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The effect of poly[2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine] (pMPC) on the skin permeation property was investigated by performing in vitro skin permeation study of a model drug, nicotinic acid (NA). Effect of pMPC polymer in donor solution on skin permeation rates was evaluated using side-by-side diffusion cells. Also, the structural alterations in the stratum corneum (SC), inter-lamellar bilayer (ILB) and dermis layers in pMPC-treated and -untreated skin sections were investigated with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The permeation profile of NA without pMPC in donor solution showed biphasic mode: initial 1st phase and 2nd hydration phase. The sudden, more than 10-fold increase in flux from the initial steady state (43.5 microg/cm2/hr) to the 2nd hydration phase (457.3 microg/cm2/h) suggests the disruption of skin barrier function due to extensive hydration. The permeation profile of NA with 3% pMPC in the donor solution showed monophasic pattern: the steady state flux (10.9 microg/cm2/h) without abrupt increase of the flux. The degree of NA permeation rate decreased in a concentration-dependent manner of pMPC. TEM of skin equilibrated with water or 2% pMPC for 12 h showed that corneocytes are still cohesive and epidermis is tightly bound to dermis in 2% pMPC-treated skin, while wider separation between corneocytes and focal dilations in inter-cellular spaces were observed in water-treated skin. This result suggests that pMPC could protect the barrier property of the stratum corneum by preventing the disruption of ILB structure caused by extensive skin hydration during skin permeation study.  相似文献   

The interaction between the sunscreen agent, 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) and hydrophilic alpha-, beta- and gamma-cyclodextrin derivatives was investigated in water by phase-solubility analysis. Among the studied cyclodextrins, random methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (RM-beta-CD) had the greatest solubilizing activity. The complexation of the sunscreen agent with RM-beta-CD was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffractometry. The light-induced decomposition of 4-MBC in emulsion vehicles was markedly decreased by complexation with RM-beta-CD (the extent of degradation, determined by HPLC, was 7.1% for the complex compared to 21.1% for free 4-MBC). The influence of RM-beta-CD on the human skin penetration of the sunscreen was investigated in vivo using the tape stripping method, a useful procedure for selectively removing the outermost cutaneous layers. Considerable quantities (21.2-25.1% of the applied dose) of 4-MBC permeated in the stratum corneum. However, no significant differences in the amounts of UV filter in the 10 first strips of the horny layer were observed between the formulations containing 4-MBC free or complexed with RM-beta-CD. Therefore, RM-beta-CD complexation did not alter the retention of 4-MBC in the superficial layers of the stratum corneum, where its action is more desirable.  相似文献   


Context: Skin occlusion influences percutaneous penetration by limiting penetrant evaporation, but also through impeding loss of water from skin and increasing the hydration state of the stratum corneum, thus dramatically altering the physiological nature of the stratum corneum. In general, occlusion is widely utilized to enhance penetration of applied drugs in clinical practice; however, occlusion does not increase the percutaneous absorption of all chemicals.

Objective: We focus on what effect occlusion has on the in vitro percutaneous absorption of compounds of varying lipophilicities/hydrophilicities.

Methods: Studies and prior reviews of the effects of occlusion on the in vitro percutaneous penetration of penetrants of varying lipophilicities/hydrophilicities were identified in the MEDLINE, PubMED, Embase and Science Citation Index databases using the terms occlusive, occluded, occlusion, in vitro, skin and percutaneous absorption/penetration to generate as broad of a search as possible. From the results generated, abstracts were subsequently scrutinized to identify articles dealing primarily with in vitro models of the skin involving occlusion. Moreover, after the identification of relevant articles, their references were examined to find additional sources of information.

Results: After examining the research articles generated by the search results, five original research articles were obtained that used in vitro occlusion models and provided insight regarding the role of partition coefficients in predicting occlusion’s effects on percutaneous penetration; articles that dealt with occlusion and percutaneous penetration but did not shed light on how the lipophilicity/hydrophilicity of a compound could affect occlusion efficacy were excluded. Some of the studies bolster the notion that occlusion-enhanced hydration of the stratum corneum increases the percutaneous absorption of lipophilic molecules more than hydrophilic molecules, which seems to confirm some in vivo studies. However, this effect was not consistent; many studies reviewed did not find that the penetrant’s liphophilicity/hydrophilicity reliably predicted occlusion’s effect on penetration. In these studies, lipophilic compounds did not demonstrate increased percutaneous absorption under occlusion.

Conclusion: Thus, it does not seem that partition coefficients can reliably predict the effect of occlusion on percutaneous penetration in vitro. This suggests skin occlusion may be more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

Photoaging is recognized as the factor damaging skin-barrier function. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on the cutaneous penetration of soft nanoparticles, including nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) polymer nanoparticles (PNs). In vitro cutaneous permeation of retinoic acid (RA) carried by nanoparticles was evaluated. In vivo nude mouse skin distribution of topically applied nanoparticles was observed by fluorescence and confocal microscopies. The association of nanoparticles with cultured keratinocytes was measured by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. The average diameter and surface charge were 236 nm and −32 mV for NLCs, and 207 nm and −12 mV for PNs. The ultrastructural images of skin demonstrated that the application of UV produced a loss of Odland bodies and desmosomes, the organelles regulating skin-barrier function. UVA exposure increased skin deposition of RA regardless of nanoparticle formulation. UVB did not alter RA deposition from nanoparticles as compared to the non-treated group. Exposure to UVA promoted RA delivery into hair follicles from NLCs and PNs by 4.2- and 4.9-fold, respectively. The in vivo skin distribution also showed a large accumulation of Nile red-loaded nanoparticles in follicles after UVA treatment. The soft nanoparticles were observed deep in the dermis. PNs with higher lipophilicity showed a greater association with keratinocytes compared to NLCs. The cell association of PNs was increased by UVA application, whereas the association between NLCs and keratinocytes was reduced two times by UVA. It was concluded that both follicles and intercellular spaces were the main pathways for nanoparticle diffusion into photodamaged skin.  相似文献   

The influence of glycyrrhizin extracted from Glycyrrhiza glabra var. glandulifera (licorice roots) on the percutaneous absorption of diclofenac sodium from sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC) gels or oil-in-water (o/w) emulsion was investigated. Skin permeation experiments were carried out using excised abdominal rat skin. The results showed that the efficiency of glycyrrhizin as an enhancer agent is greater in gel formulations than it is in the emulsions. The enhancer with the concentration of 0.1% w/w in gel increased diclofenac sodium flux value to tenfold compared with the control gel.  相似文献   

The lipids in the uppermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), play an important role in the barrier function. The main lipid classes in stratum corneum are ceramides, cholesterol, and free fatty acids. In previous publications, a lipid model was presented, referred to as the stratum corneum substitute (SCS), that closely mimics the SC lipid organization and SC barrier function. In the present study, we use the SCS to study the effect of changes in lipid organization on the lipid barrier function using benzoic acid as permeation compound. First, in the SCS, we increased the level of one of the three major lipid classes keeping the ratio between the other lipid classes constant. An increased cholesterol level resulted in an increase in phase-separated cholesterol and a reduction in the permeability. An increase in ceramide or free fatty acid level resulted in the formation of additional phases, but had no significant influence on the permeability. We also examined models that mimic selected changes in lipid composition reported for dry or diseased skin. The SCS that mimics the composition in recessive X-linked ichthyosis skin displayed a twofold increase in permeability. This increase is possibly related to the formation of an additional, less ordered phase in this model.  相似文献   


Irritant diaper dermatitis (IDD) is a form of contact dermatitis occurring in the diaper area as a consequence of disruption of the barrier function of the skin through prolonged contact with faeces and urine. Despite advances in diaper technology, it is a condition that still occurs regularly in young children. To combat this, barrier preparations can be used to protect the skin by coating the surface of the skin and/or by supplying lipids that can penetrate the intercellular spaces of the stratum corneum. In this review, the pathophysiology of IDD is outlined and its prevention and treatment are discussed, with particular reference to the role of emollients.  相似文献   

Over the past 150 years the skin's structure and function has been the subject of much investigation by scientists. The stratum corneum (SC), the skin's outermost layer and interface with the outside world is now well recognized as the barrier that prevents unwanted materials from entering, and excessive loss of water from exiting the body. This review summarizes the major advances in our understanding of this formidable membrane. The structure of the SC is outlined as well as techniques to visualize the barrier. The lipid organization and ionic gradients, as well as the metabolic responses and underlying cellular signalling that lead to barrier repair and homeostasis are discussed. Finally, a brief overview of the molecular and genetic factors that determine the development of a competent permeability barrier is provided.  相似文献   

Testing whether the barrier of skin samples has sufficient integrity for meaningful measurements of in-vitro chemical permeability is usually required when data are generated for regulatory purposes. Recently, skin integrity has been assessed using LCR databridge measurements, which are reported as resistances determined in either series (SER) or parallel (PAR) modes at a single frequency, typically 100 or 1000 Hz. Measurements made at different combinations of mode and frequency are known to differ, although the skin literature reveals confusion over the meaning of these differences and the impact on the interpretation of integrity test results. Here, the theoretical meanings of resistance and capacitance measurements in PAR and SER mode are described and confirmed experimentally. SER-mode resistances are equal to the real part of the complex impedance; whereas, PAR-mode resistances are the inverse of the real part of the admittance. Capacitance measurements reported in SER and PAR modes are similar manipulations of the imaginary parts of the complex impedance and admittance. A large body of data from human cadaver skin is used to show that the PAR-mode resistance and SER-mode capacitance measured at 100 Hz are sensitive to skin resistivity, which is the electrical measurement most closely related to skin integrity.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine if microdermabrasion can selectively remove stratum corneum to increase skin permeability. Although, microdermabrasion has been used for cosmetic treatment of skin for decades, no study has assessed the detailed effects of microdermabrasion conditions on the degree of skin tissue removal. Therefore, we histologically characterized the skin of rhesus macaques and human volunteers after microdermabrasion at different conditions. Using mobile tip microdermabrasion, an increase in the number of treatment passes led to greater tissue removal ranging from minimal effects to extensive damage to deeper layers of the skin. Of note, these data showed for the first time that at moderate microdermabrasion conditions selective yet full-thickness removal of stratum corneum could be achieved with little damage to deeper skin tissues. In the stationary mode of microdermabrasion, selective stratum corneum removal was not observed, but micro-blisters could be seen. Similar tissue removal trends were observed in human volunteers. As proof of concept for drug delivery applications, a model fluorescent drug (fluorescein) was delivered through microdermabraded skin and antibodies were generated against vaccinia virus after its topical application in monkeys. In conclusion, microdermabrasion can selectively remove full-thickness stratum corneum with little damage to deeper tissues and thereby increase skin permeability.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to solve the water insolubility limitation of the medically and cosmetically interesting substance Garcinia mangostana Linn (GML) extract by encapsulation, and to evaluate and investigate the penetration efficacy of free and encapsulated GML in two different vehicles (water and cream) in porcine ear skin. The follicular penetration depth was determined in 50 hair follicles for each of the four formulations by means of fluorescence microscopy. Tape stripping was used to compare the distribution properties of GML with all formulations on the stratum corneum. The results showed that encapsulated and free GML in the cream base penetrated deeper into hair follicles than if applied in an aqueous base. In addition, encapsulated GML could be distributed more homogeneously on the stratum corneum than the free GML. In conclusion, it was found that encapsulated GML in a cream base had the most effective penetration level in porcine ear skin.  相似文献   

Epidermal lipids and skin morphology are assumed to substantially influence skin permeability. Although these parameters have been studied extensively, available data are hard to interpret as data have been gathered at different experimental conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to provide detailed information on these parameters for four different mammalian skin types.Lipids were extracted from heat separated epidermis, the total epidermal lipid content was measured and the epidermal lipid composition was quantitatively determined by high-performance thin-layer chromatography. Furthermore, vertical and horizontal cryostate skin slices were analysed by light microscopy for thickness of the horny layer, epidermal thickness, density, depth of anchorage and diameter of the hair follicles.The highest total epidermal lipid content was detected in rat epidermis, followed by bovine udder, dog and pig epidermis. Considering the amount of single lipid fractions, cholesterol, cholesteryl ester and free fatty acids were found to be the major constituents of epidermal lipids in all the examined species. However, as confirmed by hierarchical cluster analysis the epidermal lipid profile and morphology showed marked differences between all the examined species.  相似文献   

The penetration of topically applied substances in and through the human skin is of special interest for the development and optimization of topically applied drugs and cosmetic products. In the present study, the efficacy of barrier emulsions in the prevention of the penetration of pollen allergens into the hair follicles was investigated. Because of the sensitising potential of the used pollen allergens, the study was carried out under in vitro conditions. Therefore, excised human skin and porcine ear skin were used as tissue models. Applying laser-scanning microscopy and fluorescent-labeled grass pollen allergens, we found that the preventive efficacy of the barrier emulsions could be significantly better investigated on porcine ear skin than on excised human skin. This might be due to the contraction of the elastic fibres around the hair follicles in excised human skin after its removal. In contrast to the excised human skin, the porcine ear skin remains on the cartilage during the experiment. Therefore, contraction of the tissue can be avoided. The results give further indication that in vitro studies based on membranes of excised skin are not suitable for the investigation of the follicular penetration pathway of topically applied substances.  相似文献   

The influences of short chain n-alkanols (from C1 to C5) and isopropanol on the transport of lipophilic (β-estradiol and hydrocortisone) and polar/ionic (tetraethylammonium ion) permeants across hairless mouse skin have been investigated. Permeability studies employing a two-chamber diffusion cell were carried out over wide ranges of alkanol (in saline) concentrations with an aim toward quantifying the reversible enhancement effects of the added alkanol upon the lipoidal pathway of the stratum corneum. An enhancement factor, E (for the lipoidal pathway of the stratum corneum), was calculated from permeability coefficient and solubility data, and the E values for β-estradiol and for hydrocortisone were found to be nearly always the same in all instances. A pattern of increasing E values with increasing alkanol chain length up to C5 with these two permeants was found. A nearly semi-logarithmic linear relationship was also obtained between the enhancement potency and the carbon number of the n-alkanols; there was about 4-fold increase in the enhancement potency per n-alkanol methylene group. Pretreatment studies showed that the n-alkanol effetcts at low concentrations were reversible as far the lipoidal pathway of the stratum corneum was concerned. These results demonstrate the general usefulness of this approach for evaluating the action of enhancers on the barrier function of the stratum corneum. It is suggested that the short chain alkanols may work at low concentrations as effective ‘fluidizing’ agents at some locus in the stratum corneum lipid bilayer at or near the polar head plane, but not in the deep bilayer hydrocarbon interiors.  相似文献   

Although in vitro skin absorption studies often detect small residues of applied test material in the epidermis/dermis, it is uncertain whether the residue is within the living skin. We studied the dermal absorption of a hair dye hydroxyanthraquinone–aminopropyl methyl morpholinium methosulphate (HAM) in human skin in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, skin (back and scalp) received 0.5% HAM in a commercial formulation at 20 μg/cm2 After 0.5 or 48 h, skin was tape stripped, followed by cyanoacrylate biopsies (CAB). Sebum from scalp sites was collected for 48 h. In vitro, skin was treated with 20 mg/cm2 dye for 0.5 h, penetration determined after 24 h. In vivo, at 0.5 h, total recovery (back) was 0.67 μg/cm2 (tape strips + CAB). Fluorescence microscopy showed HAM in the hair follicle openings (HFO). At 0.5 h, scalp tape strips contained 1.80 μg/cm2, HFO 0.82 μg/cm2. At 48 h, HFO contained 0.21 μg/cm2, sebum 0.80 μg/cm2. In vivo, skin residues were in the non-living skin and eliminated via desquamation and sebum secretion. In vitro, the SC contained 1.50 μg/cm2, epidermis/dermis 0.86 μg/cm2, receptor fluid < 0.04 μg/cm2, a total of 0.90 μg/cm2 was considered to be bioavailable. In vitro epidermis/dermis residues were nearly identical to those located in non-living skin in vivo. In conclusion, in vitro percutaneous penetration studies may produce seemingly bioavailable material , which raises the need for a Threshold of Skin Absorption (TSA) addressing a negligible dermal absorption in order to avoid unnecessary in vivo toxicity studies on substances that produce no significant human systemic exposure.  相似文献   

目的:研究溶剂与氮酮对恶丙嗪渗透性的影响。方法:分别采用乙醇和丙二醇为溶剂,利用离体大鼠皮肤和Valia-Chien水平扩散池,测定恶丙嗪的经皮渗透速率。结果:氮酮在丙二醇溶液中具有明显的促渗作用。结论:恶丙嗪的体外渗透符合零级动力学过程。  相似文献   

Use of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) for assessing the skin sensitization potential of chemicals present in consumer products requires an understanding of hazard and product exposure. In the absence of data, consumer exposure is based on relevant habits and practices and assumes 100% skin uptake of the applied dose. To confirm and refine the exposure, a novel design for in vitro skin exposure measurements was conducted with the preservative, methylisothiazolinone (MI), in beauty care (BC) and household care (HHC) products using realistic consumer exposure conditions. A difference between measured exposure levels (MELs) for MI in leave-on versus rinse-off BC products, and lower MELs for MI in HHC rinse-off compared to BC products was demonstrated. For repeated product applications, the measured exposure was lower than estimations based on summation of applied amounts. Compared to rinse-off products, leave-on applications resulted in higher MELs, correlating with the higher incidences of allergic contact dermatitis associated with those product types. Lower MELs for MI in rinse-off products indicate a lower likelihood to induce skin sensitization, also after multiple daily applications. These in vitro skin exposure measurements indicate conservatism of default exposure estimates applied in skin sensitization QRA and might be helpful in future risk assessments.  相似文献   

Despite much research into the mechanisms of cutaneous aging and the identification of significant age-associated biological and biophysical changes within the skin, the question “How does aging affect percutaneous absorption (PA) in vivo?” remains unanswered. We have made in vivo measurements of PA in young (18–40 years) and old (>65 years) subjects. Standard radiotracer methodology was employed and PA was quantified from the urinary excretion profiles of14C radiolabel (corrected for incomplete renal elimination). Testosterone (TST), estradiol (EST), hydrocortisone (HC), benzoic acid (BA), acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), and caffeine (CAFF) have been studied. Permeation of HC, BA, ASA, and CAFF was significantly (p <0.01, 0.01, 0.01, and 0.05, respectively) lower in aged subjects, whereas the absorption of TST and EST was similar in the two groups. Thus it appears that aging can affect PA in vivo and that relatively hydrophilic compounds are particularly sensitive. The diminished surface lipid content of “old” skin implies a diminished dissolution medium for compounds administered topically. It is reasonable to speculate that this physiologic change will impact most severely upon those permeants whose lipid solubility is lowest (that is, HC, BA, ASA, CAFF). Furthermore, the typically reduced hydration of aged stratum corneum will compound this effect for these chemicals. Conversely, highly lipid-soluble chemicals (TST and EST) may still be able to dissolve readily into the stratum corneum even when the available lipid medium is reduced.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the degree of percutaneous penetration of agrochemicals is a key part of risk assessment for operators. The availability of suitable and predictive experimental models is crucial, in particular in the case of lipophilic compounds which persist in the stratum corneum (SC). Regulatory models (rat in vivo, human and rat in vitro) and the innovative human skin grafted onto nude mice (HuSki) model were compared for their ability to predict the human skin absorption. Radiolabelled malathion, lindane and cypermethrin (4microg/cm(2)) were topically applied to each model. The % of applied dose absorbed and that present in skin and SC were evaluated at 24h. Additionally, the absorption profile of cypermethrin was evaluated in the in vivo rat and HuSki models for up to 11 days. We found that the human in vitro and HuSki models closely predicted the human skin absorption at 24h, while rat models overestimated the human skin absorption. Furthermore, our experiments with cypermethrin indicated that evaluation of % percutaneous absorption over extended periods of time was feasible with the HuSki model. In our studies the HuSki model overcame the limitations of the regulatory models and is promising to realistically refine the dermal absorption assessment of topically applied chemicals.  相似文献   

Lorazepam is an anxiolytic, antidepressant agent, having suitable feature for transdermal delivery. The percutaneous permeation of lorazepam was investigated in rat skin after application of a water:propylene glycol (50:50%v/v). The enhancing effects of various surfactants (sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), benzalkonium chloride or Tween 80) with different concentrations on the permeation of lorazepam were evaluated using Franz diffusion cells fitted with rat skins. Flux, Kp, lag time and enhancement ratios (ERs) of lorazepam were measured over 24 h and compared with control sample. Furthermore, lorazepam solubility in presence of surfactants was determined. The in vitro permeation experiments with rat skin revealed that the surfactant enhancers varied in their ability to enhance the flux of lorazepam. The permeation profile of lorazepam in presence of the cationic surfactant, CTAB, reveals that an increase in the concentration of CTAB results in an increase in the flux of lorazepam in comparison with the control. But an increase in concentration of CTAB or benzalkounium chloride from 0.5 to 1% w/w or from 1 to 2.5% w/w resulted in a reduction in ER, respectively. Benzalkonium chloride which possessed the highest lipophilicity (log P=1.9) among cationic surfactants provided the greatest enhancement for lorazepam flux (7.66-fold over control) at 1% w/w of the surfactant. CTAB (log P<1) and sodium lauryl sulphate at a concentration of 5% w/w (the highest concentration) exhibited the greatest increase in flux of lorazepam compared with control (9.82 and 11.30-fold, respectively, over control). This is attributed to the damaging effect of the cationic and anionic surfactants on the skin at higher concentration. The results also showed that the highest ER was obtained in presence of 1% w/w surfactant with the exception of SLS and CTAB. The increase in flux at low enhancer concentrations is normally attributed to the ability of the surfactant molecules to penetrate the skin and increase its permeability. Reduction in the rate of transport of the drug present in enhancer systems beyond 1% w/w is attributed to the ability of the surfactant molecules to form micelles and is normally observed only if interaction between micelle and the drug occurs.  相似文献   

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