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目的为探讨独生子女情感障碍患者人格、心理防御机制及父母教养方式的关系。方法采用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)、防御方式问卷(DSQ)、父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)对住院的100例独生子女情感障碍患者和正常独生子女进行测评,其中患者在自知力恢复以后测评。结果独生子女情感障碍患者更多地使用投射、抱怨、幻想、退缩、躯体化等不成熟的防御机制,EPQ得分精神质、神经质、内外倾性高于正常独生子女(P〈0.01),相关分析发现,精神质、神经质与不成熟防御机制、中间防御机制呈正相关,内外倾性与成熟防御机制呈正相关,独生子女情感障碍患者的父母惩罚、父母拒绝、父亲保护、母亲干涉因子分高于正常独生子女(P〈0.01),而父亲温暖因子低于正常独生子女,相关分析发现,父母惩罚、父母拒绝、父母干涉、父亲保护与不成熟防御机制正相关,而父母温暖与不成熟防御机制负相关。结论独生子女情感障碍患者多使用不成熟防御机制、不良的父母教养方式,存在个性缺陷,且三者之间密切相关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨抑郁障碍患者人格特征与父母教养方式、自身防御方式的关系。方法 将徐州市东方人民医院 2016 年 8 月至 2019 年 7 月收治的 60 例抑郁障碍患者作为观察组,并选择 60 名健康志愿者为对照组,向两组受试者发放明尼苏达多项个性调查表(MMPI)、父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)、防御方式问卷(DSQ),分析抑郁障碍患者人格特征与父母教养方式、自身防御方式的关系。结果 MMPI 量表评分中,观察组疑病、抑郁、癔症、精神病态、妄想狂、精神衰弱评分均高于对照组(t=12.949、15.893、20.349、7.188、6.863、5.391,P< 0.05);EMBU 量表评分中,观察组父母情感温暖与理解因子分低于对照组(t=3.126、3.096,P< 0.05),父母惩罚与严厉因子分、拒绝与否认因子分、父亲过度保护因子分、母亲过分干涉与保护因子分均高于对照组(t=3.256、3.661、4.622、3.744、4.225、2.832,P< 0.05);DSQ 评分中,观察组不成熟防御机制评分高于对照组(t=4.938,P< 0.05),成熟防御机制评分低于对照组(t=3.423,P< 0.05)。相关性分析显示,抑郁障碍患者抑郁、精神病态、精神衰弱与其父母惩罚与严厉因子分、拒绝与否认因子分、父亲过度保护因子分、母亲过分干涉与保护因子分呈正相关(r=0.304~0.348,P< 0.05),疑病、抑郁与父母情感温暖与理解因子分呈负相关(r=-0.322~-0.344,P< 0.05);抑郁障碍患者抑郁、精神病态、妄想狂、精神衰弱与其不成熟防御机制评分呈正相关(r=0.303~0.334,P< 0.05),疑病、抑郁、癔症与其成熟防御机制评分呈负相关(r=-0.305~-0.309,P< 0.05);抑郁障碍患者父母惩罚与严厉因子分、拒绝与否认因子分、父亲过度保护因子分、母亲过分干涉与保护因子分与其不成熟防御机制呈正相关(r=0.393~0.418,P< 0.05),与其成熟防御机制呈负相关(r=-0.385~-0.407,P< 0.05);父母情感温暖与理解与其不成熟防御机制呈负相关(r=-0.404、-0.416,P< 0.05),与其成熟防御机制呈正相关(r=0.412、0.422,P< 0.05)。结论 抑郁障碍患者人格特征与父母教养方式(父母情感温暖与理解、惩罚与严厉、拒绝与否认、父亲过度保护、母亲过分干涉与保护)、自身防御方式(不成熟防御机制)具有相关性。  相似文献   

目的探讨流动儿童情绪障碍与父母教养方式的相关性。方法对236例流动儿童,207例郑州市儿童进行儿童焦虑情绪障碍筛查表、儿童抑郁障碍自评量表、父母教养方式评价量表问卷调查。结果 (1)流动儿童在躯体化/惊恐、广泛性焦虑、分离性焦虑、社交恐怖、焦虑总分、抑郁总分项目上得分高于对照组(P<0.05);(2)流动儿童在父母情感温暖、父过分干涉、母偏爱被试项目上得分低于对照组(P<0.05);(3)父母拒绝、否认,父过度保护,母惩罚、严厉与流动儿童的焦虑呈正相关;父母情感温暖、母偏爱被试与流动儿童的抑郁呈负相关。结论 (1)流动儿童存在显著的焦虑、抑郁情绪问题;(2)流动儿童得到的父母情感温暖、偏爱较少;(3)父母积极的养育方式会使流动儿童较少出现抑郁情绪,而不良的养育方式与焦虑情绪的出现有关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨精神分裂症与双相情感障碍躁狂发作患者的父母教养方式特点.方法 采用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)对43例精神分裂症患者及38例双相情感障碍躁狂发作患者父母教养方式(研究组)进行评定,并与38例正常受试者(对照组)比较.结果 与双相情感障碍躁狂发作及正常被试比较,精神分裂症患者组在教养方式上,父母均表现为高惩罚与严厉、高过分干涉和高拒绝与否认(P<0.05);双相情感障碍躁狂发作患者组教养方式各因子得分虽低于正常对照组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 精神分裂症患者父母教养方式均存在多方面问题,可能对精神分裂症发病有一定影响.双相情感障碍躁狂发作患者的父母教养方式可能存在一定问题,需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

目的探讨躯体化障碍的人格特征及父母教养方式对躯体化障碍人格特征的影响。方法 56例躯体化障碍患者和56例正常对照者进行父母教养方式评价量表(EUMB)和艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)测评,将所得结果进行分析。结果 (1)躯体化障碍组的EPQ-E和EPQ-N分、EPQ-L分均明显高于正常对照组(P<0.01);(2)与正常对照组相比,躯体化障碍组父母有更少的情感温暖和理解(P<0.01),母亲有更少的过度干涉、过度保护和偏爱被试(P<0.05);(3)父母的情感温暖、理解因子、母亲的偏爱被试因子分与EPQ-E呈正相关(P<0.05);父母的情感温暖、理解因子及母亲的过分干涉、过度保护因子与EPQ-N呈负相关,母亲的拒绝、否认因子与EPQ-N呈正相关(P<0.05);母亲的过分干涉、过度保护因子及拒绝、否认因子与EPQ-L呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论躯体化障碍患者存在一定的人格问题,表现为外倾、神经质;父母的教养方式与躯体化障碍的形成有关,个体童年时期经历过多父母对其情感上的忽视、被拒绝、压抑与躯体化障碍人格的形成有关。  相似文献   

社交恐怖症患者父母教养方式的对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨社交恐怖症患者父母教养方式的特异性因素。方法 采用父母教养方式评价量表(EM—BU)对符合ICD—10诊断标准的36例社交恐怖症患者进行了评定,并与31例强迫症及35例健康人作为对照者加以比较。结果 同健康对照组相比,社交恐怖症患者在父母惩罚及过分拒绝因子上的评分较高,而父母情感温暖因子上的评分较低,差别有非常显著性意义(P<0.01)。同强迫症组相比,社交恐怖症患者在母亲惩罚因子上的评分较高,而母亲情感温暖因子上的评分较低,差别有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论 父母惩罚、缺少父母的情感温暖及父母的过分拒绝在社交恐怖症的发生发展中起着非常重要的作用,其中父母的惩罚可能是社交恐怖症患者的一个特异性因素。  相似文献   

陶庆兰  刘阳  耿婷 《上海精神医学》2007,19(5):267-269,276
目的探讨父母教养方式和生活事件与大学生抑郁障碍的关系,为家庭教育提供指导。方法应用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)与青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)对30名患抑郁障碍的大学生和30名正常对照进行调查。结果两组学生在生活事件量表总分;父母情感温暖、理解;惩罚、严厉;拒绝、否认;过度保护等方面有显著性差异,患者组母亲还表现出较强的过分干涉(P<0.05)。结论父母教养方式影响着大学生的情绪和对生活事件的态度,不良的教养方式会增加大学生发生抑郁障碍的可能。  相似文献   

作者使用岳冬梅修订的父母教养方式问卷(EMBU问卷),对技校学生35个班中79名独生子女的父母教养方式进行了测查,从260名非独生子女的测查材料中随机抽取80名作为对照。结果表明,在女生组和出身一般干部家庭组,非独生子女分别显示出父亲有过度保护倾向;居住城市和出身工人家庭的独生子女,分别感受到母亲的情感温暖较多,对照组则较少。对其他组的分数比较,各因子分未显示出明显差异。  相似文献   

本文通过对强迫症患者父母教养方式的文献回顾,从父母教养方式、父母教养方式对强迫症患者的影响、以及强迫症患者父母心理卫生状况对父母教养方式的影响等方面介绍了现有的研究成果.同时,对强迫症患者父母教养方式的未来研究方向进行了探讨.  相似文献   

目的 探讨父母教养方式与初中生人格的相互关系.方法 采用父母教养方式量表(EMBU)和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ),对288名初中生的父母亲及其本人进行调查.结果 父母的情感温暖和理解与精神质性和神经质性呈负相关,与外向性和说谎倾向呈正相关;父母的惩罚、严厉与精神质性和神经质性呈正相关,与说谎倾向呈负相关;父母的过分干涉、过度保护与神经质性呈正相关;父母的拒绝、否认与精神质性和神经质性呈正相关,与说谎倾向呈负相关.结论 父母的教育方式对初中生自我性格的形成有一定的影响,多给孩子理解、信任、鼓励、肯定和表扬,少些埋怨、惩罚和责备,对孩子形成积极的自我概念和健全的心理很重要.  相似文献   

Data from the Children in the Community Study, a community-based longitudinal investigation, were used to investigate the associations of parental anxiety, depressive, substance use, and personality disorders with parental child rearing behavior. Comprehensive psychosocial interviews, including assessments of child rearing, were conducted with 224 women and 153 men (mean age = 33 years; mean off- spring age = 8 years). Findings indicated that parental personality disorders were associated with parental possessiveness, inconsistent parental discipline, low parental communication, and low parental praise and encouragement. These associations remained significant when parental gender, offspring gender, and co-occurring parental disorders were controlled statistically. Parental anxiety disorders were independently associated with parental possessiveness. Parents with personality disorders were substantially more likely than parents without personality disorders to report engaging in multiple problematic child rearing behaviors. This association was not moderated by co-occurring parental disorders. These findings suggest that the presence of a parental personality disorder may be associated with an elevated likelihood of problematic parenting behavior during the child rearing years.  相似文献   

工读生攻击行为在父母养育方式及人格间的中介作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨工读生攻击行为、父母养育方式及人格特质之间的关系,探析攻击行为在父母养育方式及人格形成间的中介作用.方法 采用整群随机抽样法,抽取河南省2所工读学校74名男生为研究对象,并用攻击性问卷(AQ)、父母养育方式评定量表(PBI)、艾森克人格问卷(儿童)(EPQ)对其进行测量.结果 言语攻击、攻击愤怒、母亲关爱及母亲鼓励因子对人格内外向的形成有直接影响(β=0.37 ~ 1.89,P<0.05或0.01),对内外向的贡献率分别为18.3%、3.8%、2.8%、12.7%.结构模型显示母亲关爱因子通过攻击愤怒和言语攻击因子的部分中介作用对内外向有间接影响,间接效应占总效应的1.30%和57.58%;而母亲鼓励因子通过攻击愤怒因子的部分中介作用对内外向有间接影响,间接效应占总效应的11.05%.结论 父母养育方式对人格形成有直接影响外,还通过攻击性行为的部分中介作用影响人格的形成.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT– Relationships between own memories of parental rearing practices and adult personality features were examined. Two hundred healthy volunteers, 86 males and 114 females, completed the Own Memories of Child-Rearing Experiences (EMBU), the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and the Lazare-Klerman-Armor Trait Scale (LKAS). Relations between two sets of variables were examined by means of Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, and Bonferroni inequalities were applied for each family of hypotheses. For the male sample all correlations were not significant. For females there were several significant correlations. The most consistent finding was that the experience of negative parental rearing factors was associated with pathological features in the personality. About one half of the significant correlations were found between female hysterical scores and EMBU father. The findings support the general assumption that females with hysterical traits have complicated relations to their fathers, which may indicate fixation in the Oedipal stage.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To examine the influence of personality disorder comorbidity on the general treatment of mood disorders. RECENT FINDINGS: Personality disorders generally have a negative influence on outcome of mood disorders, both unipolar and bipolar. When the personality features are addressed, however, the outcome is less negative. Recent studies suggest a special role for psychological and educational therapies in the treatment of these comorbid disorders. SUMMARY: The assessment of, and attention to, the management of personality disorder as well as concurrent mood disorder may improve outcome.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: First-degree relatives of persons with mood disorder who attempt suicide are at greater risk for mood disorders and attempted or completed suicide. This study examined the shared and distinctive factors associated with familial mood disorders and familial suicidal behavior. METHOD: First-degree relatives' history of DSM-IV-defined mood disorder and suicidal behavior was recorded for 457 mood disorder probands, of whom 81% were inpatients and 62% were female. Probands' lifetime severity of aggression and impulsivity were rated, and probands' reports of childhood physical or sexual abuse, suicide attempts, and age at onset of mood disorder were recorded. Univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to identify predictors of suicidal acts in first-degree relatives. RESULTS: A total of 23.2% of the probands with mood disorder who had attempted suicide had a first-degree relative with a history of suicidal behavior, compared with 13.2% of the probands with mood disorder who had not attempted suicide (odds ratio=1.99, 95% CI=1.21-3.26). Thirty percent (30.8%) of the first-degree relatives with a diagnosis of mood disorder also manifested suicidal behavior, compared with 6.6% of the first-degree relatives with no mood disorder diagnosis (odds ratio=6.25, 95% CI=3.44-11.35). Probands with and without a history of suicide attempts did not differ in the incidence of mood disorder in first-degree relatives (50.6% versus 48.1%). Rates of reported childhood abuse and severity of lifetime aggression were higher in probands with a family history of suicidal behavior. Earlier age at onset of mood disorder in probands was associated with greater lifetime severity of aggression and higher rates of reported childhood abuse, mood disorder in first-degree relatives, and suicidal behavior in first-degree relatives. CONCLUSIONS: Risk for suicidal behavior in families of probands with mood disorders appears related to early onset of mood disorders, aggressive/impulsive traits, and reported childhood abuse in probands. Studies of such clinical features in at-risk relatives are under way to determine the relative transmission of these clinical features.  相似文献   

目的探讨抑郁症患者自我概念和父母养育方式及其二者关系。方法采用田纳西自我概念量表(TSCS)、父母养育方式评价量表(EMBU)对符合入组标准的98例抑郁症患者进行测评,并与100例正常人群进行对照,采用汉密顿抑郁量表(24项,HAND)评定抑郁症状严重程度。结果抑郁症患者自我概念水平明显低于正常对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);父母惩罚严厉、拒绝否认均高于正常对照组,父母情感温暖理解因子低于正常对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。抑郁症状与父母惩罚严厉、拒绝否认、母亲过分干涉因子呈显著正相关,与父母情感温暖理解因子及自我概念多个因子呈显著负相关;自我概念因子与父母养育方式多个因子分存在显著相关。结论抑郁症患者父母的不良养育方式可能导致抑郁症患者性格缺陷,影响患者的自我概念发展。:抑郁症患者的自我概念水平与父母不良养育方式存在密切关系。  相似文献   

A population sample comprised of 765 subjects (367 males and 398 females), in the age range of 15-81 years, completed the EMBU, a reliable questionnaire aimed at assessing experiences of parental rearing, and the TCI, a self-report questionnaire aimed at assessing dimensions of temperament and character. The study had three main aims: 1) to verify, on a larger scale, previous findings suggesting the occurrence of significant associations between experiences of parental rearing and aspects of temperament and character, 2) to assess possible variations in temperament and character in cohorts of subjects who have grown up in different historical epochs, and 3) to investigate to what extent transgenerational differences in parental rearing are detectable in different associations with various dimensions of personality. Several, albeit small, significant and meaningful associations between experiences of parental rearing and both temperament and character dimensions have been found, adding support to the robustness of previously reported results obtained in an independent smaller series. Also, several significant differences among subjects in different age groups have been found, both concerning temperament variables and character dimensions. Finally, the results show that associations between experiences of parental rearing and dimensions of temperament and character are most pronounced in subjects belonging to the youngest cohort and almost nil in the cohort comprising the oldest subjects.  相似文献   

边缘型人格障碍的亲附类型及其父母养育方式的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨灿  施琪嘉 《上海精神医学》2006,18(6):327-329,332
目的探讨边缘型人格障碍(Borderline Personality D isorder,BPD)的亲附类型及该人格障碍的父母养育方式。方法收集BPD病例30例,采用成人亲附量表、父母养育方式问卷测量工具。结果BPD组与对照组相比,在安全和不安全类型分布上差异有统计学意义。BPD组男性与女性在安全型和不安全型的分布上没有显著差异。BPD组父亲和母亲的情感温暖因子分值明显低于对照组;惩罚严厉,拒绝否认2个因子分值明显高于对照组;差异均有显著性。结论BPD亲附类型以不安全型为主,不良的父母养育方式可能是BPD形成的危险因素。  相似文献   

This study examines premorbid personality traits from a self-reported and family-reported perspective on a group of unipolar major depression (n = 27), bipolar (n = 21), and schizophrenic (n = 16) recovered inpatients, and a control group (n = 21). Using the Munich Personality Test (MP-T Scales) of von Zerssen for self-reporting and family-reporting personality traits, and the Kischkel scale for the measurement of “intolerance of ambiguity,” we found more “rigidity,” less “esoteric tendencies,” and more “intolerance of ambiguity” patng unipolar depressive patients. Schizophrenic patients showed more esoteric tendencies and less “extraversion.” Results confirm the hypothesis supported by many authors regarding a particular personality structure in unipolar major depression characterized by ridigity and ambiguity intolerance. This personality pattern for unipolar depressives seems to be different from the depressive personality disorder proposed by DSM-IV. Schizophrenic individuals differ by means of their self- and family-reported extraversion. Clinical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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