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目的基于动机、共赢、制度和自我造血的二级医院教学模式的建立,分析其成效和分享其经验;方法进行以"挖掘成就动机为前提"、"多方共赢为基础"、"建立制度为关键"、"自我造血为特色"为核心思想的二级医院教学模式,通过《医学实习生评价调查表》和《实习结束后考核》试卷进行成效的评估;结果在实施二级医院教学模式后,在"实习过程中是否计划安排上小课"、"实习过程中是否安排有技能操作示范"、"你对带教老师的带教工作评价"和"带教老师是否熟悉‘三基’知识及专科常规"等方面,实习生的满意度明显上升;实习生在理论考试成绩、操作考试成绩和综合素质考试成绩方面均明显提高。结论通过实施二级医院教学模式,二级医院在教学能力上得到长足的进步,其中所获得的心得和所总结的经验,脱胎于、却又有别于三级甲等综合医院,是一种适合二级医院甚至基层医院的教学模式,有望为广大的二级医院甚至基层医院的教学工作提供一定的经验和依据。  相似文献   

在高中生物教学过程,借助任务教学模式,有助于提升课堂教学效果.文章立足于高中生物课堂教学现状,主要分析了"高中生物课堂教学中任务教学模式".  相似文献   

临床医学教学效果现状的调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的了解临床医学教学效果的现状。方法采用问卷法对3所医学院的临床医学本科学生进行调查,收集影响医学教学效果的主要因素,不同教学模式的教学效果以及目前临床医学教学过程学生不同能力提高程度的情况。结果学生普遍认为影响医学教学效果的主要因素是"教学方法和教学手段"、"学生的学习兴趣"、"理论知识与实践结合程度"和"教师素质"。63.9%的学生认为需要根据教学内容选择合适教学模式。此外,教学过程学生的思维能力和创新能力仍未得到很大的提高。结论采用适合的教学模式,灵活的教学方法和教学手段,激发学生的学习兴趣,结合实践,有利提高医学教学效果,提高学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

中药学是中医药教育中重要的一个门类之一,本门学科的学习质量直接关系着学生在中医药专业进一步的学习情况乃至将来的临床工作,作为教育工作者,探索教学方法是多年来从未懈怠的工作,随着社会科学技术的不断发展越来越多的高科技教学方式逐步应用到了教育工作中,教育工作网络化已经是教育发展的一个趋势,"微理念"在教学模式中的提出,为教学工作提供了一个更加实用的教学形式,以网络为教学平台,向同学们开展在线教学方式,将线上线下的教学模式相结合,在中医药的教学过程中加入信息化的教学模式有助于提升学生的学习兴趣,增强学习效果,提升整体的教学情况。学生通过新媒体形式的学习也有利于对学生思维的拓展,促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

在信息化时代背景下,传统的教学方法已经不能满足教学的需求,教育改革应运而生。近年来创新出多种信息化教学模式,"翻转课堂"这一模式自从提出以来,受到各学科教育工作者的广泛关注,我校也在人体解剖学教学过程中引入此教学模式。通过此次的教学改革,使课堂形式以教师为中心转变为以学生为中心,提升了教师的教学能力和知识储备,并使学生自主学习的能力得到提高,综合素质全面提升。那么为什么要将信息技术应用到人体解剖学的教学过程,以及如何将信息技术运用到此过程中,本文以脉管系统中的"心"为例进行分析探究。  相似文献   

小学教育越来越重视"先学后教,当堂训练"的教学模式了,我校"先学后教,当堂训练"的教学模式所带来的"堂堂清、日日清、周周清、月月清"些许成效.我一直在思考,在我们小学,在我们小学语文中段能否实施这样的教学模式,运用这样的教学模式,能否提高我们的课题教学效率,经过一年的尝试和实践,答案是肯定的.  相似文献   

“行为导向”理论在营养教育中的实践探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"行为导向"作为一种教学模式,最早出现于20世纪80年代的德国,它以实践(或职业活动)为导向、以目标(或任务)为驱动、以学生为主体、以教师为主导,在培养人的全面职业能力,即基本职业能力和关键能力上具有突出的优势[1]."行为导向"是一种教学方法、学习方法,更是一种新颖的教学模式、指导思想.它可视为主体得以持续发展的过程,也就是说,在这一过程中,他们所获得的知识和能力在实践活动中得以展现[2].  相似文献   

刘杨 《现代养生》2013,(8):76-76
分析五年制高职药学专业学生特点,结合五年制高职教育的学制特点和教学模式,构建以"2.5+1+1.5"为特征的五年制高职药学专业学生教育管理模式,促进五年制高职药学专业学生教育管理工作的健康和可持续发展。  相似文献   

目的:评估"分阶段系统授课联合PBL教学模式"在眼科规培基地的教学效果。方法:以解放军总医院眼科规培基地参加规培的医生为研究对象,比较分阶段系统授课联合PBL教学模式和PBL教学模式的考试分数及合格率等指标。结果:分阶段系统授课联合PBL教学模式组规培医生一阶段考试及整体通过率均高于PBL教学模式组,差异具有统计学意义。结论:分阶段系统授课联合PBL教学模式有助于眼科规培医生提高临床水平及规培通过率。  相似文献   

构建适应新的医学模式的知识结构,掌握规范的心理与精神护理技术,才能更全面、更准确、更深刻地把握病人的心理特点和规律,增强护理工作的针对性和有效性.借鉴以往的教学经验和在教学过程中存在的不足,创造性地提出了"心理理论-心理调查-心理分析-心里训练"相结合的教学模式,这种模式较好地发挥了学生学习动机的作用;并改革教学方法,通过护理诊断的练习、量表评估、个案分析、问卷调查,角色扮演等活动组织教学,使学生在学习掌握知识的过程中,便于理论联系实践,逐步熟悉临床护理情境.  相似文献   

To assess the value of Smiles for Life: A National Oral Health Curriculum (SFL) in influencing oral health practices of primary care professionals (PCPs). The National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center’s Partnership for Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care (PIOHCPC) project is working with five project teams in Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, and Rhode Island that are integrating interprofessional oral health core clinical competencies into primary care practice. The competencies were developed to facilitate change in the clinical practice of PCPs working with vulnerable or underserved populations that lack or have limited access to oral health care. An initial PIOHCPC project requirement was for PCPs (physicians, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurses) to complete at least two SFL courses based on their project population of focus (eg, pregnant women, children, adolescents). The curriculum consists of the following courses: Course 1: Relationship of Oral and Systemic Health; Course 2: Child Oral Health; Course 3: Adult Oral Health; Course 4: Acute Dental Problems; Course 5: Oral Health for Women: Pregnancy and Across the Lifespan; Course 6: Caries Risk Assessment, Fluoride Varnish, and Counseling; Course 7: The Oral Exam; and Course 8: Geriatric Oral Health. Three months after completion of the SFL courses, a 10-question feedback form was sent to PCPs. PCPs working in primary care settings (community health centers, local health department, medical center women’s health clinic) serving pregnant women, children, and adolescents who completed at least two SFL courses as part of the PIOHCPC project. Thirteen PCPs (three physicians, three nurse practitioners, three nurse midwives, four nurses) completed the feedback form. One hundred percent of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that SFL courses (1) reinforced the importance of oral health to a patient’s overall health and well-being, (2) increased their awareness of and familiarity with oral health issues in their patients, and (3) increased their confidence in integrating oral health care into primary care. Seventy-seven percent of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that SFL courses helped reduce barriers to incorporating oral health care into primary care. Sixty-two percent of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that integrating oral health care into primary care improved their patients’ oral health outcomes. The majority (ranging from 85 to 100 percent) of PCPs strongly agreed/agreed that SFL courses helped them integrate the interprofessional oral health core clinical competencies into primary care. Three months after completing SFL courses, PCPs indicated that the curriculum had a positive influence on oral health practices in the primary care setting. These findings are consistent with a 2017 study that examined SFL influence on clinical practice and found that the curriculum positively influenced oral health practices in the primary care setting. Additional feedback could be gathered 1 year post-training to assess retention of PCPs’ practices related to integrating oral health care into primary care. Oral health training is essential for enhancing PCPs’ knowledge and practices related to integrating oral health care into primary care. To respond to the need to integrate oral health care into primary care, SFL should be considered as a training for PCPs. Health Resources and Services Administration.  相似文献   

该文在进行相关院校同类型同层次专业课程比较研究的基础上,对医用电子和医学影像设备管理与维护专业的课程改革进行了探讨,以就业为导向,以电子技术和医疗器械设备为主体,理论与实践结合,工学结合,机电结合,医修管结合为原则,拟定并实践了该课程的基本框架。实行三段制教学体系,实施全程化、职业化、多元化的实践教学模式。  相似文献   

The term 'participatory appraisal' refers to a range of methods for data collection, learning and facilitation, which enable local people to play an active role in defining, analysing and solving their problems. A questionnaire survey was used to obtain information on the use of participatory appraisal (PA) from veterinarians working in Africa. A low overall response rate of 28.6% was achieved. Within Africa, response rates varied from 15.6% from government veterinarians to 47.6% from veterinarians working with non-governmental organisations. Information is presented on preferred methods, specific uses, levels of training and perceived advantages and disadvantages of PA. While PA was considered by many informants to be a valuable approach to working with communities to analyse and solve local animal health problems, respondents also identified constraints to the wider use of PA. These constraints included lack of financial resources, low availability of relevant training courses and materials, lack of time to attend training courses, and negative attitudes among colleagues. The author concludes that greater institutional awareness of the role of PA in the development of Veterinary Services is required. Such awareness might be achieved by wider dissemination of experiences related to the use of PA and the development of veterinary-orientated training courses for centrally-based personnel and workers in the field. The latter should include attention to appropriate attitudes and behaviour for veterinary professionals who are attempting to develop services according to the priorities and capacity of the community.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with a range of deficits that may negatively impact sexuality. Few studies have explored how professionals respond to sexuality issues among individuals with TBI. The present study aimed to examine the attitudes and level of training of international health professionals working with individuals with TBI and whether guidelines exist in their work settings related to sexual issues. A survey composed of 53 questions was developed to evaluate attitudes, professional training, and assessment related to sexuality among health professionals working with individuals with TBI. The sample consisted of 324 self-identified health care professionals. During their training, 83% of professionals reported not taking any specific courses, and 61% reported not taking any type of clinical practice related to sexuality issues after TBI. Approximately 70% reported knowing little information about sexuality issues related to TBI and believed it affected the way in which they address the topic with their patients. Professionals believed sexual expression among both cognitively intact (100%) and cognitively impaired (90%) patients was healthy. Sixty-nine percent reported their work setting had no guidelines to determine if an individual with TBI can consent to sexual activity or not. Sixty-six percent of professionals believed that a patient with severe TBI could consent to sexual activities; however 58% believed it is not their responsibility to determine that. Results demonstrated a need for enhanced educational curriculums with specific courses related to sexuality after TBI. Furthermore, institutions should develop guidelines for the assessment of capacity to consent to sexual activity.  相似文献   

In 1978 the health status of Kiribati was reported as one of the worst in the Pacific with a comparatively high infant mortality rate and a low life expectancy at birth. Since 1981, a nationwide primary health care development project has been set in motion. This article summarizes the activities of this project. A working group identified 28 major factors that had been responsible for failure to improve the situation. Orientation courses were held for all health staff and during the following year courses were given for long-term primary care workers. The communities decided how they would tackle the identified problems and appointed working committees that have now become village welfare groups. The communities are implementing the project on a voluntary basis. There have been reductions in morbidity associated with many of the most common diseases, in hospital utilization costs, and family planning coverage has increased sharply. A mechanism for program improvement in the form of regular monitoring, evaluation, research and review exercises has been developed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Four years after the law concerning first aid in the workplace was passed in Italy (inter-ministerial decree 388/2003), which is a useful tool in improving safety at work, it is necessary to organize first aid courses specifically for those working in the road haulage sector which would also be effective in case of traffic accidents. In view of the characteristics of the working environment in this sector (the road) and of the working conditions (generally workers are isolated and far from the company's headquarters), it would be necessary to organize ad hoc first aid courses at the workplace for the category of professional drivers. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: The aim of this article is to discuss some possible organizational aspects of first aid in the road haulage sector, such as: number of workers responsible for first aid, how to train workers for specific risks of traffic accidents, the requirements for teachers responsible for first aid and course targets that must be achieved. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A good level of training, achieved during the first aid course at the workplace, might therefore be useful to improve road safety and increase the quality of basic and advanced first aid in road traffic injuries.  相似文献   

An audit of nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy training commissioned by a consortium of trusts in Sussex showed diverging views on the relevance of courses. Many nursing students wanted more practical experience. Two-thirds of students reported financial hardship and a third were working at the same time as studying.  相似文献   

Online degrees are a convenient way for health care professionals to complete their degree, earn an advanced degree, or continue their education. Colleges all over the country are adding online courses and degrees to attract working adults who may not have the time to attend class the old-fashioned way.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to test a model for safety educationof farmer-loggers. The project was prompted by the high rateof fatal accidents and severe injuries among farmer-loggersand the difficulty in recruiting them to ordinary safety courses.The courses were planned and organised by representatives ofthe agricultural and forestry organizations, the Local SafetyInspectorate and the public health services. The participantswere recruited locally in each district. One trial group andone control group were randomly selected and compared for sixvariables. The courses were held close to the participants'farms. The majority had little or no previous education in occupationalsafety. The courses contributed to an increased safety consciousnessand the participants reported improved methods of working. Themost important factors for the result were the location of thecourses, the recruitment procedure and realistic exercises withdemonstrations on major risks. Requests for reprints should be addressed to:: Dr Bjarne R. Jansson, Karolinska Institute, Department of Social Medicine, Krouan Health Centre, S-172 83 Sundbyberg, Sweden  相似文献   

Because public health is a continually evolving field, it is essential to provide ample training opportunities for public health professionals. As a natural outgrowth of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Prevention Research Centers Program, training courses of many types have been developed for public health practitioners working in the field. This article describes three of the Prevention Research Center training program offerings: Evidence-Based Public Health, Physical Activity and Public Health for Practitioners, and Social Marketing. These courses illustrate the commitment of the Prevention Research Centers Program to helping create a better trained public health workforce, thereby enhancing the likelihood of improving public health.  相似文献   

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