和2-h PG(除外有糖尿病史者)。共入选高血压患者5 206例,资料完整用于本次分析的4 942例。结果:1门诊高血压患者中53.0%合并有糖代谢异常,其中糖尿病患病率为24.3%。在1 202例糖尿病患者中,417例(34.7%)是新检出的患者。2新检出的417例糖尿病患者中,54.9%患者依据空腹血糖水平可以诊断,45.1%的患者仅是依据2-h PG水平诊断。在仅依据2-h PG水平新检出的糖尿病患者中,60.1%的患者空腹血糖水平<6.1mmol/L。3在新检出的1 417例糖尿病前期患者中,71.4%的患者仅是依据2-h PG水平诊断,其中68.9%的患者空腹血糖水平<5.6mmol/L。4与依据空腹血糖水平检出的糖尿病患者比较,依据2-h PG水平检出的糖尿病患者的年龄大、高血压病程长。结论:在门诊就诊的高血压患者中,50%以上的患者合并有糖代谢异常。在空腹血糖检测的基础上增加2-h PG检测,可提高糖代谢异常的检出率,尤其是老年患者。  相似文献   

糖尿病患者冠心病的患病率是其他患者的2~3倍,心血管死亡率是其他患者的3倍,在校正了其他危险因素之后,糖尿病仍是冠心病预后不良的独立的危险因素。我们对心内科住院的冠心病患者糖代谢异常的诊治状况进行分析,以促进心内科医生对冠心病合并糖代谢异常患者的重视。  相似文献   

糖尿病患冠心病发生较早,发展较快,糖耐量减低的病人亦有同样倾向。近年来国内在临床上发现,冠心病患糖耐量减低的发生率比50岁以上总人口平均发生率(2.96%)高十倍,但与国外统计数字相比仍较低。为探索国内冠心病与糖耐量减低的关系,  相似文献   

目的在有或无疑似餐后低血糖症状的受试者中进行5小时口服葡萄糖耐量试验(5hOGTT),探讨OGTT特征及其临床应用价值。方法共纳入27例有疑似餐后低血糖症状的受试者和41例无餐后低血糖症状的受试者,均行82.5g葡萄糖的5hOGTT。结果在无餐后低血糖症状的受试者中共筛查出低血糖6例。在有疑似餐后低血糖的受试者中共筛查出低血糖17例,低血糖再现率83%。诊断服糖后低血糖的人群中IGT伴发率达30%。结论与无餐后低血糖症状人群相比,有疑似餐后低血糖人群中服糖后低血糖的发生率高达63%,服糖后低血糖病例的IGT伴发率达29%。对有疑似餐后低血糖病例进行4hOGTT低血糖筛查敏感性达100%。  相似文献   

该文探讨高血压患者的糖代谢情况及其高危因素分析。方法:对高血压患者562例进行口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT),根据血糖分为正常葡萄糖耐量(NGT)、空腹血糖受损(IFG)、葡萄糖耐量减低(IGT)和糖尿病4组,分析各组的发病率,对各组的血脂(TG、TC、HDL、LDL)、体质量指数、HOMA-IR、8细胞功能(HOMA-β)、胰岛素敏感性指数(ISI)、  相似文献   

餐后血糖达标是糖尿病管理中的一个重要环节。餐后血糖的理想控制不仅仅会增强糖尿病患者控制糖尿病的信心,而且能给您带来实实在在的益处——即餐后血糖达标对心血管系统的保护作用。  相似文献   

冠心病患者的糖代谢异常分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨冠心病患者血糖代谢异常的发生率以及糖代谢异常对心血管事件发生和影响预后的可能机制。方法选择病情稳定的冠心病(NACS)患者和急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者各110例。抽取静脉血检查空腹血糖(FBG)和餐后2小时血糖(2hPG),若其中任何1项异常,则进行口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)。根据血糖结果分为糖代谢正常组和糖代谢异常组(包括糖耐量异常组和糖尿病组)。同时行丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)测定。结果糖代谢异常发生率在NACS和ACS患者中分别占44.54%和63.64%。无论NACS患者或ACS患者,糖代谢异常组的MDA升高和SOD降低与糖代谢正常组比较差异均有显著性;合并糖尿病和合并糖耐量异常的患者组间MDA及SOD水平比较,差异无显著性。结论糖代谢异常在冠心病患者中发生率较高,其中新识别糖代谢异常需要行OGTT检查;合并糖代谢异常的冠心病患者脂质过氧化程度高;合并糖耐量异常与合并糖尿病一样,对冠心病患者有相等程度的氧化应激。  相似文献   

目的 分析不同空腹血糖水平冠心病患者的临床特征和冠脉造影特点.方法 106例经冠脉造影确诊的冠心病患者根据FPG水平分为三组:正常空腹血糖(NFG)组60例,FPG<5.6mmol/L;空腹血糖受损(IFG)组16例,FPG5.6~7.0mmol/L;糖尿病(DM)组30例,FPG>7.0mmol/L.测量血压和FPG、血脂、肌酐等生化指标,比较三组患者的临床和冠状动脉造影特点.结果 (1)三组间年龄、冠心病病程、TC、TG、肌酐无统计学差异.自NFG、IFG到DM组,LDL-C逐渐上升,而HDL-C逐渐下降,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).(2)随着FPG水平上升,冠状动脉重度狭窄、完全闭塞和弥漫性病变比例增高,T2DM冠心病组发生3支病变较多(P<0.05),发生率为40%.结论 随着FPG上升,冠状动脉病变严重程度加重,FPG水平升高是发生冠心病的危险因素.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the influence of blood glucose on platelet-dependent thrombosis (PDT). BACKGROUND: Elevated blood glucose is a predictor of adverse cardiovascular risk independent of a diagnosis of diabetes, possibly due to adverse effects promoting thrombosis. The effects of blood glucose on PDT have not been characterized. METHODS: An ex vivo extracorporeal perfusion protocol was used to measure PDT in 42 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). The Badimon chamber was perfused with unanticoagulated venous blood and PDT evaluated using computerized morphometry. Whole blood impedance aggregometry and flow cytometry evaluated platelet aggregation and P-selectin expression, respectively. RESULTS: Using a multivariate stepwise regression model, blood glucose was the best independent predictor of PDT (R2 = 0.19, p < 0.008), followed by apolipoprotein B (R2 = 0.18, p = 0.002) and intracellular magnesium levels (R2 = 0.12, p = 0.02). Platelet-dependent thrombosis was significantly greater in patients with blood glucose >, compared with <, the median value of 4.9 mmol/l (159 +/- 141 vs. 67 +/- 69 microm2/mm, p < 0.01). Neither platelet aggregation nor P-selectin expression was significantly different between the two groups. Insulin levels correlated with blood glucose (r = 0.56, p = 0.0003), but were not independently associated with either PDT, platelet aggregation or P-selectin expression. A two-way analysis of variance demonstrated an interaction between insulin (>126 pmol/l) and blood glucose (>4.9 mmol/l) in modulating PDT (F [1,38] = 8.5, p < 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Blood glucose is an independent predictor of PDT in stable CAD patients. The relationship is evident even in the range of blood glucose levels considered normal, indicating that the risk associated with blood glucose may be continuous and graded. These findings suggest that the increased CAD risk associated with elevated blood glucose may be, in part, related to enhanced platelet-mediated thrombogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) frame count and TIMI perfusion grade are measures of epicardial and microvascular ventricular coronary artery blood flow, respectively. Similar angiographic methods for measuring atrial coronary artery blood flow have not been developed. OBJECTIVE: To utilize two new angiographic measures of atrial blood flow (ABF), the atrial frame count (AFC) and the atrial perfusion score (APS), to determine whether ABF differs between patients with and without coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: The AFC was defined as the number of frames for dye to reach standardized, distal atrial arterial landmarks during coronary angiography. The APS was utilized as a measure of microvascular atrial perfusion. AFCs were measured in 36 patients prior to isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), isolated valve surgery or in control patients (with neither CAD nor valvular disease). RESULTS: Sinus node artery and left atrial branch AFCs were higher (that is, ABF was reduced) in patients with CAD undergoing CABG than in those undergoing valve surgery (P < 0.05) or in control patients (P < 0.05). The APS was reduced in 63% of CAD patients but in only 5% of those without CAD (P < 0.001). The severity of CAD was a significant predictor of decreased ABF independent of the degree of proximal epicardial stenosis (P < 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: ABF is measurable with the AFC and APS. A significant reduction in ABF is present in patients with CAD undergoing CABG compared to patients without CAD. This reduction appears to be related to the overall severity of CAD independent of the degree of proximal stenosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Although specific guidelines for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia have been published, it is not known whether physicians treating patients likely to have lipid disorders have adopted the recommendations. METHODS AND RESULTS. The approach of cardiologists to the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in a metropolitan teaching hospital was assessed by interviewing patients with chest pain who were admitted for coronary angiography in 1988-1989 and by measuring fasting blood lipid profiles. At 1 month and again 12-24 months later, patients were contacted by telephone to determine if there had been any changes in treatment. Of 95 patients evaluated, 81 had coronary artery disease. Only 17% of those with high levels of total cholesterol and/or low density lipoprotein cholesterol were being actively treated with diet and/or drugs. In the remaining patients, either lipid studies had not been done or abnormal results had not been addressed. There was little change in treatment approach during the month after the diagnostic procedure. Furthermore, the experience was similar in those patients subjected to coronary revascularization. One to 2 years after the initial intervention, 69 of the original study group could be contacted again. Although active dietary or pharmacological therapy was initiated in some individuals during this interval, it was stopped in others. Thirty-five percent of hypercholesterolemic patients were receiving targeted therapy. CONCLUSIONS. Thus, only a small proportion of patients with documented coronary artery disease and hypercholesterolemia were being actively treated for their lipid disorder, suggesting that the published treatment guidelines have not yet been fully accepted. However, an encouraging improvement in frequency of treatment of hypercholesterolemia was documented during the 1-2-year observation period.  相似文献   

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