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Objective To assess the nutritional risk of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).Methods The nutritional status of 112 IBD patients from PUMC Hospital were evaluated by Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002).Using Chinese standard,a body mass index (BMI) that was lowered than 18.5 kg/m~2 according to clinical material was regarded as malnutrition,and the score was recorded as 3.The se-verity of ulcerative colitis (UC) was evaluated using True-Love criteria as mild,moderate,and severe.Crohn's disease (CD) was evaluated using Harvey-Bradshaw Index as in remission stage (≤4),moderately active stage (4-8),and severely actively stage (≥9).Results All these 112 patients,including 70 UC cases and 42 CD cases,were evaluated by NRS2002.Forty-five patients (40.2%) were judged as at the risk of malnutrition.The incidence of malnutrition was significantly higher in CD patients than in UC patients (52.4% vs.32.9%,P<0.05).It was also significantly correlated with the severity of disease.In patients with severe IBD,the rate of mal-nutrition evaluated by BMI according to clinical material was significantly lower than the rate of nutritional risk.Con-clusions The risk of malnutrition is high in IBD patients.NRS 2002 can be used for nutritional risk screening.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the incidences of nutrition risks, malnutrition ( undernutrition),overweight, and obesity, and nutrition support in tertiary hospitals in Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region. Methods Using fixed-point consecutive sampling, we collected the clinical data of inpatients in 6 departments of five tertiary hospitals in Xinjiang. According to the Nutrition Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002 ) published by European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, patients were graded as at nutritional risk when their NRS 2002 scores ≥3 and as malnutrition when the body mass index (BMI) was < 18.5 kg/m2 (or albumin < 30 g/L). NRS 2002 screening was performed on the next morning after a patient was admitted. The nutrition supports within 2 weeks after admission were also investigated. The relationship between nutrition risks and nutrition support was analyzed.Results A total of 4036 inpatients were investigated, among them 3913 patients received NRS 2002 screening.The malnutrition (undernutrition) rate and the proportion of patients at nutritional risk were 8.4% and 34. 2%, respectively. The percentage of nutrition support was 10. 2%, which included parenteral nutrition (8. 5% ) and ena simple, fast and convenient tool for the investigation of nutrition risks and can provide a basis for reasonable nutrition support Therefore, it should be widely applied in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of the nutritional risks, undernutrition, overweight,and obesity, and the application of nutritional support in hospitalized patients in middle and small hospitals of Guizhou province. Methods Adult patients in the departments of general surgery, chest surgery, neurology, gastroenterology, respiratory medicine, and nephrology in four hospitals in Guizhou Province were consecutively enrolled from Feberary 2008 to March 2009. Nutrional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS2002) was performed on the next morning after admission and nutritional support was evaluated on the 14 day of admission or on the discharge day.The relationship between nutritional risk and nutritional support was analyzed. Nutritional risk was defined as NRS 2002 score≥3 and under-nutrition was defined as body mass index < 18.5 kg/m2. Results A total of 1668 patients were enrolled and underwent, NRS 2002 scoring. The nutritional risk was 30. 2% and the prevalence of malnutrition was 12.2%. Although 54 patients ( 11.7 % ) with NRS 2002 ≥ 3 received nutrition support, only parenteral nutrition was applied. Conclusions NRS 2002 is a feasible nutritional risk screening tool for patients in middle and small hospitals. The application of nutrition support is still at a low level, with only parenteral nutrition is applied. Evidence-based nutrition support guidelines are required to standardize the application of nutrition support.  相似文献   

“营养不良风险”是错误用词   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
尊敬的《中国临床营养杂志》读者:1.下列已发表的文摘(2006年)中,由于没有认真核对,发表时使用了错误的名词——营养不良风险。见:蒋朱明,陈伟,张澍田,等.中国11个城市大医院6个临床专科5303例住院患者营养不良风险筛查(期中小结摘要)[J].中国临床营养杂志,2006,14(4):263.其中“营养不良风险筛查”应更正为:“营养风险筛查”。2.营养风险(nutritional risk,NR)是指营养因素导致临床结局(outcome)受影响的风险,而非发生营养不良(malnutrition)的风险。3.我对上述错误深表歉意。我们在2007年以后发表的论文中均已不再使用此错误名词。请各位同仁继续关注NR评定和营养风险筛查(nutritional riskscreening,NRS)等有关营养支持适应证方面的研究和应用动向。在引用该文摘时,可以取消“不良”二字,因为已经正式更正。“营养不良风险”是错误用词@蒋朱明  相似文献   

随着医学的发展和医学知识的普及,“亚健康”这一名词越来越多地被人们所熟知了解。那么,什么是“亚健康”呢?“亚健康”就是指人的身体处于健康与疾病之间的状态。这也是世界卫生组织提出的判断标准,是非常明确的概念。但是,这个概念对于广大群众来说却并不通俗,也就是说,大多数人并不能真正了解其中的内涵,更不知道如何来应对“亚健康状态”。  相似文献   

目的 了解新疆维吾尔族人群代谢综合征(MS)患病情况,比较美国国家胆固醇教育计划成人治疗组第三次报告(ATPⅢ)、国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)和中华医学会糖尿病学分会(CDS)建议的MS诊断标准在维吾尔族人群中应用的差异.方法 对新疆地区2053名维吾尔族30~80岁居民进行横断面调查,根据3种诊断标准分别计算MS患病率,分析不同诊断标准下MS异常组分及危险因素聚集的检出情况,比较3种诊断标准在维吾尔族人群中的一致性.结果 (1)3种诊断标准患病率(标化患病率)分别为35.80%(29.64%)、39.4l%(35.88%)和23.72%(19.17%);(2)3种标准对MS患者3个以上危险因素聚集的检出率分别为98.64%、97.90%和92.81%;(3)3种诊断标准在维吾尔族人群中应用的一致性两两比较,ATPⅢ标准与IDF标准的一致性较好(一致率为0.9026,Youdcn指数为0.7928,Kappa值为0.7801),CDS标准与另外两种标准(ATPⅢ和IDF)的一致性不高.结论 在新疆维吾尔族人群中应用3种MS诊断标准,获得的患病率、危险组分聚集情况和一致性差异较大,IDF标准检出率最高,ATPⅢ标准对危险因素聚集检出率最高,且两者一致性较好,优于CDS标准.
Objective To investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) among Xinjiang Uigur population aged 30-80 and to compare the differences of the three diagnostic criteria used for MS. The three diagnostic criteria were developed by the National Cholesterol Education Program (ATP Ⅲ), International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Branch (CDS). Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 2053 Xinjiang Uigur people aged 30-80. The prevalence of MS and the degree of agreement were both calculated according to the three definitions. The results of MS components were also analyzed. Results (1) According to the three definitions (ATP Ⅲ, IDF and CDS), thc prevalence and adjusted prevalence rates of MS were 35.80% (29.64%), 39.41% (35.88%) and 23.72% (19.17%). (2)According to the three definitions (the ATP Ⅲ , IDF and CDS), the prevalence rates of subjects who had at least 3 risk factors were 98.64%, 97.90% and 92.81%. (3) Among all the subjects with MS, the MS diagnostic criteria of ATP Ⅲ and IDF were in good accordance with the Kappa index (0.7801), Youden index (0.7928) and the concordance rate (0.9026). CDS was in relatively weak agreement when comparing with other definitions (ATP Ⅲ and IDF). Conclusion Our findings revealed big differences regarding the prevalence rates, the degree of agreement and the aggregation of risk components on MS among Xinjiang Uigur population. The detection rate of IDF criteria on MS and the highest while detection rate of ATP Ⅲ criteria on subjects presented at least 3 risk factors were the highest. The concordance of ATP Ⅲ criteria and IDF seemed to be a better one.  相似文献   

<正> ① wtih是介词,此处词义为“患有,得了”,第一标题译作“患有先天性小肠短缩的男孩”。②这里的with意为“用,使用”,第二标题可译作“用长期非经肠喂养而存活”。③ R·N为人名缩。西方人当不愿或不便说出其全名时,常用缩写方式缩写其全名。④ (UCLA)为University of Callfornia“加里弗尼亚大学”和Los Angeles“洛杉矶”(城市名)的缩写。⑤ at the age of…意为“在……岁时”、类似的表达法还有;at……of age,at age……等。⑤ failure 为名词,其后常接带to的动词不定式,其义为“不,不能,没有”。failure to thrive,可译作“不见长,不见长大”。⑦此处at term=at full term,意为“满时,足时”,be born at term译作“足月生”。⑧ newborn nursery意为“新生儿保育所”。  相似文献   

营养不良与患者的临床结局密切相关,准确的营养不良诊断是临床营养治疗的基础,但长期以来一直缺乏统一的营养不良诊断标准。2018年9月发布全球营养领导层倡议的营养不良诊断标准(global leadership initiative on malnutrition,GLIM)使临床对营养不良诊断逐步达成了共识,明确在营养筛...  相似文献   

目的:应用全球营养领导层倡议的营养不良诊断标准(global leadership initiative on malnutrition,GLIM)回顾性调查我国肺癌住院患者的营养不良现患率。方法:在2014年全国多中心前瞻性调查数据库中筛选肺癌患者共623例进行回顾性分析,应用不含肌肉量减少指标的GLIM标准进行营养...  相似文献   

正分子诊断是精准医学的核心之一,是实现精准医疗计划的重要手段,也是个体化医疗及精准医疗的关键技术。对于医学界而言,分子诊断尚是一个比较新的概念,因此老百姓无疑更加陌生,甚至很多人从来都没听过这个名词。那么这一新技术到底能给百姓健康、疾病诊疗带来哪些切实的帮助?它是一种什么样的诊疗手段?所谓“分子诊断”,其实就是应用多种先进的分子生物学相关技术,对遗传物质的结构或表达水  相似文献   

目的探讨社区医院开展脑卒中康复、提高脑卒中患者的运动功能和日常生活活动能力(ADL)的模式。方法选择2006年8月-2008年8月住院脑卒中患者63例,采用随机对照研究方法,分为强化组32例,对照组31例,强化组采用系统的综合康复治疗;常规组给予临床基础药物治疗。分别于入选时、治疗1、2及3个月后对运动功能和日常生活活动能力(ADL)进行功能评定。结果两组患者在治疗前运动功能和日常生活活动能力(ADL)差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05),在治疗后3个月时强化组的运动功能和日常生活活动能力(ADL)与对照组相比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论社区医院利用适宜技术开展脑卒中康复,对提高脑卒中患者运动功能和日常生活活动能力(ADL)有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的:分析基于临床用药监管工作中平台开展宣传教育与管理对不合理用药干预效果。方法对基层临床用药的监管工作进行筛查,找出不合理用药的主要问题,通过医务处以及药剂科的质量监控管理部分进行确认之后,实施宣传教育与管理相结合的干预方法。结果通过实施不合理用药干预,抗菌药物指标、处方点评以及医嘱不合理用药次数等全部得到显著改善,处方合格率从原来的90.12%升到97.82%,不规范处方从原来的7.0%降低到1.70%,抗菌药物正确使用率由原来的77.28%升到84.39%,无指征预防用药在原来的20.03%降低到10.29%,实施干预前以及后比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论实施宣传教育与管理相结合的干预模式显著优于不实施干预以及单纯宣传教育干预模式,通过基层临床用药监管工作平台与干预模式相结合,能够显著的提高临床合理用药情况。  相似文献   

目的:从医方视角探解医患关系困境。方法2013年10月-2013年11月,从本市几所主要医院中随机选择600例住院患者及医务人员进行研究。利用问卷调查法,对医患关系相关情况进行调查。结果调查发现,医务人员中有34.3%认为医患关系紧张,患者中有8.6%认为医患关系紧张。患方对医方不满的原因主要有沟通交流障碍和态度问题以及医疗质量问题等方面。结论面对医患关系的困境,医方需要积极的采取患者-医生-医院三位一体的应对策略,不断提高整体医疗质量,为患者提供人性化的医疗服务,努力改善医患关系。  相似文献   

分析了X线机电源电路阻抗,由电源阻抗产生的电压降计算电缆横截面积.最后给出不同长度电缆对应的电缆横截面积。  相似文献   

谈病人满意度管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
病人满意度管理直接关系到医院的声誉和医疗市场.医院要从医院服务层次、医疗服务模式、医学人文精神和社会价值观等五个方面来管理病人满意度,建立起全程的、科学的、规范的满意度管理机制,从而更好地为医院赢得声誉、争取市场.  相似文献   

目的 观察小檗碱对外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病小鼠阴道组织免疫状态的影响.方法 采用雌激素化+阴道灌洗白假丝酵母菌菌液,构建外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病小鼠模型.实验分为正常组、模型组、实验组(小檗碱低、中、高剂量)和制霉菌素组.干预10天,在接菌后的4d、7d、14d观察小鼠阴道组织中TGF-β1、IL-2的表达水平.结果 造模成功后,小鼠阴道组织中的TGF-β1表达水平明显上调、IL-2表达水平明显下调(P<0.05);经过阴道灌洗,小檗碱高剂量组、制霉菌素组阴道组织中TGF-β1表达水平均有明显下调、IL-2表达水平有明显上调(P<0.05);与制霉菌素组比较,小檗碱高剂量阴道组织中TGF-β1、IL-2表达水平均有明显差异(P<0.05).结论 小檗碱可以调节阴道局部的免疫系统.  相似文献   

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