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This paper seeks to account for the development of a public health education policy with respect to venereal disease during the period 1916-1926. Two competing pressure groups, the National Council for Combatting Venereal Disease and the Society for the Prevention of Venereal Disease, defended opposing programmes; the one based on moral education (NCCVD) and the other (SPVD) on medical prophylaxis. Many of the interests represented by the groups and the political dimensions that they took, were influenced by factors only very tangentially connected to health education.  相似文献   

In Australia, compared with other developed countries the many and varied programs which comprise public health have continued to be funded poorly and unsystematically, particularly given the amount of publicly voiced political support.In 2003, the major public health policy developments in communicable disease control were in the fields of SARS, and vaccine funding, whilst the TGA was focused on the Pan Pharmaceutical crisis. Programs directed to health maintenance and healthy ageing were approved. The tertiary education sector was involved in the development of programs for training the public health workforce and new professional qualifications and competencies. The Abelson Report received support from overseas experts, providing a potential platform for calls to improve national funding for future Australian preventive programs; however, inconsistencies continued across all jurisdictions in their approaches to tackling national health priorities. Despite 2004 being an election year, public health policy was not visible, with the bulk of the public health funding available in the 2004/05 federal budget allocated to managing such emerging risks as avian flu. We conclude by suggesting several implications for the future.  相似文献   

In recent years. womens' roles have changed dramatically, prompting researchers to examine the impact of these changes on the development of women and children. In this article, we examine three major changes that women have experienced over the past several decades: increased participation in the paid labor force, changes in domestic labor and child-care patterns, and increased numbers of female-headed single-parent families. For each, we first describe the nature of the changes that have occurred over the last 50 years. We then review research concerning the effects of these changes on the development of women and children. Finally, we discuss the implications for social policy that stem from this research. It is broadly concluded that research informed by a developmental-contextual perspective may contribute importantly to the development of social policies focused on promoting the well-being of women and children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Suicide is a major public health problem and depression is among the most important risk factors for suicide. Treatment of depression might prevent suicide. To study this hypothesis further we conducted an ecological study. METHODS: An ecological study using sales data for antidepressants and numbers of suicides in Norway and Norwegian counties 1980-2004 was performed. Data on alcohol consumption and unemployment rates were registered and taken into account. Data were analyzed using Cochrane-Orcutt time series for the country as a whole. The county specific data were analyzed with a random coefficient model with county as subject and intercept and time (slope) as random variables using an unstructured covariance matrix. RESULTS: Sales of non-tricyclic antidepressants (non-TCAs) and suicide were clearly negatively related, even when controlling for alcohol and unemployment (adjusted r(2): 0.57). There was an effect modification between time and level of sales of non-TCAs. Studying the relationship between the sales of non-TCAs and the suicide rate, we found that it was significant and stronger for the low sales figures, but non-existent for the high sales figures. LIMITATIONS: Ecological studies cannot infer causality. CONCLUSIONS: The fall in suicide rates in Norway and its counties was related to the increased sales of non-TCAs. The effect was mostly a result of a sales increase in the lower sales segment, indicating that a change from the more toxic TCAs, or heightened awareness of depression and its treatment, could explain the relationship found between sales of newer antidepressants and a decrease in suicide rate.  相似文献   

Premature mortality is a major public health concern but there has been little consensus among researchers on how it should be defined and reported. In this article four means of measuring early deaths are considered using four different age thresholds to define prematurity. Using these four indicators, trends in premature mortality are reported for England and Wales from 1950 to 2004. All measures show that, however 'premature' is defined, levels of premature mortality have decreased markedly over time. This article discusses which mortality indicator and age threshold would be most appropriate for a measure of premature mortality for use in national mortality statistics for England and Wales.  相似文献   

Birth defects have been the leading cause of infant death in the United States for over the last decade. However, there is little population-based data on the first-year mortality rates for many specific birth defects and the factors that may affect these mortality rates. This investigation examined the first-year mortality rates for 54 selected birth defects of various organ systems in Hawaii during 1986-1999 using data from a population-based birth defects registry and evaluated the impact of the presence of chromosomal abnormalities and other structural birth defects and the year of delivery on the mortality rates. Mortality rates varied widely by defect, being highest for anencephaly (100%), trisomy 13 (82%), and trisomy 18 (74%), while no first-year deaths were reported for glaucoma, bladder exstrophy, and persistent cloaca. The majority (36 of 54 or 67%) of the birth defects had a mortality rate of less than 25%. Among the 51 structural birth defects, 38 (75%) had higher first-year mortality rate for cases with chromosomal abnormalities and 42 (82%) had higher first-year mortality rates for cases with other major structural birth defects. The mortality rate among 1986-1992 deliveries was higher than the mortality rate among 1993-1999 deliveries for 37 (69%) of the 54 birth defects. This study indicates that first-year mortality rates vary widely by type of birth defect, although the mortality rate for the majority of birth defects is relatively low. The presence of a chromosomal abnormality or other structural birth defect increases the mortality rate, and mortality rates for the majority of birth defects have declined in Hawaii during the study period.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent investigations in developed countries have found marked increases in the prevalence of allergic conditions. OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine recent time trends in the prevalence of anaphylaxis, angioedema, and urticaria by describing trends and age and sex differentials in hospitalizations for these conditions in Australia. METHODS: Data on hospital admissions and deaths for anaphylaxis, angioedema, and urticaria were extracted for the periods 1993-1994 to 2004-2005 and 1997-2004, respectively. For hospital admissions, age-standardized rates were calculated. Time trends and sex differences were quantified by using negative binomial models. RESULTS: During the study period, there was a continuous increase in the rate of hospital admissions for angioedema (3.0% per year), urticaria (5.7% per year), and, most notably, anaphylaxis (8.8% per year). There was a particularly steep increase in the incidence of hospitalization for food-related anaphylaxis among children aged less than 5 years. Admissions for non-food-related anaphylaxis occurred predominantly in adults, particularly those more than 35 years of age. Among children, admission rates were higher in boys, but the sex difference was reversed among adults. Over an 8-year period, there were 106 deaths associated with anaphylaxis or angioedema. CONCLUSION: Hospitalization rates for allergic conditions are on the increase, but the nature and causative factors differ between adults and children. The relation of these changes to those in the prevalence of specific allergen sensitization in the community requires further investigation in population studies. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Among older persons, angioedema is becoming an increasing problem. Among children, hospitalization because of food-induced anaphylaxis is a growing concern.  相似文献   

MarieT.  Mulcahy 《Clinical genetics》1979,16(2):103-108
An epidemiological investigation of 231 cases of Down's Syndrome born in Western Australia between 1966 and 1976 confirmed the importance of congenital heart disease as a determinant of early mortality. An unexplained and hitherto unreported high incidence of Sudden Death in Infancy Syndrome if survival rates with those of other investigators show, that mortality amongst cases of Down's Syndrome with no congential heart defect has decreased and longevity is no longer a rate occurrence. As a result of these changes, and despite a demonstrable fall in the incidence of Down Syndrome in Western Australia, the prevalence of the condition is expected to rise.  相似文献   



As in any measurement process, a certain amount of error may be expected in routine population surveillance operations such as those in demographic surveillance sites (DSSs). Vital events are likely to be missed and errors made no matter what method of data capture is used or what quality control procedures are in place. The extent to which random errors in large, longitudinal datasets affect overall health and demographic profiles has important implications for the role of DSSs as platforms for public health research and clinical trials. Such knowledge is also of particular importance if the outputs of DSSs are to be extrapolated and aggregated with realistic margins of error and validity.  相似文献   

The Australasian Bone Marrow Transplant Recipient Registry (ABMTRR) commenced collecting data on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in 1992, and by 2004 had accrued more than 12,000 transplant records from 44 centers. In 2004 the Australian annual per capita autograft activity rate was almost twice that of New Zealand (381 per 10 million compared to 195), whereas the 2 countries had similar allografting activity rates (Australia 145, New Zealand 133). The annual rates of allogeneic HSCT per 10 million population in Australia and New Zealand in 2004 were similar to those in European countries of comparable socioeconomic status. Among the most prominent trends between 1998 and 2004 were increases in the numbers of allogeneic HSCT using peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC), the emergence of reduced intensity conditioning in allogeneic HSCT, increases in numbers of autologous HSCT for recipients aged 60 and over, increases in allogeneic HSCT with unrelated donors, and decreases in numbers of allogeneic HSCT for chronic myelogenous leukemia and autologous HSCT for breast cancer. The cumulative incidence of transplant-related mortality (TRM) at 100 days posttransplant progressively fell over the years 1992 to 2003 and was 8.1% for allogeneic HSCT and 1.1% for autologous HSCT in 2003. The ABMTRR is a valuable data resource providing timely and accurate information on HSCT activity in Australia and New Zealand. Full enumeration of HSCT activity in the 2 countries by the ABMTRR enhances its value in clinical planning and management.  相似文献   

The current study aims to (1) assess the long-term impact of war captivity on mortality and various health aspects and (2) evaluate the potential mediating role of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depressive symptoms. Israeli ex-prisoners of war (ex-POWs) (N = 154) and a matched control group of combat veterans (N = 161) were assessed on health conditions and self-rated health 18 years post-war (1991: T1). The whole population of ex-POWs, and the T1 sample of controls were then contacted 35 years after the war (2008: T2), and invited to participate in a second wave of measurement (ex-POWs: N = 171; controls: N = 116) Captivity was implicated in premature mortality, more health-related conditions and worse self-rated health. PTSD and depressive symptoms mediated the relationship between war captivity and self-rated health, and partially mediated the relationship between war captivity and health conditions, and these effects were amplified with age. Aging ex-POWs who develop psychiatric symptomatology should be considered a high-risk group entering a high-risk period in the life cycle. It is important to monitor ex-POWs and provide them with appropriate medical and psychological treatment as they age.  相似文献   

This article provides a commentary, from a community pharmacy perspective, on the policy environment for the pharmacy sector in Australia, with a particular focus on present challenges arising from proposals to achieve substantial PBS cost savings from an anticipated surge of new generic drugs. Some $2 billion of medicines currently on the PBS will come off patent in the next 4 years. This growth comes from a low base where generics currently account for only 15% of the total PBS budget. Remuneration for PBS dispensing is fixed through five year agreements with the government, so trading terms on generics are important for the cross-subsidy of other dispensing activities and professional services. These trading terms (discounts provided by generics suppliers) have become part of the overall cost and revenue structure of pharmacies. Despite these arrangements, generic substitution rates in Australia are lower than in most comparable countries, which the government views as an opportunity to promote generic use. The future of generic drug supply via the PBS is important to allow consumers access to medications at the lowest possible price and to provide space for PBS listing of new and expensive drugs. But considerations of PBS reform need to take account of the role and viability of community pharmacy sector as provider of pharmaceuticals in a timely and efficient manner to Australian residents.  相似文献   

Polio eradication has been top on the agenda of various international humanitarian organizations since 1988. Caused by a virus that enters through the mouth, poliomyelitis attacks the nervous system, and can lead to irreversible paralysis or death. Children under five years of age are most at risk, and the oral polio vaccine, OPV, is administered as a drop often on a lump of sugar placed in the child's mouth. Given multiple times, the vaccine may protect a child for life!. In this essay, the Nigerian scenario serves as a case study of community involvement and trust in international humanitarian policy. The underlying causes of the rebellion and its long term impact on immunization programs in the region as well around the world are of interest and relevance to students, teachers and practitioners of public health.  相似文献   

The principles behind the analysis of secular trends of cause-specific mortality rates by 'current' and 'cohort' methods were subjected to theoretical examination. A more general method, named here the 'midpoint' method, was found for which the 'current' and 'cohort' methods are special types of limiting cases. It is shown that the span of time over which the causes of disease act, and the period of life, whether early or late, in which they are predominantly concentrated will determine which of these three methods is appropriate for each specific cause of death. For 'cumulative' diseases (of which atherosclerosis and hypertension are thought to be examples), defined as diseases which accumulate slowly over the greater part of a lifetime under the influence of etiologic factors that are widely dispersed in time, the data favor the 'midpoint' method as the most appropriate one of the three. Secular trends in diseases of the heart in the USA from 1914 - 1963 were examined in 1968 by this method, thus generating predictions about the trends to be expected after 1963. Although no definitive conclusion could be reached at that time, the probabilities then favored the hypothesis that the etiologic forces which contribute to heart disease mortality reached a peak around 1930 or earlier, and that the subsequent decline had not yet given evidence of ending. Predictions of secular declines in mortality rates attributed to diseases of the heart made in 1968 are compared here with the subsequent 20 years of experience by specific age-race-sex groups. Validation of the midpoint cohort method of analysis is claimed. The peak in heart disease mortality that occurred in 1968 is seen as a temporary fluctuation within the grand pattern of 20th Century USA.  相似文献   

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