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Genetic Analysis Workshop II: sib pair screening tests for linkage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
For each marker locus and for every pair of sibs with data available in the 1983 workshop data, the proportion of genes identical by descent was estimated. The mean proportions were compared between concordant and discordant sib pairs, and the mean proportion for concordantly affected pairs was compared with one half. Together with standard tests of association, these found to be sensitive screening tests for linkage.  相似文献   

In diseases with a complex mode of inheritance, families with multiple affected individuals are difficult to ascertain. The haplotype sharing statistic (HSS) uses (hidden) co-ancestry between affected individuals from a founder population. These affected individuals will likely not only share the same mutation(s), but also the surrounding haplotype. We show that this method gives a low false positive rate, but does not detect genes in the nuclear families of Problem 2A of the GAW data. We also give evidence based on simulations and empirical studies in real population based data that the HSS method has statistical power. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe methods and programs for simulating the genotypes of individuals in a pedigree at large numbers of linked loci when the alleles of the founders are under linkage disequilibrium. Both simulation and estimation of linkage disequilibrium models are shown to be feasible on a genome wide scale. The methods are applied to evaluate the statistical significance of streaks of loci at which sets of related individuals share a common allele. The effects of properly allowing for linkage disequilibrium are shown to be important as they explain many of the large observations. This is illustrated by reanalysis of a previously reported linkage of prostate cancer to chromosome 1p23. Genet. Epidemiol. 34: 119–124, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We performed Haseman-Elston regression on a set of bipolar pedigrees using each of three dependent variables: a binary trait indicating disease concordance or discordance, a binary trait adjusted for age-of-onset, and the residuals from a survival analysis. The latter two methods, which both adjust for age-of-onset, gave smaller p-values when previous analyses suggested linkage between disease and marker, but not when previous analyses were not suggestive of linkage. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The proportion of the genome that is shared identical by descent (IBD) between pairs of individuals is often estimated in studies involving genome‐wide SNP data. These estimates can be used to check pedigrees, estimate heritability, and adjust association analyses. We focus on the method of moments technique as implemented in PLINK [Purcell et al., 2007] and other software that estimates the proportions of the genome at which two individuals share 0, 1, or 2 alleles IBD. This technique is based on the assumption that the study sample is drawn from a single, homogeneous, randomly mating population. This assumption is violated if pedigree founders are drawn from multiple populations or include admixed individuals. In the presence of population structure, the method of moments estimator has an inflated variance and can be biased because it relies on sample‐based allele frequency estimates. In the case of the PLINK estimator, which truncates genome‐wide sharing estimates at zero and one to generate biologically interpretable results, the bias is most often towards over‐estimation of relatedness between ancestrally similar individuals. Using simulated pedigrees, we are able to demonstrate and quantify the behavior of the PLINK method of moments estimator under different population structure conditions. We also propose a simple method based on SNP pruning for improving genome‐wide IBD estimates when the assumption of a single, homogeneous population is violated.  相似文献   

The probabilities that two individuals share 0, 1, or 2 alleles identical by descent (IBD) at a given genotyped marker locus are quantities of fundamental importance for disease gene and quantitative trait mapping and in family-based tests of association. Until recently, genotyped markers were sufficiently sparse that founder haplotypes could be modelled as having been drawn from a population in linkage equilibrium for the purpose of estimating IBD probabilities. However, with the advent of high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping assays, this is no longer a reasonable assumption. Indeed, the imminent arrival of individual sequencing will enable high-density single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping on a scale for which current algorithms are not equipped. In this paper, we present a simple new model in which founder haplotypes are modelled as a Markov chain. Another important innovation is that genotyping errors are explicitly incorporated into the model. We compare results obtained using the new model to those obtained using the popular genetic linkage analysis package Merlin, with and without using the cluster model of linkage disequilibrium that is incorporated into that program. We find that the new model results in accuracy approaching that of Merlin with haplotype blocks, but achieves this with orders of magnitude faster run times. Moreover, the new algorithm scales linearly with number of markers, irrespective of density, whereas Merlin scales supralinearly. We also confirm a previous finding that ignoring linkage disequilibrium in founder haplotypes can cause errors in the calculation of IBD probabilities.  相似文献   

The methods proposed by Haseman and Elston [1972] were used to estimate the proportion of genes identical by descent shared by each sib pair at each locus. These estimates were then used as a basis for obtaining all possible locus-locus correlations. The 12 significant correlations (P < .01) and their rank order indicated the correct linkage groups and the order of the loci.  相似文献   

The number of identical deleterious mutations present in a population may become very large, depending on the combined effect of genetic drift, population growth and limited negative selection. The distribution of the length of the shared area between two random chromosomes carrying the mutations has been investigated for a number of generations varying from 20-100 since introduction. The consequences for investigations using association and haplotype sharing methods are discussed. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, Wen and Stephens (Wen and Stephens [2010] Ann Appl Stat 4(3):1158–1182) proposed a linear predictor, called BLIMP, that uses conditional multivariate normal moments to impute genotypes with accuracy similar to current state‐of‐the‐art methods. One novelty is that it regularized the estimated covariance matrix based on a model from population genetics. We extended multivariate moments to impute genotypes in pedigrees. Our proposed method, PedBLIMP, utilizes both the linkage‐disequilibrium (LD) information estimated from external panel data and the pedigree structure or identity‐by‐descent (IBD) information. The proposed method was evaluated on a pedigree design where some individuals were genotyped with dense markers and the rest with sparse markers. We found that incorporating the pedigree/IBD information can improve imputation accuracy compared to BLIMP. Because rare variants usually have low LD with other single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), incorporating pedigree/IBD information largely improved imputation accuracy for rare variants. We also compared PedBLIMP with IMPUTE2 and GIGI. Results show that when sparse markers are in a certain density range, our method can outperform both IMPUTE2 and GIGI.  相似文献   

The multipoint identity-by-descent method (MIM) was used to analyze simulated data for quantitative traits from GAW9. A two-stage method of implementation was used. First, polymorphic markers spaced 6-12 cM apart were used to identify chromosomes of interest for each trait Q1-Q4; and second, for each of these chromosomes, markers spaced 2 cM apart were used to confirm the linkage detected and refine the region for the susceptibility loci. MIM performed well at both levels of mapping, correctly detecting major genes for trait Q3 on chromosome 2, trait Q2 on chromosome 1, and trait Q4 on chromosome 5. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated how sharing of rare variants (RVs) in distant affected relatives can be used to identify variants causing a complex and heterogeneous disease. This approach tested whether single RVs were shared by all sequenced affected family members. However, as with other study designs, joint analysis of several RVs (e.g., within genes) is sometimes required to obtain sufficient statistical power. Further, phenocopies can lead to false negatives for some causal RVs if complete sharing among affected is required. Here, we extend our methodology (Rare Variant Sharing, RVS) to address these issues. Specifically, we introduce gene-based analyses, a partial sharing test based on RV sharing probabilities for subsets of affected relatives and a haplotype-based RV definition. RVS also has the desirable feature of not requiring external estimates of variant frequency or control samples, provides functionality to assess and address violations of key assumptions, and is available as open source software for genome-wide analysis. Simulations including phenocopies, based on the families of an oral cleft study, revealed the partial and complete sharing versions of RVS achieved similar statistical power compared with alternative methods (RareIBD and the Gene-Based Segregation Test), and had superior power compared with the pedigree Variant Annotation, Analysis, and Search Tool (pVAAST) linkage statistic. In studies of multiplex cleft families, analysis of rare single nucleotide variants in the exome of 151 affected relatives from 54 families revealed no significant excess sharing in any one gene, but highlighted different patterns of sharing revealed by the complete and partial sharing tests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed a multipoint method to assess evidence of linkage to one region by incorporating linkage evidence from another region. This approach uses affected sib pairs in which the number of alleles shared identical by descent (IBD) is the primary statistic. This generalized estimating equation (GEE) approach is robust in that no assumption about the mode of inheritance is required, other than assuming the two regions being considered are unlinked and that there is no more than one susceptibility gene in each region. The method proposed here uses data from all available families to simultaneously test the hypothesis of statistical interaction between regions and to estimate the location of the susceptibility gene in the target region. As an illustration, we have applied this GEE method to an asthma sib pair study (Wjst et al. [1999] Genomics 58:1-8), which earlier reported evidence of linkage to chromosome 6 but showed no evidence for chromosome 20. Our results yield strong evidence to chromosome 20 (P value = 0.0001) after incorporating linkage information from chromosome 6. Furthermore, it estimates with 95% certainty that the map location of the susceptibility gene is flanked by markers D20S186 and D20S101, which are approximately 16.3 cM apart.  相似文献   

For diseases with complex genetic etiology, more than one susceptibility gene may exist in a single chromosomal region. Extending the work of Liang et al. ([2001] Hum. Hered. 51:64-78), we developed a method for simultaneous localization of two susceptibility genes in one region. We derived an expression for expected allele sharing of an affected sib pair (ASP) at each point across a chromosomal segment containing two susceptibility genes. Using generalized estimating equations (GEE), we developed an algorithm that uses marker identical-by-descent (IBD) sharing in affected sib pairs to simultaneously estimate the locations of the two genes and the mean IBD sharing in ASPs at these two disease loci. Confidence intervals for gene locations can be constructed based on large sample approximations. Application of the described methods to data from a genome scan for type 1 diabetes (Mein et al. [1998] Nat. Genet. 19:297-300) yielded estimates of two putative disease gene locations on chromosome 6, approximately 20 cM apart. Properties of the estimators, including bias, precision, and confidence interval coverage, were studied by simulation for a range of genetic models. The simulations demonstrated that the proposed method can improve disease gene localization and aid in resolving large peaks when two disease genes are present in one chromosomal region. Joint localization of two disease genes improves with increased excess allele sharing at the disease gene loci, increased distance between the disease genes, and increased number of affected sib pairs in the sample.  相似文献   

Using simulated data from GAW 12, problem 2, we further develop a novel technique to detect and use significant covariates in linkage analysis. The method, first introduced by Rice et al. [Genet Epidemiol 17(Suppl. 1):S691–5, 19991, uses logistic regression to model perturbation in sharing as a function of covariate levels. The original method allows use of all sib pairs (concordant affected, concordant unaffected, and discordant). Here we extend this method to include cousin pairs in analysis. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

From a single extended pedigree simulation replicate, high density, affected only subpedigrees were isolated, based on the T > 40 affected status for the disease trait, Q1. On this sample of 14 pedigrees, with a range of two to six affected members (48 total), we conducted a haplotype based, multilocus, nonparametric genome-wide search of the provided data (367 markers) using the computer program GENEHUNTER. As with most genome screens in complex diseases, the objective of this strategy was to identify regions (hot-spots) which breached our predetermined threshold (p < 0.05), requiring confirmation by other groups or consortia. Of the six regions with threshold breaching scores (p < 0.05), the most promising, on chromosome 8 and chromosome 4, corresponded to the locations of MG2 and MG3. Both of these regions have multiple, consecutive markers above threshold and contained the only scores that exceeded p < 0.01. In addition, a fourth hot-spot consisting of a single marker above threshold, was less than 15 cm from MG1 on chromosome 5. The positions of the remaining three hot-spots did not correspond to the any of the major genes and are therefore false positives. An additional analysis of a single nuclear pedigree simulation replicate, using the extended transmission disequilibrium test (ETDT), was applied to markers in each of the above hot-spot regions to look for evidence of disequilibrium with the disease trait. This analysis provided weak additional support for the chromosome 8 finding, even though the sample was very small (36 pedigrees containing 44 affected offspring). © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We address the analytical problem of evaluating the evidence for linkage at a test locus while taking into account the effect of a known linked disease locus. The method we propose is a multimarker regression approach that models the identity-by-descent states for affected sib-pairs at a series of linked markers in terms of the identity-by-descent state at the known disease locus. Our method allows analysis to be performed at a test location (or a series of locations) without the requirement that identity-by-descent be directly observed at either the test or the known conditioning locus. An advantage of our method is that identity-by-descent states from multiple markers are included simultaneously in the test of linkage, without recourse to multipoint imputation. The properties and power of the method are examined under various null and alternative hypotheses. The method is applied to data from a study of 1,056 type 1 diabetes families to examine the evidence for an additional putative locus (IDDM15) on chromosome 6q, linked to IDDM1 in the HLA region on chromosome 6p. After accounting for the strong effect of IDDM1 and the differing rates of male and female recombination in the region, we find only marginal evidence for IDDM15 (P = 0.03 to 0.002, using different methods) approximately 15 cM centromeric of the original localisation.  相似文献   

Linkage and linkage disequilibrium tests are powerful tools for mapping complex disease genes. We investigated two approaches to identifying markers associated with disease. One method applied linkage analysis and then linkage disequilibrium tests to markers within linked regions. The other method looked for linkage disequilibrium with disease using all markers. Additionally, we investigated using Simes’ test to combine p‐values from linkage disequilibrium tests for nearby markers. We applied both approaches to all replicates of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 12 problem 2 isolated population data set. We reported results from the 25th replicate as if it were a real problem and assessed the power of our methods using all replicates. Using all replicates, we found that testing all markers for linkage disequilibrium with disease was more powerful than identifying markers that were in linkage with disease and then testing markers within those regions for linkage disequilibrium with the implementations that we chose. Using Simes’ test to combine p‐values for linkage disequilibrium tests on correlated markers seemed to be of marginal value. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, Liang et al. ([2001b] Genet. Epidemiol. 21:105-122) proposed a conditional approach to assess linkage evidence on the target region by incorporating linkage information from an unlinked (reference) region using allele shared IBD (identity-by-decent) from affected sib pairs. This is carried out by conditioning on the IBD sharing value at the estimated trait locus of the reference region. Since markers considered are typically non-fully informative, the IBD sharing at each marker needs to be estimated (or imputed). In this report, we propose an alternative approach to deal with the IBD sharing in the reference region. This new approach makes full use of the observed data without having to categorize the imputed IBD sharing as needed in Liang et al. ([2001b] Genet. Epidemiol. 21:105-122). We compare these two approaches by simulating data from a variety of two-locus models including heterogeneity, additive and multiplicative with either fully informative markers or non-fully informative markers. The performance of both approaches is quite comparable showing consistent estimates of the trait locus and key genetic parameters.  相似文献   

In the search for genetic associations with complex traits, population isolates offer the advantage of reduced genetic and environmental heterogeneity. In addition, cost‐efficient next‐generation association approaches have been proposed in these populations where only a subsample of representative individuals is sequenced and then genotypes are imputed into the rest of the population. Gene mapping in such populations thus requires high‐quality genetic imputation and preliminary phasing. To identify an effective study design, we compare by simulation a range of phasing and imputation software and strategies. We simulated 1,115,604 variants on chromosome 10 for 477 members of the large complex pedigree of Campora, a village within the established isolate of Cilento in southern Italy. We assessed the phasing performance of identical by descent based software ALPHAPHASE and SLRP, LD‐based software SHAPEIT2, SHAPEIT3, and BEAGLE, and new software EAGLE that combines both methodologies. For imputation we compared IMPUTE2, IMPUTE4, MINIMAC3, BEAGLE, and new software PBWT. Genotyping errors and missing genotypes were simulated to observe their effects on the performance of each software. Highly accurate phased data were achieved by all software with SHAPEIT2, SHAPEIT3, and EAGLE2 providing the most accurate results. MINIMAC3, IMPUTE4, and IMPUTE2 all performed strongly as imputation software and our study highlights the considerable gain in imputation accuracy provided by a genome sequenced reference panel specific to the population isolate.  相似文献   

Many studies are done in small isolated populations and populations where marriages between relatives are encouraged. In this paper, we point out some problems with applying the maximum lod score (MLS) method (Risch, [1990] Am. J. Hum. Genet. 46:242-253) in these populations where relationships exist between the two parents of the affected sib-pairs. Characterizing the parental relationships by the kinship coefficient between the parents (f), the maternal inbreeding coefficient (alpha(m), and the paternal inbreeding coefficient (alpha(p)), we explored the relationship between the identity by descent (IBD) vector expected under the null hypothesis of no linkage and these quantities. We find that the expected IBD vector is no longer (0.25, 0.5, 0.25) when f, alpha(m), and alpha(p) differ from zero. In addition, the expected IBD vector does not always follow the triangle constraints recommended by Holmans ([1993] Am. J. Hum. Genet. 52:362-374). So the classically used MLS statistic needs to be adapted to the presence of parental relationships. We modified the software GENEHUNTER (Kruglyak et al. [1996] Am. J. Hum. Genet. 58: 1347-1363) to do so. Indeed, the current version of the software does not compute the likelihood properly under the null hypothesis. We studied the adapted statistic by simulating data on three different family structures: (1) parents are double first cousins (f=0.125, alpha(m)=alpha(p)=0), (2) each parent is the offspring of first cousins (f=0, alpha(m)=alpha(p)=0.0625), and (3) parents are related as in the pedigree from Goddard et al. ([1996] Am. J. Hum. Genet. 58:1286-1302) (f=0.109, alpha(m)=alpha(p)=0.0625). The appropriate threshold needs to be derived for each case in order to get the correct type I error. And using the classical statistic in the presence of both parental kinship and parental inbreeding almost always leads to false conclusions.  相似文献   

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