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GABA depolarizes and excites central neurons during early development, becoming inhibitory and hyperpolarizing with maturation. This "developmental shift" occurs abruptly, reflecting a decrease in intracellular Cl(-) concentration ([Cl(-)](i)) and a hyperpolarizing shift in Cl(-) equilibrium potential due to upregulation of the K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter KCC2b, a neuron-specific Cl(-) extruder. In contrast, primary afferent neurons (PANs) are depolarized by GABA throughout adulthood because of expression of NKCC1, a Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter that accumulates Cl(-) above equilibrium. The GABA(A)-mediated depolarization of PANs determines presynaptic inhibition in the spinal cord, a key mechanism gating somatosensory information. Little is known about developmental changes in Cl(-) transporter expression and Cl(-) homeostasis in PANs. Whether NKCC1 is expressed in PANs of all phenotypes or is restricted to subpopulations (e.g., nociceptors) is debatable. Likewise, whether PANs express KCC2s is controversial. We investigated NKCC1 and K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter expression in rat and mouse dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons with molecular methods. Using fluorescence imaging microscopy, we measured [Cl(-)](i) in acutely dissociated rat DRG neurons (P0-P21) loaded with N-(ethoxycarbonylmethyl)-6-methoxyquinolinium bromide and classified with phenotypic markers. DRG neurons of all sizes express two NKCC1 mRNAs, one full-length and a shorter splice variant lacking exon 21. Immunolabeling with validated antibodies revealed ubiquitous expression of NKCC1 in DRG neurons irrespective of postnatal age and phenotype. As maturation progresses [Cl(-)](i) decreases gradually, persisting above equilibrium in >95% mature neurons. DRG neurons express mRNAs for KCC1, KCC3s, and KCC4, but not for KCC2s. Mechanisms underlying PANs' developmental changes in Cl(-) homeostasis are discussed and compared with those of central neurons.  相似文献   

Glucagon physiology and pathophysiology   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Cell volume perturbation initiates a wide array of intracellular signalling cascades, leading to protective and adaptive events and, in most cases, activation of volume-regulatory osmolyte transport, water loss, and hence restoration of cell volume and cellular function. Cell volume is challenged not only under physiological conditions, e.g. following accumulation of nutrients, during epithelial absorption/secretion processes, following hormonal/autocrine stimulation, and during induction of apoptosis, but also under pathophysiological conditions, e.g. hypoxia, ischaemia and hyponatremia/hypernatremia. On the other hand, it has recently become clear that an increase or reduction in cell volume can also serve as a specific signal in the regulation of physiological processes such as transepithelial transport, cell migration, proliferation and death. Although the mechanisms by which cell volume perturbations are sensed are still far from clear, significant progress has been made with respect to the nature of the sensors, transducers and effectors that convert a change in cell volume into a physiological response. In the present review, we summarize recent major developments in the field, and emphasize the relationship between cell volume regulation and organism physiology/pathophysiology.  相似文献   

(Macro)autophagy is a bulk degradation process that mediates the clearance of long-lived proteins and organelles. Autophagy is initiated by double-membraned structures, which engulf portions of cytoplasm. The resulting autophagosomes ultimately fuse with lysosomes, where their contents are degraded. Although the term autophagy was first used in 1963, the field has witnessed dramatic growth in the last 5 years, partly as a consequence of the discovery of key components of its cellular machinery. In this review we focus on mammalian autophagy, and we give an overview of the understanding of its machinery and the signaling cascades that regulate it. As recent studies have also shown that autophagy is critical in a range of normal human physiological processes, and defective autophagy is associated with diverse diseases, including neurodegeneration, lysosomal storage diseases, cancers, and Crohn's disease, we discuss the roles of autophagy in health and disease, while trying to critically evaluate if the coincidence between autophagy and these conditions is causal or an epiphenomenon. Finally, we consider the possibility of autophagy upregulation as a therapeutic approach for various conditions.  相似文献   

An attempt is made in this review, to highlight recent concepts in the physiology and pathophysiology of intestinal absorption, to recollect the multiplicity of functions of the small intestine in the cellular and humoral immune response and to draw attention to the numerous endocrine and paracrine cells, residing in the intestinal mucosa, which produce peptides of mostly well defined biochemistry, the physiological and especially pathophysiological role of which, however, is still uncertain.  相似文献   

Gene expression physiology and pathophysiology of the immune system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Genomic-scale gene expression profiling can reveal cellular physiology with unprecedented richness. This technology is being used to define the gene expression targets of individual regulatory proteins and signaling pathways. Comprehensive databases of gene expression measurements can be used to understand the pathological mechanisms underlying disease processes.  相似文献   

Urinary bladder contraction and relaxation: physiology and pathophysiology   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The detrusor smooth muscle is the main muscle component of the urinary bladder wall. Its ability to contract over a large length interval and to relax determines the bladder function during filling and micturition. These processes are regulated by several external nervous and hormonal control systems, and the detrusor contains multiple receptors and signaling pathways. Functional changes of the detrusor can be found in several clinically important conditions, e.g., lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and bladder outlet obstruction. The aim of this review is to summarize and synthesize basic information and recent advances in the understanding of the properties of the detrusor smooth muscle, its contractile system, cellular signaling, membrane properties, and cellular receptors. Alterations in these systems in pathological conditions of the bladder wall are described, and some areas for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Rho/Rho-kinase mediated signaling in physiology and pathophysiology   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
The small GTPase Rho is implicated in many cellular functions such as cell adhesion, cell motility and migration, growth control, cell contraction, and cytokinesis. One of its main effectors, Rho-kinase, appears to play a key role in the regulation of force and velocity of actomyosin crossbridging in smooth muscle and nonmuscle cells by inhibiting myosin phosphatase-mediated dephosphorylation of the regulatory chain of myosin II. Abnormal activation of the Rho/Rho-kinase pathway has been shown to play a role in diseases such as hypertension and bronchial asthma. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the physiological and pathophysiological function of the Rho/Rho-kinase mediated pathway in various tissues with a focus on its possible role as a target for therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

The physiology and pathophysiology of nitric oxide in the brain   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule with pleiotropic effects in different tissues. NO is synthesized by NO synthases (NOS), a family with four major types: endothelial, neuronal, inducible and mitochondrial. They can be found in almost all the tissues and they can even co-exist in the same tissue. NO is a well-known vasorelaxant agent, but it works as a neurotransmitter when produced by neurons and is also involved in defense functions when it is produced by immune and glial cells. NO is thermodynamically unstable and tends to react with other molecules, resulting in the oxidation, nitrosylation or nitration of proteins, with the concomitant effects on many cellular mechanisms. NO intracellular signaling involves the activation of guanylate cyclase but it also interacts with MAPKs, apoptosis-related proteins, and mitochondrial respiratory chain or anti-proliferative molecules. It also plays a role in post-translational modification of proteins and protein degradation by the proteasome. However, under pathophysiological conditions NO has damaging effects. In disorders involving oxidative stress, such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke and Parkinson's disease, NO increases cell damage through the formation of highly reactive peroxynitrite. The paradox of beneficial and damaging effects of NO will be discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Intracellular organelles, including secretory vesicles, emerged when eukaryotic cells evolved some 3 billion years ago. The primordial organelles that evolved in Archaea were similar to endolysosomes, which developed, arguably, for specific metabolic tasks, including uptake, metabolic processing, storage and disposal of molecules. In comparison with prokaryotes, cell volume of eukaryotes increased by several orders of magnitude and vesicle traffic emerged to allow for communication between distant intracellular locations. Lysosomes, first described in 1955, a prominent intermediate of endo‐ and exocytotic pathways, operate virtually in all eukaryotic cells including astroglia, the most heterogeneous type of homeostatic glia in the central nervous system. Astrocytes support neuronal network activity in particular through elaborated secretion, based on a complex intracellular vesicle network dynamics. Deranged homeostasis underlies disease and astroglial vesicle traffic contributes to the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative (Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease), neurodevelopmental diseases (intellectual deficiency, Rett's disease) and neuroinfectious (Zika virus) disorders. This review addresses astroglial cell‐autonomous vesicular traffic network, as well as its into primary and secondary vesicular network defects in diseases, and considers this network as a target for developing new therapies for neurological conditions.  相似文献   

Intestinal Ileus is Gut Shock caused by Bowel Hypoxia. The morbidity and mortality of Intestinal Ileus has puzzled more than two generations of investigators because they have overlooked the fact that the gas which collects in obstructed small intestine is mostly (90+%) Nitrogen. For some strange reason a gut full of nitrogen has not been looked on as comparable to a lung full of nitrogen, even though the lung and gut have a common embryological origin. My proposal is that intestinal epithelium lining a nitrogen filled lumen becomes as oxygen starved as alveolar lining in a similar circumstance. Bowel hypoxia may be brought about either by failure of the intestine to "breathe out", having breathed in due to mechanical block, or gut paralysis, from any cause, of which one may be failure of blood borne oxygen transport to the bowel, Individually, or together, these may reduce or stop the flow of air and/or aerated intestinal contents along the lumen. Local (bowel) or general underperfusion +/- hypovolaemia +/- anaemia may be a particular cause of paresis or paralysis (aperistalsis) of intestinal muscle. The non-contracting gut then fails to transport the luminal current of fluid and air (oxygen), and adds lumenal to blood-borne oxygen deficiency. The intestinal mucosa utilises oxygen from the current of air churned along the bowel by normal peristalsis to mix with and dissolve in the luminal contents. Should this current be obstructed or the propulsive churning activity cease, oxygen will be "used up", the residual gas become almost entirely nitrogen, and the mucosa must necessarily become oxygen starved and suffocated. Hypoxic mucosa lives in a dangerous environment, at risk of autodigestion by self-produced proteolytic or other enzymes secreted into the lumen by exocrine glands, and it may rapidly become necrotic and gangrenous. Different presentations of Ileus are different degrees of the same Gut Shock due to different levels and durations of tissue hypoxia brought about by different mechanisms with that final common path, complicated by different degrees of autodigestive mucosal destruction, bowel wall oedema, and fluid exudation into the lumen comparable to that through BURNED skin. This idea is new only in so far as it has been put together in this way. Parts have been anticipated by other writers. No new ways of managing ileus are proposed, but it is suggested that existing empirical methods be rationalised and applied more widely and logically.  相似文献   

Natural autoantibodies (autoNAb) recognize self antigens and are an important component of the immune system, as species ranging from invertebrates to vertebrates have polyreactive IgM NAbs. In higher vertebrates, different polyreactive autoNAbs isotypes are also frequently encountered and autopolyreactive IgG NAbs are largely predominant compared to low-titer monoreactive IgG NAbs specific for either self or non-self antigens. Autopolyreactive NAbs manifest the capacity to recognize three-dimensional structures and thus represent a fundamental feature of the immune system that has long been preserved during evolution. NAbs are produced in a continuum of functional and phenotypic tiers of B cells and are likely to derive from proteins initially selected to build the organism that were adapted through evolution to recognize environmental constituents, while preserving their capacity to recognize self antigens. The clonal selection is considered the predominant mechanism of the regulation of the immune system complexity but growing evidence suggests that autoNAbs are also actively implicated. In all species NAbs reacting with either self or non-self antigens constitute a vast network of infinite interactions providing high complexity, stability and plasticity. This evolutionary process was intended to allow the effective recognition of environmental antigens, immune memory, immunoregulatory phenomena, as well as tissue homeostasis. The present article is intended to illustrate the history and the current and future developments in our understanding of self and non-self recognizing NAbs to ultimately enlighten the complexity of the immune system regulation.  相似文献   

Exchange proteins directly activated by cyclic AMP (Epac) were discovered 10 years ago as new sensors for the second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP). Epac family, including Epac1 and Epac2, are guanine nucleotide exchange factors for the Ras-like small GTPases Rap1 and Rap2 and function independently of protein kinase A. Given the importance of cAMP in the cardiovascular system, numerous molecular and cellular studies using specific Epac agonists have analyzed the role and the regulation of Epac proteins in cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology. The specific functions of Epac proteins may depend upon their microcellular environments as well as their expression and localization. This review discusses recent data showing the involvement of Epac in vascular cell migration, endothelial permeability, and inflammation through specific signaling pathways. In addition, we present evidence that Epac regulates the activity of various cellular compartments of the cardiac myocyte and influences calcium handling and excitation–contraction coupling. The potential role of Epac in cardiovascular disorders such as cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling is also discussed.  相似文献   

For a long time, superoxide generation by an NADPH oxidase was considered as an oddity only found in professional phagocytes. Over the last years, six homologs of the cytochrome subunit of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase were found: NOX1, NOX3, NOX4, NOX5, DUOX1, and DUOX2. Together with the phagocyte NADPH oxidase itself (NOX2/gp91(phox)), the homologs are now referred to as the NOX family of NADPH oxidases. These enzymes share the capacity to transport electrons across the plasma membrane and to generate superoxide and other downstream reactive oxygen species (ROS). Activation mechanisms and tissue distribution of the different members of the family are markedly different. The physiological functions of NOX family enzymes include host defense, posttranlational processing of proteins, cellular signaling, regulation of gene expression, and cell differentiation. NOX enzymes also contribute to a wide range of pathological processes. NOX deficiency may lead to immunosuppresion, lack of otoconogenesis, or hypothyroidism. Increased NOX activity also contributes to a large number or pathologies, in particular cardiovascular diseases and neurodegeneration. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge of the functions of NOX enzymes in physiology and pathology.  相似文献   

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