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目的探讨颞叶梗死继发复杂部分性癫持续状态(complex partial status epklepticus,CPSE)的临床特点,提高对CPSE的认识。方法对3例患者的临床表现和脑电图、脑MRI等资料进行回顾性分析。结果 3例颞叶梗死继发CPSE患者主要临床表现为意识障碍、精神异常、自动症。发作期脑电图主要表现为基本电活动变慢,颞叶性放电。结论颞叶梗死继发CPSE患者发生率低,症状复杂多变,易误诊。脑电图异常及抗癫药物治疗有效有助于CPSE的确诊。  相似文献   

2008-07—2012-07我院神经内科共收治癫持续状态患者50例,同时采用得当的护理措施效果良好。现报告如下。1临床资料选择我院神经内科2008-07—2012-07收治的癫持续状态患者50例为护理对象,年龄14~68岁,平均39.5岁;  相似文献   

癫持续状态(SE)指的是一种惊厥持续30min以上,或连续多次发作,发作间期意识不恢复者〔1〕。SE是小儿神经内科的常见急症,如不及时控制,可造成不可逆的脑损害甚至死亡。为进一步对此病进行诊治,现将我院126例癫持续状态患儿的病因分析如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组资料来自2001-06~2005-12在我院门诊就诊及住院的126例患儿,男69例,女57例,年龄中位数为2岁(2个月~12岁)。均符合2001年5月ILAE(国际抗癫联盟)关于癫发作和对癫诊断的建议〔2〕。发作类型分为全面性SE和局灶性SE。既往有癫史46例,无癫史80例,发作后20min至…  相似文献   

癫持续状态(Status epilepticus,SE)是神经科常见急危病之一,致残、致死率均较高,甚至一次发作就可造成不可逆性中枢神经系统和其他系统的损害[1],应及时进行抢救并加强护理。现将我科2001-2006年收治的28例SE病人护理体会介绍如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料本组28例SE患者,男  相似文献   

癫持续状态(SE)是神经内科急症之一,如不及时诊治病死率及致残率很高。为了进一步了解癫持续状态病因以准确地进行治疗,现将我院2004~2006年间收治的38例SE患者的病因分析如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料本组男23例,女15例,年龄14~82岁,平均52岁。第一次SE 34例,2次以上出现S  相似文献   

关于癫(癎)持续状态(SE),以往关注较多的是全面性强直-阵挛性癫(癎)持续状态(即大发作持续状态).实际上,同样作为特殊发作类型,部分性癫(癎)持续状态(PSE)并不比大发作持续状态发生率低,只是关注度不够而已.笔者拟从临床角度对部分性癫(癎)持续状态的相关问题进行概述.  相似文献   

癫持续状态是指持续、频繁的癫发作。发作时间持续30h以上,或连续多次发作,发作间期意识不能恢复〔1〕。是一种神经内科常见急症。如不及时抢救,可短期内死亡。临床上在持续状态患者抢救过程中,快速控制发作,护理人员动态、综合地观察病情变化,有效预防并发症的发生,是抢救成功的关键。我科近4年间共收治癫持续状态患者52例。现将抢救过程中护理工作的一些体会报道如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料52例患者,男33例,女19例,年龄6~70岁,平均20.3岁。发作类型:强直阵挛性发作32例,局部开始的强直阵挛发作10例,单纯部分发作4例。本组52例癫…  相似文献   

癫持续状态是指癫发作持续时间长或反复发作、间歇较短的各种癫状态。临床上可引起意识、运动、行为和植物神经等不同障碍,若不及时控制,轻者造成大脑不可逆性损害,重者危及病人生命,故应作急症处理。本文收集了2004-01~2007-07住院的癫持续状态患者28例,由于抢救及时,护理得当均在较短时间内控制惊厥,意识恢复。现将抢救与体会总结如下。1临床资料本组28例,男18例,女10例。年龄8~63岁,平均25岁。大发作20例,小发作3例,局部发作5例。发作前有明显诱因22例,不明诱因6例。发作持续时间最长10h,最短2h,平均时间4h。28例癫持续状态发…  相似文献   

关于癫癎持续状态(SE),以往关注较多的是全面性强直.阵挛性癫癎持续状态(即大发作持续状态)。实际上,同样作为特殊发作类型,部分性癫痛持续状态(PSE)并不比大发作持续状态发生率低,只是关注度不够而已。笔者拟从临床角度对部分性癫癎持续状态的相关问题进行概述。  相似文献   

目的探讨癫持续状态患者院前急救及护理措施,以降低病死率。方法对19例癫持续状态患者院前急救的救治及护理措施进行回顾分析。结果救治成功18例。结论及时终止发作及护理措施到位是改善病人预后的关键。  相似文献   

Ketotic hyperglycemia and epilepsia partialis continua   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) may occur during nonketotic hyperglycemia but has not been described with diabetic ketoacidosis. The authors report a patient with EPC associated with ketotic hyperglycemia. Brain MRI showed two areas of abnormal signal intensity in the left precentral gyrus and in the right cerebellar hemisphere. Hyperglycemia may reduce seizure threshold because of the increase in gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolism and may trigger epileptic discharges.  相似文献   

Nonketotic hyperglycemia and epilepsia partialis continua   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) is characterized by focal seizures that cannot be stopped. The most common cause of EPC in children is Rasmussen's encephalitis. In this video case report, we describe an 11-year old female with continuous lingual EPC for two years. She has shown no signs of Rasmussen's Encephalitis or other neurodegenerative process and structural MRI is normal. [Published with video sequences].  相似文献   

Prognostic significance of acute epilepsia partialis continua   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present 3 patients in whom epilepsia partialis continua was the presenting sign of an acute, rapidly evolving and catastrophic neurologic illness. Initial seizures were partial simple (i.e., eye deviation in one, finger twitching in one) which progressed to multifocal partial seizures. The course of the epilepsia partialis continua was 36-41 days. Prognosis was uniformly poor (i.e., death in 2, vegetative state in 1); therefore, epilepsia partialis continua in the context of an acute neurologic illness may herald a grim outcome.  相似文献   

Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) is a syndrome clinically defined as continuous spontaneous jerking confined to one part of the body, sometimes aggravated by action or sensory stimuli, occurring over hours, days or even years. In adults the more frequent recognized cause of EPC is an acute cerebrovascular disease. Acute severe hypocalcemia is a highly epileptogenic ionic disturbance, abnormally increasing neuronal excitability. In this short communication we describe the first probable case of acute hypocalcemia-related EPC. Eight months after a left parietal lobe cardioembolic stroke, a 74-year-old woman experienced a generalized tonic-clonic seizure for the first time in her life, at the beginning of a Clostridium difficile enterocolitis. Four days later, while the abdominal symptoms were clinically improving, continuous semi-rhythmic jerks of right face, shoulder and arm began suddenly. Despite several appropriated antiepileptic treatments those involuntary movements did not cease. On routine biochemical examination we noted a total calcium serum level of 1.2 mmol/L (normal range 2.1–2.8 mmol/L), not previously known. After intravenous calcium gluconate supplementation, the jerks started to fade, disappearing completely as a total calcium serum level of 1.9 mmol/L was reached. Two separated CT brain scans did not reveal new cerebral lesions. Neurophysiological studies did not show any cortical activity related to jerks. Taken together, the treatment refractoriness and the clinical improvement after ionic imbalance correction point towards a highly possible role of hypocalcemia in sustaining the activity of a previously silent epileptogenic focus.  相似文献   

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